• 2 months ago
PT Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk (MBAP) melalui anak usahanya, PT Baradinamika Mudasukses (BDMS), memberikan fasilitas plafon pinjaman kepada anak usaha lainnya yaitu PT Mitrajasa Sentosa Cemerlang (MJSC) senilai Rp3 miliar.

Hal tersebut disepakati melalui penandatanganan perjanjian pinjaman antara kedua belah pihak yang dilakukan 22 Januari 2025.


00:00This is PT Mitra Bara from TBK or MBAP through PT Bara Dynamika Muda Sukses or BDMS
00:14to issue a loan to PT Mitra Jasa Sentosa Cemerlang, MJSC, worth 3 billion rupiah.
00:20The loan is included in the affiliation transaction category
00:24because it comes from the parent company of MJSC, BDMS.
00:30This is PT Mitra Bara from TBK or MBAP through PT Bara Dynamika Muda Sukses or BDMS
00:43to issue a loan to PT Mitra Jasa Sentosa Cemerlang, MJSC, worth 3 billion rupiah.
00:50The MOU agreement on the loan issuance was made by the two companies on January 22, 2025.
00:58The source of funds for the loan issuance comes from BDMS.
01:02MJSC is also a subsidiary of MBAP, so the transaction is an affiliation transaction.
01:11The loan period is 12 months from the date of the agreement with options that can be extended for the same period twice.
01:20The loan interest rate of 8% per year will be paid if MJSC has obtained an operational loan.
01:28PT Mitra Bara Adiperdana TBK Secretary Chandra Lautam said
01:34the funds obtained from BDMS will be used by MJSC as a support for the company's business model.
01:41Ensure that the transaction is not affected by operational activities and financial conditions significantly.
01:51MJSC is a subsidiary of Perserawan with a shareholding of 0.0005% and BDMS of 99.9995%.
02:04BDMS is a subsidiary of Perserawan with a shareholding of 99.99%.
