• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il Circolo del Tennis del Foro Italico di Roma ha fatto da cornice all’evento di presentazione del "Rapporto Sport 2024", redatto da Sport e Salute e dall'Istituto per il Credito Sportivo e Culturale. Il rapporto offre un'analisi approfondita sul sistema sportivo italiano, basandosi su dati di qualità, fonti ufficiali e seguendo una metodologia certificata. Tre i focus dell’edizione 2024: il ‘Pil dello sport’, la ‘Domanda-Offerta di Sport in Italia’ e gli ‘Investimenti e l'impatto sociale nello Sport’.


00:00Improving health, promoting socialization and inclusion is an important economic lever for the country.
00:11It is the Italian sports system, the protagonist of the Sport-2024 report, written by Sport & Salute,
00:18by the Institute for Sports and Cultural Credit, and presented in Rome at the Forum Italico tennis circle.
00:25Among the data, the one relating to the increase in the number of active Italians in 2023
00:30was 37.1 million, equal to 64.8% of the population.
00:37We are going in a virtuous direction because it is increasing the percentage of citizens who are active,
00:43so who practice sport more or less continuously.
00:46Obviously, the mission of Sport & Salute is to further increase this percentage,
00:52and we do this also through our project Sport & Lumina,
00:56which is a project that, on the input of the government of the Minister of Sport,
01:00aims to provide multidisciplinary playgrounds to allow free sport.
01:08Also present at the event is the Minister for Sport and Youth, Andrea Bodi,
01:12who commented with satisfaction the results reported in the report.
01:16It is also comforting, I do not want to go beyond, not to exaggerate,
01:21that after the right representation and exaltation of the competitive ability of our athletes in Paris
01:30and of Italian sport in general, also outside the Olympic and Paralympic perimeter,
01:35today we have shown that awareness is growing,
01:39but also the ability to represent the successes of sport from below,
01:43of social sport, of what contrasts with sedentary life,
01:46which contrasts with solitude, which goes against a culture of movement on the one hand,
01:50and the culture of prevention, which improves all its indicators,
01:54which also improves those financial, but above all those social.
01:59The President of the Institute for Sport and Cultural Credit, Beniamino Quintieri,
02:03spoke about the social and economic benefits of the Italian sporting system.
02:07This year's report confirms the importance of sport,
02:12not only from the direct point of view of the sector,
02:16but also for its consequences on the economy, on society and also on health.
02:21And above all it highlights how, after difficult years,
02:25especially for the sector linked to the pandemic, to the energy crisis,
02:30to the increase in raw materials and to the increase in financial costs,
02:34there has been a strong recovery and, in fact,
02:37the contribution of sport to GDP has increased by a double rate compared to the rest of the economy.
