• 2 months ago
A previously confidential report has revealed that as many as 1 in 12 people are living in London as an illegal migrant. The figures revealed that as many as 585,000 illegal migrants are living in the capital city. This news comes amid growing pressure on the government to cut illegal immigration, as it’s believed around 1 million people are in the UK illegally. The report, obtained by the Telegraph, shows the majority of illegal migrants entered the country on visitor or work visas before overstaying the allotted time.


00:00There is no doubt that there is a problem with immigration in the minds of many people,
00:08particularly illegal immigration. Now, of course, what people tend to regard this as
00:12being is people on boats, but however people have got here, I mean, there was a report
00:15just to say that 1 in 12 Londoners, now London's a big capital, we're talking many millions
00:21of people, so that's a lot of people who are, dare I say, illegal immigrants. Now, of course,
00:27the consequence of that is that they're not allowed to work, they don't pay into the system,
00:33and depending upon their circumstances, maybe they're sort of being kept. Some of them just
00:37sort of disappear into the system, of course, if they sort of manage to avoid being caught
00:40in the first place. So it's a problem because, of course, you then have to have housing for
00:45these people to sort of live in, and of course what you then have is probably sort of people
00:50being concentrated in certain areas. So there's a whole sort of set of issues that sort of
00:55put sort of pressure upon society, but of course we have to sort of consider the human
01:00rights of such people, but of course those who sort of pay into the system sort of regard
01:05this as being somehow wasted money, if you like, or there's a whole sort of controversies
01:11around this. How to deal with this is the big problem, how are you going to extract
01:16these people, and I don't sort of see any easy answer to that, but I don't see a sort
01:19of problem that's going to go away very easily, and this is, let's face it, it's been occupying
01:24sort of governments for the last 20 or so years, and probably longer. So, big problem,
01:28and I think it's going to continue to be a big problem, and will occupy the sort of the
01:33elections when they sort of take place in probably a few more years' time. It'll become
01:36sort of a major issue then, and could determine sort of the outcome of the next election.
01:40Nigel Farage is a sort of acute operator in so far as, of course, he will sort of see
01:45the opportunities, and dare I say it, he will have seen what's happened in America, that
01:50Trump has made the sort of the great renaissance. Now, whatever the sort of, you may sort of
01:55believe about the issue, Farage is going to use that to his own advantage.
