• last month
Plt Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti mengatakan, laju pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional di sepanjang 2024, mencapai 5,03%. Capaian tersebut lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan 2023, yaitu 5,05%. Demikian juga dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi secara kuartalan di Q4/2024 yang tercatat lebih rendah dibandingkan kuartal sebelumnya, yaitu 0,53% berbanding 1,50%. Namun, pertumbuhan ekonomi kuartal empat secara tahunan mengalami kenaikan, dari 4,95% menjadi 5,02%.

Sementara itu, konsumsi rumah tangga menjadi salah satu kontributor tertinggi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional di 2024, seiring meningkatnya aktivitas dan mobilitas rumah tangga. Kelompok konsumsi yang tumbuh tinggi antara lain, transportasi dan komunikasi dimana mobilitas masyarakat yang meningkat menyebabkan kebutuhan konsumsi transportasi dan komunikasi meningkat. Hal ini tecermin dari meningkatnya jumlah penumpang angkutan rel, laut dan udara. Kemudian restoran dan hotel, seiring meningkatnya kegiatan wisata selama libur sekolah dan libur hari besar keagamaan nasional.


00:00In the next episode
00:21Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:23Straight from the AIDX studio in Jakarta
00:25I am Prasetyo Wibowo
00:26Present in Market Review
00:28Which will tackle the issues that are the driving force of the economy in the country
00:31As usual, you can also watch our live streaming on aidixchannel.com
00:35And let's just follow the complete market review
00:40Market Review
00:48Indonesia's economic growth in 2024 was recorded at 5.03% or lower
00:55Compared to 2023, 5.05%
01:00Household consumption was the largest contributor to economic growth last year, at 2.6%
01:09Indonesia's economic growth in the 4th quarter of 2024
01:14Compared to the 4th quarter of 2023
01:18Or year-on-year
01:20Grew by 5.02%
01:24Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2024
01:28Or Q2Q
01:31Indonesia's economic growth grew by 0.53%
01:36And cumulatively
01:38Or Indonesia's economic situation in 2024
01:43Grew by 5.03%
01:51Thus, the statement of the head of the Statistics Center, Amalia Adeningar Widyasanti
01:56Regarding the pace of national economic growth throughout 2024
02:01As big as 5.03%
02:04This achievement is lower than in 2023, which is 5.05%
02:09Likewise, with quarter-by-quarter economic growth in the 4th quarter of 2024
02:14Recorded lower than the previous quarter, which is 0.53%
02:19Compared to 1.5%
02:23However, quarter-by-quarter economic growth has experienced an increase of 4.95% to 5.02%
02:31Meanwhile, household consumption is one of the highest contributors
02:35To national economic growth in 2024
02:38As activities and mobility of households increase
02:41High-growth consumer groups, including transportation and communication
02:45Where the mobility of the people increases
02:47Causing the need for transportation and communication consumption to increase
02:51This is reflected in the increase in the number of rail, sea and air transportation passengers
02:57Then restaurants and hotels, as well as increasing tourism activities
03:00During school holidays, national religious holidays
03:04From Jakarta Tim Liputan, Aidek Channel
03:13Yes, the next thing we will convey is related to the data of Indonesia's economic growth
03:16With the outlook for 2019 to 2024
03:20In terms of the year that we will discuss together
03:23Full year movement for 2019, 5.02%
03:26Then in 2020, with the presence of COVID-19
03:29Indonesia's economic growth, minus 2.07%
03:32Then it rose, reaching the highest level in 2022, 5.31%
03:38Then the trend dropped in the last few years, up to 2024 at 5.03%
03:45Next we look at Indonesia's economic growth
03:47From the quarter side, what is it like?
03:53As you can see, the movement is 5.02%
03:58Then in the previous quarter, 4.95%
04:03There is indeed a slight increase from the economic growth side in the quarter
04:08And this is the annual movement in the third quarter and the fourth quarter of 2024
04:15Okay, Mr. Mirsan, to discuss our interesting topic this time
04:17Related to the economic growth in 2024
04:20Which is the economic policy in 2025
04:24We have connected through Zoom with Mr. Sutrisno Iwantono
04:28Chairperson of the Public Policy Association of Indonesian Entrepreneurs, APINDO
04:32Hello Mr. Iwantono, how are you?
04:34I'm fine, how are you?
04:35Okay, thank you Mr. Iwantono for the opportunity
04:38Then there is also Mr. Ahmad Nur Hidayat
04:42Economist from UPN Veteran Jakarta
04:45Hello Mr. Ahmad, how are you?
04:47I'm fine, how are you?
04:51Thank you for the opportunity
04:53And before discussing further, we will review first
04:56From Mr. Ahmad, how do you see BPS?
04:58It has recorded Indonesia's economic growth rate throughout 2024
05:03Touching 5.03%
05:06Now if we talk about the consensus of the economist himself
05:09Is it appropriate, lower, moderate, or how?
05:13Yes, I will first give an image
05:17That actually we see the economic growth in 2024
05:22We are actually a bit disappointed
05:24Why? Because this year is 2024
05:27I mean, it's a political year
05:30Where actually consumption or spending is very, very large
05:35Not only from the government
05:37Who actively spend on social assistance
05:42But also the consumption or spending from the community
05:46Or non-governmental groups
05:49Because of the election process
05:52But if we look at the performance
05:54It turns out that the growth is slightly below the growth in 2023
05:59This invites a question mark and an analysis
06:02Why can this happen?
06:04Because we feel that in 2024
06:06The government spending is so large
06:10The community spending in terms of non-individual
06:14Actually, the growth is better
06:17What this shows is that
06:19We see that the government spending
06:23What was done yesterday
06:25It doesn't give enough multiplier effect for the economy
06:29And actually we hold on to the principle that
06:32Every rupee issued by the government
06:35If it can have a multiplier effect
06:38Produce more than one rupee
06:40Especially for the community
06:42So that it can generate economic growth
06:45Now here we can learn
06:47How the government's spending quality is very important
06:51Whereas the government distributes it to things
06:54Which is to give fish instead of cloth
06:57Actually we don't see a significant effect
07:00But maybe if we give quality spending
07:05Maybe we can get better results
07:08Than the results we got yesterday
07:10And we have to keep in mind
07:12That 2024 is actually the year of hope for the new government
07:16Where the new government promises to achieve 8%
07:19I think this 3% gap is getting harder to achieve
07:23Although it's not impossible
07:26But the government's efforts have to be even harder
07:31From an entrepreneur's point of view
07:33What do you think, Mr. Iwantono?
07:35With our growth rate at 5.03%
07:37In the fourth quarter, it was 5.02%
07:42For us, this is still in the range
07:47A very low range
07:49Because at that time
07:51We estimate the growth rate to be around 5-5.3%
07:59So that there is a difference between the previous years
08:04But it turns out that in 2024, the growth rate was only 5.03%
08:11In the range, but the lowest range
08:14So it's not what we expect
08:17This happened mainly because last year
08:24There was a significant decrease in the number of buyers
08:30For example, there was a deflation for 4-5 months
08:37Before December
08:42This deflation or decrease in prices
08:46Is it because there is a deficiency in our production
08:52Or other factors
08:54We see that it is due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the community
09:00At that time
09:04So that the demand for the product fell
09:12Therefore, the price fell along with the decline in production
09:19I think that's what happened at that time
09:22Then it was also added to the non-economic problems
09:30As a result of various issues that are related to politics
09:38But we were helped by the earnings at the end of the quarter
09:45There was a slight increase at the end of the year
09:49On December 13
09:51Because there is a problem with Christmas and New Year
09:57It gives a little energy to our economy
10:03To experience better growth compared to the previous months
10:08Therefore, in the future, I think we must learn from this condition
10:15To be better in 2025
10:20That's right, we'll see what it's like
10:22And how strong is Indonesia's economic growth policy in 2024
10:27To be better in 2025
10:30Does it become a signal that needs to be respected
10:33As Mr. Ahmad said, the effort must be stronger
10:36As the government to be able to achieve an economic growth rate of up to 8%
10:40According to the current government target
10:42We will discuss later in the next segment
10:44Mr. Iwan Tono, Mr. Ahmad, we'll be back in a moment
10:46And Mr. Mirza, we'll be right back
10:53Thank you for watching
11:04Thank you for staying with us in Market Review
11:06In the next segment, we will provide you with data
11:08Related to the inflation movement that we need to discuss
11:11It was also discussed by Mr. Iwan Tono from Aipindo
11:15Related to the inflation that happened again in January 2025
11:21The movement in terms of months and years
11:24We see 0.44% in December 2024
11:27Then in January, it became a 0.76% deflation
11:31Meanwhile, the annual movement from 1.57% to 0.76% in January 2025
11:38Next, the Indonesian PMI manufacturer is also interesting to be looked at
11:42After leaving the expansion level or experiencing a contraction
11:47Finally, the Indonesian PMI manufacturer is back above 50 points
11:51At 51.2% in December
11:53Then in January 2025, it is already at 51.9%
11:58Next, we will discuss the economic and investment growth target
12:02From the Prabowo-Gibran government for the next five years
12:05Growth 5.3% this year
12:08Next year 6.3%
12:11Next year 7.5%
12:13Up to 8% in 2029
12:15With the target expected for incoming investment
12:19Both foreign direct investment and domestic
12:23At the end of 2029, it is expected to reach 2,969.64 trillion rupiah
12:31Let's continue the discussion with Mr. Ahmad Nurhidayat
12:34Jakarta Veteran's Economic Development
12:36Then Mr. Sitrisno Iwan Tono, Chairman of the Public Policy Department of Aipindo
12:40Mr. Ahmad, we will continue again
12:42Based on some of the data that has been reported
12:45Judging by the performance of Indonesia's economic growth in 2024
12:49You said that the effort must be harder
12:53How is it?
12:54Does it become a signal that must be reflected?
12:57The yellow light signal that makes the government more aware
13:00More willing to face 2025 or how?
13:04If we look at the heat contribution that can be relied on the most for economic growth
13:10We are still in the old pattern, that is, the consumption of the people
13:13And if we look at the deflation rate, Mr. Presetio
13:17It shows that the condition of our people's consumption is not good
13:23And if we look at this figure, 0.75 for month to month
13:27Actually, if I look at the historical monthly
13:30It's the lowest since 1999
13:33We have recorded the same figure around August 2020
13:36Because there is a COVID factor
13:38This shows that we need to be vigilant
13:41This is an alarm for the government
13:44Because our people are experiencing a decrease in purchasing power
13:49There is one data that shows that
13:51Throughout 2024, at least this is August data
13:55There are 10 million middle-class people who have dropped out of school
13:59Become lower-class people
14:01And no one gives them help
14:05They are still said to be rich because they have income
14:08They still pay taxes, they can have a house and a car
14:12But actually in this category of decline, they are already worthy
14:15Like getting LPG assistance, 3 kg and so on
14:19And if this is not immediately recognized by the government
14:23This can be a boomerang, it can be an increase
14:26I am also worried about the business world
14:29Because our business world is getting more and more depressed
14:32You can see that when the deflation is low
14:35It shows that the people buy less
14:37And the people are vigilant for the future
14:41So what happens is that companies are also suffering
14:45Because their sales are declining
14:47And they already have a very tight burden
14:50Among them is the burden of financing
14:51Fortunately, I think the Bank of Indonesia has decreased the Bunga tribe
14:55In 2025
14:57But the transmission of the Bunga tribe of the Bank of Indonesia policy
15:00With the credit Bunga tribe needed by the business world
15:03It tends to be a bit slow
15:05So there is still a task for the monetary authorities
15:07Including the fiscal authorities
15:09How can the transmission of this Bunga tribe be fast
15:12Because with the decline of this Bunga tribe
15:14At least it gives a little space to the business world to expand
15:18Actually, the business world, seen from the PMI earlier
15:21It shows optimism
15:23In January, they hope there is a better economic desire
15:28But the reality is not as beautiful as the dream
15:32So we need to find another way to help them
15:36From AP Indonesia itself, how do you see it?
15:39As our manufacturing PMI gets better
15:41As it enters the level of expansion
15:43Then there is a deflation
15:45Because the BPS also mentioned that there is a policy of discounting VLN
15:49So how about the real purchasing power of the community
15:53Which is experienced by the business world itself
15:55Is there a stagnant growth or what?
15:57What do you think, Mr. Iwan?
15:59Well, the buying power of the community has grown
16:01But it's not too significant
16:03For example, it's about 4-5 percent
16:06But we know that the biggest contributor to our economy
16:11Is indeed the source of household income
16:15More than 53 percent
16:17And if we can't guarantee that it can grow
16:23For 2025
16:25I think it will be difficult for us to raise the economy
16:29Especially because, as Mr. Ahmad said
16:33Our middle class continues to decline
16:38Even though we know that the middle class is a very large number
16:42Which dominates the population of our community
16:47If it goes down, it becomes a small business, an informal business
16:51It indicates that the buying power of the community is indeed declining
16:56Therefore, I think we must all out for this 2025
17:02Focus on increasing the buying power of the community
17:06So the orientation of sectoral growth
17:11It also directs to the sectors related to labor
17:16If last year, for example, the trading sector
17:20And management sectors
17:23And mining to become the main contributor to growth
17:28Of course, it must also be followed by other sectors that provide jobs
17:35Especially the agricultural sector and light industry, light manufacturing
17:41Those are the sectors that provide new jobs
17:48If we continue to experience unemployment problems
17:52I think it will still be a problem
17:54Because every year there are 3 million new jobs that enter the market
17:59They are impossible not to be included in large-scale formal sectors
18:06Because these large-scale formal sectors will tend to be more capital-intensive in the future
18:12Because of technological advancements, AI, etc.
18:16Which is not very friendly to the creation of jobs
18:20So we have to accept more to the labor-intensive sectors
18:24Especially in the middle class to grow
18:29So that they can create jobs
18:33Of course, this must have implications for monetary policy
18:37A more proactive fiscal policy
18:41To support these sectors
18:44In the field of monetary policy, for example, in the base sector
18:54It must not be increased continuously
18:58But there are sectors that are supported for that
19:00Likewise, the fiscal orientation of spending must be directed to the sectors that create jobs
19:09And have linkages
19:12So if that sector is established, other sectors will also be established
19:16I think that is our goal for the future in 2025
19:20There are a few more that I will say
19:23Okay, Mr. Iwantono
19:25The BPS notes that there are five areas of business with the largest contribution to the economy throughout 2024
19:32There are industries, trade, agriculture, construction, and mining
19:36Will the fifth be a supporter again in 2025?
19:41Mr. Ahmad, as Mr. Iwantono said, there must be a link
19:46Between production and monetary policy
19:51And also the creation of jobs
19:53Industries that can absorb more workers in Indonesia
19:58Yes, I think our advantageous sector is still like the traditional sectors
20:05Only there is a slight difference in 2024
20:08Where the nature of the investment sector shows a fairly good increase
20:15But if we look at how we invest in 2024
20:20It can be seen from the iCore value
20:22We are also trying to calculate the iCore
20:25One incremental investment
20:28That the addition of one rupiah from the investment creates how many rupiahs or how many percent of the economic growth
20:34It turns out to experience a decline
20:36It means that the more investment
20:39Does not contribute that much to our economic growth
20:43It could be because our investment approach is not to the labor
20:48To the high technology
20:50Or it could be that we open up space to be filled by foreign workers
20:56So that it does not provide a job field for the local community
21:00Especially the investment industries there
21:03It is called energy and health
21:06But I want to say this
21:07If we want to talk about growth in this entire sector
21:12We need to boost the sectors that involve many people
21:18And I think this is the task of the coming government
21:22The government of Puar Bowo and the Red and White Cabinet
21:24How the incoming investment creates a fairly massive job field
21:28Provide a job field for our community
21:30We have 25 million poor people
21:32The unemployment mentioned by Mr. Iwan is still quite significant
21:36How to raise them and those who do not work have a job immediately
21:41And we also know that the source of economic growth
21:43According to the highest output in 2024
21:46Is also household consumption
21:48The contribution is around 2.6%
21:50Is this an indication of the purchasing power of the community
21:53Which has begun to improve as Mr. Iwan Tono said
21:56So what about 2025?
21:59We will discuss in the next segment
22:01And viewers, make sure you are still with us
22:10Next segment
22:20We will continue this interesting discussion
22:23With Mr. Sutrisno Iwan Tono Napindo
22:25Then there is Mr. Ahmad Nurhidayat from UPN Veteran Jakarta
22:28Mr. Iwan Tono, if we look at the data that has been presented
22:31Related to one of the contributors
22:34Economic growth in 2024 is again household consumption
22:39What do you think?
22:40You said that the purchasing power of the community has begun to improve
22:43Then the momentum that is usually the driving force of the Indonesian economy
22:46Nataru holiday, then Ramadan and Eid
22:50How can we find one of the optimal steps
22:55How to increase the purchasing power of the community?
22:58I think there is an increase of around 2.6%
23:05Consumption is certainly a good indicator
23:09But I also see
23:11There are still other pressures
23:14So when he wants to go up, he is pressured
23:17First, maybe it's about inflation
23:20Second, policies that are often not popular
23:24Which is done by the government
23:26For example, yesterday the government increased the PPN
23:31For example, the increase of 1% has a significant impact
23:35For certain prices that will also have an impact on the purchasing power of the community
23:42Then there is also the limitation of DHE
23:48The export ratio that has been maintained
23:50That also causes
23:52Then from these actors
23:54If the export ratio is maintained
23:56Then 12 months more
23:58Then what does he want to produce?
24:00If he can't produce
24:02The implication is on his goods supply
24:08The supply becomes weak and that will affect the community
24:11Therefore, these contradictions must be avoided
24:16Especially those related to corruption
24:20Corruption is still an important factor
24:23We see, for example, there are sea miners
24:25There are all kinds of things that appear
24:29Yesterday there was Tabungka
24:32All of this will be a factor that we already have
24:39Optimism is marked by PMT which is above 50%
24:44That shows there is a trend
24:46But it can also be tied or hindered
24:52Which was about to run and then hindered again
24:55By things like that
24:59Especially as we mentioned earlier
25:01If poverty is still a problem
25:04If we want to buy the community, it's good
25:07So poverty must be increased
25:09Not to mention that later we can
25:11Economy gap between regions
25:14Between groups
25:16Between income groups
25:18That will also affect economic growth
25:25Driven by consumption
25:27I think those are a few other things
25:29Of course infrastructure
25:31Which is still our priority
25:33Without a good infrastructure
25:35Which is focused
25:36It will not give an incentive for the business world to grow
25:42Okay, Mr. Iwantono
25:43Mr. Ahmad
25:44So what if we talk about efforts
25:47To increase the purchasing power of the community
25:49On the one hand, the consumption of the community has increased
25:53How about the consumption of government spending?
25:55Remember the budget efficiency
25:57Which is targeted at Rp 306.6 trillion in 2025
26:03Before answering that, Mr. Prasetyo
26:05Our consumption has grown better than in 2023
26:10But if we look at it
26:11The component is the consumption of non-profit institutions
26:156.06% growth
26:17That's because there is a parliamentary process
26:19Which then there is also a political process
26:21It means if we try to get rid of it
26:24It could be the trend, we will read it differently
26:27That actually experienced a decline compared to 2023
26:30Now the question is in 2025
26:32There is no such political process
26:34I think this is a heavy task
26:36How do we grow the consumption of the community
26:40In the current era
26:42We are facing a high tax situation
26:45Which was said by Mr. Prasetyo
26:47Because the tendency will increase
26:49Now I want to say this
26:51To handle, to maintain
26:53This rather positive situation
26:56The government must maintain inflation
26:58Which was said by Mr. Iwan earlier
27:00The second I think
27:01Subsidies that already exist
27:03And it is said that this is quite well established
27:05This should not be disturbed again
27:06I heard there is a plan to replace the BBM subsidy
27:10For example, with a direct subsidy scheme
27:12It could be that with that change
27:14There are people who got it but didn't get it
27:16And this could further reduce
27:18Our household consumption in the future
27:22In 2025
27:23And if we talk about the government's spending
27:26I think the government is doing the efficiency
27:29Which was said earlier
27:30And we hope the efficiency of more than 300 trillion
27:34It is distributed by reallocating
27:36To quality spending
27:38I am worried if it is up-spending
27:40For those who provide fish
27:42Such as MSMEs
27:44It is not able to generate a good economic growth
27:47Even though it is needed by the community
27:49So we have to talk about smart spending
27:51This is Mr. Prasetyo
27:52And I think the Minister of Finance
27:54Must think about how each rupee has multiple effects
27:58Not creating one more rupee
27:59Even if it can create two, three, even ten rupees
28:03That is what we hope
28:05Okay, how about the efficiency of the budget?
28:08Will it have an impact?
28:09Or will it benefit itself?
28:11From the budget or the government's liquidity
28:14So I am not too worried about the term efficiency
28:18Because when 300 trillion is taken
28:22It will be spent elsewhere
28:24So overall
28:26We don't experience any change in the aggregate
28:29There is even a plan to add more spending
28:32To increase the deficit
28:34We will discuss this later
28:36But with efficiency and commitment
28:38It will be used for other sectors
28:41According to Mr. Prabowo's campaign
28:44Including the provision of 3 million houses
28:47I think we have to be more careful
28:49Because what is said in the campaign program
28:52Is a populist program
28:54Which is not necessarily of quality
28:56And not necessarily on time
28:57For example, when we talk about houses
28:59Are we more of a priority for houses or for the stomach?
29:01Where our society is complaining
29:04Low purchasing power and rising prices
29:07I think there is a flexibility here
29:10Which must be done by the government
29:12So that it adjusts to what happens in the situation
29:15So that it is not too tight
29:17For example, the program is still the same
29:19Even though it is actually not enough
29:21The right time to be implemented
29:23Okay, Mr. Iwantono
29:25So what kind of policy?
29:27Incentive or maybe one more thing
29:30That needs to be done
29:32Or given to the business world
29:34To be able to excite more
29:36From the production activities of the industry itself
29:40Or do you think this is enough?
29:42First, from the business actor's point of view
29:46Don't have policies that add economic burden
29:51The economic burden will later be
29:54De-transformation into costs
29:57And if that's the cost
29:58The end is then the price
30:00Rising prices
30:01Rising prices will definitely cause
30:04Purchasing power of the community
30:06Therefore, policies that have the nature
30:10Increase costs
30:12It must be avoided
30:14Especially the issue of bureaucracy
30:15Frankly now
30:17With a large PTB cabinet
30:19Each minister
30:22Want to have
30:25What is it?
30:27So that the authority exists
30:29Create regulations
30:31And the regulations then cause
30:37Unexpected costs
30:39Economic costs that then become
30:42And that will definitely have a negative impact
30:46People who want to expand
30:48People who want to do business
30:50Repetitive thinking
30:51Even though we know that if
30:53We want to increase purchasing power
30:56The middle class must be pushed
30:58But how?
30:59The middle class is pushed
31:01When he just wants to start a business
31:03Already faced with
31:04All kinds of bureaucracy
31:06All kinds of groups
31:07All kinds of certifications
31:09Especially now there are
31:12There are
31:13Other requirements
31:15Groups that have the nature
31:17Many non-governmental
31:19Endorsed by
31:21Open government
31:22For example, we want to get a certification
31:25There is no fee
31:27But then we have to
31:29Hire a consultant to be able to
31:32Comply with certification
31:34Hiring a consultant is a fee
31:36Which is not cheap
31:37Well, this kind of thing
31:39I think
31:40Must be avoided
31:42And we must give confidence
31:44To the people
31:45To the business world
31:48Bureaucracy is indeed
31:50Not corrupt
31:51Because Mr. President
31:53That we have to
31:55Fight corruption
31:57But it has to be real
31:59Don't later on the field
32:00Then what happens
32:02On the contrary
32:03His assistants are still going back and forth
32:06Even his policy
32:11What is it called
32:12Can't accommodate
32:14Heart from
32:16The general public
32:17The heart is from Mr. Ahmad
32:19That's it
32:20Can't be accommodated
32:21That's why we lost
32:23The spirit to grow
32:24Okay, Mr. Iwan
32:25It seems there is still a lot of PR
32:26Or at least
32:27A lot of things we can discuss
32:29From events throughout the year
32:31From the side of economic growth
32:33Components as contributors
32:35So it must be
32:37Yes, things we can do
32:39We can create
32:40Or maybe more
32:42New innovations
32:43As needed
32:45To maintain the speed of economic growth
32:47Can grow up to 8%
32:49To the future
32:50Okay, Mr. Iwan Tono
32:51Thank you very much for the time
32:52Updates and sharing have been delivered
32:54Mr. Ahmad, thank you also for the analysis
32:56And information that has been given to the audience
32:58Congratulations on continuing your activities
33:01See you again
33:02Thank you Mr. Iwan Tono
33:03Mr. Ahmad
33:04Thank you
33:07Yes, audience
33:08Don't run away from your place
33:09Because once again we come back
33:10Of course with
33:12Interesting discussion
33:13With the continuation of the BUMN transformation
33:16The implementation of the BUMN Law
