• 2 months ago
PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses Tbk (CBDK) membukukan marketing sales atau pra-penjualan sebesar Rp2,1 triliun sepanjang 2024.

Presiden Direktur Bangun Kosambi Sukses (CBDK) Steven Kusumo mengatakan, kontribusi terbesar berasal dari pra-penjualan kavling komersial di CBD PIK 2 yang mencapai Rp1,5 triliun. Jumlah itu meningkat 78 persen dibandingkan periode sama di 2023, yaitu Rp835 miliar.


00:05Meanwhile, Pemirsa PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses TBK or CBDK
00:09managed to record the number of pre-sales of 2.1 trillion rupiah in 2024.
00:15The biggest contribution comes from the pre-sales of commercial couplings
00:19and is followed by residential pre-sales and commercial products.
00:26Quoted from the open information of Bursa Efek Indonesia,
00:29PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses TBK or CBDK states
00:32the biggest contribution of pre-sales in 2024
00:35comes from the pre-sales of commercial couplings
00:37which recorded pre-sales of 15 trillion rupiah
00:40or 78% increase from the same period in 2023
00:44which reached 835 billion rupiah.
00:48This achievement is followed by residential pre-sales and commercial products
00:51which each recorded pre-sales of 318 billion rupiah and 308 billion rupiah.
00:58President of PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses TBK or CBDK Stephen Kusumo states
01:03the significant increase in pre-sales of commercial couplings
01:06is driven by the development of CBD Peak 2
01:09as a megaproject that carries the concept of smart city.
01:12CBD Peak 2 is an excellent product because it provides a great opportunity
01:16for residential, commercial and investment projects in the future.
01:21Located in Tanggerang, Banten Province, which covers an area of ​​728 hectares.
01:26So far, CBDK will focus on the development of industry meetings,
01:30incentives, conventions, exhibitions at CBD Peak 2.
01:35This is proven by the development of the International Convention and Exhibition
01:39or NICE at CBD Peak 2.
01:42Later, NICE will begin to operate gradually
01:45and contribute to the income of CBDK.
01:48The construction of NICE originates from IPO funds on January 13, 2025
01:52at 2.3 trillion rupiah through PT Industri Pameran Nusantara or IPN.
01:57Next, NICE will operate partially in September 2025.
