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Pearl Harbor parte 2 Película Completa en Español Latino
Pearl Harbor parte 2 Película Completa en Español Latino
Pearl Harbor parte 2 Película Completa en Español Latino


00:00Subtitulos creados y corregidos por mi youtube.com-mark.
00:30Olga, I'm going to die.
00:32I swear you'll be fine, calm down.
00:34I don't want to die.
00:35You're not going to die, heaven, I'm with you.
00:37I have your hand.
00:38I'm sorry.
00:39We don't have morphine to put him to sleep, he won't survive.
00:41The serious ones will go to the hospital.
00:42Apply morphine, take him there.
00:44The burn victims to the hospital.
00:45I just found her.
00:46Do you know what kind of disease?
00:48I don't think he's breathing.
00:49No, he's dead, take her.
00:54Oh my God.
00:55Oh my God.
00:58Are you sure, Evelyn?
00:59We have to take her to the hospital.
01:00She's dead, she's dead.
01:01We have to take her there.
01:03There's nothing left to do.
01:05Go back to work, Sandra.
01:07Oh my God, I don't know what to do.
01:26Get him, get him, get him.
01:29Get him, get him.
01:30Get him, get him.
01:31Get him.
01:32Get him.
01:33Get him.
01:34Get him.
01:35Get him.
01:36Get him.
01:37Get him.
01:38Get him.
01:39Get him.
01:40Get him.
01:41Get him.
01:42Get him.
01:43Get him.
01:44Get him.
01:45Get him.
01:46Get him.
01:47Get him.
01:48Get him.
01:49Get him.
01:50Get him.
01:51Get him.
01:52Get him.
01:53Get him.
02:24Come here.
02:32This way! We're here!
02:34Admiral, the Washington.
02:38The attack on Japan is considered imminent.
02:44He only arrived an hour late.
02:54The attack on Japan is considered imminent.
03:21This attack may have woken up a sleeping titan and angered it.
03:40How can we help?
03:42Transfusions. Come.
03:47Remember, son. Listen.
04:15In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
04:25Go with God, my son.
04:33We have many trapped in the bay.
04:35We need men who can move.
04:44There's someone here! There are men here!
04:49No! No!
04:53We're going to die!
04:55It's possible. It's possible.
04:57Come and help here!
05:02Let's get out of here! The water is rising!
05:05I need a line of water!
05:07Help! Help us, please!
05:10What's going on? What's going on?
05:16We have to get him out!
05:18The water is rising!
05:21It's rising!
05:48It's rising!
05:53Yesterday, December 7, 1941,
05:59a day that will live in infamy,
06:02the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked
06:08by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
06:13It is obvious that the plan for the attack began many weeks ago.
06:19During that time, the Japanese government deliberately saw
06:25how to deceive the United States with false testimonies
06:29and expressions of hope for peace to continue.
06:33Yesterday's attack on our Hawaiian island
06:38has caused severe damage to the US military forces.
06:43I am sorry to inform you that more than 3,000 lives of Americans have been lost.
06:49No matter how long it takes us to overcome this premeditated invasion,
06:56the American people, with their great courage,
06:59will enter and rise with victory.
07:03Due to this undeserved and not provoked attack by Japan,
07:09I request the Congress to declare a state of war.
07:18Is it true that there are still men trapped inside Arizona?
07:25We hear blows inside the hull.
07:27We do what we can to get them out, but they are 20 meters underwater.
07:30We do what we can to get them out, but they are 20 meters underwater.
07:38They had taught us to believe that we are invincible.
07:41And now one of our fleets was destroyed by an enemy we considered inferior.
07:47We are on board, gentlemen.
07:50That is exactly why we must respond to the fire now.
07:53We are preparing an attack against Marshall and Gilbert Island, sir.
07:56I am talking about striking the heart of Japan in the same way they did.
08:01Mr. President, Pearl Harbor took us by surprise because we did not face the truth.
08:06This is not the time to ignore it again.
08:09The Air Force has bombers, but there is no way to launch them.
08:12Midway is too far away, and Russia would not let us take off from their country.
08:18Admiral, the naval aircraft are small, their load is light and their range is very short.
08:22We would have to approach them a few kilometers from Japan, and therefore risk the aircraft carriers.
08:26And if we run out of them, there will be no defense against an invasion.
08:29Does anyone in this room believe that victory is possible without risks?
08:33We are at war. There are always risks.
08:36But consider the risk, Mr. President.
08:38If the Japanese invaded us right now, they could penetrate beyond Chicago before we stopped them.
08:48The majority did not know me when I had the use of my legs.
08:53I was strong and brave and arrogant.
08:57Now I wonder every hour of my life why God put me in this chair.
09:03But when defeat appears on the faces of my compatriots, like now,
09:09I begin to think that maybe I was preparing for times like this.
09:13We must not forget what is our essence.
09:15We must not give up or give in.
09:18Mr. President, with all due respect, sir, what you request cannot be done.
09:35Mr. President, Mr. President!
09:37Don't meddle, George. Let me go.
09:46Let me go.
09:52They don't want to tell me that it can't be done.
10:00The Empire of Japan continues its military conquest through the Pacific.
10:05In our nation, North American volunteers revive the factories to avenge this tragedy.
10:16Sir, we already have an idea of how to bomb the Japanese.
10:19Sir, it is risky but ingenious.
10:24Who are you?
10:25Me, sir? Captain O, sir.
10:29Of the submarines. He is the person who had the idea.
10:31What a pleasure, of a submarine.
10:33There is no time for stupidity there, just like here.
10:46And where is God in all this?
10:49Our enemies believe that a divine halo protects them.
10:53But when they see our friends lying in front of us...
11:15Captain O, sir.
11:25Hello, Captain.
11:46Lieutenant Rafe McAuley, Daniel Walker?
11:48Yes, Major.
11:50Both will go to Earth. They will leave in two hours.
11:53Why, sir?
11:54With Colonel Doolittle.
11:58Yes, sir.
12:21What kind of orders?
12:26Risk orders.
12:30I haven't seen Danny.
12:31And why are you here?
12:34If you're looking for Danny, he must be saying goodbye to his squadron.
12:37We pilots do that.
12:46I wasn't looking for Danny.
12:53I won't let you go without you understanding something important.
13:01Yes, well, your explanations won't help.
13:03Of course they will. Because you act as if I didn't love you.
13:07Evelyn, loving you kept me alive.
13:21I wish I had died.
13:23When I was in the water, I made a pact with God.
13:28I had to say I'm sorry.
13:30That I knew I had been a fool for leaving you.
13:32And going to Europe to be a hero.
13:35And I promised him I would never ask him for anything else.
13:39If I let him see you again.
13:40I'm sorry.
13:44What did I tell you?
13:47It was worth it.
13:50You kept me alive, Evelyn. You made me come back.
13:54And I'm going to do what I said.
13:56I'll leave.
13:58I don't have to ask for anything anymore.
14:01But I just want to know why.
14:03Just tell me that, please. Just tell me why.
14:07Rafe, I'm pregnant.
14:17It can't be.
14:22I didn't know until the day you came back alive.
14:26And then all this happened.
14:30I haven't told Dani yet.
14:33And I don't want her to know.
14:35She just needs to think about how to do the mission and come back here alive.
14:43All I ever wanted was for us to have a family, to grow old together.
14:48But life never asked me what I wanted.
14:50Now I'm going to give Dani my heart.
14:55But I don't think I'll see a sunrise again without thinking about you.
15:02I've loved you all my life.
15:11I love you.
15:12I love you.
15:56Listen, there's only one thing I'm afraid of.
16:00That you might love him more than I do.
16:05I love you, Dani.
16:09And I'll be waiting for you to come back.
16:12I love you.
16:28Follow me.
16:38Congratulations on your promotion, sir.
16:40I heard what you did.
16:41I can explain, sir.
16:42Explain what?
16:44What you heard about us.
16:46Are you talking about the Hawaiian shirts you flew with?
16:53Or about the seven planes you shot down?
16:58Both will be decorated with a silver star.
17:01And they will be captains.
17:04Is that the news or...?
17:06They are the only pilots in the army with combat experience.
17:09I need them for a mission that I was ordered to prepare.
17:14Do you know what confidentiality is?
17:16Yes, sir.
17:18It's a medal mission.
17:20But it's for the families to whom they arrive.
17:22It means that they will be trained for something unprecedented in history.
17:26They will go without knowing where they will go.
17:29Is it done at those bases or not?
17:33I will go, sir.
17:35Just like me, sir.
17:39By the way, Macaulay, the British sent their personal effects.
17:42Thank you, sir.
17:44There is only one more thing I can tell you.
17:46Burn your Hawaiian shirts.
17:51Dear Rafe, I miss you so much.
17:54It is strange that we have a whole world in the middle that separates us.
18:07I've been looking for you.
18:10Danny, this is not the time to keep things quiet.
18:16We have to see the truth.
18:18And the truth is that we both love each other.
18:28She is the first person I fell in love with in this way, Rafe.
18:33We couldn't have avoided this, right?
18:39This is different, Danny.
18:41Evelyn lost the man she loved once and I don't want that to happen to you.
18:45There is no way out of this.
18:47It's war and she knows it.
18:50Danny, don't do this.
18:52Leave the mission.
18:54You don't have to prove anything.
18:57Have you wanted to protect me since childhood?
19:00Yes, well, I think it's something you need from time to time, friend.
19:09Let's go.
19:22The mission you are going to carry out is extremely risky.
19:26Look at the comrade next to you.
19:29It is possible that in the next six weeks, you or he will die there.
19:36The brave men who decide to accept this,
19:41a step forward.
19:49If your grandmother takes off a B-25 on a runway of a kilometer and a half,
19:54I'm going to train them to take off at 142 meters.
19:58Because at 143 meters,
20:04Once they take off, they will fly it like a hunter,
20:07ten meters from the ground.
20:10I want to introduce you to Lieutenant Jack Richards of Naval Aviation.
20:13He will help us to lower the weight of these fat ones.
20:16Take that out of there.
20:18You see the mine of bombs? Make it disappear.
20:20Colonel, he's crazy.
20:22It's a lot.
20:23Listen to him.
20:24It's very fat and I want it thin.
20:29Power to action.
20:33Take off, take off.
20:36What the hell?
20:45They insist on going over that line.
20:47Maybe the mission is a bad idea.
20:48No, they are heavy.
20:49You have to be more drastic with the planes.
20:51The armor has to be removed.
20:52I'm not playing.
20:53Remove it as if it were a skirt.
20:55Release the brake.
20:58Take off, take off, take off.
21:02Put all the men on the line now.
21:06I'll show you how to do it, those kids.
21:10Quick, maximum power.
21:17I can give a sky and a south.
21:33Gentlemen, now I can tell you that we will go to Tokyo.
21:38And we will bomb them.
21:45This is a special request from President Roosevelt.
21:49The Navy will approach us about 600 kilometers from Japan.
21:52And we will take off from the aircraft carrier.
21:54Have you taken off, bombers?
21:56From the aircraft carriers of the Navy, sir?
21:59I do not understand.
22:01Any other questions?
22:03Well, sir, is it possible to land a B-25 on such a short deck?
22:07That does not matter.
22:09When we take off, the aircraft carrier will return to Hawaii.
22:12But where do you want us to land and return?
22:14I have a phrase that I want you to memorize.
22:17Lu Shu Hu Mei Wa Fu Gi.
22:20It means I am North American.
22:24In Chinese.
22:27It won't be easy.
22:28It is 1.30 meters less than our practice runway.
22:36The Navy Secretary gave me this.
22:39What are they, sir?
22:41Some medals. The Japanese sent them when they pretended to want peace.
22:44What do you want to do with them, sir?
22:46We will hold them to the bombs to return them.
22:51What's going on?
22:53It's just 16 planes.
22:55And what?
22:56The Japanese were more than 300 in Pearl Harbor.
22:58Tell me, what will we achieve?
23:00It's not that we are afraid, sir.
23:02If we die doing this, we would like to see the benefit.
23:08In Pearl, they hit us with a mallet.
23:12This attack, if we can make it,
23:15will be a tip of the fin.
23:18But it will cross your heart.
23:21Victory belongs to people with faith.
23:24Trust in you.
23:27We will have faith.
23:29And we will force our people to have it.
23:32One minute.
23:35Excuse me, Commander Jackson.
23:38Do you remember me?
23:40Of course.
23:42I'm sorry. I was going to thank you.
23:44I could do it now.
23:46When I get news about those pilots who hurt his head,
23:49I want to be in command.
23:51I'm sorry, miss, but I don't know what you're talking about.
23:56How the hell did you find out about this mission, Lieutenant?
23:59From an innocent conversation.
24:01You mean a pilot you go out with talked about more?
24:04In fact, it's for two pilots.
24:07I know the danger is great.
24:09Let me be there,
24:11and that way I'll know if they can come back.
24:16Many officers would take you to prison for this.
24:18Many nurses would have turned around
24:20instead of using their fingers to block your artery.
24:27I can't promise you anything.
24:35Hey, Red.
24:37Do you think they chose us to do this
24:39because we're young and stupid?
24:42Please, Gus. We're the best pilots.
24:44Get on it carefully.
24:48In honor of our trip to Japan,
24:50I got some cigars of victory.
24:52Yes, cigars of victory.
24:54Cigars of victory.
24:58Jack, maybe we'll lose this battle,
25:00but we'll win the war.
25:02Do you understand?
25:04Yes, sir.
25:08Jack, maybe we'll lose this battle,
25:10but we'll win the war.
25:11Do you understand?
25:16Because of that pair,
25:18they're unique.
25:20And in moments like this,
25:22you see them
25:24with their heads held high.
25:27Nothing compares to the strength
25:29of a volunteer's heart, Jack.
25:35My friends in the War Department
25:37don't want me to go with you
25:39because they say I'm too valuable.
25:42They don't want me to lead
25:44the flight of the men I chose,
25:46that I pressured, insulted,
25:48and took to their limits,
25:52and that I respect now.
25:56They want me to stay on board
25:58and say goodbye,
26:00but I don't see it that way.
26:02I'll go with you.
26:07We'll take off tomorrow afternoon.
26:09We'll attack and fly to China.
26:11Our mission is to destroy
26:13military planes, aircraft,
26:15and tank factories.
26:17Colonel, he gave us transmitters,
26:19but he also told us that China
26:21is full of Japanese troops.
26:23What do we do if the transmitters don't work?
26:25Look for a way to land
26:27and avoid being captured.
26:29What do we do if our plane breaks down
26:31and we have to land in Japan?
26:33Well, in that situation,
26:35I don't know what to tell you.
26:37What would you do, Colonel?
26:39I wasn't born to be a prisoner.
26:41I didn't want my crew to jump.
26:43I'd look for a pretty close military white man
26:45and I'd crash my plane without thinking about it
26:47for a moment.
26:52But it's my case.
26:56I turned 45.
26:58I'm an old man.
27:00I have my life ahead of me.
27:02What I do depends on you.
27:04The mission will be out in a couple of hours.
27:06You will stay here.
27:10Sit down.
27:12Stay still.
27:14If I don't talk to you,
27:16you won't notice I'm here.
27:18Pretend to write any information
27:20we pass on to you.
27:22That's all.
27:24I'm Anita, the little orphan from Radio Tokyo.
27:26Greetings to the Pacific Warriors orphans.
27:28Be careful.
27:30The enemy will finish you off.
27:31Maybe you're right.
27:37Japanese transmission, Japanese transmission!
27:39Captain, our radar shows Japanese ships
27:41about 400 meters away.
27:43How many meters?
27:45400 and approaching, sir.
27:47Richards, Japanese ships at 400 meters.
27:51Admiral Hansen orders to open fire!
27:53We must sink those bastards
27:55to prevent them from discovering our position.
27:57Everyone to the left, General!
27:59Run, run, run!
28:01Freedom, General!
28:03Freedom, General!
28:05Everyone to their posts!
28:09We're two kilometers away!
28:11They found out our position!
28:13We'd take off at 600 kilometers.
28:15Tell me the distance.
28:17993 kilometers.
28:19What do you want to do, sir?
28:23I don't know, Colonel.
28:25I don't know if the planes have enough fuel
28:27to get to China.
28:31Get on the planes!
28:33Get on the planes!
28:37We're too far, Saul.
28:40It's time!
28:42Turn your weapons around!
28:44Get out, get out now!
28:46Get on the planes!
28:48Get on the planes!
28:52Colonel, with the weight of the fuel,
28:54the planes won't be able to take off.
28:58Get on the planes!
28:59Get on the planes now!
29:04Take 10 cans of fuel for each plane!
29:06For each plane!
29:12Get inside! We have to get ready!
29:14Put down all the suitcases!
29:16What's your favorite weapon?
29:18If you want to take off from here,
29:20give me one of your weapons now!
29:22It's still heavy!
29:24Hey, get the broomsticks in the kitchen.
29:26Separate them, paint them black, and bring them.
29:27Here they are, sir.
29:29A broomstick?
29:31What are you doing to my plane, sir?
29:33The plane will be fine.
29:35Let your crew go to the bathroom before taking off,
29:37or they won't get out.
29:39They give you broomsticks instead of weapons?
29:41Yes. Maybe they're scared, right?
29:43I want you to take care of Yari.
29:45Yes, Laurie.
29:47Dani, be very careful, understand?
29:51I'll see you later, Rafe.
29:53Rafe, the best pilots.
29:57Ignite the engines!
29:59Ignite the engines!
30:02Ready to take off!
30:04Ready, Dani.
30:06Ready for take off?
30:13We're taking off!
30:15Faster! Faster!
30:26Are you nervous?
30:28No. Yes, sir. Yes, I am.
30:30Do you have a lot to believe in?
30:32Since you assigned me this mission, sir.
30:34I want you to do me a favor.
30:36What do you want, Colonel?
30:38Go get them both!
30:46Maximum power!
30:53Go up!
30:55Go up!
31:06Well done!
31:08What a short runway!
31:12Now, you guys!
31:14Maximum power! Maximum power!
31:29Now, you guys!
31:41We're taking off!
31:46We're taking off!
32:00From Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo,
32:03we have been described as a nation of weaklings and survivors
32:07that we hired British, Russian, or Chinese soldiers to fight for us.
32:12Let them try to repeat that now.
32:15Let them repeat it to General MacArthur and his men.
32:18Let them repeat it to the soldiers who today
32:21fight with pride in the turbid waters of the Pacific.
32:25Let them repeat it to the pilots of the B-25s.
32:29And also to the Navy Infantry.
32:33That's Japan! Yes, my friends! It's time to close ranks!
32:36Prepare your weapons!
32:38We're entering their territory!
32:41I'm ready! I see the front coast!
32:50Don't fall asleep! Don't fall asleep!
32:56Weapons ready to attack!
32:58I'm ready!
33:00It's our turn!
33:09We're closing in on the target!
33:11Open with doors! Open with doors!
33:14Friedli, do you have the target in sight?
33:1637 degrees! Target in sight!
33:26Ready, guys! The break is over!
33:28Bombs away! Bombs away!
33:29Bombs away! Bombs away!
33:31Bombs away! Bombs away!
33:33One out! Two out!
33:43Three out! Four out!
33:48They're on 20. Try 20.
33:50Direct hit on 1 and 3! Direct hit on 1 and 2!
33:53Bombs away!
34:00One out!
34:04We hit the target! Good job, guys!
34:20There's fire everywhere!
34:24Do something with that thing!
34:26I want everyone to separate!
34:27I want everyone to separate!
34:29There's fire everywhere!
34:42We have to get out of this thing, Gus!
34:46We have to gain altitude!
34:48Contact fire!
34:50We're being hit!
34:52They're controlling us!
34:54We have to gain altitude or we're going to die!
34:57We have to gain altitude or we're going to die!
35:11What the hell?
35:13Check the network!
35:20They're going to kill us!
35:22I hope they don't knock us down!
35:27They got us!
35:29They want to blow up the plane!
35:31We have to go up! 810!
35:36Theo! I think they killed Theo!
35:38Theo! Wake up! Wake up!
35:41Get in the clouds! Do it now! Get in those clouds!
35:44Roger that, Ray! We're going to get out of here!
35:58Thank you, George.
36:04What's going on?
36:06Colonel Doolittle had to advance his attack order for 12 hours, Mr. President.
36:10There won't be any land transmissions.
36:12The plane that was carrying them didn't make it to China.
36:14And the bombers may not have enough fuel to make it to Earth, sir.
36:17Our boys are flying without communications and with empty tanks.
36:23May God protect them.
36:28I just want to see the signal.
36:31If there's no land, we'll fly to nothing.
36:37Are there any fuel cans left?
36:39They're all empty!
36:42Is the tank all that's left?
36:44It's all that's left, Ray!
36:46Ray! It would be good if I could see the land!
36:52Radio silence.
36:53Yes, sir.
36:55I'm sorry, gentlemen.
36:57They're all very brave.
37:00The bravest I've had the privilege of flying with.
37:03But we're alone.
37:09He committed suicide on the mission.
37:24The engine isn't working.
37:26We'll lose him in seconds.
37:29You'll have to pump it up.
37:31I'm pumping it up. How does it look, Ray?
37:34The revolutions are low.
37:36There's the coast.
37:38There's the coast!
37:40Yes, sir.
37:42Roger that, Ray.
37:44We'll make it.
37:48Danny, follow me. We can make it. I see the coast.
37:50Just a few more kilometers. Follow me.
37:51We're following you, Ray.
37:53We have to find a place to land.
37:55More power to 2.
37:57I say it will be a difficult landing. Hold on.
37:59There's Rosales ahead. We must land there.
38:03Ray, we lost number 1.
38:05We'll lose number 2 in a few seconds.
38:10We can land.
38:12Don't worry. Get him up. We'll land planning.
38:17Japanese! There are Japanese patrols everywhere!
38:19We can't land. They're landing elsewhere.
38:22Hold on tight. We're going to touch down.
38:24We're going to die.
38:26Let go of the nose!
38:28Hold on tight. We're going to land.
38:32Let's go! Watch out!
38:36Let's go!
38:49Let's go!
38:57Are you all right?
38:59I'm fine.
39:01I'm fine!
39:03Where's Rifle?
39:05He's dead.
39:07Watch out for the Japanese.
39:09Be careful.
39:11Get out.
39:15Japanese patrols! Take cover!
39:33Jill has bullets.
39:35Here it is.
39:37We have to go up the hills and look for the Chinese.
39:38They want us immobilized!
39:57Don't go!
39:59Watch out, Ray!
40:03No, Danny.
40:05Danny, I'm coming!
40:11Oh, no.
40:15Gus! Can you hear me?
40:17Wake up!
40:22I've had better dreams.
40:24You saved our lives.
40:26I have something on my neck.
40:28Let me take this off.
40:30Where's Gus?
40:32He's fine. He's over there.
40:46Stop them!
40:48Stop them or we'll shoot!
40:50Stop them!
40:52Stop them!
40:54Stop them!
41:00Stop them!
41:03Stop them!
41:04Come on!
41:06Hey, I'm gonna kill you!
41:08Hey, come here!
41:09Hey, come here!
41:11Hey, come on!
41:13Stop it!
41:15Stop it!
41:17Stop it!
41:21Stop it!
41:23Stop it!
41:25Hey, stop it!
41:34Stop it!
41:44Stop it!
41:46Stop it!
42:03No, no, no, no.
42:04Hold on. I'm here. You'll be fine.
42:06Calm down, Danny.
42:07It's a lie.
42:09I'm not going to survive.
42:14Of course you will.
42:15Of course you will, Danny. Look at me.
42:17Rafe, I'm cold.
42:19Danny, I'm freezing.
42:21You'll be fine. I'm serious.
42:29Do me a favor.
42:32Have someone else write my name on my tombstone.
42:36You won't die. Listen to me.
42:38I won't let you do it. Do you understand?
42:42Danny, don't do this.
42:43Don't do it.
42:44You know why?
42:45You're going to be a father, Danny.
42:48You're going to be one.
42:49I wasn't supposed to tell you.
42:53You're going to be a father.
42:56Don't die.
43:02You'll take care of him.
43:19Danny, my friend.
43:30Please, Danny.
43:40Don't shoot!
43:42It's the Chinese.
43:54Don't shoot.
44:24Don't shoot.
44:54Don't shoot.
44:56Don't shoot.
44:58Don't shoot.
45:00Don't shoot.
45:02Don't shoot.
45:04Don't shoot.
45:06Don't shoot.
45:08Don't shoot.
45:10Don't shoot.
45:12Don't shoot.
45:14Don't shoot.
45:16Don't shoot.
45:18Don't shoot.
45:20Don't shoot.
45:22Miller was the first North American of color
45:24to receive the Naval Cross,
45:26but he wouldn't be the last.
45:28He joined a brotherhood of heroes.
45:38That one's for everyone.
45:49World War II began
45:50for the United States in Pearl Harbor,
45:52where 1,177 men lay in the Arizona battleship.
45:57The United States suffered,
45:59but it became stronger.
46:02It couldn't be avoided.
46:04The sorrows forged our souls,
46:06and in that process,
46:08we were victorious.
46:21Hey, Danny.
46:23Would you like to fly?
46:25Come here, my friend.
46:51I'm sorry.
46:53I'm sorry.
46:55I'm sorry.
46:57I'm sorry.
46:59I'm sorry.
47:01I'm sorry.
47:03I'm sorry.
47:05I'm sorry.
47:07I'm sorry.
47:09I'm sorry.
47:11I'm sorry.
47:13I'm sorry.
47:15I'm sorry.
47:17I'm sorry.
47:19I'm sorry.
47:21I'm sorry.
