• last month
👉 Tres individuos fueron detenidos en relación a los recientes incendios en Wharton. Uno de ellos, residente de Neuquén, fue encontrado con un líquido inflamable. La comunidad local se encuentra dividida, con algunos defendiendo a los detenidos como voluntarios que intentaban combatir el fuego. Las investigaciones continúan mientras el fuego sigue arrasando la zona y la tensión entre los vecinos aumenta.

🗣️ @lucianarias
👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00So far, what is known and what transcended is that one of the detainees would have a home in Neuquen and would have had a flammable liquid.
00:10All this is step by step, it is in the hands of justice since yesterday at 10.30 in the morning when this person was walking around the place of the fires.
00:21Wharton specifically and some neighbors alerted this suspicious presence, so they also handed this person to the police, of course they were there in the area, seeing what was happening.
00:37They delayed it, he was arrested, as well as two other people who are also at the disposal of justice.
00:48The truth is that everything is in the matter of investigation, but Lu, the reality is that yesterday afternoon, specifically at 5.30 in the afternoon, a battle was really generated, so to speak.
01:02And unfortunately, among the neighbors of the Bolsón, the Bolsón being one of the quietest cities here in La Cordillera, imagine that we are in February, tourism.
01:13And this really is something that surprised many of the neighbors, who also, as you said, are going through a tremendous situation,
01:20who have lost their homes, who have not kept their jobs, and on top of that, having to be living this was really very unfortunate.
01:27Many neighbors approached this police station to protest, because they said that these neighbors, to whom they said that they knew them, were innocent.
01:39Of course, they said they were volunteers.
01:41And we have the other part.
01:43There are versions found there.
01:45Of course, they said they were volunteers.
01:47There are the neighbors who say they were volunteers, they were working there to help mitigate the fire,
01:53and then the authorities who preventively detain them, suspecting that they may be people who have generated the fire,
02:02or who may want to generate the fire, because this fire comes from before.
02:07That is the part that is not fully understood.
02:11Of course, it is not fully understood, because there are the neighbors who say that they are not in favor, and that is why it is good that they are in jail.
02:19Others say, or in investigation, because of course, until justice does not ask for the verdict, it is not known what responsibility they have.
02:28The truth is that at one point it was rumored that they could already be in San Carlos de Bariloche.
02:34This cannot be confirmed yet.
02:37Yes, this would have transcended, that one of the detainees would have at home in Neuquén.
02:42He would have had some flammable liquid.
02:46This is the last thing that is now transcending.
02:49The truth is that there are a lot of angry people, a lot of people who make us get their own hypothesis, their own version,
02:58because the reality is that the neighbors are desperate, a lot of skin flowers are lived, obviously,
03:04because we also do not forget the loss of life of this 84-year-old man.
03:11So, what is really being experienced is very sad, and let's hope that we know what really happened,
03:19because the fire does not cease, the hectares continue to be consumed.
03:23Yesterday at 3 in the morning, at a time, yesterday at 3, a fire began between the hole and Puyen,
03:33apparently intentional, more than anything because of the time zone,
03:37that one cannot go and immediately attack it, not turn it off.
03:41So, this really draws a lot of attention.
03:44Sure, Carla.
03:45Well, let's ask Miriam how time is coming there,
03:49especially in relation to the importance that this has to try to mitigate the fire, Miriam.
03:55Of course, look, today and tomorrow the weather conditions will be terrible.
04:00What does this mean?
04:01That in terms of temperatures, the 21 or 22 degrees of maximum temperature will not be exceeded,
04:07the winds will be blowing from the Andes mountain range towards the interior area,
04:13but with mild to moderate intensity.
04:16However, next Sunday there is already an intensification of the winds,
04:21but also some rains at night, precisely on Sunday ending the weekend.
04:26So, this is the panorama in terms of weather.
04:29The rains will only arrive on Sunday night, with also more intense winds,
04:34but for now, today, tomorrow and Saturday, more favorable weather conditions in the region,
04:39so that the brigadistas can work more freely.
04:43Well, Miriam, thank you very much. Thank you, Carla.
04:45Also, of course, we continue to pay attention to the subject.
04:47We are now going to San Antonio de Padua,
04:51because Paula Wilberger is working there on the occasion of another episode of insecurity
04:57that ends with a dead police officer and also with criminals who lost their lives.
05:07But in this case, we are talking about criminals who were shot down precisely by a police officer.
05:13Paula, good morning.
05:16How are you? Good morning.
05:18We are working in the town of Padua.
05:20You see police personnel and experts doing the examinations here in the place,
05:28because everything happened in this corner,
05:30when a police officer who serves in the Federal Police
05:34was walking towards his work when he was approached by two motorbike criminals
05:40and the police officer defends himself from these criminals,
05:44just giving the loud voice and shooting them.
05:48As a consequence of this, one dies directly in the act,
05:52the other runs out trying to escape,
05:55but is also shot dead on the street,
05:59about 150 meters from where it all started.
06:03This police station is working in the place precisely because this man belongs to the police force,
06:10so it is the police station that is carrying out this operation.
06:14It's true, of course, that's how it is.
06:17According to the protocol, one cannot investigate the same force to which this police officer belongs,
06:22which we reiterate was a police officer or is a police officer, rather, from the province of Buenos Aires, right?
06:28Yes, exactly.
06:30He is a staff member of the Federal Police.
06:35Of the Federal Police.
06:37Yes, of the Federal Police.
06:39The Central Police Department works there.
06:42In the organized crime division.
06:45So, a staff member of the Federal Police,
06:48who was walking around his neighborhood,
06:52this is in the town of Merlo,
06:56there he finds these two motorcyclists
07:01who came with the intention of robbing him,
07:04and I understand that even the motorcycle itself had gone up the sidewalk, right?
07:10Yes, exactly.
07:11He was walking towards his job,
07:15and at that moment...
07:18Did you see where this man is walking with the bicycle?
07:22There, in that same place, is where it is addressed in the first instance.
07:27This staff member of the Federal Police defends himself,
07:30gives a loud voice, because these two men want to rob him,
07:34he defends himself, takes out his gun,
07:37and defends himself from the shots.
07:39Approximately five shots were heard,
07:43and this ends with the death of the two criminals.
07:47Of course, first one falls down immediately,
07:50and because of what you said, the other one was already injured, badly injured,
07:55and manages to run a few meters,
07:58and then also ends up falling down a few meters,
08:00where they are, I imagine, taking pictures, doing the exams.
08:04Yes, he runs out, trying to escape,
08:07but he falls to the floor and dies in a few minutes.
08:11Now, we understand, Paula, that these thieves already had a capture order,
08:15that is, they had a record.
08:19Exactly. The motorcycle had a capture order because it was stolen,
08:23and the two criminals had a record.
08:26Good. In both cases, right?
08:28And this operative mode is given again,
08:32of criminals who steal, and with those vehicles,
08:35in this case a motorcycle that they had stolen,
08:39I understand, on January 27,
08:41with that motorcycle they go out to steal,
08:44because they approach this police officer from the Federal Police,
08:47who, as you pointed out, is part of the Central Police Department,
08:50who works here, in Buenos Aires City Council,
08:54but who belongs to the Federal Police,
08:57they approach him to steal, he defends himself,
09:00we imagine that he gives a loud voice and ends up killing both of them.
09:07Yes, you know that there are witnesses, neighbors, who heard the police officer
09:11giving a loud voice, identifying himself,
09:14before taking out his gun and shooting.
09:17It was all very fast, really, because it was the reaction
09:20that this man had when he met these criminals,
09:23who got on the sidewalk and went straight to his body,
09:26with the motorcycle on the sidewalk, the two of them swinging on him.
09:34Yesterday we talked about the work of the experts who are getting ahead,
09:37well pointed out, Paula, gendarmerie.
09:39What do the neighbors tell you? I don't know if you could talk,
09:42because sometimes, well, for a matter of fear,
09:44or because they prefer not to give interviews, they don't want to talk,
09:49but I don't know if you could talk to the neighbors.
09:51On the one hand, you tell me that they told you that they heard the loud voice.
09:54And regarding the area, how is it being lived there in San Antonio de Padua?
10:06What happened?
10:07We don't show them, while we stop to show the images,
10:11but to show...
10:12Let's see.
10:16But to...
10:17Let's see.
10:18Yes, let's see.
10:20Yes, let's see.
10:21Again, let's see, so that the audio can enter the microphone.
10:24Six in the morning, he was telling us.
10:26Six and ten.
10:28And are there neighbors who heard that the man gave the loud voice?
10:31Is this so?
10:32Yes, there is a camera, I don't know who the neighbors are,
10:34because you saw that one could no longer move from here.
10:37That's what you know as neighbors, let's say.
10:40Did you hear clearly that the man shouted and identified himself?
10:43You can see that he wanted to defend himself.
10:46I don't know if he wanted to go down.
10:48I don't know how to tell you.
10:49The truth is that if I tell you, I lie to you.
10:51The man lives here in the neighborhood, right?
10:53Here in La Vuelta?
10:54You don't know him.
10:55He says that here in La Vuelta.
10:57No, no, I don't know how to tell you, because if I tell you, I lie to you.
11:00But did he go every day to take a bus, a transport to go to work?
11:05They steal every day.
11:07Every day, I'm in a chat of neighbors, you see?
11:12And here in La Vuelta, the collectives go to Padua.
11:15And every day there are those who come on motorcycles to steal.
11:20Always the same modality, motorcycles?
11:22Everything, motorcycles, motorcycles.
11:24Everywhere, this is nobody's land.
11:28Violent too?
11:29Yes, violent, yes, yes.
11:30Yes, yes, yes.
11:31We all found out.
11:33This is to get to their homes, to go to work.
11:37I don't know.
11:38It's asking a God.
11:40One has children.
11:42I also go to work at that time.
11:45And my children too, earlier.
11:47And well, one does not ...
11:49I don't know how we got here.
11:51We have an angel apart.
11:53I tell you the truth.
11:58Let's see.
11:59We are live.
12:00Now we come back.
12:01There is the story of the neighbor who said yes.
12:04What do you know about all the neighbors?
12:06Especially the neighbors who are in that same block.
12:11What did they hear?
12:12Because imagine 6 in the morning.
12:14A total silence.
12:15Except for a collective that passes.
12:17It is a time when there is not much noise, a lot of noise.
12:21The neighborhood is not yet fully up.
12:24With which, if one speaks loudly, it is heard.
12:26And they heard that the man identified himself.
12:28And that he gave the loud voice.
12:30And then they heard the shots.
12:33And this testimony ...
12:35Let's say, this situation is always reiterated.
12:39The neighbors are inside.
12:41Locked up.
12:42They listen.
12:43That even someone who has to get up and go to work early.
12:47Like a policeman.
12:48Like any other worker who has to take a collective.
12:51Because he does not have a private car.
12:52And if he had a private car.
12:54They are also exposed when they leave or when they enter.
12:57They are there looking for a way to get to their jobs.
13:01And they end up being approached.
13:03And what the neighbor said.
13:04We always hear motorcycles.
13:06We always hear shots.
13:09We hear people screaming.
13:11The truth is that it is exhausting.
13:13It is exhausting for the neighbors.
13:17No one's land.
13:18You tell me.
13:19We don't show it.
13:20We don't show it.
13:21Only the testimony.
13:22The fear of people is impressive.
13:23They shoot here.
13:24Don't film me, please.
13:26We are not showing it.
13:27We are not showing it.
13:28You live alone here.
13:29No one's land.
13:30You live in a car and you are already afraid.
13:32A motorcycle.
13:33I live with the boys.
13:34I walk every day.
13:35I'm not afraid.
13:36But yes, what is happening is terrible.
13:39It's terrible.
13:40The insecurity that is here.
13:42It's terrible.
13:43No one does anything.
13:45Thank you very much.
13:47How are you doing?
13:48Good morning.
13:49I join to hear the story.
13:50Because all the neighbors have an anecdote.
13:53Or they know someone.
13:54They were not victims of a robbery.
13:56I was accompanying my daughter at the stop at 6 in the morning.
14:00And when I got home, she took the bus.
14:03I live here in a block.
14:04I heard the shots.
14:06And well, I heard the alarm.
14:07And about ten minutes later, I heard a patrol car.
14:10But here, on the way back to the stop, no one wants to be there.
14:13Because they always rob someone.
14:15In fact, a month ago, I think, they robbed two girls.
14:18And they passed by in a car and shot in the air.
14:20Because there were people on the street.
14:22I mean, something happens every day.
14:24And the neighbors, to continue with their routine, to live the daily life?
14:29Because they have to be really ...
14:31I have two daughters.
14:32One has a rotating schedule.
14:34So, if she leaves at 12, I accompany her to the stop at 12.
14:36If she leaves at 4, I accompany her to the stop at 4.
14:39The one who leaves every day in the morning, at 6 in the morning,
14:41I accompany her to the stop every day.
14:43Because I'm afraid.
14:44And when they get to work, I tell them, let me know when they arrive.
14:47That's how you live.
14:48I mean, it's terrible.
14:50You can't stand it anymore.
14:51She works in Moreno.
14:52And I'm more afraid.
14:54Because it's dangerous.
14:55Well, in the area lately, right?
14:56All the insecurity events that we are reporting,
14:59it coincides that this area is hot and very, very dangerous.
15:04Yes, yes.
15:05The truth is that I would like the governor to come here.
15:08I mean, to go out to the street and walk these streets to see what happens.
15:11Before being in the office, right?
15:13Or to send people from him.
15:15Thank you very much.
15:17Well, the stories that are repeated, right?
15:19The fear that the neighbors have.
15:21And the situation they are living, which is already becoming really unsustainable.
15:25Yes, absolutely.
15:26And also this mother, right?
15:28That she accompanies her daughters to take the bus to go to work.
15:32What was going on with this man, right?
15:34Of course, they are not going to accompany him.
15:36He is the Federal Police.
15:38But I say, a mother who also ...
15:40How much can a mother do?
15:43Let's say, if it happens to you that you find criminals.
15:48How much can you do?
15:49Well, of course.
15:50It is not the same as sending the girl alone or letting the girl go alone.
15:54The girl, I say, is a teenager, a young girl.
15:57Obviously, that mother is also a young woman.
16:00But they put their bodies to go to work.
16:04They tell you what it is every day, right?
16:07And ask, send me a message when you arrive.
16:10Tell me how you are.
16:12Constantly live in that feeling of permanent alertness, Paula.
16:16See you.
