• 2 months ago
👉 Un conflicto laboral en una obra de la UOCRA en Berazategui escaló a un enfrentamiento violento entre dos facciones. La disputa se originó por nuevos cupos laborales que se suponía serían sorteados. La UOCRA ha emitido un comunicado repudiando los incidentes y aclarando que los involucrados no tienen vínculo con el gremio. Las imágenes del lugar muestran restos de la batalla, incluyendo vidrios rotos, marcas de balas y manchas de sangre.

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00:00...in the UOCRA with two factions in the middle of the extension of a work where there was supposed to be a draw for new jobs.
00:13Gonzalo, this is what we are seeing.
00:15Exactly, what you are seeing on the screen is a fire, you have to see the issues in which it was caused,
00:21but the interesting thing is that a statement came out of the UOCRA about the situation in Berazategui,
00:27and it says,
00:29The UOCRA expresses its rebuke of the violence, encourages the investigation and condemns those responsible,
00:35and informs that those involved have no institutional link with the union.
00:40It says that the Workers' Union of the Republic of Argentina expresses its rebuke of the incidents of violence in the locality of Berazategui,
00:48and informs that those involved have no institutional link with the union.
00:53It says that the UOCRA expresses its rebuke of the incidents of violence in the locality of Berazategui,
00:59and informs that those involved have no institutional link with the union.
01:06The real workers do not carry weapons or deny their differences with violent methods,
01:12and those who encourage and exercise these practices belong to factions that do not represent the workers-builders,
01:19nor exercise legal or statutory union representation recognized by our union organization.
01:26Well, let's see, Gaby Prosper and En Vivo, where all this happened.
01:31Let's see, Gaby.
01:34A battlefield, a war scene, as you want to identify it,
01:42to this place, very close to the Platanos station, in the Berazategui party.
01:48Look at this image that we are giving you, which shows what this place was.
01:55The videos that the desperate and afraid neighbors of this block recorded show what this hell of bullets was.
02:04More than 50 shots, and still, as witnesses of that shooting, the walls, the gates.
02:12Until a few minutes ago, the scientific police was doing the experiments here.
02:17Look at that white gate, that house painted in light blue.
02:21Down there, the bullet imprinted on the gate.
02:26And so, other walls of this place.
02:30I reiterate, this street goes to the worker in question,
02:35and to what is the exit to the highway to Buenos Aires de la Plata,
02:39at the height of the Hudson toll, where the furniture pole is.
02:44Behind us, about 150 meters away, the Platanos station.
02:49But, what happened between 6 and 7 in the morning?
02:54On this street, Facundo, a group began to enter,
02:58identified with workers from the Florencio Varela area.
03:03Precisely, the Lindero district, close to the one we are in, here in Berazategui.
03:09But, those who were in the worker, working for several weeks,
03:15were Berazategui workers, from this locality.
03:20Already knowing that people from Florencio Varela were going to arrive,
03:25with intentions of staying with jobs in that worker,
03:30they decided to wait for them armed.
03:33The images are forceful.
03:36Notice that those who are from Berazategui,
03:41who were waiting for this group from Florencio Varela,
03:44can be identified in the videos, because many of them have the orange color
03:50in their pants, or in their shirt, in their use,
03:55because it is the color that distinguishes the local club, the Berazategui club.
04:00Precisely, identified with this area.
04:03There were Berazategui bars involved.
04:07The point can be that.
04:10Another is that they are, indeed, people from this area,
04:13and that they were not going to leave their jobs.
04:17Of course, those who arrived from Varela,
04:20arrived, perhaps with the promise that they were just commenting,
04:23to arrive at a draw, in which they were promised those jobs.
04:29Those who were here, were not going to let them take their jobs,
04:34and there the battle, which took place in these two blocks.
04:38Look, from where the patrolman is, there in the background,
04:43which is practically at the entrance of the worker,
04:46up to here, there are about 100, 120 meters.
04:49Up to the banana station, we have another 150 meters.
04:54That is, in less than three blocks, this situation of field battle took place.
05:00Those identified with the colors of Berazategui,
05:04which, as seen in the images, several of them,
05:07wielded weapons and shot.
05:09You see, for example, an individual on a motorcycle,
05:11shooting at the people who were retiring,
05:14supposedly from Florencio Varela,
05:16who were coming in the direction in which I am walking, backwards.
05:20Those of Berazategui resisted,
05:22and made the people of Florencio Varela retreat.
05:26Where? Towards the station.
05:28I was inquiring in the area, with witnesses,
05:31of what had happened.
05:32Terrified, still trembling, the neighbors,
05:35for what they had seen.
05:37If these workers had arrived by micro,
05:42presumed workers, from the area of Florencio Varela,
05:46from the forest area.
05:49They had not arrived by micro.
05:51They organized, apparently, from four in the morning,
05:54in the forest area, and arrived by train,
05:57by train, to the plantain station.
06:00They got off at the plantain station,
06:03and marched towards the worker.
06:06Obviously, in an intimidating and provocative posture,
06:11for those who were, precisely, in Berazategui.
06:14Perhaps, they did not count this faction of Florencio Varela,
06:18who were waiting for them, very well dressed.
06:23Look at the remains of what was this battle.
06:26Glass, stones, still marks of bullets,
06:30of bayonets, everywhere.
06:33Bloodstains, also, because there are people,
06:36very badly injured.
06:38Especially, in what has to do with the ascent,
06:42or the arrival, to the plantain station.
06:45Notice that we are in a neighborhood inhabited
06:49by neighbors, low houses, workers, many of them,
06:53guarded, now, in this case, by thin staff,
06:57of the police of the province of Buenos Aires.
07:00But, in all this journey that we are doing,
07:03walking backwards, is where that infernal shooting took place.
07:08Notice, barricades, practically with stones,
07:12had been generated here, trying to resist the advance
07:15of what was, we presume, the Berazategui faction,
07:18that was resisting to, in quotation marks,
07:21to be shot by the worker.
07:23But, look, we are going to show you where the plantain station is,
07:27so that we have an idea.
07:30Crossing this street, there you can see the bridge,
07:35the catenary, precisely, with the columns that hold it,
07:38and the plantain station behind this fence.
07:42All in an extension of almost 300 meters.
07:47Nothing more.
07:48Between 6 and 7 in the morning,
07:51a war situation was really experienced here, Facundo.
07:56The images are eloquent.
07:59They speak for themselves.
08:00They speak for themselves.
08:01They are very strong.
08:03You see armed people.
08:04There is talk of 50 shots, stones, destruction, injured people.
08:11A confrontation, a clash,
08:14a clash that I dare to say, unfortunately, Gonzalo, Gabi,
08:19it's not going to end like this.
08:25We were informed from the UOCRA,
08:27sorry, sorry, Gonza, excuse me,
08:29we were informed from the UOCRA,
08:31especially from another very sensitive section,
08:34and with very serious background, like that of La Plata,
08:38that, in this circumstance, had nothing to do with it.
08:41From there, they told us,
08:44these conflicts come from long-term,
08:47between factions that nest in Berazategui, in Florencio Varela,
08:52and also in Quilmes, which is the headquarters of the regional section here.
08:58That's why a change of delegate,
09:01that delegate promising a draw to attract new workers,
09:05generated this conflict situation.
09:07A group, a faction, that resisted to leave the worker,
09:11and another faction that came to occupy those jobs.
