• 2 months ago
00:00and that alice cowboys made a move that left a lot of people confused surprised disappointed
00:06they hired their offensive coordinator from this season brian shottenheimer to be their new head
00:11coach yeah kevin i would say this one okay this one was one of the biggest hot topics of the
00:19year on social media from by the way former players okay talking to front off executives
00:24around the national football league it was surprising we know the fans are out of their
00:27mind so let me give you the reasons why the cowboys promoted shottenheimer who by the way
00:32for many years was actually a really good quarterbacks coach he had been a coordinator
00:36for the jazz remember they made back-to-back afc championships with him many many years ago so it's
00:41not like this guy hasn't had a high-end job but he's never been a head coach and a lot of people
00:45thought this came out of nowhere why not deon sanders why not some hot guy you know when we
00:49talk talk about like we got everybody around the league kevin says that's the guy well they didn't
00:54do that now it really came down to kellen moore who's still coaching brian shottenheimer maybe one
01:01or two other people but jerry jones his son steven and others with the organization why did they
01:06settle on brian shottenheimer kevin son of a former head coach obviously the late great marty
01:11shottenheimer okay this guy's got command i've talked to a number of people work with brian
01:16shottenheimer now he coaches hard what does that mean he he coaches with discipline like his father
01:22talking to the seahawks for the time that he spent with russell wilson i know it didn't end well
01:27that the seahawks particularly pete carroll parted ways with him kevin but that year in 2020 russell
01:33wilson was on his way to having the best season of his career and it wasn't even close
01:37he had 28 passing touchdowns and just eight games shottenheimer is very analytical he commands
01:43respect he's got good presence but he's never been a head coach before and some people will
01:48will say this why has this guy never been a head coach before if he's so good i get that question
01:54the question would be is he just a better coordinator and a play caller by the way
01:58than a head coach and he's got a good relationship with dak prescott and what i'm also told here guys
02:04is they want to keep the continuity going with the offensive scheme don't bring in someone else
02:07again that has another scheme that dak prescott has to learn all of everything i just gave you
02:12is a big reason why but i understand the consternation everybody wanted deon sanders
02:16as a cowboys fan okay i get that and we know that deon talked to jerry about it but they stayed in
02:22house with brian shottenheimer what's interesting cap though and listen you know i you have a lot
02:27of reach in your circles i'll say from the outside people don't even think he's a good
02:31offensive coordinator brian shottenheimer it's it's not just like a copy paste like there were
02:37some people like oh patriots are just doing the same thing again but you could always sell them
02:42there are people who don't even think shottenheimer is good at what he is there to do
02:47why this is all so odd to me is jerry clearly was very prepared to just keep mccarthy we have
02:58one job left i kind of think mccarthy gets it i know we'll talk but if mccarthy doesn't get that
03:04job like did he have a promise i how did we get here that they didn't then just keep the head
03:11coach that they wanted to keep yeah it's you know it's interesting kevin most people don't talk
03:17you just brought up the the big fact here mccarthy a wanted to stay jerry wanted to keep him but
03:23because of the way things have gone the last couple years we talked last year at this time
03:27we were shocked at the cap mike mccarthy but that he did not want to go long term with this deal
03:32and the other thing is with mccarthy he has things he does things his own way and jerry's like
03:40if they would have offered him a contract which they did they just talked loosely a number of
03:44years they just were not on the same page on the really direction down the road here that also had
03:50that also played into it but kevin you brought up a good point most people don't understand this both
03:55sides wanted to still deal with each other but jerry wanted a a short-term commitment which you
04:01can't do remember you made him coach out his last year and become a free agent well you lost that
04:06ability and they want a lot with mike mccarthy but the time really to to do something uh would
04:11have been now to go with a younger head coaching candidate like brian schottheimer but let me just
04:14say one thing i'm going to tell you this again if p carroll did not micromanage the office of 2020
04:20russell wilson would have the best year of his career by far they were on absolute fire with
04:24schottheimer calling the place you could say whatever you want kevin and other people would
04:26say what they ever want they ever want i don't know brian shot number for the record so i'm
04:29not backing this guy i just know how great russell wilson by the way that was the let
04:33russ cook here just so you know 2020
