• 2 months ago
00:00which was the Pittsburgh Pirates held their annual off-season fan fest this past weekend,
00:05and it didn't go very well. First, the fans that were in attendance were apparently,
00:11of course, they don't like Bob Nutting and the current ownership group, and they were
00:15chanting for him to sell the team while Pirates CEO Travis Williams, I guess, was up on stage
00:20doing an interview there for their fans. He told the angry fans that it's just not happening.
00:27You guys are going to have to get over it. The Nuttings aren't selling the Pirates.
00:31They're not going anywhere. To that, they all just bowed their heads and left. That's what
00:38happened there. I don't know what happened. People want to jump off the Clementi bridge
00:42at the fact that this guy won't sell the team. Well, if they weren't going to jump off the
00:47Clementi bridge for that, they might jump off for this. Here's Paul Skeens. He seemed very
00:54thrilled to be there, even more thrilled when they asked him if the Pirates have discussed a
00:58long-term deal with him yet. How much are you hearing from fans here this weekend that they
01:03want the Pirates to lock you up long-term, and what would it, I guess, take for you to even
01:08consider signing a long-term deal with the Pirates? Yeah, I haven't heard a whole lot.
01:14I don't know. I haven't given it too much thought. Oh, my God. Hasn't heard a whole lot. He's like,
01:21I guess they're not picking up the phone with his agent or him trying to
01:25maybe get some kind of deal together. Any great player that the Pirates have ever had
01:31in the last 30 years they've gotten rid of. Yeah, not a good scene at Pirates FanFest weekend.
