• 2 months ago
Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer

#DeeneFitrat #ShaykhMuftiTauqeer #ARYQtv

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00:00Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, alhamdulillahi wabarakatuhu, wa salamu ala
00:19wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:27wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:33wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:39wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:45wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:51wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
00:57wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
01:03wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu, wa barakatuhu,
01:09Allah Ta'ala said about Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the Qur'an,
01:17فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ
01:21Allah's mercy is that you are kind to the people around you.
01:29وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَضًّا قَلِيدًا الْقَلْبِ لَنْ فَدُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكِ
01:34If you had a strict temperament and a strict heart,
01:41then these people would have left you.
01:46If you look at the context of these verses in depth,
01:53after the battle of Uhud, when the Muslims were defeated,
02:02some verses were revealed in its context.
02:05And in these verses, Allah Ta'ala consoled the hearts of the Muslims.
02:10He sort of post-mortemed why this happened, what happened, how it happened.
02:16And those who have studied the biography of the people of Uhud,
02:21they know that before going to Uhud, the hypocrites,
02:26who showed themselves to be Muslims, but in reality were not Muslims,
02:31they suggested that we should fight inside the city.
02:35And some of the companions suggested that we should go outside the city and fight.
02:40And Allah's Messenger eventually agreed to the suggestion of going outside.
02:45And then there was a lot of loss in the fight.
02:49So the hypocrites said, we did not say.
02:51Okay, the first thing is that the hypocrites came back, they did not go.
02:54They said, our suggestion was not accepted, we do not go.
02:57The companions were obedient.
03:00They listened and obeyed.
03:02The hypocrites are those who listen to the words of Allah and Allah's Messenger,
03:06but do not believe.
03:09So they did not believe.
03:12They did not go.
03:14And when there was loss, they said, we did say that we would not go.
03:17Now see what happened.
03:19That is, they showed a lot of harshness, a lot of disloyalty.
03:25Even though they were physically showing themselves as Muslims,
03:28but they showed such an attitude that perhaps people have come to know that this is not possible to be a Muslim.
03:34In all this context, Allah Almighty has revealed these verses.
03:41But the point I want to make is that the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger is soft-spirited,
03:51The whole Seerah is filled with this.
03:53This is one of their Sunnah.
03:55This is a very big character trait of the Prophet's morals.
04:01He has a very big attribute, soft-spirited, soft-spoken, soft-hearted.
04:06This has been deprived of our society.
04:09It has gone.
04:11People have become hard-spirited.
04:14They have become hard-spirited in speaking, hard-spirited in choosing words, hard-spirited in their dealings.
04:20Every time there is anger, as they say, on the nose,
04:25on the forehead, there is always a face of anger.
04:29Some people have a face of worry, some people have a face of anger.
04:33There is always anger.
04:35The face is tense.
04:37As I have said,
04:39hard-spirited in speaking, hard-spirited in choosing words,
04:43saying bad things about certain things,
04:46in fact, may Allah have mercy on us,
04:48but in certain things, choosing bad words,
04:53this is not a Muslim society.
04:56This is not a sign of being a follower of Allah's Messenger.
05:02This is not a Sunnah.
05:07have a soft-spirit in your temperament.
05:10It is the etiquette of a society to be soft-spirited.
05:14It is okay if you make a mistake.
05:19Everyone is a puppet of their mistakes.
05:22There are some people who make mistakes knowingly.
05:25They take advantage of the situation.
05:27They take advantage of people's soft-spirit.
05:29This is a different category.
05:31Of course, when someone tries to take advantage of your decency,
05:36you will give him a straight answer.
05:38You will not be rude to him.
05:40You will not be immoral to him.
05:42You will speak to him in a straight tone.
05:45You will deal with him professionally.
05:47If you go back in front of him,
05:51of course, he will want to eat you.
05:54He will want to take advantage of your soft-spirit.
05:56But you will speak to such a person in a straight tone.
05:58But the rest of the people,
06:00who are good,
06:01why are you strict with them?
06:03Why is it that some people have a strict temperament?
06:06They come to the mosque and are strict.
06:08They speak to people after praying.
06:10They speak to them in a strict tone.
06:12They go home and speak to their wife and children in a strict tone.
06:15They don't love their wife.
06:17They don't love their children.
06:19They don't love their children.
06:20They don't respect their elders.
06:22They are angry all the time.
06:24It is the same with young people and elders.
06:26In fact, many times, the anger of youth
06:28becomes so mature that
06:30these are the conditions that remain after growing up.
06:32Please, we need to correct this.
06:35Prophet Kareem A.S. said,
06:38Allah is a friend who loves kindness.
06:43Allah is a friend who loves kindness.
06:46Allah is soft and He likes softness.
06:52Allah says,
06:57Allah gives softness to those who do not give hardness.
07:03The person who has a soft temperament,
07:05who follows the Sunnah of the Prophet,
07:08and creates softness in his temperament,
07:11Allah gives blessings in his life.
07:14He receives blessings.
07:17He feels peace in his heart.
07:20People feel love for him.
07:24Allah's Prophet said,
07:26He is not a good person
07:29who neither loves nor is loved.
07:36He does not love people
07:38nor does he have affection for people.
07:40People do not have affection for him.
07:42People do not love a person who has a hard temperament.
07:46Love is created by softness.
07:48Love is created by softness.
07:50If you give love, you will get love.
07:52If you give love, you will get love.
07:54If you give respect, you will get respect.
07:56It is possible that because of our hardness,
07:59because of our temperament,
08:01people will listen to us.
08:03But to listen is one thing
08:05and to love is another thing.
08:09Create love in people's hearts.
08:12People used to love Allah's Prophet.
08:16They were ready to sacrifice their lives for him.
08:19We should study all of his morals.
08:24I am talking about his softness.
08:27His softness towards his wives.
08:30With Sayyidina Aisha,
08:32the Prophet used to race with her.
08:37This incident happened twice.
08:39It is mentioned in the Ahadith.
08:41One time, he was returning from a journey.
08:44He used to study at night,
08:46and study at day, and study at night, and study at day.
08:49Generally, the Sunnah was that
08:51one should not enter the city at night.
08:53One should enter the city at day.
08:55This is how the city of Madinah Munawwarah
08:57began to be seen.
08:59The companions were with him.
09:01Sayyidina Aisha was with him.
09:03The Prophet said,
09:05in the morning,
09:07he studied at night,
09:09just outside the city.
09:11In the morning, he said to the companions,
09:13I and Aisha will come.
09:15The city has arrived.
09:17When the companions left,
09:19the Messenger of Allah,
09:21Sayyidina Aisha,
09:23said to him,
09:27let's race.
09:33we get serious in the so-called religion.
09:35I have become very religious.
09:37I have become very righteous.
09:39I have become very pious.
09:43even with the wife,
09:45there is strictness in some people.
09:47This is Sunnah.
09:49Aisha, let's race.
09:51Sayyidina Aisha said,
09:53let's race.
09:55And they raced,
09:57and let Sayyidina Aisha win.
09:59She was happy.
10:01She was young.
10:03It was fun.
10:05After a while,
10:07after a few years,
10:11in the morning, he said to the companions,
10:13let's go.
10:15Then, he asked Sayyidina Aisha,
10:17Aisha, let's race.
10:19They raced,
10:21and this time,
10:23they won.
10:25And jokingly, he said,
10:27Aisha, this is the revenge of that defeat,
10:29which you defeated me once.
10:31Today, I have taken revenge.
10:33Sayyidina Aisha was happy.
10:35She felt good.
10:37She felt love.
10:39She felt affection.
10:41She was gentle with the children.
10:43The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
10:49or in another narration,
10:57He is not one of us.
10:59He is not one of us.
11:01What a strict promise.
11:03He is not one of us.
11:05He does not respect elders.
11:07He does not respect elders.
11:09He does not recognize the honor of those
11:11whom Allah has given.
11:13He does not respect them.
11:15He does not show mercy to the children.
11:17He is not one of us.
11:19You see in the sunnah,
11:21how love to the children,
11:23love to the children,
11:25gentleness to the children.
11:27In another hadith,
11:29the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
11:33The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
11:35O Aisha, be gentle.
11:41The gentleness that is in something,
11:43makes it beautiful.
11:45With gentleness,
11:47an environment becomes beautiful.
11:49That work becomes beautiful.
11:57And when gentleness is taken out of something,
11:59it becomes ugly.
12:01The environment becomes ugly.
12:03Tension arises.
12:09we should
12:11try to develop
12:13a gentle temperament.
12:15We should try to develop gentleness in our temperament.
12:17You see,
12:19remember one principle.
12:21Whatever we do with people,
12:23will happen with us on the Day of Judgment.
12:25If we show gentleness to people,
12:27Allah will treat us with gentleness.
12:29If we show strictness to people,
12:31Allah will not do that.
12:33But according to the principle,
12:35this is equivalent to inviting people
12:37to show strictness to us.
12:39Forgive people, Allah will forgive us.
12:41Hide people's faults,
12:43Allah will hide our faults.
12:45Spend on people,
12:47Allah spends on us.
12:49Allah grants us.
12:51This is the principle of Allah.
12:53As you do, you will be rewarded.
12:55So please,
12:57in order to develop beauty,
12:59develop a gentle temperament.
13:01Develop a gentle temperament.
13:03Bring gentleness in your tongue.
13:05Choose your words gently.
13:07Choose your tone gently.
13:11And as I said,
13:13if there is someone
13:15who tries to take advantage of our gentleness,
13:17then we will talk to him straightly.
13:19But not with ill-manneredness.
13:21Not with ill-manneredness.
13:23Talk to the poor with gentleness.
13:25Buy a fruit from a market vendor
13:27with gentleness.
13:29How much have you paid?
13:31How are you? Are you fine?
13:33How much are you paying?
13:35Go to the shop with gentleness.
13:37Talk to the person you want to deal with.
13:39Talk to them gently.
13:41The gentleness in your temperament should be there.
13:43The gentleness in your style should be there.
13:45The gentleness in your habits should be there.
13:47Children should love.
13:49Children should want to come to you.
13:51Children should love you.
13:53Children should want to bond with you.
13:55Children should want to hug you.
13:57Children should want to play with you.
13:59This is
14:01the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah.
14:03This makes the society beautiful.
14:05May Allah grant us all
14:07that gentleness which is required by Allah.
14:09By which Allah's gentleness
14:11will come upon us.
14:13Let's take a short break.
14:15InshaAllah we will be back with your questions.
14:17You can email us your questions.
14:19at airwaydigital.tv
14:23Welcome back.
14:25We are back with your questions.
14:27One question was asked
14:33I have made many mistakes in my life.
14:39I am gaining knowledge.
14:41And I have realized
14:43that the Day of Judgment is a difficult day.
14:45And on the Day of Judgment
14:47all the deeds will be presented.
14:49The names of the deeds will be written.
14:53everything will be recorded in it.
14:55Everything that we are talking about
14:57will be recorded.
14:59The earth will bear witness
15:01to what happened on the earth.
15:07the organs of the body will bear witness.
15:09The body parts will speak
15:11about what was done to them.
15:13The court will be held on the Day of Judgment
15:15in front of Allah.
15:17And a witness will be presented.
15:19And then
15:21a decision will be made.
15:23People will demand their rights.
15:25I have gained all the knowledge.
15:27Now I have realized
15:29that there are many sins in my life.
15:31What will become of me?
15:33This kind of question
15:35was asked.
15:37He has started gaining knowledge
15:39of a religion.
15:41And after gaining knowledge of that religion
15:43he realized
15:47Allah bless you.
15:49You are gaining knowledge
15:51and you are doing it
15:53with the intention of action.
15:55This is the first thing.
15:57Allah bless you.
15:59Because actually
16:01knowledge is for action.
16:03Without action, there is no knowledge.
16:07Banu Israel had a lot of knowledge
16:09but they did not have action.
16:11A lot of people
16:13did not act upon it.
16:15Allah Almighty
16:17gave them an example
16:19to show
16:21the wickedness of this action.
16:31Those people who
16:33carried the burden of Torah
16:35and did not act upon it
16:37and did not fulfill its rights
16:39are the ones who
16:41carry books on their back.
16:43These are the people.
16:45What a bad example of such people.
16:47Those who have knowledge but do not act upon it.
16:49First of all,
16:51I congratulate you again.
16:53You deserve to be congratulated
16:55that you
16:57showed concern
16:59to act upon your knowledge.
17:01The second thing is
17:05our religion is very beautiful
17:07in many ways
17:09and also in this way
17:11that there is no disappointment
17:13in our religion.
17:15Whatever a person has done in life,
17:17there is always
17:19a way back.
17:21Otherwise, a person
17:23will be disappointed.
17:25Then a person will say
17:27that what is the use of my life.
17:29There are people
17:31who say that
17:33I have made so many mistakes
17:35in my life.
17:37This is not true.
17:39This is a deception of Satan.
17:41Allah says in the Quran
17:49There is no disappointment
17:51and no disappointment.
17:53There is only one condition
17:55and that is the condition of repentance.
17:57To repent from the heart.
17:59Repentance means
18:01that first of all,
18:03second of all,
18:05leave that thing immediately.
18:07Because repentance is the same thing.
18:09Repentance means
18:11that a person will leave that thing.
18:13What is this that I am regretful
18:15but I am doing it.
18:17So, there should be repentance
18:19and its effect should be visible in this situation
18:21that that thing should be left immediately.
18:23Apologize to Allah.
18:25Seek forgiveness.
18:27And next time,
18:29I will not do it.
18:31This is called repentance.
18:33This is called true repentance.
18:35I repeat, there should be repentance
18:37and leave that thing immediately.
18:39Apologize to Allah.
18:41Seek forgiveness.
18:43And next time, I will not do it.
18:45And next time, I will not do it.
18:47If this is the case,
18:49then Allah removes that thing.
18:55The one who repents from a sin
18:57is the same as he did not commit that sin.
18:59The Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
19:01is saying that
19:03the one who repents from a sin
19:05is the same as he did not commit that sin.
19:11Allah removes it from the memory.
19:15if we talk in the language of computers,
19:17it will be permanently deleted.
19:19The earth will bear witness.
19:21It will be forgotten.
19:23The organs will bear witness.
19:25It will be forgotten.
19:27This girl has truly repented.
19:29This girl has truly repented.
19:33Allah will permanently delete
19:35all those things from her memory.
19:39So, do not worry at all.
19:41Do not despair at all.
19:43Your emotions are worth appreciating.
19:45May Allah keep you happy.
19:47May Allah enable us all
19:49to truly repent.
19:51Whatever mistakes we have committed,
19:53and it is their right,
19:57the Day of Judgment
19:59is a very difficult day.
20:01It is a day of 50,000 years.
20:03It is a long day.
20:05A day of 50,000 years.
20:07How long do we live?
20:0960-70 years.
20:11A lot of people live for 80 years.
20:13I was calculating one day
20:15that if we take 70 years,
20:17then 50,000 versus 70
20:19becomes 0.14%.
20:23The life of this world is nothing
20:25compared to one day of the hereafter.
20:27That is why on the Day of Judgment,
20:29everything is relative.
20:31So, when people will wake up on the Day of Judgment,
20:33and remember the life of this world,
20:35they will say,
20:37we have lived in this world for one morning.
20:39We have lived for one evening.
20:41We have lived for one morning.
20:43We have lived for one evening.
20:45Because it will be such a long day,
20:47that they will not be able to see anything
20:49for the entire life of 60, 70, 80 years.
20:51We should keep that one day
20:53in front of our eyes.
20:55Remember the consequences.
20:57In front of Allah,
20:59there will be a court. Remember this.
21:01If there is a court case on someone,
21:05the judge is also a human being.
21:07The lawyer is also a human being.
21:09The one who made the claim is also a human being.
21:11The accused is also a human being.
21:13The accused is also a human being.
21:15All people are human beings.
21:17But, in front of humans,
21:19even if the person is innocent,
21:21even if the person is innocent,
21:23the one who is accused,
21:25he knows that he did not commit a crime.
21:27He knows that he did not commit a crime.
21:29So, why should he be afraid?
21:31But, there is tension.
21:33A person panics.
21:35Maybe the next morning,
21:37he will not be able to sleep properly.
21:39All are human beings.
21:41All are weak.
21:43All of them are hungry, thirsty,
21:45and walk on two legs.
21:47All these people
21:49have their own weaknesses.
21:51They have a headache.
21:53They have a need for justice.
21:55All of them are weak.
21:57But, still,
21:59when a court case is presented in front of humans,
22:01a person panics.
22:03Even if this person has not committed a crime,
22:05even if this person has not committed a crime,
22:07imagine, if he has committed a crime,
22:09then he will panic even more.
22:11If I am caught,
22:13I will go to jail.
22:15Now, this is the court of humans.
22:19this is the court of Allah.
22:21This is the court of Allah.
22:23Allah will be the judge.
22:25People will be presented.
22:27And, here,
22:29in the court of people,
22:31people will lie and leave.
22:33Some will move and leave.
22:35Some will hide and leave.
22:37In the court of Allah,
22:39nothing will be hidden.
22:41As I said, witnesses will be presented.
22:43This is what is being written all the time.
22:45Our actions are also being written.
22:47The words that come out of our tongue
22:49are also being written.
22:51A comprehensive book
22:53is being prepared.
22:55And, when it will be presented on the Day of Judgment,
22:57the Quran says,
22:59where will it go? Read your own book.
23:01This is enough for you.
23:03Look at your own actions.
23:05What you did, what you said,
23:07read it.
23:09That is why, in the Quran,
23:11someone will get it in the right hand
23:13and someone will get it in the left hand.
23:15The one who gets it in the right hand will be happy.
23:17The one who gets it in the left hand will be disappointed.
23:19The earth will bear witness.
23:21The organs will bear witness.
23:25How severe
23:27will be the matter
23:29in the court of Allah.
23:31The weight of actions will be there.
23:33On one side,
23:35good deeds and on the other, bad deeds.
23:37Nothing will be hidden.
23:39Nothing will be hidden.
23:41So, please,
23:43we should think.
23:45It is a very respectable emotion
23:47of the ladies who have asked the question.
23:49We should all develop this emotion.
23:51And, when we will keep the Day of Judgment in front of us,
23:53InshaAllah, Satan and Nafs
23:55will not be able to mislead us.
23:57If we make a mistake,
23:59we will immediately repent and ask for forgiveness.
24:01May Allah enable us all to repent.
24:03InshaAllah, we will meet again next week.
24:05Remember us in your prayers.
24:07May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.
