• 2 months ago
Año Uno (Year One) Película Completa en Español Latino
Año Uno (Year One) Película Completa en Español Latino
Año Uno (Year One) Película Completa en Español Latino


00:01:02Said it on Quinta
00:01:04Creo que le di a ese pequeño jabalí era rápido oigan todos esta es nuestra cacería todos tienen crédito
00:01:12Hay me duele el costado en mi baraguez y este herido
00:01:16puedo asegurar que tenía eso cuando dejamos la aldea
00:01:18esa no es mi lanza
00:01:20de que hablan milanza tiene plumas de acuerdo esa tiene una de acuerdo esa es mi lanza lo lamento marla
00:01:26Genial dos lanzas el doble de poder mortal muchas gracias la próxima vez no bloque es mi tiro
00:01:47Hola aquí estás creo que no quiere ser recolectada sino comida
00:01:55Hola Marla
00:01:58No habrá moras en la ensalada de frutas no comeré
00:02:02hola o qué tal los cazadores se creen importantes no creen que esto sea desafiante
00:02:07recolectar es en extremo desafiante tienes que
00:02:09encontrar la fruta con la menor cantidad de suciedad de ave y ponerla en la canasta guarda que se metieron contigo si se metieron
00:02:15contigo se arreglarán conmigo entonces lo harías
00:02:18está bien
00:02:19entonces déjalo así la próxima vez sentirán la punta de mi lanza corta que pasó a tu lanza a
00:02:25la modifique en ese nuevo modelo es más ligera es tecnología de punta
00:02:32y esta maya iré a hablar con ella ahora vuelvo a menos que salga algo horriblemente bien
00:02:39Hola Maya
00:02:42Que tengo que hacer para que seas mi mujer escucha eres especial tienes mucha
00:02:49Personalidad cuando mis padres fueron devorados por los perros salvajes tú me ayudaste a ver el lado gracioso
00:03:03Si me haces reír
00:03:06pero eso no es suficiente
00:03:08soy una chica anticuada necesito un hombre que pueda protegerme y cuidar de mí como
00:03:14Pues él es el mejor cazador de la aldea hay es debatible el pueblo votó
00:03:19bueno tal vez no soy el gran cazador o recolector si yo recolector
00:03:23esos son los únicos dos trabajos que tenemos aquí puedo cuidar de ti parece que muero de hambre
00:03:27hay por favor dime que puedes decirle no a esto
00:03:32Espera un segundo está trabajando en ti
00:03:35Así claro que puedo decirle que no a eso vaya y si te veo luego
00:03:40Ah tengo que lavar mi cabello lavaste tu cabello el año pasado
00:03:52Esta noche
00:04:02Otra vez de jabalí tiene otro color si esta es
00:04:06Esta muy linda marla mira marla filtreando con maya no la conoce en lo absoluto
00:04:12la cabeza ni siquiera es lo mejor del jabalí es el trasero gordo estúpido
00:04:17Musculoso idiota hola emma hola emma
00:04:24Si ni siquiera sabe que existo
00:04:27Hay como 60 personas en la aldea tú en realidad tienes que apartarte para no saber que alguien existe
00:04:32Solo quisiera acostarme con ella un día no lo veo digo es linda pero no me imagino acostándome con ella es tu hermana sería
00:04:39acostarte con tu madre lo cual fue un gran error lo veo ahora
00:04:43eso sería incómodo en la mañana pero créeme wow
00:04:47oye quieres impresionar a emma
00:04:49haz la danza de la fertilidad con ella en el festejo de hoy y arrastrala hasta tu chosa
00:04:54mi chosa es un desastre y que tal si lucha pues le das un pequeño golpe en la cabeza a las mujeres les gusta
00:04:59Aún vivo con mis padres no quiero tenerlos despiertos toda la noche con mis ruidos sería vergonzoso
00:05:05solo le gustan los cazadores no le gustan los recolectores es recolectora que ironía una recolectora desdeñosa
00:05:13Eso es sugerente no me fijaría mucho en eso
00:05:18De acuerdo solo está flotando sus lances
00:05:21Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey escuenta déjame en paz quieres tienes todo el bosque
00:05:25Por qué todo el mundo tiene que defecar detrás de mi chosa puedo equivocarme creo que es toda la popo en el área
00:05:33Fertiliza el suelo y hace las hojas suaves para limpiarse no es que no te respeten no tengo esa idea con los otros
00:05:41sígueme tengo una idea
00:05:43Oye a dónde vamos no debemos alejarnos de la aldea estoy cansado de que toda la aldea me trate como un tonto
00:05:48sabes lo que voy a hacer mudarte de la aldea no
00:05:51cambiaré mi cabeza
00:05:53No creo que sea posible tu cabeza está físicamente ligada toda la cabeza de mi mente la mente
00:06:00Oye, oye, no me digas que estás pensando comer el fruto prohibido en eso estoy pensando
00:06:05Espera ese es el árbol del conocimiento del bien y el mal no debes comer de él está prohibido todos lo saben pero por qué
00:06:11Está prohibido que tiene esa fruta que no quieren que la comamos no es la fruta sino la regla es sobre hacer lo que te
00:06:16Dicen si hemos hecho lo que nos han dicho toda nuestra vida
00:06:19Y que nos ha dado eso me agrada hacer lo que me dicen le da a mi día mucho de la estructura necesaria
00:06:24deja eso es sólo una fruta comerla no cambiará tu vida pero qué tal si es una fruta mágica
00:06:29qué tal si esta fruta me hace el hombre más listo que la aldea ha conocido la fruta y a milagros así los cazadores tendrán
00:06:35que obedecerme y maya se acostará conmigo así se trata de acostarte con maya creo que tengo un gran destino y estoy a punto de
00:06:41descubrir cuál es la fruta y vámonos qué tal si alguien nos ven nos quitaría la piel y nos sentarían en un hormiguero
00:06:49Ya lo hiciste
00:06:52Creo que tiene sabor a conocimiento no tiene un sabor a prohibido porque eso es lo que es
00:06:58Definitivamente siento algo que creo que menos hambre pero también más
00:07:03Inteligencia es como si sintiera que tal vez lo supiera todo
00:07:09Pregúntame algo lo que sea sí pruébame di a dónde va el sol de noche
00:07:14Paso siguiente pregunta de dónde vienen los bebés paso la siguiente
00:07:21hay una serpiente en mi pie en forma de pregunta hay una serpiente en mi pie
00:07:27Correcto qué debo hacer
00:07:29tengo muchas ideas
00:07:31estoy repleto de ideas sobre el tema quieras fix me puedes meter tu dedo en su trasero
00:07:36sabes que puedes hacer comete el antes de que te coma a ti intenta eso comete a la serpiente primero es lo que mi
00:07:41Nuevo cerebro me dice va a comerme ataca sus ojos hoy es grande
00:07:51Moriré virgen dame un segundo comeré más fruta
00:08:05El día fue algo difícil para mí
00:08:08Si debe haber más vida que esta en serio porque esto es mucho no creo poder manejar mucho más de esto no lo crees
00:08:14Mira ese grupo son como animales
00:08:16Somos demasiado buenos para esto ahora que soy más listo iré directo a la cima y te llevaré conmigo serás mi mano derecha
00:08:22He visto lo que haces con tu mano derecha no gracias
00:08:25No te has preguntado que haya el otro lado de las montañas y nada al otro lado de las montañas
00:08:29Si el mundo termina todo el mundo sabe eso te caerás de él pero si no
00:08:35hace que mi estómago haga
00:08:38He estado pensando mucho desde que comí esa fruta porque hay fruta que es la fruta
00:08:43Es una cosa que comes porque hacerlo que somos porque somos porque tengo estos todo es raro
00:08:50Cuando realmente te detienes y en realidad lo ves todo es muy muy extraño porque estoy hablando que es esto mis labios hacen un movimiento
00:08:57y luego un sonido estoy hablando
00:09:00por fin pienso
00:09:02Eso suena esa loca fruta hablando no quiero escucharlo ahora
00:09:06Luce muy linda esta noche
00:09:08Hazlo amigo
00:09:10danza para ella
00:09:12Están haciendo la danza del chacal no es mi fuerte que haces una maravillosa danza del chacal
00:09:18Estudianza del chacal
00:09:48Hazlo de la cabeza
00:10:10Tu padre fue un gran cazador pero tú eres como una niña
00:10:19En el baraguese dice que te dio en el jardín en serio bueno a poco crees lo que embaraguese está diciendo el comió la fruta prohibida
00:10:27Le crees
00:10:30Oigan oigan oigan que ocurre morirás donde estás una estrella fugaz mila
00:10:36Ha ha ha
00:10:48Comiste la fruta
00:10:49un poco que problema y con eso tú no comes la fruta
00:10:53es la regla número uno desde el inicio de los tiempos desde que la gran tortuga emergió del mar con la tierra en su
00:10:58espalda se que es la regla pero estoy confundido con los detalles exactos
00:11:02Prohibida fruta prohibida tu tu tu tu tu comiste hiciste lo que no debiste haber hecho
00:11:09Prohibida pero prohibida no implica que hay un poco de
00:11:13Flexibilidad no hay flexibilidad con lo prohibido estás maldito si te quedas aquí todos seremos maldecidos
00:11:19Tienes que irte a dónde se supone que iré yo no comí la fruta mis manos están atadas no no te juzgo solo intento
00:11:26Ayudarte a detecta un poco de celos porque ahora yo tengo el conocimiento del bien y el mal y tú no
00:11:32Tú tú tú crees que es sencillo ser el shaman de la aldea crees que me gusta usar esto cada mañana
00:11:37Ponerme pintura en el rostro sé que nos conocemos hace mucho tiempo arrojamos rocas alrededor nos divertimos juntos amigo pero no puedo ser
00:11:45Sabes lo que digo además sabes algo estoy en más porquería que tú mismo
00:11:50Créeme que ya estoy harto
00:11:53Estoy despierto 24 horas por siete días de sol azul de acuerdo solo quiere una comida y quisiera poder dormir esto es basura
00:12:00Lo hiciste metiste la pata en esta
00:12:04Te hundiste creo que lo que hice fue lo contrario si hice algo muy muy muy bueno
00:12:10Y debería saberlo porque tengo el conocimiento del bien y del mal así que ahora ya sé lo que digo
00:12:15Cuando digo que sé lo que digo bueno y no me iré
00:12:24Mejor ya vete
00:12:27De acuerdo pero antes de irme solo quiero decir una cosa sé que no soy un gran cazador
00:12:33o recolector gracias
00:12:35Pero debe haber más en la vida que esto me iré pero porque yo lo elegí y cualquiera que quiera unirse es bienvenido
00:12:43No sé a dónde iremos pero nos guiaré
00:12:46Sí iluminar en la oscuridad quién está conmigo
00:12:56Nadie siente el llamado o
00:13:00Me parece que me iré solo está bien por mí mejor de hecho
00:13:05Porque tener compañía es probable que me retrase voy a empezar una nueva tribu será diez veces mejor tendrá diez veces más danzas y diversión
00:13:13Se llamará tribu fuerte de peligro y será excelente
00:13:18No están invitados ni siquiera me agrada ninguno de ustedes jamás lo hicieron
00:13:22A menos que alguien cambie de opinión hable ahora o calle para siempre no gracias bien me voy
00:13:40Esa es mi casa
00:14:09The bill correct
00:14:15Son tus ruidos de animales soy un tejón
00:14:20Esto es un insulto
00:14:23De acuerdo ya tendí pero dime una cosa quien está detrás de ti crees que me engañarás te abriré como un cerdo
00:14:35Qué buen golpe de la cabeza debiste golpear a emas y escutamos eso luego ahora debemos huir
00:14:45Así que después de todo decidiste venir fue el discurso fue el fuego perdí todo
00:14:50Si ya sería no tener que irnos quizá no vea a ema otra vez eso no es cierto
00:14:57Esos cazadores son idiotas ellos van a olvidar todo el asunto en una hora
00:15:01Puedes dejar de imaginar no hay retorno no hay nada a que volver son solo cenizas como si fuera muy difícil construir esas chozas es
00:15:08Solo una pila de estiércol y estacas pues tú eres una pila de estiércol y estacas
00:15:13Lo siento yo está bien
00:15:15No dije eso yo sé que estás molesto pero esta es una gran oportunidad para nosotros ellos no te apreciaban en la aldea
00:15:22Tú eres el genio que pensó en beber el agua en un guaje
00:15:25Ellos la bebían de sus manos pues me pareció práctico ya no sé
00:15:29nuestro destino será increíble o
00:15:33Ni siquiera sabes dónde estamos estamos perdidos claro que sé dónde están
00:15:40Es un puma no muevas ni un músculo
00:15:44pero que hago no mueva los labios
00:15:47regla número uno no muestras temor
00:15:51muestras temor
00:15:53mucho mejor bien hecho
00:15:56ahora que solo tengo dos ideas
00:15:58una dice correr y la otra dice quedarte muy quieto
00:16:04Yo voy a
00:16:24Deberías ponerte unos gusanos en esos rasguños se ven muy profundos es que están muy profundos por eso se ven de esa manera
00:16:31aún estás molesto conmigo
00:16:33Desearía no haber venido tal vez no debas venir si todo lo que harás es quejarte de cada pequeño puma que te ataquen
00:16:43Se tendoja
00:16:46Haces tu propio fuego no hago flechas las necesitaremos así que vendrás
00:17:01Dijiste que caminaríamos y luego llegaríamos un lugar donde el mundo termina y es solo como un que qué pasa que estamos buscando
00:17:08primero porque me hablas en ese tono como si fuera un idiota es conocimiento general
00:17:25Aunque el mundo se termina vamos a admitirlo el hombre de la fruta tiene el conocimiento
00:17:35Aprendiste mucho cuando comiste la fruta del conocimiento ahora puedo ver 10 minutos en el futuro que estaré haciendo en 10 minutos
00:17:41tendrá sexo con una cebra no es gracioso no bromeo espero que estés listo para desvestirte
00:17:48Personas más de una
00:17:51Caminando en esa dirección eso crees hay como mil pisadas aquí es algo obvio si
00:18:00Pararon a defecar mira no yo no no quiero los hombres tal vez tres un niño o una mujer pequeña
00:18:06No sabes dónde ha estado
00:18:08Se de dónde viene no toques eso no sabes si una ardilla orinó ahí te enfermarás sigue tibio casi caliente en el centro
00:18:15creo que comieron nueces
00:18:18Manzana tal vez que estás haciendo
00:18:21Si manzanas que diferencia hace no nos ayuda el saberlo
00:18:26Tal vez puedas decir si comieron porquería hay mucha porquería en esa porquería me equivoqué es popo de oso que es eso entonces
00:18:41Este es mío
00:18:44Y tendremos fiesta
00:18:57Necesitamos que tengan
00:19:15Le disparaste a mi vaca
00:19:22Somos cazadores él es un cazador yo soy asador asador dice este taparrabo y hago flechas
00:19:29He hice un estante para michoza somos gente de trabajo les damos la bienvenida
00:19:36que hacen tú que crees somos granjeros no él es granjero yo soy pastor eres un sonso es lo que eres aquí vamos
00:19:42mi hermano caín yo me llamo abel te llamas sonzo aquí vamos con eso de sonzo que significa sonzo
00:19:48sonzo sonzo de salamero sonzo de salamero eres salamero con dios eres
00:19:52Eres eres salamero alguien está molesto porque dios vio mi sacrificio con mucho agrado dios
00:19:57Vio mi sacrificio con mucho agrado digo no creen que sea un completo son no lo sé no lo conozco porque metes estos tipos
00:20:02no saben nada son imbéciles
00:20:06Es que tienes que ser tan superior con todos los demás pero si superior a ti superior superior
00:20:11Sabes que el superior eres cuando te pasas
00:20:13El tercero
00:20:15Aquí estoy
00:20:19No no no
00:20:21Este imbécil los insulto y quiero que se disculpe
00:20:23En realidad no fue un insulto
00:20:25Lo haré
00:20:27Chicos chicos cálmense son hermanos
00:20:29Sólo cálmense y veamos esto de otra forma
00:20:31Si así es como se debe hacer
00:20:33No no no
00:20:35Hay reglas que acatamos
00:20:37Debemos hacer algo
00:20:39Están parejos
00:20:41Ay me dolió
00:20:49Con eso cualquiera se tranquiliza
00:20:55Él está bien
00:20:57Sólo descansa
00:20:59Está agotado por la pelea
00:21:01Sí sí sí
00:21:03¿Saben qué?
00:21:05Hay un poco de tierra y un poco de paja para mantenerlo caliente
00:21:07Hasta que se despierte y... ¡Abel!
00:21:09Oye Abel ¿Qué estás haciendo con mi pie?
00:21:11¿Te haces el muerto?
00:21:13¡Oye! ¡Oye! ¡Oye! ¡Ya basta!
00:21:15¡Me estás ahogando!
00:21:17¡Oye! ¡Intentas ahogarme de verdad! ¡Intentas ahogarme de verdad!
00:21:21¡Ya basta! ¡Defensa propia!
00:21:23¡En serio! ¡Defensa propia!
00:21:27¿Qué he hecho?
00:21:29¿Qué he hecho?
00:21:37¿Otra vez lo hice?
00:21:39¿Lo he hecho de nuevo?
00:21:51¿Qué continué haciendo?
00:21:55Amigos tenemos un gran problema
00:21:57¿A qué te refieres con eso?
00:21:59No quiero juzgar a las culpas, pero tú fuiste quien lo golpeó
00:22:01No no no, ustedes son dos y yo soy sólo uno
00:22:03No quería que fueras a matarlo
00:22:05¿Estás diciéndome que lo maté?
00:22:07¿Yo dije eso?
00:22:09¡Fue un accidente!
00:22:13Sí, sostenías una roca y él corrió hacia ella
00:22:15con su rostro repetidas veces hasta que
00:22:17ya no pudo sobrevivir
00:22:19¡Fue un juego!
00:22:21¡Fue un juego! Estaban jugando
00:22:23Uno empujó al otro
00:22:27Sí, ¿saben? Creo que será mejor si
00:22:29no mencionamos este accidente a nadie porque
00:22:31el pueblo no entiende y...
00:22:33¿A quién voy a decirle?
00:22:35No puedo pensar en alguien a quien le interese
00:22:37En realidad sólo le diría a él y es un testigo también
00:22:39¿Sí? ¿Por qué mencionarlo?
00:22:41¿De acuerdo?
00:22:43Sería como suicidarse
00:22:45Pero por ayuda si acaso
00:22:47Muy bien, sí, me agradan chicos, en serio, ¡me agradan mucho!
00:22:51Oigan, ¿por qué no vienen a mi casa por comida?
00:22:53Desgraciadamente ya tenemos planes para cenar
00:22:57¿Por qué no vienen a mi casa por comida?
00:22:59¿Para cenar, sí? Digo, ¿cuántas veces te vemos?
00:23:01Sólo no me mates
00:23:03Sin juegos
00:23:05¿Qué? ¿Nada?
00:23:09¿Para qué son estas grandes cosas redondas?
00:23:11Son ruedas, tonto
00:23:13Hacen avanzar la carreta
00:23:27¡Go, go, go!
00:23:29¡Va, vacía esta cabezada!
00:23:31¡Uh, uh, uh!
00:23:33Vete a mi llanado
00:23:35Tiene las vejas
00:23:37¡Uh, uh, uh!
00:23:41¡Uh, uh, uh!
00:23:43¡Uh, uh, uh!
00:23:47¡Uh, uh, uh!
00:23:51Voy a vomitar
00:23:55Careful with your hair.
00:23:57It's going very fast.
00:24:08Cain, I ask you again, where is your brother Abel?
00:24:12I don't know. I haven't seen him.
00:24:15In fact, have you seen him?
00:24:18You haven't seen him, have you?
00:24:20No, never.
00:24:21Do you have a brother?
00:24:23What's his name?
00:24:24I haven't seen anyone.
00:24:26I've never had the pleasure.
00:24:28I'm sure he's in the fullness of his life.
00:24:31This soup is delicious.
00:24:33Your sister Lily says she saw you with him in the field.
00:24:36This bread is good.
00:24:38Oh, really?
00:24:40Ah, but that was probably yesterday.
00:24:43No, she said today, both made offerings.
00:24:45Ah, this was Boaz, yes.
00:24:48Ah, Japheth, Japheth.
00:24:50Ah, Enoch.
00:24:52Ah, then it was Gilgamesh.
00:24:59Ah, now I remember.
00:25:00Yes, it was Tishba Ben.
00:25:01It was you, and she says they were arguing.
00:25:03Yes, well, let's be honest.
00:25:05Lilith is a big liar.
00:25:07I mean, we're brothers.
00:25:08Let's argue.
00:25:09It's human nature, you know?
00:25:10Show me a perfect family.
00:25:11Your flock was left alone in the field.
00:25:13Okay, am I the guardian of my brother?
00:25:15You know, leave me alone, Father.
00:25:18I wish you would die too.
00:25:20Although Abel is probably not dead.
00:25:22I feel the worst for Abel.
00:25:24I am very upset.
00:25:26Welcome to spend the night with us.
00:25:28You can sleep with my daughter, Lilith.
00:25:31She has no husband, and the Lord said,
00:25:33Be fruitful and multiply.
00:25:36What about me?
00:25:37Share the bed with my son, Seth.
00:25:39Thank you, Father.
00:25:40Yes, there you go.
00:25:42I multiply with sheep.
00:25:52My bed is small, but you are welcome to share it.
00:25:55It is the custom of my town.
00:25:57It is a very good custom.
00:26:01In fact, I am surprised that a woman as beautiful as you
00:26:04sleeps alone.
00:26:05Anyway, many men must be chasing you.
00:26:08I don't like men.
00:26:10Maybe you haven't met the right one yet.
00:26:17Taparrabos grows.
00:26:24Oh, no.
00:26:25I like girls.
00:26:27Do we have that in common?
00:26:29No, I'm attracted to women.
00:26:36I don't know what that means.
00:26:40Tell me what it means.
00:26:41I like having sex with other women.
00:26:44I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.
00:26:45When all the blood in my brain was between my legs.
00:26:52That was good.
00:26:55Okay, here I go.
00:27:08A little surprise at the end of that.
00:27:10Very well.
00:27:11One more, yes?
00:27:15No, it's okay.
00:27:17Do you want to see a trick?
00:27:19Is it necessary?
00:27:23Your brother is disinterested.
00:27:25For someone with a penis in his mouth.
00:27:28I didn't know that.
00:27:30I think so.
00:27:31Well, it was a great call, and thanks for the great food,
00:27:35and for the clothes, and ...
00:27:39Hey, where are they all going?
00:27:40To look for your brother Abel.
00:27:41Oh, good luck.
00:27:43Good luck, Father.
00:27:44I'm worried about him.
00:27:46You're not coming with us?
00:27:47Ah, no, I'll stay here to finish cutting.
00:27:50And then I'll go get you.
00:27:56Hey, I'll go to the coast.
00:27:58You should come with me.
00:27:59I have the feeling that they are going to blame you for Abel's murder.
00:28:02Why will they blame us?
00:28:03Because when they find him and see his broken head,
00:28:05they will begin to point out culprits.
00:28:07You are travelers and you will put two plus two together.
00:28:09So stop asking so many questions and walk!
00:28:11Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:28:22Go get him!
00:28:29They will catch up with us.
00:28:32Take my powder, Father!
00:28:34It's going too fast.
00:28:35No, hold on!
00:28:37Hold on!
00:28:39My justice will be swift and swift!
00:28:44No, no!
00:28:46Damn Cain!
00:28:47Who has God's favor now, Father?
00:28:56This is strange.
00:28:58Hey, am I lucky or not?
00:29:00Your head is smoking.
00:29:01Hey, I didn't leave a mark, did I?
00:29:04It's just a little red.
00:29:07Your hair will cover it.
00:29:10What does it matter?
00:29:14It's the biggest place I've ever seen.
00:29:16They call it a town.
00:29:17It only acts normal.
00:29:22Hello, sailor.
00:29:23That's not normal.
00:29:24Stop greeting everyone.
00:29:25It's annoying.
00:29:26Very good.
00:29:27This is a market.
00:29:28Over there is La Vergüenza.
00:29:29It's a very good container store.
00:29:31Ah, here they have very good grass.
00:29:34Yes, please.
00:29:35The next one is a collectible piece.
00:29:40It's big.
00:29:41It's strong.
00:29:42It's Marlack.
00:29:43Oh, don't worry.
00:29:44He's not fighting.
00:29:45He's having fun.
00:29:47Well, maybe a little depressed.
00:29:51Oh, Emma!
00:29:57Nice to meet you.
00:29:59What happened?
00:30:00How did you get here?
00:30:01When you started the fire, the guys from the hill ran into the village, captured us, took us to the sea, and sold us to the boat people who brought us here.
00:30:08So it's a coincidence that you found them in this place.
00:30:11Do you still think it's just a coincidence?
00:30:13Why? Don't you believe it?
00:30:14I'm not sure, but I'm starting to believe that all this is happening for a reason.
00:30:18God wanted you to have knowledge of good and evil.
00:30:21Why would He want that?
00:30:22Because we assume that God is Him.
00:30:26I don't know what to say to that.
00:30:32You don't understand what I'm saying.
00:30:34Why did He choose you?
00:30:35Why wouldn't He choose Marlack or someone stronger than you?
00:30:37The chosen ones don't have to be strong.
00:30:38I'm big from here.
00:30:39You have an obese face.
00:30:40Not my face.
00:30:41It's my brain.
00:30:42It's huge.
00:30:43And I'm smarter than you.
00:30:44I just don't talk as much as you do.
00:30:45I'm the smartest in the village.
00:30:46I'm from the village, so I'm the smartest in the village.
00:30:48Excuse me.
00:30:49Are you interested in some slaves?
00:30:51Ah, yes.
00:30:52This one looks very good.
00:30:53And her little friend.
00:30:55They're just the way I like them.
00:30:58So, what do we do if we want them?
00:31:02Do you have coins?
00:31:04It depends on what you mean by coins.
00:31:07Excuse me.
00:31:08Maybe I can help you here.
00:31:09Listen, guys.
00:31:10Let me talk to this guy.
00:31:11I'll see if I can make a deal.
00:31:12What happened to your forehead?
00:31:14I didn't kill my brother.
00:31:16I didn't.
00:31:17Okay, listen.
00:31:19We'll rescue them.
00:31:21Do you believe in me?
00:31:22I want to believe in you.
00:31:24That's enough for me.
00:31:29The following are two.
00:31:31Two for the price of one.
00:31:33Have a nice vacation!
00:31:35I never trusted him.
00:31:36Because he brutally murdered his own brother with a rock.
00:31:39That's why you don't trust him?
00:31:40What a great instinct.
00:31:51Hey, can you raise your hands, please?
00:31:57I'm sorry.
00:31:59Enme Baragessi!
00:32:00Can you move?
00:32:01We're uncomfortable back here.
00:32:03No problem.
00:32:05How about this?
00:32:07I want to tell you that I'm sorry for everything that's happened.
00:32:12And everyone else.
00:32:14Get away from my wife!
00:32:16That's not going to be possible, Marlak.
00:32:19And understand, she's not your wife.
00:32:20You can't possess people.
00:32:22Except the one who bought us all.
00:32:24Looks like he can.
00:32:25That's enough!
00:32:27I'm going to kill you!
00:32:28I'm going to kill you.
00:32:29You always say it and never do it.
00:32:31When are you going to be serious, Marlak?
00:32:34Calm down.
00:32:35Don't make me go in there.
00:32:37I'd like to see you try.
00:32:56The slaves!
00:33:03Run like a fugitive!
00:33:04After them!
00:33:08You two!
00:33:09Come on!
00:33:24Should we chase those slaves?
00:33:27Let the desert do it.
00:33:28They won't make it.
00:33:29Yes, sir.
00:33:41Order, sir.
00:33:42Prepare the slaves.
00:33:43We leave for Sodom before dawn.
00:33:45Yes, sir.
00:33:46I wonder who they are.
00:33:47Their hats are too big, don't you think?
00:33:50When that guy cut the other in the head,
00:33:52he didn't think about the big hat he was wearing.
00:33:54It wasn't my first thought,
00:33:55but I'd lie if I said I didn't think about it.
00:33:57I just say I want one and I'll have it.
00:34:00Now I have to think about how to rescue Maya and Emma.
00:34:03How are we going to rescue them?
00:34:05They're murderers.
00:34:06Even murderers are murderers.
00:34:09Even murderers have to sleep at some point.
00:34:19That was refreshing.
00:34:28They're gone!
00:34:29Where are we going?
00:34:31They said they were going to Sodom.
00:34:33Let's go there!
00:34:36I have sand on my back.
00:34:39I'll see you when we get to Sodom.
00:34:41Are you there?
00:34:44Hey, Dad, should we make an offering or something?
00:34:46Yes, Isaac.
00:34:47As God commanded.
00:34:49But I don't see the sheep around here.
00:34:51The Lord.
00:34:52The Lord will provide the sheep, my son.
00:34:55What are you doing?
00:34:56Are you going to do a trick?
00:34:57In a way.
00:34:58In a way.
00:35:02Very well.
00:35:03Is this because I didn't clean my tent?
00:35:04I'm sorry.
00:35:05I'll do it right when I get home.
00:35:06Dad, why are you doing this?
00:35:08The Lord spoke to me, Isaac.
00:35:10And I must obey him.
00:35:12If the Lord told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?
00:35:15Forgive me, Isaac.
00:35:16Oh, Lord!
00:35:18What is that boy doing to him?
00:35:23This is my son, sir.
00:35:24We're playing a game.
00:35:26It's called...
00:35:27Burn, burn, cut, cut.
00:35:30No, it's not like that.
00:35:31I wanted to kill him.
00:35:32I wasn't going to kill him.
00:35:33I was going to sacrifice him.
00:35:35That makes a tremendous difference.
00:35:37Not for him, I suppose.
00:35:38With what right are you interfering?
00:35:40Are you sent by the Lord?
00:35:45To tell the truth, he sent us.
00:35:47Yes, yes, you really are.
00:35:49Yes, that's right, yes.
00:35:50You were sent by the Lord to stop my hand.
00:35:56All that.
00:35:57This is Isaac, and I am Abraham, son of Terah, of the house of Nahor.
00:36:01Well, we're at the door of the house of Nahor.
00:36:04We're neighbors of Nahor.
00:36:05I'm Seth, son of Zero.
00:36:07And he's Oh, son of Uh, of the house of Stiercoli Stacas.
00:36:11My relatives' store is up ahead.
00:36:14Come, my friends.
00:36:16We're Hebrews.
00:36:17Virtuous, but not very good at sports.
00:36:21This way, my friends.
00:36:26Baruch Hashem, we thank the Lord, our God,
00:36:29for stopping my hand in the mountain on this day.
00:36:33Praised be God, glorified be His name.
00:36:36And we also praise Him for the goodness He has shed upon us.
00:36:40He has increased our goodness.
00:37:06and bow down to false gods.
00:37:09It's the worst.
00:37:10The men of that city are weak and soft, obese,
00:37:13with rich food, intoxicated by strong drinks.
00:37:16I didn't hear the bad part.
00:37:18Women are whores.
00:37:20Their shameful lust has no limits.
00:37:22They show their flesh, and no man can have knowledge of them when he is chosen.
00:37:27Which of the two cities has more whores?
00:37:30Just to know which one to stay away from, especially.
00:37:34May the road not lead you to Sodom.
00:37:37The Lord our God has told me that he will send a sacred fire to destroy that city
00:37:42and all those who are there for their iniquity.
00:37:45He will avenge them and all their descendants.
00:37:52When do you think this scourge will happen?
00:37:54Because we could have some friends there.
00:37:56Destiny is sealed, but by my faith and devotion,
00:38:01the same God has promised me all this land,
00:38:05from the summits of the Golan in the north to the Sinai in the south,
00:38:09from the Jordan River to the great sea.
00:38:12All this is his land?
00:38:14For all eternity.
00:38:16But apparently God forgot to tell someone else.
00:38:18We are at war almost every day.
00:38:20Excuse me, my relatives and I have defeated our enemies,
00:38:23by the powerful hand of God, blessed be.
00:38:25Blessed be his name and glorious his grace.
00:38:29Abundant goodness.
00:38:30Therefore, to seal my agreement with the true God,
00:38:33I must today circumcise the flesh of my penis,
00:38:38and yours, and yours, and yours, and of every man who lives here.
00:38:43Excuse me?
00:38:45What do you mean?
00:38:46We will take the prepuce of our penises and cut off all the extra flesh from it. Amen.
00:38:52Oh, I don't think I have anything extra.
00:38:56And if we pierce our ears?
00:38:58Oh, no, no, no, no. That's how it's written, and that's how it's done.
00:39:01Let's clear this up. Are you saying you have a lot of that?
00:39:05And that you want...
00:39:06You know, it's been a long day, we all drank a lot,
00:39:11and I know this thing about the prepuce sounds like a good idea now,
00:39:14but I'd like to think about it a little.
00:39:16You can do that in the morning.
00:39:18But if we do it now, there's no way to put it in its place.
00:39:21No, no, no, no, believe me, it will look very, very good.
00:39:24This will be popular. I'll go for my best knife.
00:39:28Just wait here. I'll be right back to cut your penises.
00:39:32No, no, no, not everything. Just the tip.
00:39:35And then we'll all have wine and bread.
00:39:40Do you have any idea where we're going?
00:39:42That's right. We're going to Sodom. We have to save Amaiah and Emma.
00:39:45But he said that God will scarify Sodom with sacred fire.
00:39:47Yes, and he also said to cut the tip of his penis.
00:39:57I've been thinking, how important is the tip of the penis?
00:40:00Because its definition may not be the same as mine.
00:40:03What if the tip is your favorite part?
00:40:05The tip is your only part.
00:40:12Hey, you caught me. I'm guilty.
00:40:15What are you doing here?
00:40:16I'll go with you.
00:40:17You don't even know where we're going.
00:40:18You're going to Sodom, right?
00:40:20Oh, please, how stupid do you think I am?
00:40:22You've been interested in Sodom since my dad mentioned it.
00:40:24If I take you there, you could give me some wine.
00:40:26I'm young.
00:40:27Do you like going out with this girl?
00:40:31Didn't you hear me scream?
00:40:32I think I deserve a drink.
00:40:35There's Sodom.
00:40:36The unholy land, where the devil plays,
00:40:38where sinners are winners.
00:40:42My friends and I come here on the weekends.
00:40:44We hang out with the girls,
00:40:45we drink some wine,
00:40:46we smoke weed.
00:40:47You shouldn't smoke either.
00:40:48Oh, thank you, grandpa,
00:40:49but I've been smoking for four harvests and I think I'm fine.
00:40:54These doors are huge.
00:40:56Well, it looks like they're not open, so...
00:40:58No, no, just knock.
00:40:59I come in all the time.
00:41:00Yeah, knock.
00:41:01Why don't you knock?
00:41:03What if we wake someone up?
00:41:04Emma and Maya can be here.
00:41:05I gave them my word that I would rescue them.
00:41:07That's my word.
00:41:08It can't be mine.
00:41:09I'm ready.
00:41:10I'm tough.
00:41:13Bring help.
00:41:14Tell your father.
00:41:15Yeah, as if I were going to tell my father that I came to Sodom.
00:41:17Goodbye, fools.
00:41:18Now I understand why your father wanted to kill him.
00:41:21Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:41:23Get in!
00:41:26What is this?
00:41:27They were wandering around the door.
00:41:29Their clothes are Hebrew.
00:41:30Well, we're not really Hebrew.
00:41:33We're Hebrew?
00:41:36I understand.
00:41:37I won't talk.
00:41:38Shall we tell the commander?
00:41:39Oh, no.
00:41:40We don't want to wake the commander up.
00:41:42He gets very sick when they wake him up.
00:41:44Worse than this?
00:41:49Let him go.
00:41:53I understand.
00:41:54What the hell is going on?
00:42:00Who woke me up?
00:42:02I was screaming like a woman.
00:42:05But you don't look like a woman.
00:42:07Do you want to kiss me?
00:42:09In a romantic way?
00:42:12By tomorrow morning, you will wish you were not born.
00:42:14Tomorrow morning?
00:42:16Choose someone your size.
00:42:18Because that's something I'd pay to see you with someone your size.
00:42:25Give me the gun.
00:42:31Do you hear a thinner one?
00:42:34Now put your hands on the table.
00:42:40I'll kiss him. Do you want to?
00:42:42I'll start with the obese one.
00:42:44That depends on the...
00:42:45Welcome to Sodoma!
00:42:46Hey, I want some of that.
00:42:51Do you know them?
00:42:56I missed you so much.
00:42:58Oh, guys.
00:42:59Promise me you'll never leave me again.
00:43:05This is amazing.
00:43:06Yes, and today is Monday.
00:43:07You should see this place on Thursday, because Thursday is the new Friday.
00:43:10Yes, thank you for saving us.
00:43:11What are you going to do to us now?
00:43:13Excuse me, did I detect something in your tone?
00:43:15You sold us out like slaves.
00:43:17Oh, do you hold a grudge against me?
00:43:19That was like 14 nights ago.
00:43:20It was like 14 or 15 weeks ago.
00:43:22It was 7 nights ago.
00:43:23Oh, leave me alone.
00:43:25I was dealing with the death of a close person, a family member, and I needed some space.
00:43:30But listen, now I realize that you are like my real brothers.
00:43:34And it's so weird to have brothers that I love, and that I won't kill.
00:43:39Yes, yes, yes.
00:43:40Hey, are you hungry?
00:43:41Yes, I'm hungry.
00:43:42Don't kill me.
00:43:43Yes, okay.
00:43:45Excuse me.
00:43:46I was...
00:43:48Yes, there are two to be scared of.
00:43:49Quick, give them to me.
00:43:53Here, we're at your service.
00:43:56Look at the woman in front of us.
00:43:58She's looking at us.
00:44:00And she's devouring us with her eyes.
00:44:24Well, that banana was good.
00:44:29Talk to her.
00:44:30I'm sorry, I can't.
00:44:31I have a girlfriend.
00:44:32A girl I'm going to marry.
00:44:34I'll tell her I'm going to marry her.
00:44:35Then I'll tell my wife.
00:44:36When I feel like it, I'll tell her.
00:44:37Listen, what perspires in the confines of the walls of Sodom,
00:44:41stays in the confines of the walls of Sodom.
00:44:44You know, if you're going to stay here, you have to join the guard.
00:44:49Hey, hey, what hey, huh?
00:44:50Shut up.
00:44:51I mean, the pay isn't big, but the extras are tons.
00:44:54I'm telling you, it's the only way there is.
00:44:56Let's talk to the sergeant.
00:45:06Oh, I love this.
00:45:08How do I look?
00:45:09This doesn't let me see.
00:45:10It's too big.
00:45:11Isn't there a smaller one?
00:45:12Yes, someone must be the person with the hats around here.
00:45:15We'll find something.
00:45:16Excuse me.
00:45:17This is too big for me and I look very stupid.
00:45:20Don't you have a smaller one?
00:45:21On the line.
00:45:25What are you doing?
00:45:26On the line.
00:45:30In front, take your place on the line.
00:45:32I don't know where the room is.
00:45:34You mean this?
00:45:36You too.
00:45:38I said you'd find a place, stupid bastards.
00:45:40It's something obvious, don't you think?
00:45:41Not for me.
00:45:48I didn't take a sword.
00:45:50I just took the case.
00:45:51I didn't know it was for that.
00:45:54Oh, you have to do this?
00:45:55Just walk?
00:45:57Yes, in essence.
00:45:58Look for scuffles.
00:45:59I mean, if you see a thief or a mailman, we hit him a little.
00:46:03Maybe they cut his finger.
00:46:05Or the tip of the nose.
00:46:07Or the lip.
00:46:08It's a thing that they take and cut in one move.
00:46:11Sounds rough.
00:46:12Hey, just remember.
00:46:13The palace is who pays us, not the people.
00:46:21Six sacrifices in the last ten days.
00:46:24And it hasn't rained yet.
00:46:27There is talk of a revolution in the streets.
00:46:30Oil and grain are scarce.
00:46:32Prices are high.
00:46:34Farmers are hungry.
00:46:37We can have a revolt between hands.
00:46:39Poverty has a bitter taste, but it is a flavor for which they were born.
00:46:43It is the will of the gods.
00:46:45What do the entrails predict?
00:46:49Well, the liver is gray.
00:46:52It doesn't seem to be a good sign.
00:46:54But his rectum is completely pulverized.
00:46:57Which is unusual for a sheep in this region.
00:47:00The genitals are huge.
00:47:02That's not significant.
00:47:03I'm just saying.
00:47:04If you look at the intestines, your thin intestine forms a kind of arch.
00:47:08The two mass balls of the sheep are like eyes.
00:47:10I see a happy face.
00:47:12And that makes me happy.
00:47:13What does that mean?
00:47:15Well, it could mean a surprising visit from a friend.
00:47:19Or that he will go on a long journey through the sea.
00:47:21I can go, I have never traveled.
00:47:23What did you do to be a sumo priest?
00:47:26I'm your brother-in-law, that's why.
00:47:28Maybe it's time for a new priest.
00:47:35Maybe it's time for a new priest.
00:47:39There he goes!
00:47:41Sushanga Tapa!
00:47:48Let this be a warning to you.
00:47:50Next time, I will throw lightning bolts straight at your face.
00:47:54Or fireballs.
00:47:56Do you know which is the best part of Sodoma?
00:47:58The sodomy.
00:47:59They are written down for one.
00:48:04Let's go.
00:48:21Did you see that girl?
00:48:23Ah, it's Princess Inanna.
00:48:25She's hot, and you don't even think about it.
00:48:27Why not?
00:48:28Why? Because it's royalty, and you're a caveman.
00:48:31Where is everyone going?
00:48:32Ah, to the temple. They have to see this.
00:48:34Is she going to be there?
00:48:35Yes, everyone is going to be there.
00:48:46Did you see that?
00:48:57The princess doesn't eat.
00:48:59It's hard for me to eat when there are other hungry people.
00:49:02You can't go on without eating.
00:49:04Why not?
00:49:05The others do.
00:49:06The present company is excluded.
00:49:08Be careful, princess.
00:49:09You may be my daughter,
00:49:11but these are dangerous times, and those words are dangerous.
00:49:15Who cares?
00:49:29What's going on?
00:49:30Choose a virgin.
00:49:36Oh, please. If you're a virgin, I'm a hairy cuckold.
00:49:38Go back to the prostitute, will you?
00:49:40Hurry, bunny.
00:49:42Why do they want a virgin?
00:49:43To throw her into the fire.
00:49:44Aren't you from here?
00:49:45What? Why?
00:49:48It's the offering to the gods.
00:49:50That's true.
00:49:51There's famine.
00:49:52So, if we make a good sacrifice,
00:49:54then the gods will give us rain.
00:49:56You have rain, you have harvest, you have harvest,
00:49:58you have food. Do you know what food is?
00:50:00Yes, you do know what that is.
00:50:02So, they'll throw one of them into the fire so it rains?
00:50:06Where do you think the rain comes from?
00:50:08From the clouds?
00:50:09Even my six-year-old son...
00:50:11Hey, how do you get rain?
00:50:13By burning a virgin.
00:50:15I don't think I'm related to that.
00:50:18Yes, yes, you don't believe it, you don't believe it.
00:50:20It's the gods who like to burn virgins.
00:50:23Did I do something to offend you?
00:50:24I came here and found a great place for the sacrifice,
00:50:26and you're ruining it.
00:50:29You're wasting a good virgin for me.
00:50:32Hey, guys, I'm trying to enjoy the sacrifice with my family.
00:50:35Do you mind?
00:50:36How kind.
00:50:37For the love of the gods,
00:50:40we offer this sacrifice to the sacred fire of Andorra.
00:50:49Are virgins always girls?
00:50:51I'm very happy for her.
00:50:53She was always the substitute.
00:50:54A true story of success.
00:50:56My lord, the princess wishes to see you.
00:51:00What about my friend?
00:51:01Can we both go?
00:51:02We're a couple.
00:51:03Yes, yes, yes, the three of us make a couple.
00:51:05No, you don't.
00:51:06You two, follow me.
00:51:10Ah, I'll try to speak well of you.
00:51:12Yes, do it.
00:51:13If we don't see you again, it's not because we're avoiding you.
00:51:17Hey, don't forget about me!
00:51:19Hurry up!
00:51:21Did you hear me?
00:51:22Safdi is the eunuch.
00:51:24You go with him.
00:51:25And if I want to go with him?
00:51:28Is he your lover?
00:51:30Just friends.
00:51:31We're both men.
00:51:32It would be weird.
00:51:34Come with me.
00:51:36What do you do?
00:51:37I've been the eunuch of the palace since I was nine years old.
00:51:40How do you become a eunuch?
00:51:41Well, they cut your testicles.
00:51:42Why all this genital mutilation?
00:51:44Well, you can keep them.
00:51:46I always have mine on hand.
00:51:48Do you want to see?
00:52:01I want to ask you for advice.
00:52:02What is better?
00:52:03With horse tail or without horse tail?
00:52:05I don't know.
00:52:06Actually, I don't care.
00:52:09I just wanted to know what the ladies of Sodoma want these days, but...
00:52:13This party is crazy!
00:52:15I'm sure.
00:52:16It's more of an informal meeting, I would say.
00:52:31Make sure to try the fruit.
00:52:36What are you doing here?
00:52:37I'm alive, yes.
00:52:39Thanks for asking.
00:52:40And I'm still a slave.
00:52:41I came to rescue you.
00:52:44In fact, that's why we're here.
00:52:45We were going to look for you.
00:52:46Yes, because you seemed very worried about your hairstyle just a second ago.
00:52:50I just...
00:52:51Of course, you were just chosen again.
00:52:52I was.
00:52:53Listen, I would love to accompany you in this orgy, but I can't.
00:52:56Because I have to go be a slave.
00:52:58And I have no rest.
00:53:02And the princess has the dixie.
00:53:08Oh, yes.
00:53:09It's so hot.
00:53:11How realistic.
00:53:14Don't touch!
00:53:16A woman of flesh and blood.
00:53:18Excuse me, miss.
00:53:22Not bad.
00:53:26Good concentration.
00:53:29Very good.
00:53:36Is that you?
00:53:37I can't speak, I'm a statue.
00:53:38Yes, you look so...
00:53:41It's because of the paint.
00:53:42How are you?
00:53:43I'm great.
00:53:44I only have the whole body painted by an obese man who doesn't have balls.
00:53:48Oh, and how was it?
00:53:49It was extremely careful.
00:53:51How did it go?
00:53:52Oh, not bad.
00:53:53I only had a bath and a massage, and now I'm going to recharge.
00:53:56Sounds luxurious.
00:53:57Hey, do you remember that woman who brought us with her face covered?
00:54:01It was Maya.
00:54:02She's working here and she looks great.
00:54:04She got upset with me.
00:54:05And there's Emma.
00:54:07Come, miss.
00:54:08Let me see what's under that skirt.
00:54:12I'm sorry, it was an accident.
00:54:14It wasn't an accident.
00:54:16Hey, you!
00:54:18I told you to bring me more wine!
00:54:20Apologize to the officer now!
00:54:23I'm sorry.
00:54:25Now go.
00:54:26Wait next to the skinny statue.
00:54:28I'll talk to you later.
00:54:33Slaves, what are we going to do with them?
00:54:36Wait a minute.
00:54:38I don't know you.
00:54:42I love you.
00:54:52Are you crazy?
00:54:53I won't serve these people.
00:54:54I'd rather die.
00:54:55Keep it up.
00:54:56You'll do it.
00:54:57What are you doing here?
00:54:58Are you part of the party?
00:54:59I'm not part of anything.
00:55:00I'm not having fun.
00:55:01I'm just watching.
00:55:02There's a lot to learn.
00:55:03Like human sacrifices?
00:55:05Not human sacrifices.
00:55:07But I've been chosen to do something big with my life.
00:55:09Here we go.
00:55:10I'm sure it's not hunting wild boars and carrying baskets.
00:55:15Hi, Maya.
00:55:19She wants to see you.
00:55:22I hope you don't think I'm interested in her.
00:55:24No, why would I think that?
00:55:25It's part of my plan.
00:55:26As soon as I can, I'll get them all out of here.
00:55:28The princess is waiting for you.
00:55:30And I'll wait for her.
00:55:31You wait for me.
00:55:32You don't move.
00:55:33And you're still golden.
00:55:35You have no idea what you're doing, do you?
00:55:37It's nice to see you like this.
00:55:39It's nice to see you too.
00:55:40We should do something.
00:55:41When are you coming out?
00:55:44I'm a slave.
00:55:46Yes, of course.
00:55:48Bring me a towel.
00:55:49Yes, I have to be a slave.
00:55:52And I'll take a specific pose, I guess.
00:55:55I love you.
00:56:04Golden boy.
00:56:05Come here.
00:56:09Come here.
00:56:15Smear me with oil.
00:56:18I'd rather not do it.
00:56:19I'm not a smearer, I'm just a statue.
00:56:22You smear me or you die.
00:56:33With that?
00:56:34Much more.
00:56:35Smear me with oil.
00:56:36Pour it over my body.
00:56:38Tanned and perverted.
00:56:40Yes, now you have all the oil.
00:56:42Oh, wonderful.
00:56:43I love it.
00:56:45Good evening.
00:56:46I'm glad to help you.
00:56:47Now smear it.
00:56:51With my hand?
00:56:52No, with your scrotum.
00:56:54Oh, of course, with your hand.
00:56:59Oh, yes.
00:57:01Oh, the oil, the oil.
00:57:03The precious oil.
00:57:04Oh, wonderful.
00:57:05Oil, oil.
00:57:06Yes, yes.
00:57:07Oh, God, paint a picture of my body.
00:57:09Tell a story to my people.
00:57:10That's it.
00:57:11Take me to Euphrates.
00:57:13That's right.
00:57:14Do something you're ashamed of, boy.
00:57:16Oh, yes.
00:57:18Emma, hello.
00:57:19This is not what it looks like.
00:57:21Oh, harder.
00:57:22Hit me.
00:57:23Like this.
00:57:24No, it's okay.
00:57:25I mean, I understand.
00:57:26Oh, how rude you are.
00:57:27Oh, yes, yes, yes.
00:57:29No, no, no.
00:57:30I'm just smearing oil on that man's chest.
00:57:32Oh, smear me with oil, boy.
00:57:34Like this, like this.
00:57:40Good luck.
00:57:46Come closer.
00:57:51Beautiful, isn't it?
00:57:52You can see Gomorrah from Sodom.
00:57:55Beautiful cities.
00:57:57Many people believe that God will erase them because there is a lot of evil.
00:58:00And what do you think?
00:58:02That I'm bad?
00:58:03I really don't know you, but I don't think you're bad.
00:58:06Do you find me attractive?
00:58:08Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
00:58:11Let me ask you something.
00:58:13What could a girl like you want with someone like me?
00:58:16I don't know.
00:58:17I just find you interesting.
00:58:20You know, they say it's the will of the gods that some men suffer while others rule.
00:58:25That we are all victims of our fate.
00:58:27And I believed that until this morning, when I saw you standing alone in the square and I said,
00:58:32Yes, here is a man who refuses to bow to anything.
00:58:37A man with the courage to question the order of things.
00:58:40A man chosen by the gods to do something great.
00:58:45And that's exactly what I've been thinking.
00:58:47Couldn't you believe the things that have happened to me, just that I don't know why?
00:58:51I know.
00:58:52To bring you here.
00:58:54To my place.
00:58:56To me.
00:58:57That's one more coincidence.
00:59:00And we can't agree on anything else, since we agree.
00:59:08I know this must be difficult for you to understand, but my life is entirely dedicated to the service of the gods.
00:59:13And for the good of the people, I don't keep anything for myself.
00:59:16Your attitude is very generous.
00:59:18Am I really very generous?
00:59:20You are very perceptive to be so young.
00:59:23Yes. What is behind those doors?
00:59:25Behind those doors is the Holy of Holies.
00:59:28The terrestrial domain of the gods.
00:59:30A place so sacred, so powerful, that whoever enters it dies.
00:59:35Who cleans there?
00:59:36You don't need that.
00:59:38It makes you think of the people who built it.
00:59:40They died instantly, or the gods gave them a courtesy of a few seconds to get out of there.
00:59:46They let them finish it.
00:59:47Then they gave them four and a half seconds, and the gods ascended.
00:59:51And if an insect gets in there?
00:59:53It spits out, it dies.
00:59:54So are their corpses?
00:59:55No one cleans in there.
00:59:57They vaporize.
00:59:58Immediately, by a holy flash of vaporous steam fire.
01:00:03Can we enter?
01:00:04Oh, I just told you.
01:00:06Entering is dying instantly.
01:00:07You are as beautiful as a fool.
01:00:09Not even a glance?
01:00:10Oh, so innocent and curious.
01:00:13You want to know everything, taste everything, explore everything, be everything, dance with everything, absorb everything, right?
01:00:19I have a riddle for you.
01:00:21Who has two thumbs and is desperate for another oil bath?
01:00:26Me, silly.
01:00:27Come with me.
01:00:32Come fast.
01:00:33Will there be a problem?
01:00:37What are we doing here?
01:00:39I want you to enter the Holy of Holies.
01:00:41Oh, that's a great coincidence.
01:00:43Because I want you to sit in the post of the posts.
01:00:47No, that's the Holy of Holies.
01:00:49Oh, I thought you were talking ...
01:00:51You have to go in and talk to the gods.
01:00:54Are they there?
01:00:55That's what they say.
01:00:56But the only one who has entered is the High Priest.
01:00:58They say anyone who enters dies.
01:01:01So why enter?
01:01:03Because you have been chosen.
01:01:05If the gods wanted you to die, they would have already killed you.
01:01:09That's why you were chosen.
01:01:12To talk to the gods, discover their purpose
01:01:14and beg them for the end of this terrible famine.
01:01:17And then come back and tell me how it is inside.
01:01:28I'm sure I was chosen, but I'm not so sure.
01:01:30You were chosen.
01:01:32Okay, I'm going in.
01:01:33But you have to do something for me.
01:01:35You have to let my friends go.
01:01:37Whatever you say.
01:01:47Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me!
01:01:52Get up, you look ridiculous.
01:01:58What are you doing here?
01:01:59I'm hiding from the High Priest.
01:02:01I spent two hours soaking him in oil.
01:02:04Hair from the chest?
01:02:05I know you don't want to ask that, Zed.
01:02:08I've lost my sense of good and evil.
01:02:11How did you get in here without the gods killing you?
01:02:13I don't know, what about you?
01:02:14Me? Because I'm the chosen one.
01:02:15And that's probably why they didn't kill you.
01:02:17They realized you were my follower.
01:02:18I'm not your follower.
01:02:20And why are you always following me?
01:02:21I'm not following you.
01:02:22I walk behind you to the same place as you.
01:02:24I'm not following you.
01:02:25I could be guiding you from behind.
01:02:27Oh, please.
01:02:28I'm the leader.
01:02:29I've always been the leader.
01:02:30What a leader you are.
01:02:31You told us you'd get us out of here,
01:02:32and you've been walking around in orgies.
01:02:33Walking around in orgies?
01:02:35No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:02:36I'm not like you.
01:02:37I walk around in gold paint and have fun.
01:02:39I don't have free time.
01:02:41Your life is free time.
01:02:42It's what you think, isn't it?
01:02:43It's what everyone thinks.
01:02:44Well, guess what?
01:02:45I'm going to show you something, friend.
01:02:52Almighty God.
01:02:53Or gods.
01:02:54That doesn't matter.
01:02:56The thing is, I need to ask a favor.
01:02:58I know I've actually ruined things,
01:03:00but I actually need to get out of this one.
01:03:04And I want to ask that you please give me the strength to free my friends.
01:03:08That's the favor.
01:03:13Also, if you could just make it rain,
01:03:16or maybe,
01:03:17or just rain a little without us having to kill a virgin,
01:03:20you know?
01:03:21Because we need our virgins.
01:03:25And also,
01:03:26if you could give me the power to see through women's clothes
01:03:28without them knowing,
01:03:30that would be great.
01:03:34Have you ever thought that there could be silence because God isn't here?
01:03:37Look around.
01:03:38There's nothing or no one here.
01:03:40That doesn't prove anything.
01:03:41Maybe he went away.
01:03:43They're God's things.
01:03:44If he needs something, he can create it out of nothing.
01:03:46What's the point of being God if you need to go get things?
01:03:49Let me externalize something.
01:03:51God probably doesn't exist.
01:03:55So everything is a coincidence?
01:03:57So nothing means nothing?
01:03:59What would be the point?
01:04:00That's the point.
01:04:01And the point is that there's no point?
01:04:02How stupid.
01:04:03You're stupid.
01:04:04No, there has to be something bigger than me.
01:04:05Believe me, there's nothing bigger than you.
01:04:07To clarify the point, don't touch my belly.
01:04:08Okay, I won't.
01:04:09I'm sorry, I have a man's body.
01:04:11I'm immature in my own way.
01:04:13Are you so jealous of me?
01:04:14Jealous of what?
01:04:15That you're an artist's trash
01:04:16and that every time you think it's trash,
01:04:17what comes out of your mouth when you speak?
01:04:19Would you really believe in God if you had been with a woman?
01:04:21I'm a virgin by choice.
01:04:23Not your choice.
01:04:25I won't apologize.
01:04:27I will, and you won't.
01:04:28Apologize first.
01:04:29I won't interfere.
01:04:30I will do what you just said.
01:04:31I don't want you near me.
01:04:32Leave your belly to my belly.
01:04:33So leave my belly.
01:04:34And I don't want to touch your belly ever.
01:04:35Get away from me.
01:04:36You're out of control.
01:04:37You're out of control.
01:04:38You are the one who has to do as you say.
01:04:39You're a fool.
01:04:40You're a fool.
01:04:41Let me go.
01:04:42You're a fucking fool.
01:04:43I know that I can fix this.
01:04:46The princess is out there.
01:04:49If I do this right,
01:04:51I'm going to get everyone out of here.
01:04:52And Maya and Emma, too.
01:04:54Just trust me.
01:04:55Have a little faith.
01:04:56Do you want it?
01:04:58I don't want to argue. I had a long hot bath with the High Priest and I have nausea.
01:05:02Sorry to shake you like that.
01:05:05Follow me.
01:05:11God, if you exist, if you make Emma love me, I will be very grateful.
01:05:17Yes, you exist.
01:05:22Hey! Hello!
01:05:24Everyone is waiting to get in there, because it's not a big deal.
01:05:27If you see a broken penis, it was like that when we got in there.
01:05:29Stop him!
01:05:32Him too!
01:05:40I would like to be down.
01:05:43It looks fun.
01:05:46And is it fun?
01:05:50So you don't want to talk to me?
01:05:52We are no longer friends after everything I did for you?
01:05:54What have you done for me?
01:05:55I took out your shell.
01:05:57I liked being there.
01:05:59I liked the village.
01:06:00Now for you I am in this horrible place where brothers kill brothers and burn women and make people slaves.
01:06:06Men cut the tip of their penises and cut their testicles.
01:06:09And never see Emma because of you, Zed.
01:06:12Oh, please, sorry.
01:06:14Understand, you are my best friend.
01:06:16I hate the world and I hate you.
01:06:18And now I'm hanging down and I want to urinate.
01:06:21I know I'm not perfect.
01:06:22I know I'm not perfect.
01:06:24And maybe I made some bad decisions, but you have to understand, I'm the chosen one.
01:06:28That's a lot of responsibility, you can't even imagine it.
01:06:30The only one who thinks you were chosen is you, Zed.
01:06:32Shut up!
01:06:34I know we'll get out of here, even if it's the last thing I do.
01:06:50That was my first idea.
01:06:52I also accept ideas.
01:06:55The prisoner has to urinate!
01:06:58Oh, I'm going to urinate.
01:07:04Keep your mouth shut.
01:07:09Oh no, and in the nose.
01:07:14Hey, I've also urinated on my face.
01:07:17And I haven't cried.
01:07:19I hate you.
01:07:29Look, dear, since you were the one who led him to his death.
01:07:35For the crimes of blasphemy.
01:07:42And what are you thinking?
01:07:45I'm trying to have a conversation.
01:07:50Your hair looks good today.
01:07:52I urinated on him.
01:07:54So that's the secret.
01:07:59Oh, it's reusing sodomy.
01:08:03Can you forgive me?
01:08:05I think I hate you too much.
01:08:08And the brutal murder of my brother.
01:08:12For these and some other crimes, the prisoners will be stoned to death!
01:08:21Can I make a suggestion?
01:08:25That there be only one person to throw stones at us.
01:08:28And I think it would be fair to let us choose who will stone us.
01:08:34No, that doesn't make any sense.
01:08:36We believe him.
01:08:40He will stone us.
01:08:42Do you think because I'm a noob I can't throw?
01:08:44I'll show you how to do it.
01:08:46No, no, no, no, no.
01:08:48What did he do?
01:08:50Did he just throw his ball?
01:08:52How spectacular.
01:08:54No, that doesn't count.
01:08:56That was a testicle.
01:08:58I think that counts.
01:09:00Choose someone else.
01:09:02What is that idiot doing?
01:09:04Choose him!
01:09:06Ah, good.
01:09:08This one?
01:09:10No, no, the one below.
01:09:12Right in front of him.
01:09:14Not him, it's a boy.
01:09:16And what?
01:09:21That boy has arms.
01:09:23Hey, there's two of us.
01:09:25Are you happy now?
01:09:27Okay, everyone on this side on the count of three.
01:09:29One, two...
01:09:33I have a question for the king.
01:09:35Why didn't I die in the Sanctuary of the Saints?
01:09:40Yes, I entered the Sanctuary of the Saints.
01:09:43And oh, I'm still here.
01:09:46Because I have been chosen by the gods!
01:09:51The chosen one!
01:09:53The chosen one!
01:09:55The chosen one!
01:09:57The chosen one!
01:09:59Release the chosen one!
01:10:01And his friend!
01:10:03And his young friend!
01:10:05Don't kill either of them!
01:10:07Everyone knows that the chosen one has someone else!
01:10:09Is it possible? He was chosen?
01:10:11Well, it's possible.
01:10:13Although, doubtful.
01:10:14With all due respect,
01:10:16the chosen one is no longer the issue.
01:10:19If I were to kill him now,
01:10:21given the public mood,
01:10:23I could inflame the situation
01:10:25and thus cause a radical regime change.
01:10:30Do you know what I mean?
01:10:34I understand.
01:10:40It is the judgment of our king!
01:10:43That the prisoners be enslaved to hard labor
01:10:47until they die of hunger or exhaustion!
01:10:53Isn't that better?
01:11:04It seems you enjoy your work.
01:11:06How long have you been a slave?
01:11:08I am not a slave. I am a volunteer.
01:11:09A volunteer?
01:11:12In Mebaragesi?
01:11:14I haven't seen you in a long time.
01:11:17You deserved that.
01:11:19Take those bricks over there.
01:11:21The mazones will throw them at you.
01:11:23I would, but I did something to my neck.
01:11:25I think I slept on it.
01:11:27Maybe I should take it easy
01:11:29or I won't be in a good mood to work tomorrow.
01:11:31The mud is very good for your skin.
01:11:35Ask why my skin is so rough.
01:11:37Why is it so rough?
01:11:39Because you are a slave!
01:11:43You will love to be outside.
01:11:53Do you want water?
01:11:55Do you belong to the village?
01:11:57I bet you would like to go back right now.
01:12:02Then don't give up. You will come back one day.
01:12:05Who is going to take him there?
01:12:07The chosen one?
01:12:21You two, up!
01:12:23On the line! Now!
01:12:25Where are you taking us?
01:12:27To see the sacrifice. The king orders it.
01:12:29Is it mandatory?
01:12:31Is there any work I want to do?
01:12:33I will advance it tomorrow.
01:12:35I would like to see how big it is without that whip.
01:12:37The same size.
01:12:39Everything is in order, Your Majesty.
01:12:41And now what? More virgins to sacrifice?
01:12:43Yes, two.
01:12:45You, young lady, and another of the slaves.
01:12:48Followers of the chosen one.
01:12:50Discovered by this loyal soldier.
01:12:52I was just doing my job, that's all.
01:12:55And one more.
01:12:57To show our own faith and charity.
01:13:00For the love of the people
01:13:02and the divine gift of the rain
01:13:05we offer this humble sacrifice.
01:13:08My beautiful and beautiful daughter.
01:13:11The princess Inanna.
01:13:16Are you crazy?
01:13:18For the good of the people, dear.
01:13:20Dare to do it.
01:13:22Do you want to see?
01:13:24Because I can make you join them.
01:13:28How much do you think I would tolerate your insolence?
01:13:30Kill her!
01:13:40You will not feel anything.
01:13:47The people hear me?
01:13:49How dare they?
01:13:51They love him.
01:13:53They acclaim him.
01:13:58It's okay.
01:14:08They are Maya!
01:14:10And Emma!
01:14:12Is Maya a virgin?
01:14:14No, not them, not them!
01:14:16What are you doing?
01:14:18Kill me! I'm a virgin man!
01:14:20We can't let them do this!
01:14:24I have to get down there.
01:14:26On my corpse.
01:14:28No problem.
01:14:30No! No! Let me go!
01:14:33Thank you, Mardak.
01:14:35Yes. And now what?
01:14:37We implore the great gods!
01:14:39Show us!
01:14:41A sign!
01:14:43Take this end.
01:14:45I'm going down.
01:15:02Oh no.
01:15:37It's a sign!
01:15:39The chosen one is coming!
01:15:41The suffering will end!
01:15:43It's the chosen one!
01:15:45We can stop him!
01:15:49We can!
01:15:55Let's cut some holes.
01:15:59I knew I could depend on your loyalty.
01:16:03What an idiot.
01:16:07Oh no!
01:16:10Burn them! Burn them all!
01:16:13You don't appreciate the will of the gods.
01:16:15I don't think so.
01:16:21I'm sorry!
01:16:25Ma'am, are you okay?
01:16:27Did you receive the message?
01:16:29We'll be safe here.
01:16:38This could be a bad time to say this, but...
01:16:41I just want to say that what you saw the other night with the high priest...
01:16:45He's a friend.
01:16:47That doesn't make me gay.
01:16:57I always thought you and I had a connection, so I just wanted to mention it.
01:17:01I always thought we had one, and maybe you feel the same.
01:17:04I just want to mention it and see what you think.
01:17:18But I've always felt it in a certain way for you.
01:17:22I don't know if you know it or not, but those birds...
01:17:25that were always outside your hut were...
01:17:27were mine.
01:17:29Like a gift for you.
01:17:31I thought you'd like them.
01:17:33I always thought you could use dead birds in a soup or something.
01:17:37I thought they were practical or...
01:17:45Should I take off my underwear?
01:17:50Oh, tough guy, huh?
01:17:52You want a piece of me?
01:17:54I'll give you a piece of me.
01:17:56I'll give you a piece of me.
01:17:58I'll give you a piece of me.
01:17:59Oh, tough guy, huh?
01:18:01You want a piece of me?
01:18:03I'll give you a piece of me.
01:18:08That really hurt.
01:18:26Get up and die like a man!
01:18:29Nobody hurts this woman! She's not a virgin anymore!
01:18:32Neither is he!
01:18:34I saved her life by making love to her!
01:18:36Sit down, Mom. Dad's going to fight.
01:18:44No! Wait, wait, wait!
01:18:46Don't kill him!
01:18:48I just had sex with my new girlfriend.
01:18:51I had to tell someone. I loved it.
01:18:53I hope there's a second time.
01:18:55What's that behind you?
01:18:57You won't fool me!
01:19:01Sodomy, Seth!
01:19:16You did it!
01:19:20Back off! Let her go!
01:19:21No! The gods demand a sacrifice, and I ruined it!
01:19:24Add a little more oil.
01:19:28Oh, my eyes!
01:19:34I always knew you'd break my heart.
01:19:37Oh, my eyes!
01:19:47It was ironic.
01:19:55On behalf of the whole city,
01:19:57I want to thank the High Priest for his incredible sacrifice.
01:20:00That was amazing, wasn't it?
01:20:04No, do it like this. Put your hands together.
01:20:06That's it.
01:20:21He's the chosen one!
01:20:23He's the chosen one!
01:20:25He's the chosen one!
01:20:27He's the chosen one!
01:20:29He's the chosen one!
01:20:35That was a little confusing, wasn't it?
01:20:37Was it a sign from the gods?
01:20:39Everyone wants to know.
01:20:41Well, I have to know because I'm the chosen one, right?
01:20:46Are you respecting me?
01:20:50Loving me?
01:20:54Fearing me?
01:20:58Are you worshiping me?
01:21:11Well, I'm not!
01:21:15I'm not saying I don't like it. I'm the chosen one, so no.
01:21:17I say no because I'm not the chosen one.
01:21:22I thought I was, but...
01:21:24I'm not, I'm sorry.
01:21:26I'm just a boy from the woods who was lucky enough to have these great friends who take care of my back.
01:21:35I'm telling you that you don't need me.
01:21:37You know what? Maybe we can all create our destiny.
01:21:43We can all be chosen!
01:21:47You can be chosen!
01:21:49And you!
01:21:51And you!
01:21:53And the one behind you!
01:22:23So you're a queen?
01:22:25I wouldn't have done it without you.
01:22:27Yes, of course.
01:22:29No, seriously, I tried for years and...
01:22:31Ah, maybe you couldn't. I was surprised with the...
01:22:34I'm sorry I...
01:22:36risked your life.
01:22:38Ah, it's okay.
01:22:40Give me a hug.
01:22:46See you later.
01:22:50Come on, friends.
01:22:52Lift that camel stretcher.
01:22:53Yes, sir!
01:22:54I waited all day to do it.
01:22:55Those assholes don't carry themselves, hurry up!
01:22:57I'll kill you where you are.
01:22:59Calm down.
01:23:00He cut a little at the end, but there's a lot more where that came from.
01:23:03No, this is my woman.
01:23:04Get away from her or I'll kill you where you are.
01:23:05Calm down, calm down, I'm sorry.
01:23:06Go away.
01:23:07Get out of here, Isaac.
01:23:08Do it.
01:23:09What a character.
01:23:11So you're still thinking about going to Egypt?
01:23:13It's supposed to be where things happen, so are you coming or not?
01:23:16Well, I was planning to go anyway, so...
01:23:23I'll show you a new style, everyone does it.
01:23:25You open your mouth too wide, it makes it sexier.
01:23:31I plan to include introducing the tongue, but I haven't perfected it yet.
01:23:35We'll work on that.
01:23:37How about it?
01:23:39The men.
01:23:40One will be the leader of the village and the other will explore the world.
01:23:43Don't you want to help me handle things?
01:23:45We don't need each other.
01:23:47Everyone knows you're the smartest guy in the village.
01:23:49Now they'll know you're the most incredible warrior anyone has ever seen.
01:23:52How did you hit that lady?
01:23:55Well, she didn't let me choose, so I hit her in the face.
01:24:01We'll tell your stories around the fire.
01:24:04We'll tell your stories around the fire.
01:24:07Strangers shake hands, take that away.
01:24:14I'm going to miss you, little one.
01:24:16I'll miss you more.
01:24:17I just want to smell you, friend. I want your essence to stay in my mind.
01:24:20It's likely to be the urine in my hair.
01:24:26I can't let them see me cry, they respect me too much.
01:24:29Me too.
01:24:30At three. One, two, three.
01:24:36May the gods smile on you. Goodbye.
01:24:38As you wish. Goodbye.
01:24:43I want you and my sister to have children.
01:24:47Try to stop me.
01:24:50I mean, may the gods smile on you.
01:24:52You already said that.
01:24:54But thank you.
01:24:57Very good, friends. We're leaving now because I say so.
01:25:00Did you understand?
01:25:01Let's go, Lindsay.
01:25:02Everyone sees us.
01:25:06Good boy.
01:25:07To the north!
01:25:10That's... to the west.
01:25:12Yes, I just wanted to know if you knew.
01:25:14To the west!
01:25:16I'm glad you're here.
01:25:31No time to explain.
01:25:38One, two, three. Preparations.
01:25:41I invoke your blessing and your will.
01:25:44What's next?
01:25:46It was a game. It was a game of chance.
01:25:48He hit his head and killed himself.
01:25:50As if nothing happened. It was a suicide.
01:25:53I got one.
01:25:56In honor of the chosen one.
01:25:58As my first official act as his queen.
01:26:01I'll have to say my lines again.
01:26:04Let's go back. Try it again.
01:26:07You don't want everything like this.
01:26:08You want to taste and know everything and feel it and absorb everything and get everything out of your ass.
01:26:13It's not like that.
01:26:14No, it wasn't like that.
01:26:18It's like the great turtle emerging from the sea, you know?
01:26:21It's like... with the earth on its back.
01:26:24Do you understand?
01:26:25I'm an oilman.
01:26:27You're cursed, Seth.
01:26:29And if you don't get out of here, we'll all be cursed.
01:26:31And he drank from the ocean.
01:26:33Then he died in the mountains and the first man fell from the stars.
01:26:37All this doesn't... doesn't make much sense, guys.
01:26:40Can I talk to Harold?
01:26:51Die, worm, die.
01:26:54I'm sorry.
