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There's a fine line between balancing private and professional life, but the reality is that private life affects professional life. If employees are struggling at home it could lead to low productivity in the office. Here's how you can help.
00:00Hello, I'm Goldie Chan, and here are five ways to develop a culture of openness in the
00:12Number one, mental health.
00:15Over 970 million people worldwide suffer from a mental health condition.
00:21By being compassionate with employees, you allow them to be seen and heard, and also
00:28having mental health staff on staff is helpful.
00:32Number two, speak about mental health openly.
00:37By having regular meetings and making it an ongoing conversation about mental health instead
00:42of a one-off event, you will foster a safe space for your employees.
00:48And also, during these meetings, it's a great time to bring up ongoing resources that they
00:54can access.
00:56Number three, reveal your vulnerable side.
00:59As a leader, be willing to show your own vulnerabilities as well as skills you're currently in the
01:05process of working on.
01:08Research has shown that leaders are feeling more mentally fatigued than ever, and it's
01:13important to reveal that occasionally to employees.
01:18Number four, embrace failure.
01:22It's so helpful to know that everyone has one failure throughout their career.
01:29And as a manager, it's especially helpful to not punish an employee for a mistake, but
01:34rather create a learning plan from it.
01:38From failure comes growth.
01:42Number five, develop a transparent environment.
01:46By focusing on being transparent in the workplace, it creates an atmosphere of trust and respect
01:52between team members.
01:55And this is incredibly helpful as when employees know what is expected of them, and when issues
02:01are addressed head on, employees tend to be happier and healthier, and therefore, much
02:08more productive.
