• 2 months ago
With estimates showing that as many as a million people across the UK are living here illegally, we’re asking people in Cardiff if they’re concerned with the state of illegal and legal immigration into the country.


00:00I really do feel like the media just makes out like these poor immigrants to
00:06be like really bad and awful people when they're really not. Like they're
00:10running away from war. Do you know what I mean? They would love to stay home but they can't
00:14because their houses are being destroyed. They haven't got a choice but yeah it's
00:18just awful. It's just really bad.
00:20That number is quite shocking but at the same time day to day I don't notice so I
00:28think it just needs to be monitored better. I'm not bothered about them
00:34being here but it would be nice to know who's here and be able to like obviously
00:40because some of them might be avoiding charges in different countries.
00:45I don't think really that concerns me. I think more that concerns me for the
00:49people. Do you know what I mean? I'm not like oh my gosh there's
00:52illegal people living here. I'm like oh like they're probably like refugees or
00:56things like that. Like how can we help those people? Do you know what I mean?
