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Saviez-vous qu'il existe une légende sur une créature effrayante rôdant dans le désert de Gobi ? Ils l'appellent le Ver de la Mort mongol, et on dit que c'est une longue chose rouge et visqueuse qui peut cracher du venin ou même envoyer des décharges électriques ! Les habitants racontent des histoires à son sujet depuis des lustres, disant qu'il se cache sous le sable et ne sort que pour attaquer sa proie. Les scientifiques n'ont pas encore trouvé de preuve solide de son existence, mais le mystère maintient les aventuriers et chercheurs en haleine. Certains pensent que c'est juste une légende ou peut-être un serpent mal identifié, tandis que d'autres jurent qu'il est réel. Que ce soit un fait ou une fiction, c'est une histoire incroyable d'un des endroits les plus désolés du monde ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00In July 1990, four Czech friends decided to go on an adventure to find the Mongol intestine worm,
00:07the creature that may have inspired the monster you saw in the film Dune.
00:12It is said that he lives somewhere at the end of the Gobi desert.
00:15So they took the plane for Mongolia, got in an off-road vehicle and hired local guides to help them.
00:21All this to meet this hypothetical creature that measures nearly 2 meters long,
00:25which spits out an acid capable of melting anything, and which can even project electrical discharges on its enemies.
00:32Legend has it that these lovable beasts spend most of their days hidden under the dunes of sand,
00:38but that they like to go out during the driest months of June and July.
00:43The time was therefore perfectly chosen, but our friends still had to find a way to attract the creature out of its hideout.
00:50Unfortunately for them, no one knew what this giant worm liked to eat.
00:54So they built a special machine that made rhythmic hammering sounds.
00:59They hoped it would get the big worm out of its hole.
01:02They spent two months digging the vast desert, crossing dunes and rocky plains,
01:07in search of the slightest sign of the frightening creature.
01:10Alas, it did not work.
01:12Ivan Makerl, who was the head of the expedition in 1990,
01:17then carried out several expeditions in the Gobi desert.
01:20He tried for the first time to attract the giant worm with explosions.
01:25And the second time, he used a small plane to explore the dunes.
01:29Over the years, American, British and New Zealand groups
01:33organized large expeditions in the region to try to find the creature.
01:37Many other people came from all over the world by their own means,
01:41but no one found anything.
01:44In the West, we heard for the first time about the Mongol worm
01:48thanks to an American paleontologist, Roy Chapman Andrews.
01:52This brave man was probably a model for the character of Indiana Jones.
01:57In 1926, he talks about this creature in his book.
02:02Andrews himself heard about the mysterious creature
02:05at a meeting with Mongol leaders who had never seen it with their own eyes.
02:11One of them said it looked like a sausage about half a meter long,
02:15without a head or legs.
02:17According to him, the worm was so venomous
02:19that the simple fact of touching it could instantly kill you.
02:22And he lived in the most isolated areas of the Gobi desert.
02:25Andrews did not believe that this creature was real,
02:28but he mentioned these testimonies in another book.
02:32In May 2005, four professional British monster hunters decided to try their luck.
02:37They made drawings of the worm
02:39and hired local people to distribute brochures throughout the Gobi desert.
02:44These brochures promised a reward to anyone
02:47likely to provide information on the creature
02:51or to bring them a specimen.
02:53According to them, the noisy machine that the other explorers had used
02:57was more likely to make the beast flee than to attract it.
03:00Someone told them the worm liked humidity.
03:03They would therefore devise a plan to block the streams
03:06in order to create wet areas that attracted the worm.
03:09But it didn't work
03:11because it was too difficult to build dams in the desert.
03:14They ended up using small traps
03:16but found no evidence of the existence of the worm.
03:19But many people told them stories about strange creatures
03:24that they had only seen in the last 70 years.
03:27Over the years, anecdotes about this monster spread throughout the world.
03:31According to some of them, it would only be 30 centimeters long.
03:36According to others, it was as big as a human being.
03:39It was gray-white, or covered with scales, and brown,
03:43or fleshy and bright red.
03:45Some said it looked like a snake, or maybe a caterpillar.
03:49Or that it had wings and could fly.
03:52Others think it could be an evil supernatural being,
03:55devoid of a body.
03:58If these stories are so different from each other
04:01and if all these researches have never given anything,
04:03it may be because the creature simply does not exist.
04:07It would be a cryptid.
04:08These creatures such as the Bigfoot, the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster,
04:13whose existence has not yet been proven.
04:16In 1983, a scientist who visited the region
04:20learned that an old man had managed to catch the mysterious worm.
04:24He also learned that there was a nest nearby.
04:28The scientist bravely approached the hole in the sand
04:31and put his hand inside.
04:33A giant creature dragged him, and he was never seen again.
04:37I'm kidding, he actually found a moat of Mongolian sand.
04:41It is a rattlesnake, not venomous,
04:44with small eyes and gray-brown scales.
04:47He showed it to the inhabitants of the region to find out if it was really the monster of the legend.
04:51And it seems that everyone has responded by the affirmative.
04:55Most Mongols who know of the existence of the worm
04:58firmly believe in its reality.
05:00So if the people of the country commonly say that this monster is a worm,
05:03it is by a kind of shortcut.
05:05In many Mongolian cultures,
05:07this word has been used for centuries to designate any animal deemed dangerous,
05:11in particular snakes, even those that are not venomous.
05:16After all, it is not necessarily a worm in the proper sense.
05:20Worms are soft,
05:21but a creature living in the rough desert of Gobi should have a fairly resistant skin,
05:26closer to that of a snake or a kind of lizard without legs.
05:30None of these creatures can project electricity or spit acid,
05:34as is said of the intestinal worm.
05:36But some snakes, like cobras,
05:38can spit a very dangerous venom for humans.
05:41If it were real,
05:43our creature would have a spine
05:45and explorers would probably have discovered bones or other traces of the same kind.
05:50However, fossils are indeed found throughout the Gobi desert.
05:54Scientists have found there representatives of more than 80 groups of dinosaurs
05:58over the last 100 years.
06:01This is where, for example,
06:02the first eggs of dinosaurs were discovered.
06:06And that completely changed what scientists believed to know
06:10about these great animals of the past.
06:13It was the first proof that they laid eggs.
06:15Over the next two years,
06:17the same team of researchers exhumed more than a hundred fossils of dinosaurs
06:21that were transported to the American Museum of Natural History,
06:25where you can still see them today.
06:27Some of them swam in the sea of ​​the cretaceous
06:30that was found there about 71 million years ago.
06:33They looked like our modern birds.
06:36The mystery of the intestinal worm is still not solved.
06:39But there is another riddle that scientists have managed to elucidate.
06:43In the 13th century,
06:44a famous traveler named Marco Polo
06:47crossed the Gobi desert.
06:49He thought he heard mysterious noises,
06:51sounds produced by musical instruments such as drums.
06:55He talks about it in his book.
06:56According to him, these were tormented spirit voices.
06:59Modern scientists call them singing sands.
07:04Contrary to the crackling that can be heard
07:06when walking on a beach of sand,
07:09these sounds of the desert are much more powerful,
07:11like those of a musical instrument playing deep and obsessive notes.
07:15Over the years,
07:16people have come up with all kinds of ideas about the origin of these sounds,
07:20such as the presence of underground water
07:21or wind that would make the sand vibrate.
07:24However, this phenomenon is specific to certain dunes,
07:27and scientists have long sought to understand why.
07:30Sometimes, the wind can cause a small avalanche,
07:33and you can then hear this strange music.
07:36But this phenomenon is rare.
07:38To study it,
07:39scientists had to help the dunes to sing,
07:43climbing to the top,
07:44then letting themselves slide on their backs using their hands and feet
07:48to push the sand down.
07:50As the sand crumbled,
07:52the sound began to be heard,
07:55then became more and more powerful.
07:57Scientists even felt vibrations in their hands.
08:00They therefore discovered
08:02that for a dune to sing,
08:04a certain number of things must occur.
08:08The grains of sand must have the right shape.
08:10The dune must be large and the sand must be very dry.
08:13No singing after the rain.
08:15Inside the dune,
08:17there must be a hard layer of compacted sand
08:19that acts like a giant speaker.
08:21This layer makes the sound waves bounce,
08:24making the noise more and more intense,
08:26and creating an enchanting melody
08:28that fills the entire air of the desert.
08:31And this is the mystery of the resolved musical dunes.
