Deen e Fitrat - Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer - 1 August 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 2 months ago
Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer

Topic: Zindagi Aur Maut Ka Maqsad

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00:00As-salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, alhamdulillahi wabarakatuhu, wasalamu ala
00:15ibadihi allatheen astafa amma ba'an, fa'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, bismillahir
00:20rahmanir rahim, allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa nabiyyina muhammad wa ala aali sayyidina
00:24muhammad mubarak wa sallim, wa la hawla wa la quwwata inna billahi l-aliyyi l-azim.
00:31Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent us to live in this world and to act in this world.
00:39In the beginning of Surah Al-Mulk, Allah has stated the purpose of life and death.
00:44Alladhi khalaqal mawta wal hayata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu amala
00:49Allah has made life and death so that He can test you and see who among you does the best deeds.
00:58Here too, a very important point is that Allah has said ahsanu amala, who does the best deeds.
01:06He has not said aksaru amala, who does more deeds.
01:10So, Allah is in need of deeds.
01:14In Surah Al-Asr, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given a formula for the success of man.
01:21Surah Al-Asr, the time of Asr, like we pray Asr.
01:25Actually, Asr is also known as the time of the world.
01:30Allah has taken an oath of the time of the world.
01:34Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim,
01:35Wa ala asr inna al-insana lafee khusr
01:38That man is in loss.
01:42Allah has given a blanket statement that man is in loss.
01:47For example, a room has three walls that are brown and one that is blue.
01:54So, a person can say that all its walls are brown except for one wall.
02:02Because the things that are more are mentioned first and then exceptions are made.
02:07So, all people are in loss except for those who believe and do good deeds.
02:17Wa tawasawu bilhaq, wa tawasawu bil-sabr
02:20That all people are in loss except for those who believe and do good deeds.
02:28Wa tawasawu bil-haq, wa tawasawu bil-sabr
02:35And keep advising each other to be steadfast.
02:39So, here too, faith and good deeds.
02:44At the end of Surah Al-Kahf,
02:46Faman kaana yarjul liqa'a Allahi
02:48Faman kaana yarjul liqa'a Rabbihi
02:50Fal ya'mal amalan saaliha
02:52Whoever wishes to meet his Lord in this state,
02:56and hopes that Allah will forgive him,
03:00he should do good deeds.
03:03So, good deeds along with faith.
03:06This is a recipe for success in this world and in the hereafter.
03:09First of all, we should understand what good deeds are.
03:12Unfortunately, those who follow religion or wish to follow it,
03:18for them, good deeds are only worship.
03:21If you ask someone what good deeds are or what good deeds should be done,
03:26he will tell you about prayers,
03:29about Nawafil,
03:31read tahajjud, read abhabeen, read ishraq,
03:33do tasbihat, so many times in the morning, so many times in the evening.
03:37There is no doubt that these are good deeds.
03:39But worship, I have said this before in this program,
03:45that worship is a part of our entire religion.
03:49First of all, we should have strong beliefs.
03:54Faith and good deeds.
03:55Faith should be strong and the beliefs should be right.
03:59The belief in Allah's oneness, the belief in Tauheed, etc.
04:03Number two is worship.
04:05But after this, there are matters of society and morality.
04:09The matters are that we do contracts with each other,
04:15buy and sell, buying and selling,
04:17these come under all these matters.
04:19How to live in a society with each other?
04:22We did a whole series in this program
04:25about people's rights,
04:28the rights of the wife, the rights of the husband,
04:30the rights of the parents, the rights of the children, the rights of the neighbours, etc.
04:32We talked about this in detail.
04:34That is our society.
04:36How to live with people?
04:37And morality.
04:39In morality, there should be no arrogance, no jealousy, no hatred, no enmity, etc.
04:45So, all of these are good deeds.
04:49It is mentioned in the Hadith that
04:50while walking on the path,
04:52if a painful thing comes,
04:54then to remove the painful thing,
04:57Allah Almighty forgives it.
04:59This means that this is also a good deed.
05:02To show someone the way,
05:04if somebody is lost,
05:08you just tell them that
05:09these are the directions to go there.
05:11You go straight from here,
05:13go right, go left.
05:14It is mentioned in the Hadith that
05:15this is also a good deed.
05:18To visit a sick person is a good deed.
05:20To give a good advice to someone is a good deed.
05:23To console someone is a good deed.
05:25If someone has passed away,
05:27it is a good deed to congratulate his family.
05:30In short, all of these are good deeds.
05:32Allah Almighty wants us to do good deeds.
05:36First of all,
05:38faith and good deeds.
05:40And what Allah Almighty does not want,
05:42is that Allah Almighty is disobeyed
05:45and even so much so,
05:46that we are caught up in vain things.
05:48Vain things are those
05:51that have no benefit in this world or in the hereafter.
05:54This is another recipe for success
05:56that Allah Almighty has mentioned in the beginning of Surah Al-Mu'minoon.
05:59قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
06:01أَلَّذِينَهُمْ فِي صَلَاةِهِمْ خَاشِعُونَ
06:04أَلَّذِينَهُمْ عَنِ الْلَغْوِ مُؤْرِدُونَ
06:08The researchers,
06:10the believers have succeeded.
06:11Then the same criteria,
06:12number one of faith.
06:14And then Allah Almighty has mentioned many other qualities.
06:18One of those qualities
06:19is the recipe for success
06:21that these people avoid vain things.
06:24They stay away from vain things.
06:27As I said,
06:28vain things are those things
06:30that have no benefit in this world or in the hereafter.
06:33These days, in the age of social media,
06:35unfortunately, the biggest attack
06:39that Satan has done on us
06:40is that even if a person does not commit a sin,
06:43although it is a matter of sin
06:44that you see immorality,
06:45you see things of immorality,
06:47right, all that is a matter of sin.
06:49But even if someone does not see anything of sin,
06:53even if he does not commit a sin,
06:55if we look at ourselves,
06:58then you see that people are stuck in vain things.
07:02From morning to evening,
07:04we are scrolling,
07:05scrolling Facebook,
07:07scrolling Instagram,
07:09seeing things for no reason.
07:11So, all this time
07:13that could have been used in a good deed,
07:18that Satan has put us in vain things
07:21and wasted that time.
07:22So, please, this is a very important thing
07:24because, see,
07:26we are all going to be present in front of Allah very soon.
07:32No one knows when that time will come.
07:35Allah has hidden this thing from us
07:38that when death will come,
07:39where it will come, we do not even know.
07:42When it will come, we do not even know.
07:44Imam Muzali, may Allah have mercy on him,
07:46he has written that
07:48a person,
07:50you may not know that your shroud
07:54is being sold in the market right now.
07:56In other words,
07:58that death is very near.
08:00One of the clothes that are being sold in the market is your shroud.
08:03Death is so near.
08:05A person does not know when it will go.
08:07And the success of the future is on faith and good deeds.
08:13So, when it is on faith and good deeds
08:15and a person is not involved in a good deed,
08:18then may Allah not do that
08:20if a call comes and we do not have good deeds,
08:23then it is like we are going on a long journey
08:26and we have not packed our luggage.
08:29Whenever there is a journey,
08:32a person prepares for it.
08:34A person packs and it depends on how long the journey is.
08:39If you have to go to a city,
08:41a person will pack minimal things.
08:43If it is a two-day journey,
08:44a person will make a small bag.
08:46If it is a month-long journey,
08:47a person will make sure that the bag is appropriate,
08:51that it has all the necessities and daily necessities.
08:55The way the journey is, so is the preparation.
08:57And this journey is very long.
09:02It is till heaven, Inshallah.
09:04May Allah not let anyone go to hell.
09:07But the journey is very long.
09:10This is the preparation.
09:11This is why Allah Almighty has told about some people in Surah Al-Fajr
09:16who have not done good deeds.
09:18I wish I had sent something ahead for this life of mine.
09:28I wish I had packed some things.
09:31These verses are for Hajj.
09:36But Allah Almighty has also said for the Hajj journey,
09:38look, pack your luggage.
09:40And the best thing that you can take with you,
09:43that goodness is Taqwa.
09:45And in the hereafter too, that goodness is Taqwa.
09:48The best thing that we can take with us in the journey of the hereafter is Taqwa.
09:54Please, we should make a schedule for our day
09:59and make sure that we do good deeds in the day.
10:06In a Hadith, it is said that every person's pair,
10:09every day is required to give charity.
10:12Allah Almighty has made 360 pairs for us.
10:16Once I went to give a lecture in a medical college.
10:19Before the lecture, I was sitting with one of their professors.
10:24And that professor, by chance, was a professor in the Department of Bones.
10:29So, I asked him,
10:31Sir, you tell me that you are a specialist in bones.
10:36So, how many pairs has Allah Almighty made in a human body?
10:39How many joints?
10:40I asked him to learn from my information.
10:44When a person is sitting with someone, he should learn.
10:47So, it is surprising that he said that he had never thought about it,
10:52nor did he think about it, nor did he read about it in any book.
10:55And he was a professor, he was teaching it.
10:59So, I said, Sir, I think that there are 360 pairs in a human body.
11:06So, he said, let us search now.
11:09So, we sat online and searched how many joints are there in a human body
11:14and interestingly, there were only 360.
11:16He said, how do you know?
11:18I said, Sir, it is in the Hadith.
11:20Allah's Messenger said that there are 360 pairs in a human body.
11:25So, he was very surprised that, SubhanAllah,
11:27in the Hadith, Allah's Messenger said that there are 360 pairs.
11:31And he said, I have been teaching in a medical college for so long
11:34and I have never thought about it.
11:37So, the 360 pairs that Allah Almighty has made for us,
11:41Sadqa is obligatory on all of them.
11:43Sadqa is obligatory for all of them.
11:44Sadqa avoids good deeds.
11:49So, we should give Sadqa for every pair.
11:52And that Sadqa does not necessarily mean that you should spend money.
11:57Some people have money, some people do not have money,
12:00some people have limited money.
12:02So, we should give Sadqa in the form of good deeds.
12:07We should have a schedule for time management.
12:12From morning to night.
12:14I have calculated it.
12:15I will get up in the morning, I will offer Fajr prayer.
12:18Men should go to the mosque and offer Fajr prayer.
12:22Women should pray at home.
12:24If possible, they should offer Tahajjud prayer.
12:26If they have a little courage, they should put in a little effort.
12:29After that, they should sit in Zikr for a while and pray.
12:33And after that, they should start the day in the name of Allah.
12:37The Prophet of Allah said,
12:38Whoever prays Fajr prayer in the morning,
12:40he is in the responsibility of Allah.
12:42Whoever prays Fajr prayer in the morning,
12:46he is in the responsibility of Allah.
12:48Allah takes care of his needs throughout the day.
12:54Unfortunately, many people do not pray Fajr prayer.
12:58So, a person should start with Fajr prayer.
13:00And there is a blessing in the morning.
13:03Make a plan, make a schedule and keep it inside.
13:07Look at your parents with love.
13:10Talk to them with a smile, for Allah's sake.
13:13Talk to your wife in a good way.
13:16Talk to your husband in a good way.
13:19Play with your children for Allah's sake.
13:21Give them time with the intention of Sunnah.
13:23See, how the Prophet of Allah used to love his children,
13:27play with them,
13:30With this intention,
13:32we should love our children,
13:34spend time with them.
13:36All these are good deeds.
13:38And all these are charity.
13:40And in the same way,
13:42you should be a guest.
13:44You should be their guest.
13:46You should ask about your neighbours.
13:48You should go to the mosque.
13:50You should meet our neighbours,
13:52who come to the mosque.
13:54You should meet them with a smile.
13:56The Prophet of Allah said,
13:58It is a charity to meet your Muslim brother with a smile,
14:02with an open face.
14:04This is also a charity.
14:06This is also a good deed.
14:08So, please, we should make our day constructive.
14:12We should make our day good.
14:15We should make a proper calculation at night.
14:19How did my day go today?
14:21We should calculate this.
14:23Did I do a good deed?
14:25Or did I do a bad deed?
14:27Did I slip my tongue?
14:29Did I tell a lie?
14:31Did I have an argument?
14:35I will go tomorrow and ask for forgiveness.
14:37If I did not do a good deed,
14:41May Allah forgive me.
14:43So, we should calculate the whole day.
14:45We should spend every day like this.
14:47This is the preparation of the things of the hereafter.
14:49If we spend our day like this,
14:51if we spend our life like this,
14:53then when the time comes,
14:55when Allah will call us back,
14:57then Allah will be pleased.
14:59And Allah will say,
15:01my servant, you are pleased with me.
15:03So, may Allah make our life so constructive.
15:05May Allah make our life so good.
15:09This will bring blessings in life.
15:11Sin, Allah's disobedience,
15:13will bring darkness in life.
15:15There will be blessings,
15:17there will be troubles,
15:19there will be problems.
15:21So, it is our decision
15:25We will take a short break.
15:27After the break, we will be back with your questions.
15:29You can email your questions to
15:31dinefitrat at
15:33Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
15:35Welcome back.
15:37We are back with your questions after the break.
15:39There is a question online.
15:41Someone has asked
15:43that if we sleep with someone's wife
15:47a drop of money
15:49gets on the bed,
15:51what should we do?
15:53If we wash the bed,
15:55it takes time to dry.
15:57What should we do?
15:59First of all,
16:01may Allah reward you
16:03for your concern.
16:05You have shown concern
16:07because in our religion,
16:09cleanliness and purity
16:11are very important.
16:13Cleanliness is to keep things clean,
16:15not to get dirty.
16:17And purity is
16:19what Shariah calls
16:23For example, urine,
16:25stool, money, blood,
16:29all these things are impurity.
16:31To keep them clean
16:33is a very big part of our religion.
16:35Allah Almighty
16:37in the beginning of the
16:41in Surah Al-Mudassir,
16:43Allah Almighty said to Prophet Kareem
16:45Allah Almighty said to Prophet Kareem
16:47Allah Almighty said to Prophet Kareem
16:49Allah Almighty said to Prophet Kareem
16:51to keep your clothes clean.
16:53to keep your clothes clean.
16:57Salah is one of the conditions
16:59that a person's body should be clean,
17:01clothes should be clean,
17:03place should be clean.
17:05So, first of all,
17:07may Allah reward you for your concern.
17:11the thing that
17:13needs to be cleaned
17:15is clothes,
17:17your body,
17:19and the place where
17:21Salah should be offered.
17:23If a blanket, bed,
17:25is dirty,
17:27because Salah should not be offered on it,
17:29then it is not necessary
17:31to clean it immediately.
17:33It is a good thing to do,
17:35but it is not necessary
17:37to clean it immediately.
17:39to clean it immediately.
17:41Whenever you get time,
17:43do it.
17:47if there is a mattress in the bed,
17:49for example,
17:51the way to clean it
17:53is that
17:55there are two ways
17:57to clean a place
17:59that is dirty.
18:01You can see the dirt
18:03or not.
18:05The dirt that is visible,
18:07like blood for example,
18:09if you wash it once,
18:11if it stops being visible,
18:13then it is clean.
18:15If it is still visible,
18:17then wash it again.
18:19Washing means that
18:21you add water and squeeze it.
18:23If it is still visible,
18:25then add water and squeeze it again.
18:27If it is still visible,
18:29like blood,
18:31if you wash it three times,
18:33but it is still visible,
18:35then don't wash it after three times.
18:37Then it is clean.
18:39This is the way to clean the dirt
18:41that is visible.
18:43The way to clean the dirt
18:45that is not visible
18:47is to wash it once,
18:49then wash it again,
18:51then wash it again,
18:53then wash it again.
18:55If there is dirt
18:57that is visible,
18:59then you can
19:01for example,
19:03take a bowl of water
19:05and dip a sponge
19:07in the water
19:09and put water
19:11on the dirt
19:13and absorb it
19:15with a tissue paper
19:17or a cloth.
19:19If it stops being visible,
19:21then it is clean.
19:23If it is still not visible,
19:25then do the same thing
19:27three times.
19:29Add a little water
19:31and take a cloth
19:33and absorb it
19:35with a cloth
19:37so that the water
19:39is absorbed.
19:41When it is absorbed,
19:43it will be clean.
19:45There is no need to wash
19:47the entire blanket.
19:49I feel that
19:51washing the blanket
19:53is not good.
19:55Add a little water
19:57and absorb it.
19:59If it is thin,
20:01then squeeze it.
20:03If there is no place
20:05to squeeze it,
20:07if there is no such material,
20:09then add water
20:11and absorb it three times.
20:13Then it will be clean.
20:15Someone asked
20:17another question.
20:19We often
20:21talk about
20:23how to live
20:25with religion
20:27and the world.
20:29Another question is
20:31why should we
20:33watch religious programs?
20:35We already know
20:37how to pray,
20:39how to fast,
20:41how to do hajj,
20:43how to give zakat.
20:45Why should we watch religious programs?
20:47The answer to this
20:49is that
20:51the reason for this
20:53is far from
20:55the understanding of religion.
20:57Our religion and the world
20:59are one thing.
21:01They are not two things.
21:03The question of how to balance
21:05religion and the world
21:07is wrong.
21:09There is nothing to balance
21:11religion and the world.
21:13You can be an engineer,
21:15a doctor,
21:17a pilot,
21:19an accountant,
21:21a businessman,
21:23a trader,
21:25you name it.
21:27But you should
21:29follow the principles of religion.
21:31This is our religion.
21:33When it is time to pray,
21:35we will leave everything
21:37and pray.
21:39When it is time to go to work,
21:41we will make sure to work with
21:45If there is a doctor,
21:47he will make sure to
21:49handle the patients
21:51with sincerity and
21:53compassion and
21:57This is his religion.
21:59Any other profession,
22:01if it is run
22:03according to the principles of Islam,
22:05then it is his religion.
22:07Our religion and the world are one thing.
22:09We have talked many times
22:11in this program that
22:15is the name of a set of principles.
22:17It is the name of
22:19a set of principles.
22:21How do we live our lives?
22:23This is our religion.
22:25As I said, our rituals and
22:27our worships are also part of it.
22:29But how do we live with people,
22:31society, morals,
22:33we have talked about it many times.
22:35This is the whole religion.
22:37How do we deal with people,
22:39how do we maintain relationships,
22:41how do we accept someone's invitation,
22:43how do we get married.
22:45When a child is born,
22:47how do we deal with
22:49a situation, etc.
22:51This is our religion.
22:53So please,
22:55no one should be in this confusion
22:57that our religion is
22:59different from the world or the world is
23:01different from the religion.
23:03This is one thing.
23:05In fact, it is highly recommended
23:07that we earn
23:09what we call the world.
23:11Earning money in a lawful way
23:13is also a religion.
23:15The Prophet said,
23:17وَالصُدُوءُ الْأَمِينُ
23:19مَعَ النَّبِيِّينِ وَالصِّدِّقِينِ وَالشُّهَدَىٰ
23:21وَكَمَا قَالُ
23:23That a merchant,
23:25a businessman, as long as he speaks the truth
23:27and he doesn't
23:31he doesn't deceive,
23:33on the Day of Judgment,
23:35he will be with the prophets,
23:37with the truthful,
23:39with the martyrs.
23:41Now think about it,
23:43a merchant sits in the market,
23:45he does business, but he speaks the truth,
23:47the principle.
23:49He takes care of the trust,
23:51he doesn't cheat, the principle.
23:53Principles, truth and trust.
23:55Honesty and trust.
23:57If it is firmly established,
24:01in the eyes of Allah,
24:03is it such a big deal?
24:05So, we should remove this misconception.
24:07May Allah enable us to learn
24:09our principles.
24:11Our religion is so beautiful,
24:13it has so many principles.
24:15May Allah enable us to learn them
24:17and live our lives according to them.
24:19This is how we get blessings in this world.
24:21This is how we succeed in the hereafter.
24:23We need doctors,
24:25we need engineers,
24:27we need merchants.
24:29We need those people
24:31who earn money.
24:33We need money in everything.
24:35We need money for everything.
24:37We need money to help widows.
24:39We need money to help orphans.
24:41We need money to build a mosque.
24:43We need money to build a mosque.
24:45We need money to build an institute.
24:47We need money.
24:49If we earn money,
24:51then we will spend it.
24:53So, we should earn halal money.
24:55We should spend it on our wives and children.
24:57And at the same time,
24:59we should spend it on those people
25:01who want to
25:03spend it on religious work.
25:07we will earn money
25:09according to the principles.
25:11May Allah enable us to understand
25:13and live our lives
25:15according to the principles.
25:17You can email me your questions.
25:21We will meet again next week.
25:23Remember us in your prayers.
25:25May Allah accept our prayers.
25:27All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
25:29Peace be upon you.
