• 4 days ago
00:00All right, it's got a jelly Nutella sandwich. Yeah, give me this what it's a burrito
00:07It's a burrito. It's actually pants. Yeah, so I just want to say tacos are flawed
00:12Creations and what happened with your leg update them. Oh, I had to be chopped off. I'm pizza. Yeah, I had to be amputated
00:19Happens happens. Yeah
00:24Love Friday, she's a traitor cuz she was just eating taco Tuesdays. Oh, that's true
00:31Do you want to burn your shirt put metal in it and make the metal hot
00:38James loves Olivia not anymore apparently
00:47What is happening it was just like right out what they learn you how you cover everything, okay
00:55A little strawberry milkshake. Oh, yeah
01:00Yes, it brings the boys to the yard boys to the yard and they're like it's bad, right
01:05It's better than yours. I'm right. I could teach you but I'll have to charge
01:11How much?
01:1330 bucks. Okay. Yeah, what are you gonna do afterwards? How you gonna bring all this stuff? Yeah, that makes no sense
01:20No, they didn't think of this through at all
01:25It's like a it's a big clothes turd, that's all right. I like clothes turd
01:38Yeah, so it's like per outfit agreed agreed agreed
01:42Nice, that's me. That's it. Like it's all my neat things are just tingling
01:48My neat sense my neat senses are tingling
01:55But I feel like they pack this so tight, what if they want to go shopping when they're on holiday
01:58Oh, man vacation. They're gonna buy a new suitcase
02:01That's a lot
02:04Before wait a second. Wow, that's it. That's actually the recommendation for the amount of butter that you should close the part of that
02:13And this is how I melt my butter
02:17That's nice, all right cool so you can put two of them
02:25Why were there four kinds of see this is super easy
02:28It actually comes with the thing on top so that it doesn't spill
02:32But what if it doesn't what it does?
02:34But what if you lost it if you lost it then you're done because you what if what if some Joe came in and he's
02:38Like haha, I'm gonna steal this and then you're left with one. You have to do it really fast
02:48Wanted to display my nice bottle
02:55Boom that is literally what so it doesn't stick to the thing. Yeah, baby. It's called cooking paper
03:03That's what it's all about
03:22Saw mango
03:39Okay, so you got all that stuff all that junk from your pencil sharpener sharpening
03:43So I'm just gonna sharpen inside this little job
03:47I'm gonna make a hole cuz she can't bend over to the right and do it inside the dustbin
03:51No, and she couldn't do that right. She has to build a little sharp in the case. Ah
03:56See, that's not that bad. All right, really? I
04:00Feel like it's a lie. Why not open it? It's a ninja sharpen inside. They have sharp
04:11They have sharpeners that have the little bin attached to it
04:16Come on man, so this is so 2008
04:21More like 2008. Yeah
04:26What's this this is to put your shotgun cartridges what's around your chest, you know, like Rambo, ah, yeah
04:36Or makeup, you know, whatever floats your boat
04:41That's kind of cool, you know, I wish I knew this back in school, you know
04:46Cuz I could carry my makeup in a in a folder. Yeah
04:50You got so good
04:52Thank you, it's I'm going for the all-natural look. Yeah
04:59What is the point
05:00Why did you do that?
05:02It's like soap in a sponge. Yes. I mean it makes sense
05:07We heard you like shoes so we put shoes in your shoes Wow mean sir
05:13Perfect for families or people who have feet you got to pimp my shoe
05:18Okay, all right, very nice I'm gonna wrap my underwear and
05:33So he can hang it on his refrigerator who oh, this is like taking a nice literally
05:41That's how you have to play hangman, right? Yeah
05:44Just like attach little toothpicks to it and every time someone gets a letter wrong
05:47You just hit off one of the toothpicks. Stop them in the eye
05:54It's how we play in England, come on don't be a party pooper
05:59Ah, I mean I always have this problem but
06:05Too much effort. Yeah, why not?
06:10Maybe has like hyperthick hair
06:13clogs the sink
06:16All right, what's she doing this we yellow pink
06:21Yellow is my favorite color
06:24sunshine and happiness
06:27I've had sold the
06:29The color of a coward. Oh, really?
06:32Are you being yellow? Oh, yeah
06:41She's throwing away her brand-new suitcases
06:49Fun fact number two
07:17Guess but I wouldn't say that they think it's a traveling hack
07:21everyday life
07:26All right
07:29Thank you for
07:31Yes, that's satisfying. There we go. I always love now, you know how to fold now, you know how to fold your clothes
07:38Zip-lock I refuse
07:40That's cool. That's nice. Nice. All right now it's more compact
07:45And then you go somewhere
07:47You go somewhere right and then they have no vacuum cleaner now my underwear is hidden
07:52You have you have me in the first half, honey, honey. I just put my pants. Give me the wet
08:04Okay, nice shiny nice shiny briefs Rocky Balboa cold, yeah
08:17Okay, so they're like little sausages, so what's the point of that I don't know it seems like they took up more space doing
08:25Taco that's a disgusting Tuesday's tacos always fall apart though. They do they do one time in this entire taco
08:32I was so happy to eat it. I bit into it and the other half fell on my leg. Okay
08:36Oh, yeah, so I just want to say tacos are flawed
08:39Creations and what happened with your leg update them. Oh, I had to be chopped off. I'm conceded. Yeah, I had to be amputated
08:46Happens happens
08:51I love Friday. She's a traitor cuz she was just eating taco Tuesday's. Oh, that's true
08:58You want to burn your shirt put metal in it and make the metal hot
09:06James loves Olivia not anymore
09:11James loves Olivia
09:15What is happening? What was it was just like right out what they learn you how you cover everything, okay?
09:24Strawberry milkshake. Oh, yeah
09:28Yes, it brings the boys to the yard boys to the yard and they're like it's bad right it's better than yours
09:34I'm right. I could teach you but I'll have to charge
09:4030 bucks. Okay. All right, sweet deal. This is so good bargain
09:47She dropped her phone she just left she's like, you know what I've had enough. Yeah, I'm gonna go build something with a 3d pen
09:57That's how people are though they like drop their phones every five minutes and then they're cracked and they're like
10:02What no, how you have the money to do this? No
10:06Yeah, what I don't believe in cases they close the whole phone up be a responsible adult
10:16And now your phone is locked forever what is
10:26Just wanted to charge it
10:30Please tell me these aren't jelly bean mouth guards. That's so bad for your teeth. Don't do that. Okay. No, it's a bracelet
10:36Okay. Okay scared me. That's so bad for your wrist
