• 2 months ago
Vous ne le croiriez pas, mais il y a un mini-Triangle des Bermudes qui fait sensation au Japon ! Oui, vous avez bien entendu. Cette zone mystérieuse près de l'île de Miyake déconcerte scientifiques et locaux depuis des années. Les navires et les avions disparaissent prétendument sans laisser de trace dans cette zone effrayante, laissant tout le monde perplexe. Avec les rumeurs de lumières étranges et de perturbations électromagnétiques, c'est comme un thriller réel qui se déroule dans l'océan Pacifique. Si vous êtes amateur de mystères et que vous voulez découvrir la vérité derrière ce phénomène bizarre, vous feriez mieux de vous attacher et de plonger dans l'enquête ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00 Why has only the Bermuda Triangle become famous?
00:05 And did you know that there were other mysterious triangles
00:08 where ships disappeared in strange circumstances?
00:11 The triangle we are going to explore
00:15 could seem much more dangerous and terrifying than the Bermuda Triangle.
00:18 Rumors of alien ships, portals to other dimensions,
00:22 or even that Atlantis would have sunk in the Bermuda region.
00:25 You have probably already heard about all this.
00:29 But the triangle we are talking about is surrounded by other legends.
00:32 Imagine sailing in the high seas and seeing a strange ship
00:36 with a rounded shape on the horizon.
00:39 An enigmatic woman is standing on her deck and staring at you intensely.
00:45 Yes, such stories surround the Dragon Triangle.
00:50 If you try to understand this region,
00:52 you will find that even its location is a mystery.
00:56 This triangle is located in the Pacific Ocean, near the Japanese coasts,
01:00 and extends from Japan to the Bonin Islands, touching the Philippine Sea.
01:05 However, its exact position remains uncertain.
01:10 Some sources place it 110 km east of the Japanese coasts,
01:14 while others place it at around 1,200 km.
01:19 Such a variation of coordinates is explained by the fact
01:22 that this area is not listed on any official map.
01:26 The precise dimensions of these waters remain unknown.
01:31 Nicknamed the "Bermuda Triangle of the Pacific",
01:33 the Dragon Triangle is considered the evil twin of the first, but older.
01:40 The fact is that the stories of mysterious ship disappearances in this region
01:45 date back to the Bermuda Triangle.
01:49 It was in the 13th century that people for the first time
01:52 became aware of the mysterious power of this region.
01:56 Kubilai Kan, the grandson of Genghis Kan,
01:59 sent 4,000 men by sea to conquer Japan,
02:03 crossing precisely the Dragon Triangle.
02:07 However, these men never reached the Japanese coasts,
02:11 the typhoons of the region having washed over the entire fleet.
02:15 Following this incident, Kubilai Kan gave up his invasion plan.
02:20 The Japanese then began to believe that this area possessed supernatural powers.
02:27 In the modern world, divers and archaeologists
02:30 have tried to prove the veracity of this story.
02:33 And by exploring the seabed of the Triangle,
02:35 they have indeed discovered artifacts of the swallowed Mongol fleet.
02:41 A few hundred years later, at the beginning of the 19th century,
02:45 another mysterious story took place in this region.
02:49 Sailors crossing the Dragon Triangle then noticed a strange ship
02:54 that looked like a Japanese fireplace with only one person on board.
02:59 An enigmatic woman whose identity remained unknown.
03:03 In the 1940s and 1950s,
03:06 reports began to flow concerning shipwrecks in this area.
03:10 Fishing boats and larger ships disappeared without a trace.
03:14 Japan sent a research ship to investigate these disappearances,
03:18 but this one, with its 31 crew members, also disappeared.
03:24 The wreck was found later, but without any sailors on board.
03:29 The legends surrounding this mysterious place resurfaced.
03:33 According to an ancient myth, dragons lived under the waters,
03:37 destroying ships and capturing humans to satisfy their appetite.
03:41 These millennial stories have persisted.
03:44 Over time, however, scientific hypotheses began to emerge alongside these fantastic tales.
03:52 Researchers looked at the peculiarities of this region.
03:56 One of them suggested that cold and hot currents mixed,
04:00 then passed through areas of strong electromagnetic activity.
04:04 And when these currents meet these waves, they generate an interference.
04:12 This phenomenon disorientates ship's electronic equipment,
04:15 making navigation systems inoperable.
04:18 Without distress signals and guidance,
04:21 a storm can easily turn ships into prey.
04:25 Another theory advances the existence of underwater volcanoes at the bottom of the Triangle.
04:31 During their eruptions, these volcanoes release huge amounts of magma,
04:36 creating gigantic waves and disturbing the waters.
04:40 This seismic activity, which is common on the Japanese coast,
04:43 gives credit to this hypothesis,
04:46 and could explain these ancient legends of sea dragons.
04:50 In addition, the islands of the region often appear and disappear.
04:55 When the magma cools under the water,
05:00 it forms layers of rocks that emerge, then collapse during the next eruption.
05:07 Some of these islands are still there.
05:10 Imagine a ship in the middle of the sea when suddenly an island emerges below,
05:14 cracking its hull.
05:17 Finally, methane hydrates could be responsible for ship's destruction.
05:22 These substances escape the earth's crust,
05:25 forming huge bubbles that explode as they rise to the surface.
05:29 A large enough methane bubble can seriously damage or even destroy a ship.
05:36 Scientists have not yet determined the exact cause of these ship's disappearances.
05:42 In the end, all these mysterious incidents could only be the result of legend.
05:48 The Bermuda and Dragon Triangles are located in the oceans.
05:54 But what about a triangle in the middle of a lake?
05:57 In Lake Michigan, between the state of the same name and Wisconsin,
06:01 there is a mysterious triangle.
06:04 In 1950, a plane carrying 108 passengers disappeared without a trace,
06:09 flying over the lake.
06:11 During the search, the rescuers found only a few debris of the plane floating on the surface.
06:17 In addition to the plane, many ships also disappeared in this area,
06:21 and people sometimes mysteriously disappeared from their boats.
06:25 Such an incident occurred in 1937.
06:28 As the ship crossed the triangle of Lake Michigan,
06:31 Captain George Donner went to his cabin to rest.
06:35 Three hours later, a crew member knocked on his door to wake him up,
06:40 but got no answer.
06:42 Worried, the sailor entered the cabin, but the captain seemed to have been volatile.
06:48 Despite intensive research, the crew never found Captain Donner.
06:54 His disappearance remains an unexplained mystery to this day.
06:58 Perhaps it is pure fiction, but the triangle of Lake Michigan remains deeply disturbing.
07:04 Are you familiar with terrestrial triangles?
07:09 Here is the Bennington triangle, located in the southwestern part of Vermont, in the United States.
07:15 This is a place you should avoid at all costs.
07:19 Many scary stories are circulating about it, and it is up to you to judge their veracity.
07:27 In November 1945, a group of hunters crossed this area.
07:32 A 74-year-old man was walking in the group's lead,
07:35 and in the eyes of several witnesses, he took a step and disappeared.
07:39 The hunters alerted the rescue, but no trace of the man was ever found.
07:44 In December 1946, several students went camping.
07:51 This time, it was an 18-year-old girl who was leading the group.
07:55 She moved forward a few steps to explore the area and...
07:58 disappeared in turn.
08:00 The campers called the police, who were joined by the FBI to guard the area.
08:05 Residents of the neighboring towns reported seeing a young girl, corresponding to the description,
08:13 accompanied by a much older man.
08:16 The two would have to leave the region by car to never be seen again.
08:22 Shortly after, a similar car was found burned not far from New York,
08:26 but it was impossible to confirm if the missing young girl was inside.
08:31 Three years later, another man disappeared in the Bennington Triangle.
08:38 He was waiting for a bus at the end of the line.
08:41 When the bus arrived, he climbed aboard, but never reached his destination.
08:46 Without ever leaving, he seemed to have been completely volatilized.
08:51 The police did not find any trace of him.
08:54 The most disturbing case occurred in 1950.
08:59 Near the Bennington Triangle, a woman was driving a truck with her young son.
09:05 She stopped for a few minutes to do some shopping at a gas station.
09:09 But when she returned, her son had simply disappeared.
09:13 The police passed the area with a fine comb and sniffing dogs,
09:20 who managed to follow the boy's trail to a point in the forest where she suddenly stopped.
09:26 And do you know where it was exactly?
09:30 At the exact place where this student had disappeared in 1946.
