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Ils ont découvert que certaines des légendes les plus effrayantes des Appalaches pourraient ne pas être que des histoires après tout ! Au fin fond des montagnes, des chercheurs ont trouvé de véritables créatures qui auraient pu inspirer des contes terrifiants transmis de génération en génération. Des bêtes géantes et ombrageuses rôdant dans les bois aux yeux étranges et lumineux perçant à travers l'obscurité, ces animaux semblent tout droit sortis d'un cauchemar. Certaines sont des espèces rares, tandis que d'autres viennent d'être découvertes, ajoutant encore plus de mystère à la région. Le légendaire Mothman ou les banshees hurlantes pourraient-ils avoir des homologues dans la vie réelle ? Regardez maintenant et décidez par vous-même si la vérité est encore plus effrayante que les mythes ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00In the heart of a thick foggy forest, you can see two flaming red eyes. Suddenly, a strange clicker rings the silence. It's not just in your head.
00:10Spreading over 3,200 kilometers, from Newfoundland to the center of Alabama, the Appalachian chain would house formidable creatures such as the Bigfoot and the mysterious Wampus Cat.
00:21If you think it's just a legend, know that a disturbing explanation is hidden behind these stories.
00:28Let's start with the Bigfoot. A true icon of horror stories, this creature takes its origin from a very real fact that occurred in the heart of the Appalachians, in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
00:40In 1966, two young couples were riding on an isolated road when they suddenly noticed a humanoid silhouette about two meters high, resembling a gigantic night butterfly with incandescent red eyes.
00:52Panicked, they immediately accelerated, but the strange entity flew away in pursuit, emitting a shrieking cry, before disappearing into the darkness.
01:01When they reported their misadventures to the police, they described a massive creature, with large white wings and an imposing carcass.
01:09However, his face remained invisible to them, as if hidden by the overwhelming intensity of his gaze.
01:16The Bigfoot has since become a captivating urban legend. Witnesses claim to have seen creatures similar elsewhere in the United States, including in Chicago and Gallipoli, in Ohio.
01:27The explanations vary. Some speak of a balloon with a flashlight, others of aliens. But it could also be that the origin of this horror is only a bird, in this case a stag beetle.
01:38This confusion is understandable, because this nocturnal bird has a piercing look, and emits disturbing clicks that can appear supernatural in the dark.
01:47However, the stag beetle remains of modest size, which questions the fact that it could have been taken for such a terrifying creature. So, what really happened?
01:59Then, these strange creatures, known under the name of Jean in the eyes of the moon, would have once populated the entire Appalachians.
02:06Described as bearded, with a flat face, light skin and large blue eyes, they remain an enigma.
02:13Why would they have populated? Because no tangible proof of their existence has ever been found.
02:20Their legend belongs to Cherokee folklore, which makes the reliability of the stories concerning them uncertain.
02:26Despite everything, their stories froze the blood of the inhabitants and travelers crossing the Appalachians.
02:32It was said that these mysterious beings approached houses at nightfall, whispering in the darkness.
02:38But it was formally forbidden to go out or even to observe them.
02:42At dawn, the occupants discovered their corn carefully harvested, as if an unknown hand had come to their aid.
02:50Others, on the other hand, found their fields devastated, as if an entire troop had taken hold of them before taking everything away.
02:58One of the most famous stories about them concerns an enigmatic stone wall located in Fort Mountain State Park.
03:05Going back to a period between 500 and 1500 AD, its origin remains unknown.
03:11Some say that it was built by the people in the eyes of the moon, the ruins thus constituting a proof of their past existence.
03:18This hypothesis may not be completely unfounded.
03:21A theory suggests that these beings were nothing more than Gauls, established in the Appalachians to exploit the mountains.
03:28The Cherokee would have given them this nickname because of their past existence in the mines and their remarkable night vision.
03:36Hey Minou, Minou, come and see over there. Oh wait, what is it?
03:42According to the legend, the Wampus 4 would be a hybrid creature, half cat, half dog.
03:47Who haunts the Appalachians after nightfall or shortly before dawn.
03:51Its particularity? It can run on its two hind legs like a human.
03:56So, if you see it running on you, it is better not to drag and above all avoid crossing its gaze.
04:02The rumor claims that its yellow eyes pierce the soul and heart of those who have the misfortune to cross it, inexorably driving them to madness.
04:11It is undoubtedly a myth, but the real creature at the origin of these legends is no longer coming.
04:17Described as an aquatic panther, the Wampus 4 would evoke a puma in the eyes of some specialists.
04:23These felines have excellent swimming skills and are able to cross a large lake without difficulty.
04:30Let's imagine that you are driving at night through the Appalachians. Suddenly, a silhouette appears on the road.
04:37You slow down to observe it more closely. It looks like a deer, but something is wrong.
04:43Its eyes are abnormally close, its head seems deformed, its neck seems too long, and its limbs move in a disturbing, almost mechanical way, as if the animal was manipulated by invisible felines.
04:55And even by clacking, it does not dare to move. It is obvious that it does not fear you.
05:02It is called the Not Deer. If some claim to have seen it up to Texas, even in Norway, this phenomenon remains anchored in Appalachian folklore.
05:11A young woman told that during a hike, she had crossed a beech. The animal would then have fixed it straight in the eyes.
05:18It was then that she noticed a frightening detail. Its knees were inverted.
05:24Whatever the normal direction of a deer's joints, this one was leaning in the opposite direction.
05:29An aberration. However, testimonies about the Not Deer are abundant on the Internet.
05:36The descriptions of its strange behavior abound, but no image or video corroborates its existence.
05:42So, what could this creature be?
05:47A rational explanation questions animals suffering from a debilitating chronic disease.
05:52MDC, a disorder that affects several species of deer, including Wapiti, Elan and Rennes, leads to progressive brain degeneration.
06:02Infected individuals suffer from a loss of motor functions and adopt erratic behaviors.
06:09Given the similarity between these symptoms and the descriptions of the Not Deer, this disease could well be at the origin of these disturbing encounters.
06:16The last creature on our list is none other than the Bigfoot.
06:20You know, this massive and velvety being, with a vaguely human look, which moves standing up and haunts the vast forests of the United States.
06:30In the Appalachians, testimonies have been made of its appearance since the Mons Adirondacks, from New York State to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia.
06:38This enigmatic silhouette has haunted the collective imagination for decades.
06:43But some scientists believe that it was actually just a simple black bear victim of contempt.
06:50It turns out that the American black bear lives in the areas where many Bigfoot observations have been reported.
06:56Studies also reveal an intriguing correlation.
06:59Each increase of 1,000 individuals in the population of black bears corresponds to an increase of 4% of Bigfoot reports.
07:07Two factors would explain why this animal could well be the perfect imposter.
07:12First of all, its imposing size.
07:15An adult male can reach 300 kilograms and measure up to 1.80 meters long.
07:21Then, although we tend to consider them as quadrupeds, these bears are quite capable of standing on their hind legs.
07:29In reality, not only are they capable of it, but they do it frequently.
07:33They stand up to better observe their environment, catch a smell in the air, or to appear more threatening in the event of danger.
07:42In these moments, their silhouette indelibly recalls that of a man.
07:46For people who are not used to these animals, the confusion is easy.
07:50And it is not surprising that some see a supernatural creature there.
07:54You may be wondering why so many strange phenomena and mysterious beings seem to be linked to the Appalachians.
08:01The explanation could date back to the ancient times of this region.
08:04The geological process that gave birth to these mountains spread over more than 480 million years.
08:11Which makes them, for example, older than Saturn's rings.
08:15Throughout this long evolution, the territory has undergone major upheavals in its composition,
08:21giving birth to a great diversity of ecological niches,
08:24varying in altitude, slope, exposure, temperature, and precipitation.
08:30According to specialists, the attraction of this region for myths and legends does not only reside in its ancientness,
08:36but also in the fact that it still bears the marks.
08:40A large portion of the Appalachians remains preserved of the human footprint,
08:44thus sheltering an ancestral biodiversity that still seems mysterious to us.
08:49The landscape, made of deep forests, valleys, drowned in the mist, and sinuous rivers,
08:55evokes a forgotten world, conducive to enigmas.
08:59Over the centuries, the natural isolation of these mountains has only fed and maintained these fascinating tales.
