• 2 months ago
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Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR:
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962
Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCGGZX3K

John and Steve discuss the history and evolution of various religious movements that have influenced modern beliefs. They examine how figures such as William Branham, Ern Baxter, and Derek Prince contributed to the development of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and its ties to the shepherding movement. Steve shares insights from historical documents, including the magazine People of Destiny, which continued the themes of the earlier shepherding movement under different branding. Throughout the discussion, they trace the influence of esoteric figures and concepts, such as Jane Leed and her teachings on spiritual perfection, as well as the corporate Elijah identity that has persisted in various forms through the centuries.

The conversation also explores the role of certain individuals and theological ideas in shaping movements like the Latter Rain and charismatic teachings. They discuss figures such as James Watt, Paul Cain, and Jennifer Leclerc, linking their teachings to earlier influences like Joachim of Fiore and Origen. John highlights how some of these figures embraced metaphorical interpretations and mysticism, which led to controversial doctrines such as the pre-existence of souls and reincarnation. As they analyze the historical connections and doctrinal shifts, they emphasize how these ideas have converged over time to form the basis of many present-day movements.

00:00 Introduction
00:31 Exploring the Shepherding Movement and Its Legacy
01:40 Influence of Ern Baxter and the Elijah Ministry
03:33 Transition from Shepherding to New Publications
06:00 Understanding the Elijah Company Concept
08:07 Historical Figures Influencing Modern Theology
11:40 Five-Fold Ministry and Hierarchical Structures
15:00 Connections Between Shepherding and Charismatic Leaders
22:10 Examining Pre-Existence of Souls Doctrine
30:00 Comparing Historical and Modern Perspectives
36:03 The Role of Publications in Promoting Ideology
40:00 Neurolinguistic Programming and Influence Techniques
47:03 Evaluating Modern NAR Figures and Their Influence
55:01 Conclusion and Further Reading Recommendations

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