• last month
00:00okay nice that's whoa that looks like that okay I think but it could be a
00:13chemical burn right oh it could be yeah but hopefully not yeah and I'm trying
00:17Wow oh buddy no no the family jewels oh wow these all look like dangerous
00:28activities maybe just don't do these things I don't know well yeah if you do
00:32don't say wait yeah oh okay it's like a really bad slide okay it wasn't that
00:38high you know yeah I mean even so oh my gosh guys do you guys know if he's okay
00:48I don't know is it another hawk which wasn't successful I guess yeah oh these
00:55ladders are like no no why I mean just bury go down move go down move your
01:03ladder that's it that's all you had to do that looked very dangerous whatever
01:06that was oh I missed it I need to Wow okay I think they just make it fun I
01:15don't think that was a fail I think that was a success oh this thing is very
01:19dangerous what is it it's it's a suspension system on your car you know
01:25this thing it's very tight and dude dude wear protection oh my gosh that's why
01:32goggles safety gear always always always always and even if I'm just using
01:37the bathroom I'm always wearing goggles and safety gear and I think it was Wow
01:42not really I mean what you gonna spider-man spider-man spider-man falls
01:51over and hurts himself what do we got here someone's gonna fall
01:55through the ceiling yeah oh oh he's supposed to go on this trampoline you
01:59know first stop with this oh boy that's okay he at least he made it over the
02:04hill so what is that it will fall from it from this maybe someone will fall
02:12from the sky oh but what's it oh no is it the angle grinder right yeah
02:18Wow be careful guys such a video should learn us oh no no no move away move away
02:31move away move away if something starts smoking maybe move away
02:35our maybe try to use the fire extinguisher you know yeah that looks
02:39dangerous what that's because so he's trying to mix like cake with a
02:48thing okay oh oh this is not good this is not no we automatically know this is
02:57not good yeah yep okay actually I expected more good to the homer's yeah
03:01the whole piece will go slap him on the butt okay Wow yeah homemade weights
03:07maybe not maybe not maybe not at all go to the gym there is some special
03:13yeah I mean it costs money to go to the gym so I get it but at the same time
03:16it's worth your safety probably the gym is gonna cost less than the doctor's
03:21bills yeah that was like extremely blow up II know why would you do that oh it's
03:38actually it's perfect he looks like Moe from The Three Stooges but it's a real
03:43thing right yeah some parents did like so yeah that's how my mom did it when I
03:48was a kid yeah stuck in the bushes yeah it looks a little complicated just
04:03pissed off Wow yeah okay wasn't perfectly it looked like a yeah I
04:11wouldn't wear a sleeveless first of all if you're gonna do that but it looked
04:14cool it was like a wooden go-kart yeah I think it's like a ah hey buddy chill
04:22out relax there when switch off electricity before you do something with
04:29your socket or something very hard to watch wow these chairs are made of
04:33literal like the worst quality plastic so no no duh
04:46less precise and less cool Wow oh how to mess up your house in three steps one
04:53f-around to find out three no call your insurance okay all right so we're doing
05:15a rave party so oh my gosh no you need to call your electric yeah something's
05:21wrong there there's some connection that's really messed up excuse me ma'am
05:28sir theoretically it could work yeah oh the drill with the hammering of the
05:34concrete wall I mean we're gonna take a lot of pressure right so I guess the
05:40bloody ceilings falling down okay nice that's I think he's okay and it looks
05:52cool so worth it oh oh oh oh it was that heavy yeah yeah that's good but it
06:00could have been and now it will oh okay oh my gosh there's like a person in
06:14there ah who blinked and told me there was okay we got some pool what's gonna
06:27happen I feel like someone's gonna fall through the roof I just feel like that's
06:30what happens oh oh never mind oh that sucks though yeah poor lady and then
06:36someone falls through the roof okay we're moving a whole cabin that's a
06:43strong team right there except I can't do it yeah well that's good to know your
06:52limits whoa oh buddy that looks pretty painful hopefully he's okay yeah no the
07:00bowstring bowstrings are really really hard to they're so dangerous oh that was
07:09so lucky that it didn't like snap wait a second there's something wrong oh you
07:27can fly yeah just some big blow up oh you got a drill here and there is a
07:46water main in there so when they drilled it in the first time they probably hit
07:51the water but it sealed itself right oh but then when they unscrewed it it's
07:57like nope you came in like the Kool-Aid man oh yeah anger issues guy come on
08:10all right pull ups on this thing it's not stable what's gonna happen can you
08:15predict it okay I expect worse scenario I mean you probably give him a good bop
08:20on the head Wow excuse me so his lawnmower it looks like it's broken
08:27maybe yeah something like that I wouldn't keep mowing my lawn oh we just
08:34need a lot of petrol you know it'll be fine yeah but look at this my cousin I
08:40just attached a smoke mod to it oh run run run run run run run run why are you
08:53laying down you let it completely dry it was upset about situation ah get a bowl
09:03of water cool rest of the paper gently I noticed that some of the ink was coming
09:08up with the paper even though it was being really careful it's one of them
09:11when you get some printed photos it didn't stay at all okay so that don't do
09:18that I think it's not the strong very bad idea yeah but you want to break it
09:22or what it looks like he wants to break it come on dude I mean you get what you
09:27you play stupid games you win stupid prizes exactly that's you got what you
09:32work got right in the head as well okay struck a water main oh ah it's just a
09:42special tool for clean up oh but he like put it on the max setting apparently
09:48oh no yeah those are fun though yeah my one of my teachers in high school lent
09:58it to me so I just like for like a month very fun that's not not too good
10:05actually it's not too good at all that's good at all all right guys give us more
10:09more reactions right now and if you enjoyed the video leave us like and
10:15follow us yep
