• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Dopo la giusta rappresentazione e l'esaltazione della capacità competitiva dei nostri atleti e delle nostre atlete a Parigi, e comunque dello sport italiano in generale, anche al di fuori del perimetro olimpico e paralimpico, oggi abbiamo dimostrato che sta crescendo la consapevolezza, ma anche la capacità di rappresentare i successi dello sport dal basso, dello sport sociale, di quello che contrasta la sedentarietà e la solitudine, che va incontro a una cultura del movimento da un lato e la cultura della prevenzione dall’altro e che migliora tutti i suoi indicatori, anche quelli finanziari ma soprattutto quelli sociali”. Queste le dichiarazioni di Andrea Abodi, ministro per lo Sport e i Giovani alla presentazione del "Rapporto Sport 2024" redatto da Sport e Salute e dall'Istituto per il Credito Sportivo e Culturale, presso il Circolo del Tennis del Foro Italico di Roma. Tale rapporto rappresenta l'analisi sul sistema sportivo italiano, basata su dati di qualità, fonti ufficiali e metodologia certificata e che avrà tre focus principali: il "PIL dello sport", la "Domanda-Offerta di Sport in Italia" e gli "Investimenti e l'impatto sociale nello Sport".


00:00After the right representation and exaltation of the competitive ability of our athletes
00:10in Paris and of Italian sport in general, also outside the Olympic and Paralympic perimeters,
00:17today we have shown that awareness is growing, but also the ability to represent the successes
00:23of sport from below, of social sport, of what contrasts with sedentary life,
00:27that contrasts with loneliness, that goes against a culture of movement on the one hand
00:32and a culture of prevention, that improves all its indicators,
00:36that also improves the financial ones, but above all the social ones.
00:41There are still many things to do, two very important elements for us.
00:46On the one hand, while improving all the means, in a positive sense,
00:51it is important to understand where to invest, especially where there is a distance
00:56between the best expressions and what is left behind, and therefore the asymmetries,
01:02especially those geographical ones, where the South can still and must give a lot.
01:07In my opinion, as in the economy, in the general sense and also at the industrial level,
01:11I am convinced that the growth of the nation depends above all on the growth of the sport offer
01:16and on the presence of sport in the South.
01:19This is true for the infrastructures, but it is also true for the sports culture,
01:23which passes to the second objective to pursue, and this is our unconditional support
01:28to Minister Valditara, partly also to Minister Bernini,
01:32for what happens in universities, but above all in schools,
01:35the improvement of the sports offer with an ever-growing number of schools with gyms.
01:40I emphasize that in this year and a half, Minister Valditara has managed to allocate funds
01:45twice as much as the PNRR for schools, with interventions on almost 1,000 Italian schools.
01:52This is a fact that will give further meaning to an ever wider presence of sports programs,
02:01sports teaching programs, therefore the consolidation of motor education in the 4th and 5th grade,
02:08the inclusion of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades by the end of our term,
02:12the improvement of the quality of the teachers,
02:16and therefore a collaboration with the universities of motor science to qualify
02:21on the side of psychomotricity the degree in motor science,
02:25not only for the medical-scientific aspects,
02:28a much more osmotic relationship with the societies and associations of the territory
02:32for the use of school gyms and for the use of public facilities of proximity
02:37to create a relationship that does not exist.
02:40All this is consecrated with the new games of youth,
02:43which in the next few days will definitely be sanctioned with a rule
02:50that gives way to the new games of youth,
02:53to which we are predisposing because already this school year there is a first edition,
02:58so there is a lot of road to do,
03:01it is comforting that there is this idea of ​​a sports system that consolidates,
03:05but we are also proud of the work that we are all doing together at every level,
03:10the government, the parliament, the regions, the municipalities, the sports organizations.
