• 2 months ago
00:00on the total 49 and a half is that number currently where will it be on super bowl sunday
00:0712 days away february 9th drs 49 and a half right now where will it be in just about two weeks
00:16you know sharp side donnie says that number probably should be at 48 and a half come game
00:22time here two really good defenses big stage two weeks to prepare you know obviously the offense
00:27gets the two weeks together but we're talking about two really good defenses in the upper
00:30echelon of the nfl this season but also i understand this is a public game that they're
00:35going to come in and say hold on now you see what the philadelphia eagles can do on offense
00:39it's patrick holmes on the other side i just watched the nfc championship game you know 55
00:44points for one side cruising like around 80 points and then i also watched the afc game in colder
00:50temperatures end up with one team with 32 the other team with 29 points and we're supposed
00:53to expect that these two teams with explosive players all over the place world championship
00:58quarterbacks great obviously offensive minds and think this game in a dome is going to stay under
01:0350 points yeah 50 and a half so i'm going to say if i had to put my money on it right now
01:09where this line is going i'm still going to stick with under the 49 and a half which means
01:1549 or below but i can't push forward next week when you know everybody is going to get so excited
01:21and bet this bad boy into the 50s but i'm going to stick with it i'm going to say this line goes
01:25lower than the 49 and a half when it's all said and done on super bowl sunday i completely agree
01:30i think the closing number is going to be 48 and a half the under already has the juice minus 115
01:37if you want to go under 49 and a hook minus 105 to the over is it monumental juice is it drastic
01:44no not in terms of the big just yeah but i do believe this number is going to work down
01:49and close at 48 and a half that does not mean i believe it is the right side donna we talked
01:56about this yesterday when you look at the team totals 25 and a half for kc 23 and a half currently
02:03for philadelphia i think both teams are going to flirt with that number which means the margin
02:09of keeping this game under is not all that large and would certainly be a sweat two great defenses
02:17but two astounding offenses as well although the chiefs have not been overwhelmingly successful
02:24offensively but they still scored 32 against buffalo the bills are not the defense that
02:29philadelphia is i understand that i do think the number closes at 48 and a half i don't necessarily
02:36believe though that the market movement will have that correct i still think we see some points in
02:43super bowl 59 yes me too and also i'm just scrolling down here on the family sports book
02:48trying to find where the uh there we go eagles team total 24 and a half kansas city team total
02:5424 and a half so the question always comes out is can you put yourself in a realm where it's like
03:00okay we have a legitimate chance at this which means i would be shocked if we come super bowl
03:04sunday and see that final score with one of these teams or both of them let's just say in the teams
03:11both of these teams are going to move the football regardless of how good those defenses are
03:15both will be aggressive on fourth downs trying to trade three for seven points so if you said
03:20i'm going to tell you right now i don't know the scores but both of these teams will at least be
03:2320 points or above you got to take the over at that point so that's generally where i lean even
03:29though we've seen super bowls and teams pressing and bad turnovers and two great defenses where
03:34it's like hey 24 21 is a legitimate final score in the super bowl 27 to 21 which right now
03:40would still have you on the under that's a legitimate score here so just because they
03:44both get into the 20s doesn't mean they get the over but right if you're saying just percentage
03:48wise i'm going to tell you right now both of these teams at least 20 or more you got to take
03:53the over at that point right
