• 2 months ago


00:00And this time, as a trial basis, we are doing it for a week.
00:04Next time, we'll increase it based on the feedback.
00:07This time, for this seven-day capsule, we'll be having the academia, industrialists, possibly
00:13the media also, bureaucrats, as also the foreign officers who always come and attend the course
00:19there for HDOC.
00:24As far as the veterans are concerned, Project Naman, as you are aware, we had started this
00:28scheme in August 2024, 14 centers were opened, a very positive response has been received
00:33in that.
00:34And therefore, we are planning to open this approximately 200.
00:38And this is in conjunction with Common Service Center, which is the SPV of MITEI, and also
00:44the HDFC CSR.
00:47We're also going for a series of Shourya Samprava for the veterans.
00:54More during the question-answer, I will explain about this.
00:56Moving on to the fourth pillar, that is jointness and integration, though it is the domain of
01:01the CDS, but I would just like to say that in jointness 1.0, we have gone in for the
01:07integrated acquisition plan, courses of instructions commonality, joint logistic note, common utilization
01:13of bases and station amenities.
01:15In 2.0, we have gone in for addressing the service culture, thinking and symbology.
01:21Here we made a good progress in doctrines and SOPs also.
01:24Now we are looking at 3.0, that common operating planning procedures, defense communication
01:30architecture, digital maps.
01:32But as far as the Army is concerned, you will find that we look at jointness and integration
01:37with so many others.
01:38In border area, we're looking at jointness integration with our CAPS who are working
01:43with us.
01:44In the hinterland, we are looking with the police and the CRPF and other agencies.
01:48Interagencies we are working very closely every day.
01:52Besides this, when it comes to the conventional operations, multi-domain operations, multi-domain
01:57operations has to have a whole of nation approach.
02:00And that is where we are working with other agencies and other ministries in this respect.
02:05Now in addition to the transformation pursuits that I have spelled out, Indian Army's contribution
02:09to nation building, we are looking at border area development in a big way with four pillars,
02:15that is infrastructure, communication, tourism, and education.
02:20Of course, the cultural revival remains the mainstay.
02:24Towards that, Bharat Ranbhoomi Darshan as a one-stop solution for information and clearances
02:29for visit to the forward area battlefields.
02:32This has been developed in partnership with Ministry of Tourism.
02:35And this website will be launched by Honorable Raksha Mantri on the Army Day, that is on
02:41We have also gone in for an MOU with Gati Shakti Vishwa Vidyalaya for upskilling our
02:46Indian Army personnel towards synergizing dual-purpose infrastructure.
02:51Since Indian Army has to carry out a large-scale mobilization, and it has a large-scale logistic
02:56requirement, so we have to align with the national logistic policy.
03:00And also this Vishwa Vidyalaya will train our people.
03:03They'll come and carry out the workshop for us.
03:07And we'll also provide later on MBA and M.Tech degree in transportation and logistics.
03:13As for the Army Sports Conclave is concerned, this was, again, something new.
03:17And we are looking at it in a big way for Mission Olympic 2036.
03:22And for that, we have a strong role because we have the infrastructure, we have the resources,
03:29we can provide manpower for the conduct of that, we can raise the territorial army battalions
03:34for conduct of this, and also we can provide the players, which we have been doing continuously
03:39in any case.
03:40We have 18 boys' companies and two girls' companies, which we have raised recently.
03:46I am sure the issue of state versus club, which is coming up off and on, will make sure
03:52that the Army remains as the main key stake player because we have a large reservoir of
03:58potential towards this end.
04:02As for the Army Paraplegic Node is concerned, this has also been now declared as a National
04:05Center of Excellence, for which around 60 crore has been given by the Ministry of Social
04:10Justice and Ministry of Youth Affairs.
04:12Gomti River Eco-Task Force, as you are well aware, has been raised on 1st of Jan.
04:19Also Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam campaign, we have planted more than 50 lakh saplings.
04:25There are three world records also we have created in Jaisalmer, as you are well aware,
04:31this has already been covered in the Man Ki Baat, which is most saplings planted by a
04:35team in one hour, most saplings planted by women, that is 25,000 and so on and so forth.
04:41We are also going on to carry out a discussion with Ministry of Environment, Forest and
04:48Climate Change for the afforestation drive carried out by us.
04:52So what does it mean?
04:54That there is a requirement for us to look into the green credits.
04:57Today, we are planting.
