• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Giorgio Rutelli ospita James Carafano (Heritage Foundation) e Paul McCarthy (International Republican Institute) nello studio vodcast dell'Adnkronos. Carafano identifica Giorgia Meloni, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Javier Milei e Narendra Modi come leader che, come Reagan, Thatcher e Giovanni Paolo II, stanno trasformando il loro tempo. Sottolinea come questi leader abbiano “rotto il codice” per capire e rispondere alle esigenze della maggioranza degli elettori, creando una leadership in grado di affrontare le sfide globali, dall’esplorazione spaziale alle crisi demografiche.


00:00In future years, people are going to look back and they're going to talk about Malay,
00:05Maloney, Musk, Trump, and Modi, the way people talked about Reagan, Thatcher, and John Paul.
00:16And they are the transformational leaders of their time.
00:20They're the leaders who have broken the code on how do you, understanding what everyday
00:27voters really want, how do you build a coalition to get into power, and how do you deliver
00:33governance which actually delivers on the agenda that people want.
00:39That's the kind of common thing that unites all of them.
00:43And you know, Musk is not a religious leader like John Paul, but he's a brilliant thought
00:50And much in the way John Paul was, what he brought to that relationship was he envisioned
00:59a new world, a free Poland, an Eastern Europe that wasn't in the Soviet bloc, a world where
01:10things mattered.
01:12And Elon Musk, in his way, when he talks about space and human potential and the need to
01:17deal with the demographic crash we're seeing in many places in the world, he's playing
01:21that similar role.
01:22So I don't think this is just politics.
01:27I think this is the transformational leadership of this generation.
