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Video Information: 17.10.22, Interview with Kuntal, Mumbai

Acharya Prashant in conversation with mountaineer Kuntal Joisher and actress Niharica Raizada discussing climate change, consumption, beauty and global warming.

~ Is climate change real?
~ How is climate change affecting Himalayas and other sensitive ecosystems?
~ What can one do to save Earth?
~ What is real beauty?
~ Why are humans destroying the Earth?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00When you want to say that something utterly terrible might happen, then you say 3rd World
00:08What's already happening is worse than the 3rd World War that might or might not happen.
00:15We are rushing towards our extinction.
00:19This is the 6th one I said, right?
00:24Of the previous 5 ones, 3 happened due to exactly the same cause that ails us today,
00:34carbon dioxide.
00:37You talked of the receding glaciers of the Himalayas and you said that's visible there,
00:43that's not visible here.
00:46You see, two things, one, because our senses can perceive only gross changes, therefore
00:53what is happening, a bit subliminally, we do not detect it immediately, right?
01:04I would liken it to getting infected by the HIV, right?
01:10It can stay in the body for long and then it erupts.
01:13It's not AIDS all of a sudden or even the COVID virus, the disease that we all suffered
01:21so much from.
01:23It comes to you and the symptoms do not show up immediately, but when they do show up,
01:28they can be fatal.
01:32You said technically the layer should not recede so much there.
01:36Let me offer you an example, you'll find it interesting.
01:39In a place like Canada, just a difference of 5 degrees centigrade in the average temperature
01:50can mean the existence or non-existence of hundreds of meters of ice sheets, just 5 degrees.
02:01That which you call as the ice age, actually the average temperatures then were not too
02:06different from what we have now, just 5 degrees.
02:10And 5 degrees mean unimaginably thick ice sheets or their absence.
02:19So if 5 degrees lesser can mean that the ice can get that large, 5 degrees higher would
02:26mean that all the ice can suddenly vanish.
02:29So what is happening up there and that which you saw is exactly what is going to happen.
02:35And when we say the average temperatures are already 1.5 above normal, and they'll get
02:41to 3 degrees, 5 degrees, maybe even 6 degrees, we feel like saying, oh, 6 degrees is not
02:48Sometimes it is 24, at other times it's 30, 25 and 24 and 30 are both things that we have
02:54tolerated, even enjoyed.
02:56So 24 and 30 don't mean much, they mean a lot.
03:00They basically mean that 80 to 90% of all life on the planet is about to go extinct.
03:08That's the severity of the problem we are facing.
03:11It's not about the kind of daily weathers that we experience.
03:16Oh, it's a bit humid today, or it's raining without reason, you know, don't you feel a
03:23bit warm under the collar?
03:25It's not that kind of thing, we're not talking about the weather, it's climate change.
03:31Everything is going to change and the planet will become inhabitable, not only for us,
03:35but for all species that we know of.
03:38That's the extent of the crisis.
03:41I repeat, everybody needs to repeat it as many times as possible to as many people as
03:47Mass extinction, that's what we are staring at.
03:51And we are quickly rushing towards it.
03:55That's what is happening.
03:56And the thing is, because we do not experience it on our skins immediately, so we feel as
04:04if it does not exist.
04:07It's the first and the most cowardly way of dealing with a disaster, denial.
04:14Just deny it.
04:15It does not exist.
04:16We all want to deny things, bad things, when they first happened to us.
04:19No, this can't have happened.
04:21And then there are advanced stages of grief, and then there are other methods of coping
04:25with it.
04:26But the first thing itself takes away so much time.
04:29And we have already lost so much time.
04:30Like I said, there is denial.
04:32It means that we know that it is there, it's going to come, but we tend to avoid it.
04:37So, is it like there are problems that are bigger than that at present that people see?
04:41And that's why they tend to ignore it?
04:42No, it's just that if you accept it, then it demands action.
04:47Acknowledgement means responsibility.
04:49That's the reason why you find mainstream media giving so little coverage to the most
04:54important problem of our times.
04:58We talk of this, we talk of that.
04:59We don't talk of the thing that means everything to us.
05:04What you are seeing today, please understand, is carbon dioxide levels that we have not
05:08seen over the past 10 lakh years.
05:1310 lakh years, it was never so bad.
05:16And especially to you, you just told me your 2021 pass out from IIT Delhi, you know, most
05:22of the carbon that we see in the atmosphere today has been emitted in your lifetime, after
05:28you were born.
05:30That's how lucky your generation is.
05:31That's the reason I want to talk more and more to youngsters, see how lucky you are.
05:36That's what we, the elder ones have done to you.
05:39That's what we have bequeathed to you.
05:43Take it.
05:44Lots of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and that's going to wipe you out, finished.
