• 2 months ago
👉 Los incendios forestales persisten en la provincia de Chubut y cerca de Bariloche. En medio de esta crisis, se encontró una fogata ilegal en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi. Además, un empleado del municipio de Esquel ha sido detenido e internado en el hospital por su presunta participación en el inicio del fuego. El 95% de estos desastres son causados por negligencia humana y se insta a la población a tener precaución para evitar más daños.

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00:00Argentina and we are going to the south, dear Patagonia, because there the forest fires continue
00:06punctually in two different spaces, on one side in the province of Chubut and on the other side
00:13in the area near Bariloche, but regarding this first moment, look at what they found
00:20just in Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, a bonfire in the middle of the fires, which of course is
00:33an absolutely forbidden thing. Where was this found and if it is known about any
00:40responsible? I ask Carla Chiaradini who is already in contact with us. Good morning, Carla.
00:44Hello, good morning. Well, it really is unusual for this to continue happening. Let's remember that
00:52they have been doing it specifically for approximately 35 days and with 7,000 hectares already consumed of what
01:00is the apples, right? And the firefighters and everything that this has caused, this natural disaster,
01:05that these types of bonfires are made again, right? In places that are not, let's see,
01:13enabled, right? Because, let's see, precisely what is always being communicated and trying to
01:20do prevention is that when one comes, obviously, to enjoy, that one can make fire, but in the
01:26places enabled, such as campings and specific places where the places are well delimited,
01:32so that the fire is contained. And it is really unusual, Lu, that this type of bonfires continue to be found,
01:39even if they are off, that they continue to be made in places that are prohibited. Let's see, this was
01:44found, and it was not one of these bonfires, but several that are off in different places of the
01:49National Park Nahuel Huapi. They did not reveal to us specifically where, but the truth is something that is
01:55crazy at this time, where the fires are still active, where even the firefighters are still there,
02:02where the Cascada de los Alerces is still there, just in a conditional way. Even, well, it is good to
02:09tell people that if they enter the city, we know that now the first week of February is coming,
02:15where there are many tourists who even try to enter the city, where this 80%
02:20occupation is going to be maintained. It is good to tell them that, well, if they are going to enter, they also get
02:25into the official pages and please do not make fire in the places not indicated, right?
02:31Of course, that is true, you have to be very careful, because you have to remember that 95% of
02:37forest fires are started by human causes, that is, by, let's say, imperialism or negligence,
02:45as in this case, someone who thinks that he can romantically make a bonfire on the beach,
02:52when it is an absolutely flammable area, where there are specimens many times that take years and
03:00years to grow, 200 years to grow, for example a cypress, they told us when we were there in the south,
03:06Carla and you know it well, that is, you have to be very careful with this, because a
03:12stake without extinguishing, thrown, and even if we think it is off, thrown like that, as if nothing,
03:19for example from a car, can cause a natural catastrophe and also affect the
03:26neighboring houses, because there are more and more houses that are given in the forested areas, Carla.
03:32Totally, and even sometimes it happens, as has happened in other fires, such as
03:37for example in what was the fire of the Barazo Tristeza, which also, let's see, this same year,
03:43no, last year we were communicating the same thing and covering these issues, no, of the fires,
03:49they are always repeated when perhaps someone goes to, I don't know, on a boat, no, because there are places that
03:55are very inhospitable, and he says, well, no one sees me here, I set a fire, I cover it, no, that can cause,
04:03as we saw, a natural disaster in places that are later difficult to access, that is why it is
04:11forbidden to make fire except in campings and in specifically delimited places, even a piece of
04:19bottle, no, also obvious, you don't have to throw any garbage, because there are even small particles
04:25that make the sun also catch fire, so this really is something that, let's see, it's crazy,
04:31no, that with 7,000 hectares consumed, with firefighters from all sides consuming the fire,
04:38these fires or these roasts or this fire are still seen, no, that they try to do. On the other hand,
04:45I tell you, in terms of the Puyen fires, we have the word of Ignacio Torres because,
04:51apparently, a municipal employee from Esquel would be arrested precisely for these reasons,
04:56no, for being one of the causes, apparently, of the Puyen fire. We listen to him.
05:03And we also have to say something, this person who is detained at this moment, who is hospitalized
05:09in the hospital, who does not recognize the Argentine state as such, this person was an employee of the
05:18municipality of Esquel. An employee of the municipality was one of the firefighters. He worked in the municipality,
05:24I just communicated with the mayor, tomorrow he will be immediately separated.
05:31Well, until then, the word of Ignacio Torres, who was clearly explaining that he had
05:38given himself, at least with one of the responsible, because let's remember, Torres had already said,
05:44he had announced that there was something very striking about this fire, we are talking about the one in the province
05:50of Chubut, which already affects a quantity, at least I think there are 7,000 hectares burned so far,
05:57that there were two fires that had occurred simultaneously, that is, this cannot be a
06:03coincidence that a lightning strike falls in two different places at the same time. When this happens, it is
06:10a clue, Carla, that indeed this was intentional, that it was on purpose, that it was on purpose.
06:15The truth is that many times what happens with justice is that it does not give with the responsible,
06:20that is why we speak of that there is impunity in that paradise that is the south, because many times,
06:25the bulk of the times, justice does not end up finding the responsible, or if it finds them,
06:32the truth is that practically nothing happens, this remains with no responsibility. In this case,
06:41the person was already identified, I understand that he is hospitalized, but that he is going to lose his position, right?
06:49Apparently this was what Ignacio Torres was communicating, that he would be hospitalized in
06:55Esquel, that he would have suffered burns, and well, that he would be separated from his position.
07:01Let's see how it goes, because well, yes, also when we were in the coverage, we were there in
07:06Puyen, Ignacio Torres had also attributed it to, let's see, false, as he said in a note,
07:14not false Mapuche, Estewelche, as he said that they also did not recognize the state. We have to see
07:21how this investigation goes, because they also match it with another attempt at a
07:29Molotov bomb that was also in a very close instance. Well, this will be resolved,
07:34let's hope in these days, right? Hopefully so, thank you very much.
