• 2 months ago
00:00Are you at least willing to acknowledge the team isn't where you expected it to be at this point in time?
00:04I know you feel that way. Yeah, of course you have to be but for a Celtics
00:07Let's all just acknowledge and get in the trust tree
00:10The team is not where you thought it would be at this point. I did not hear all offseason
00:17Well, yeah, they're gonna have the fourth best record right around the all-star break. Well, yeah, they'll be worse than the Cavs
00:22They'll be the Rockets. The Knicks will only be one game behind the Rockets. They'll get pants by Oklahoma City. Yeah
00:28So you can tell me
00:30You think they'll still win the championship and they're still the most talented team
00:34Maybe even the best team in the league, but can we all just acknowledge and agree? The team is not right now
00:40January 28th
00:41Where we expected it to be if we can all just start there then I think we can have a real conversation about this
00:46Yeah, for real. I mean, I didn't think they're gonna go 82 and oh
00:49I didn't think they were gonna have an NBA record 74 wins in the regular season
00:53Did I think they might have a Celtics team record 67 or 68 wins somewhere there
00:59Yeah, yeah, I did and now if they're gonna win if they're gonna win what would it be 67 games?
01:06Which would be one game better than the 08 Kevin Garnett Celtics. They don't have to win the rest of the games
01:11They'd have to win out right now
01:13Like they already have 15 losses and we're not even into February yet
01:17And I keep going back to the the the way in which they've lost games and the variety of teams
01:21They've lost and you know, you lose a few games here and there and you think it'd be on your radar be like, all right
01:26All right, let's you know, stop the bad habits and turn things around but they've lost the good teams. They've lost the bad teams
01:33they've lost these close games and
01:36What's really killed them is they've lost a lot of games in which they've had fourth quarter leads
01:41Double digit fourth quarter leads like last night. You want the numbers? I guess sure
01:46Give me some numbers Forsberg is from the Chris Forsberg stats and information department
01:49Also a good stats and info department. I don't have my own stats in it
01:53We we gotta have a little bit more in the budget for that
01:57Celtics ninth blown fourth quarter lead this year
02:00Which matches last season's total so already they've blown as many games
02:04Quarter as they did all of last year. So yeah, so there's a lot of those kind of stats
02:08So they've lost more home games than they did all of last year
02:11I don't think they haven't had a month this bad as they did all of last year
02:15We went through it remember cuz people like I everybody has a bad month
