• 2 months ago
The Miami Dolphins let go of special teams coordinator Danny Crossman and WR coach Wes Welker. The guys throw out various theories as to why this would have happened.
00:00The news going into the weekend Leroy the Dolphins fired a couple of coaches
00:04They fired special teams coordinator Danny Crossman who had been here a long time
00:09Which we knew that was coming. I mean, that's but the Dolphins let go Wes Welker has wide receiver coach
00:15Think that I don't carry thing
00:18Is that a what thing Tariq thing or I don't know. I don't know but he's been with him since San Francisco
00:26I was like, whoa
00:28That's your boy to your hey, let me tell you something when I sir when I've seen Leroy a top hobnobbing
00:34Leroy was hobnobbing with Wes Welker left me in the dust
00:40Do you think he let Tyree get away with so much that Mike McDaniel felt like I can't
00:47Have you and that was my that that was my thought on it. I haven't I thought that like
00:52All right, was he not reporting how many times the Tyree kill was late and it made him look stupid
00:58Or something like that. Like that's the only thing I can think like what could you do?
01:02What could West what you like because certainly you could sit here on its face and just be like hey
01:06Tyree kill and Jalen Waddle highest-paid guys in the team neither had a thousand yards blamed the wide receiver coach
01:11But like isn't his job to me. What does he need to do to develop those guys like yeah
01:17You know, I don't that didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense
01:19So yeah, I agree with you Marcus. The only thing that seems to make sense to me is
01:24Was Wes Welker too lenient in the room. Yeah too much of a players coach, huh?
01:30That sucks though, because I feel like
01:33Scapegoat, I feel like a scapegoat do messed up. That's your guy. Yeah, I
01:38Mean, I don't know Leroy. Is that another thing to like? Hey, that's my guy. I got rid of him
01:44That's how dedicated I am. Please don't fire me
01:48Streets need a body
01:50But like what so let me get this straight though
01:54Wes Welker
01:57Was the coach the last three years
01:59Who are those years?
02:01Wide receivers were incredible. Yeah
02:04Now is coaching got that much worse one year. I
02:08Don't know. I don't know. I think I don't know I think
02:14Sometimes here sometimes players get in the comfort zone and in order to
02:22Change that
02:24And change the the process in which they go about things
02:28you change the coach to
02:31kind of
02:32get a new
02:34Focus and a new attitude in there
02:38So, I don't know maybe it was
02:40So, I don't know maybe it was these guys got a little bit too comfortable and they weren't doing their job
02:48Maybe and there's a lot of coaches that make assumptions that you're a professional. You've been a professional a long time
02:54you know how to go about this and
02:56And that might not
02:58When Tyreek says I didn't get enough work
03:03Right. Does that not fall on the coach?
03:06The position does that fall the position coach
03:11I don't know. I was I mean
03:14Why would that fall like why would that fall on him? I don't know. I'm just
03:19Yes, I don't know why coaches get fired, dude
03:22That's why I just ended like we all saw the crowd like our special teams obviously getting fired
03:27But like this guy's been here for years. He came with my McDaniel from San Francisco, right?
03:33They're obviously tight
03:34I feel like when I when I you know used to go to practices I see Mike McDaniel
03:38Hobnobbing with Wes Welker all the time now
03:40maybe Wes Welker likes to hobnob because I saw it with Leroy too, but but you know from my standpoint, I'm just like
03:47Wait, what? What do you mean? Wes Welker got canned? I didn't understand that to me. It just felt like
03:53He either kept secrets
03:55To make that that kept Mike McDaniel looking a little foolish. Maybe he's trying to keep the stress off of his plate. I don't know
04:02You can't go out here and tell me performance like we're gonna blame
04:06Two 30 million receivers, we're gonna blame their performances on the coach
04:15Malik Washington got better. Did he not right? Well again
04:20We could probably do this
04:22throughout coaching
04:25Right, but we pick to do this here in this situation. I
04:32Don't know. I don't know why coaches get fired, right?
04:36I mean, we've just had to cope the
04:39thought process of
04:40Can't imagine how coach got fired in their first year
04:43Yeah on a team that sucked and you knew they were gonna suck and you're why are you firing the coach?
04:52Smithen says what if Welker pounded the table for OBJ?
04:59Marco's got a job for him then
05:02We can pound the table together
05:07Also brought up another good point was that you got to replace
05:11Nostalgia with nostalgia. So Brian heartline you receivers coach. No, he's coaching a championship game
05:19Well, you know
05:21Heartland is the wide receiver coach in
05:29That's a much softer landing by the way
05:31Hmm I feel like our line sticking around there cuz he knows the next Michigan loss
05:36Even if I think gave you in a Friday wins the national championship once he knows
05:41Listen I already asked my biggest, Ohio State supporter. I
05:48Asked me and what do you say?
05:51He says he's Teflon he says no, he's he was gonna be there regardless
05:58I'm like, that's not what I was hearing after the Michigan game
06:01I like I don't know like
06:03Like yeah, man
06:05That's I'm telling you if he wins the national championship and he loses the Michigan he and his heat is his seats gonna get hot
06:10They're tired of losing to Michigan
06:14The goal is to win a championship. That's what they fired Orgeron
06:22I don't care that he was too horny
06:33Maybe you can come by breakfast
