• le mois dernier
Constantin von Hoffmeister se décrit comme un poète, un philosophe et un essayiste. Il publie aux éditions Arktod. Il a écrit un livre sur le trumpisme mais sous un angle original, celui de l'ésotérisme. Il décrit le mythe Trump qui se cache derrière l’homme, et voit en lui un nouveau César qui va changer l'avenir de l’Occident. Entretien intrigant sous titré en français.


00:00Bonjour à tous, nous sommes sur TV Liberté, nous recevons aujourd'hui Konstantin von
00:11Hofmeister, qui a écrit un livre, « Esotérique Trumpisme », et dont il va nous parler aujourd'hui.
00:17Hello Konstantin, can you introduce yourself to the French public who don't know you yet?
00:25Well, my name is Konstantin von Hofmeister, I'm the editor-in-chief at Arctos Publishing.
00:32Arctos is the preeminent English-language publisher of New Right and traditionalist literature.
00:40So we publish books by a variety of authors like Alain de Benoist, Guillaume Fay, the English
00:48translations, Alexander Dugin, also the English translations.
00:53We have original authors like Jason Trojani, he's very popular.
00:58So we focus on books that are relevant for the dissident right.
01:06Personally, I'm originally from Germany, but I lived half my life in the United States,
01:13Russia, India, Uzbekistan, and various other places.
01:18So I have a lot of experience traveling and interacting with other cultures, which pretty
01:24much formed my worldview.
01:27I worked as a journalist, both in India for English-language newspapers, and in the United
01:34States for various publications.
01:36I was a business trainer in Russia, in Moscow, where I lived for 12 years, where I also
01:43gained a lot of experience and established a lot of contacts.
01:47Now I'm back in Europe because of different circumstances, but I still travel extensively
01:54for networking purposes.
01:58So I would consider myself a poet, a writer, and a journalist.
02:04So I've written one book, Esoteric Trumpism, which we're going to discuss today.
02:09I've just finished a second book called Multipolarity, exclamation mark, which will be published
02:16next month, with a foreword by Alexander Dugin and Dr. Steve Turley.
02:21I also write regularly for Arctos Journal, which is our website on which we publish
02:29new articles on a daily basis.
02:31So I usually write about culture, history, and political matters from a, I would say,
02:38an avant-garde perspective.
02:40Okay, thank you.
02:44Why did you write this book, Esoteric Trump?
02:48This is an original and enigmatic title.
02:51Can you describe to us the particular angle of your book?
02:56Well, Esoteric Trumpism is a book that transcends standard political boundaries.
03:06I wrote this book, well, I came up with the idea of the book in 2023.
03:14I would say in the middle of 2023.
03:17I finished the book at the end of 2023, so it took me about half a year to write the book.
03:22It was published in January.
03:24I wrote this book because no such book exists, you know, because we have standard books about
03:29Trump and regular biographies or political discussions of his policies, but we don't
03:39have any books, or we didn't have any books of Trumpism as a phenomenon, yes.
03:46So my book is not so much focused on Trump the man, it is more focused on Trump as a
03:51symbol and Trumpism as a movement that gathers around the symbol, the symbol of renewal.
03:58And I look at this movement, which the person of Donald Trump engendered.
04:04I look at this movement through an esoteric lens.
04:07It means that I look at it from a non-superficial sense.
04:12I look at it from a philosophical perspective, also from a poetical perspective and from
04:17a deeply historical perspective, drawing comparisons to other historical personages and other historical
04:25movements that are still relevant today, movements that have implicitly influenced Trumpism.
04:33And also from a philosophical perspective, especially, I would say, Hegel and Heidegger.
04:38Heidegger with the idea of being Dasein and how it relates to Trump's populism.
04:48Same with Hegel when he talks about the world spirit and how it manifests itself in different
04:54nations in the world.
04:56You talk about Lovecraft too, it's very strange to me.
05:00But why?
05:01Well, because Lovecraft talked about the great old ones, the Thule myth, the great
05:07old ones that are bound to come back and rule over the earth again because they come from
05:15deep in the cosmos.
05:18And we have acolytes of Thule in the Lovecraft stories that basically worship the great
05:26old ones, these demonic cosmic entities, and they want them to come back.
05:33And the emphasis in Lovecraft's stories is always that humanity is completely insignificant
05:37and these creatures like Thule, they will come back and again, rule over our planet.
05:46And in the book, Esoteric Trumpism, I draw comparisons between the swamp and Thule and
05:56these evil entities, because basically Trump is fighting a sort of evil malignant force
06:06that cannot simply be put in political terms.
06:09I think this force is much older because it is basically a mythic battle that we witness
06:18We witness the battle between populism versus the establishment.
06:21And I think the establishment is the incarnation of some malignant force that we can witness
06:28all throughout human history that has always put the interests of very, very few individuals
06:36above the good of the whole.
06:39And I think Trumpism is another incarnation of the movement of the people that want to
06:47regain control of their own destiny and don't want to be ruled by demonic entities and maybe
06:54even destroyed by them.
06:56Okay, I understand.
07:00I have another question.
07:03You think that the election of Trump is a turning point in the history of the West.
07:08But why?
07:09Well, I think it's a turning point because I can see a paradigm shift, because a lot
07:15of things are happening at the same time right now.
07:19You have a lot of victories for the populist right in the West, not only in the United
07:25States with the victory of Donald Trump, but also in Western Europe.
07:30You have, for example, the AFD in Germany, which is becoming stronger and stronger.
07:34It's now the second most popular party in the country.
07:37It is the most popular party in certain regions in East Germany, like the state of Thuringia,
07:43where the majority of people elected the AFD.
07:47You see it in France, in your country, of course, with Marine Le Pen.
07:51I think if you had presidential elections today, I think she would become the president
07:57of France for sure.
07:59And what you saw in Romania, where basically a Trumpist-like candidate was about to win
08:05the presidential election.
08:07And then, of course, the deep state, basically the Lovecraftian entities, they stole the
08:14election in Romania.
08:17This shows us that the deep state, not just in the United States, but globally, is very
08:22afraid of this populist movement, the movement of the people to take back the reins of their
08:29And I think Trump as a symbol and Trumpism as a movement has a sort of trigger effect,
08:34because a lot of people in the West, especially in Western Europe, are looking towards the
08:40United States of America, because whether you like it or not, the United States of
08:44America is still the undisputed leader of the West.
08:48So usually what happens in America sooner or later will also happen in Western Europe.
08:54So if you have a sort of populist revolution like you have now in the United States, I
08:59think this will also affect the populist movements in Europe in a positive way, because
09:04a lot of people are being influenced by this sort of energy that the Trump movement exudes.
09:11OK, I understand.
09:14You said that Trump is magical.
09:17Can you explain to us how he's magical?
09:21Well, I would say he's magical in the sense that he has a sort of magnetism, like a magnetic
09:30So a lot of people almost worship him as a sort of messiah, as a new messiah, meaning
09:38a figure that brings light back into the world.
09:43In my opinion, again, we shouldn't focus so much on Trump as a person, because I think
09:48we're overestimating him, because I think as a person, he's not a messiah, obviously.
09:56But we have to look beyond the human incarnation that Trump is and look at the symbolism that
10:03he represents, because what he represents is a turning point in the West.
10:08I think because you already mentioned Oswald Spengler, because as Oswald Spengler said,
10:13we are already in the decline phase of Western civilization, in the Faustian stage.
10:19And I think Trump represents a Caesar-like figure, because Oswald Spengler writes in
10:26The Decline of the West that during the decline stage of Western civilization, a lot of strong
10:33men will appear that will try to stop the decline for a certain period of time.
10:41And I think we can see figures like this rising all over the West.
10:45We have Putin in Russia, for example.
10:48We have Viktor Orban.
10:50We have Ceausescu in Romania.
10:52And of course, we have Donald Trump in the United States.
10:54I think these people are the Caesars, especially Trump, because the United States is an imperial
11:03Therefore, we could consider Trump a Caesar-like figure, while in Western Europe, we don't
11:08have any imperial structure.
11:10We have basically weak nation states.
11:12In reality, we only have two empires in the West.
11:14We have Russia and the United States.
11:17And in my opinion, a Trumpist America is a natural ally of a Putinist Russia, because
11:24both Russia under Putin and America under Trump share the same values.
11:32And I would say they're even the same people, say the average Russian and the red state
11:37Republican American.
11:38Well, you should read my book if you want to learn about the philosophical, the cultural
11:47and mystical background of Trumpism.
11:53And if you want to find out why the symbol, the radiating pro-European symbol that Trump
12:04represents is now guiding all pro-patriotic forces in the West towards a united victory
12:17over the nefarious forces of globalism, and why Trump as the guiding light of the anti-globalist
12:26movement all over the world will help usher in a multipolar world.
12:34Because I think that Donald Trump and what he started will basically disentangle the
12:43United States from, will start disentangling the United States from imperialist ambitions
12:51all over the world, and hopefully revert back to a more isolationist mode, thereby making
13:00America one pole among other civilizational poles in the world, according to the multipolar
13:08theory that certain people like the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin propagate.
13:14Thank you very much, Constantin, for this interview.
13:18Did you have one last word to our subscribers?
13:20Well, yeah, one last word.
13:23If you want to keep up-to-date with geopolitical and cultural developments from an unusual
13:36and avant-garde perspective, I recommend checking out my sub-stack, EuroSiberia.net, and also
13:46ArctosJournal.com, where you can read new articles, new analyses daily about the changing
13:58paradigm and the coming victory that we all anticipate.
