Can Nova Villa live up to the hype of being the best cook among the guests of ‘Mars Pa More’? Let us see with her Dinengdeng recipe!
00:00Of course, the perks of enjoying farm life will be gone
00:03when you eat fresh vegetables.
00:06And with that, in the cooking dish,
00:08Tita Nova and I are really excited to taste
00:13Mars Masarap!
00:15It's simple, but when we cook dinengdeng,
00:18don't add too much ricotta cheese
00:20because we need to soak the vegetables.
00:24You'll taste the deliciousness of this soup.
00:29Before that, I want to teach you something.
00:33Because some people are asking,
00:34how do you know what's original?
00:37The delicious garlic that's native and imported.
00:41In your hand, Tita Nova,
00:42what's imported and what's local?
00:43Look at the imported one, it's big.
00:45It's big.
00:47It's tasteless, it's ruined.
00:49Oh, it's tasteless when it's imported?
00:51Yes, Tita Nova, look at that.
00:52But the taste of the marmalade is less.
00:54The taste of the marmalade is less.
00:56The Filipino one.
00:57There, can you see the difference?
01:01This is the Filipino one, this is the native.
01:04But it's the same, the aroma,
01:08the taste is delicious.
01:11Tita Nova, maybe because it's fresher
01:14as compared to imported.
01:15No, it's fresh also, this one.
01:18The taste.
01:21The ginger.
01:22This is the imported ginger.
01:24You said it's imported from China, of course.
01:27Yes, everywhere.
01:28If they have garlic there,
01:29that they deliver here to us,
01:32the other one is bigger, like this.
01:34That's why, there's a joke,
01:35your face is like ginger.
01:37Because it's like that, it's big.
01:40This one is not very tasty.
01:42This is the Philippines, the native.
01:46The big ones,
01:48there, can you see, it's big, right?
01:50This one is small.
01:52But this one is powerful.
01:55There, smell it.
01:57This is just one,
01:58if you have two or three,
02:00oh my, you'll smell it.
02:02And also, it's cheap.
02:05Just one like that.
02:06This one, you'll add a lot.
02:07Because it's not enough.
02:09The taste you're chasing is not enough here.
02:12Now, let's start with the dinengdeng.
02:14Thank you for the trivia.
02:19When I cook,
02:21for example, I make isa,
02:22or I make talpug,
02:24they call it talpug.
02:28When I'm chopping tomatoes,
02:30this is what I'm telling you,
02:31this is the right way to cut it.
02:33But there are seeds.
02:34I remove the seeds.
02:36Why do you remove the seeds?
02:37I do it like that.
02:40I put it aside.
02:41Because after I cook,
02:42I'll go to the garden.
02:44You plant it.
02:47Do you know, one like this,
02:49one like that,
02:50it has a lot of seeds.
02:51You can have 5 to 10 square meters.
02:56That's great.
02:57You just plant it on the ground first.
02:59Then, there's a lot like that.
03:02It will all grow like that.
03:03It's almost dry.
03:06We're going to boil it.
03:07We're going to boil it.
03:07We're going to boil it now.
03:08It's not boiling, it's almost dry.
03:12We're going to boil it now.
03:14We're going to boil it now.
03:15Do you want me to add water?
03:16Don't worry.
03:17Auntie, it's going to dry.
03:20Okay, get it.
03:20Okay, that's just a little bit, auntie.
03:22You said it.
03:24We're going to add the tomatoes,
03:29and ginger.
03:30There's ginger.
03:32So you can taste the ginger.
03:33Okay, auntie.
03:34The pot already has enough water.
03:39Ask your sister.
03:41Do you know what's the English of dinengdeng?
03:44Wall to wall.
03:48What's that, King?
03:52Is that the most disgusting vegetable?
03:56It's disgusting.
03:58It's disgusting.
04:02It's true.
04:03It's beautiful.
04:06It's true.
04:08Why are you so angry?
04:10It's beautiful.
04:11What kind of joke is that?
04:11You're making Kuya Kim laugh.
04:14Kuya Kim, right?
04:15You're making him laugh.
04:16Because, bro, your joke is so bad, but you're making me laugh.
04:20But you're making him laugh, right?
04:22That's the talent of Kuya Peg.
04:24Don't do that.
04:26What's this, auntie Nobz?
04:28Fish sauce.
04:30What's in the fish sauce?
04:32Auntie Nobz, do you know that fish sauce is soy sauce in Bisaya?
04:37Yes, it's true.
04:38It's not a joke, right?
04:39It's not a joke.
04:40Because what we call in fish sauce is soy sauce.
04:43Hey, Peggy Patis!
04:44The fish sauce in Bisaya is soy sauce.
04:46What do you call soy sauce in Bisaya?
04:48Soy sauce.
04:49Soy sauce.
04:50It's soy sauce, right?
04:52Is that true?
04:53Yes, I promise.
04:54I swear.
04:55Soy sauce and fish sauce.
04:57The Bisaya people call soy sauce as fish sauce.
05:02Auntie Nobz, can we fry that?
05:04Can we fry that?
05:05Yes, you can.
05:06But you have to grill it.
05:08I can add the taste of charcoal.
05:12The fish sauce is cooked.
05:14I can now add the fish sauce.
05:17What's that in English?
05:20Do you know what this is called in Bisaya?
05:23What is it again?
05:26Fish sauce?
05:27No, no.
05:28It's a joke.
05:29It's a dish.
05:32It smells good.
05:33Just season it with fish sauce, Auntie Nobz.
05:35Just season it with fish sauce.
05:37Just fish sauce.
05:38Don't add too much.
05:40I did not put bagoong.
05:42The natural taste of the fish sauce will be lost.
05:46You only add fish sauce, right?
05:48What I usually cook at home, Auntie Nobz?
05:53What ham?
05:55Why ham, Pecto?
05:56You put ham in the bagoong.
06:01It's beautiful, right?
06:03I don't know about you.
06:05You should only add ham.
06:09I'm your teacher, Pecto.
06:11Sorry, sorry, sorry.
06:13Because malunggay is easy to cook.
06:17Auntie Nobz, this fruit is also delicious.
06:19It's delicious.
06:20With squash.
06:21The long one.
06:23You peel it because it's hard.
06:26Try it now.
06:27If you do that, it's like a potato.
06:29That's another thing.
06:30So it's sweet?
06:32The fruit is like that.
06:33Oh, wow.
06:35Malunggay, alok patty, onion.
06:40Let's try it.
06:41Let's try it.
06:44Oh, wow.
06:45Auntie Nobz, wow.
06:47Auntie Nobz, it really tastes like vegetables.
06:49You said it.
06:50You mixed the taste of vegetables and there's no other taste.
06:55And it's healthy.
06:56There's no oil.
06:58It's delicious, wow.
07:00With fish.
07:01With vegetables.
07:02Enjoying it.
07:03Thanks Auntie Nobz.
07:05Not only for teaching us how to cook this, but for everything you taught us and for
07:09choosing the right local vegetables.