• 2 months ago


00:00innovations forward.
00:02We're also incorporating blockchain technology
00:04in a technology-based vendor registration model, which
00:07is under progress in collaboration
00:08with MITEI and CDAC.
00:11As far as secure space-based vehicle tracking and convoy
00:14management system, that is already commencing with NAVIC.
00:18And of course, Sambhav phone, which you're already aware
00:21that this phone we are using.
00:23And this time during our talks, border talks,
00:26in the October month, most of the communication
00:29was through this phone.
00:32As far as the third pillar is concerned,
00:33that is system process functioning,
00:37we are looking at data analytics and defining
00:39the single source of truth.
00:42In the future, we are looking at data integration.
00:44So there are two things in this.
00:46As you know, Army is different from other services
00:50where the empowerment or the center of excellence
00:52starts from the battalion.
00:54Therefore, the maximum delegation
00:55must take place there.
00:57But today, the maximum centralization
00:59of the orders or powers or authority
01:02is at the Army headquarter.
01:04This is only feasible to delegate
01:06once you have the data centricity in the center,
01:09but the delegation at the lower level.
01:11Here, the artificial intelligence
01:12will play a pivotal role.
01:14For example, if a vehicle gets condemned
01:17and you want to get the vehicle released,
01:19it takes the complete chain of command
01:20by the time it reaches and that gets released.
01:22But with the artificial intelligence,
01:24the moment the vehicle gets condemned, within 24 hours,
01:27the release order will be automatically generated.
01:30So that is the kind of thing we want
01:31to achieve by year 2025 end.
01:35As for the de-layering of headquarter,
01:36this we are looking at.
01:38For any communication in Army, it takes six to seven layers.
01:41We are wanting to de-layer.
01:43We are also looking at skip echelon system.
01:45That is simultaneously addressing all the headquarters
01:49and the highest headquarter, which
01:50is supposed to get the descent, must get the fastest.
01:54Modification of acquisition process, which is overdue,
01:57we are looking forward to.
01:59And the way year of reforms, which
02:01has been announced by our Raksha Mantri-ji,
02:04I'm sure this will get a major impetus.
02:10Coming on to the human resource management,
02:12it's a subject in itself.
02:13I would not like to cover too many things in this.
02:16But just to tell you that the upgradation of the HR potential
02:21and mass is something which is our aim.
02:23While ensuring the welfare of rank and file,
02:26veterans, VNREs, and their dependents.
02:29As for the Agnipath is concerned,
02:301,23,000 Agni-Vs are presently there.
02:33And we are getting a good feedback
02:35from the battalion commanders.
02:37They are fast on uptake, enthusiastic,
02:39and keen to do well.
02:42As for the SSB is concerned, you are well aware
02:44that the SSB reforms have been undertaken.
02:47And today, we have increased our intake,
02:50which was 1,300 per year in 2022 to 1,900,
02:55which is projected in 2024.
02:57So that is the kind of officer intake
02:59which we are ensuring by carrying out
03:01some reforms in the service selection board.
03:04As for the women officers are concerned,
03:06we are doing a remarkable job in the field.
03:09Presently, we have 1732 women officers serving with us.
03:13And we have approved a study to increase this number to 2037.
03:17In other ranks, we have approximately 310 women soldiers.
03:22And we are looking forward to more
03:24during the question and answer session I will take on
03:26as far as the progress on this side is concerned.
03:29About women empowerment, all women skydiving display team
03:33of Indian Army shall be raised in 2025.
03:36That's our endeavor.
03:39You'll be happy to note that recruitment
03:40in territorial army has commenced again.
03:43And this time, we have delegated this
03:45to the commanding officer for first 30%,
03:47so that the recruitment can take the fastest possible pace.
03:53Institution of an army subida major.
03:56This is something to connect jamaas directly
03:59with the army chief.
04:01So wherever I go, the army subida major accompanies me.
04:04When I am taking a briefing at the higher headquarters,
04:06he is meeting the JCOs and men of that.
04:10And also, this has been now given out
04:12for the commands also.
04:14Three of the seven commands have already instituted
04:16that others will be completed by 31st Jan.
04:19So the gap or the communication gap between a jawaan
04:24and the senior most hierarchy will keep getting close
04:27with every passing day.
04:32As far as the effort to upscale our military training
04:36institutions is concerned,
04:38we want that to come to the world repute.
04:41And we are looking at institute of national importance
04:46for our army war college.
04:47The case has already been taken up for that.
04:50Also, we are opening up the army war college
04:52for the foreign students.
04:53As you're aware, the junior command
04:55and senior command were already open,
04:57but now we are opening the higher command course also.
