• 2 months ago
00:00What did Dan Hurley get mad about last night?
00:03Well, uh, mad, I guess you could say a little upset, maybe not mad, you know, Yukon was
00:08down eight at the half to DePaul in Hartford, stormed back and smashed them in the second
00:15Here's Hurley talking about hearing a couple of boos from the fans out there.
00:19I mean, I guess that's just for the fans to decide, you know, whether this program and
00:25everything we've given them the last couple of years, whether, you know, they believe
00:30that that was the right thing to do.
00:32I'm not, you know, my Yukon fans, um, while I'm getting, you know, crushed by all types
00:39of, you know, people, uh, in the national media, you know, my, uh, you know, Yukon fans,
00:46um, have had my back since I've been here and are undyingly loyal to me and, you know,
00:54get that same back from me.
00:56And, you know, that's why I'll never coach basketball in any other place unless you guys
01:03just don't want me here anymore.
01:04But, you know, that's for, I guess, the fans to decide whether, you know, they think based
01:10on everything we've given them the last two years, whether, um, you know, whether that
01:15was warranted or not.
01:17He's hanging that hat on those two titles, right?
01:20Like he wants nobody booing him.
01:22Uh, and I, you know, I don't really, it's easy to, uh, say they're not having a good
01:29season because they aren't, I mean, they're barely ranked.
01:32They're not three peating, but he's been an incredible coach there and a winner.
01:37And that's just all there is to it.
01:39And he has a very short fuse.
01:43And if you think he's bad, you should have seen his father.
01:48His father is the guy that turned him into what he is today.
01:52His father's the one that rode his ass like a school bus.
01:55I mean, honestly, uh, his dad was crazy and he coached like, I mean, uh, the torturous
02:02practice does that guy had at St. Anthony's.
02:05Are you kidding me?
02:07Why do you think Dan Hurley's crazy?
02:10Bobby's crazy too.
02:11Like, but Bobby was, you know, more crazy if you ask me as a player than he ever has
02:17been as a coach because he really isn't a good coach.
02:22Danny is Bobby's not Bobby was a great player and he was, uh, in your face.
02:28He made Redick look like an angel.
02:30I thought, I thought Bobby Hurley was one of the biggest DS I've ever seen in my life
02:34playing basketball.
