• 2 months ago
00:00Conduct of elections are indicators to a positive change.
00:05So the theme of terrorism to tourism
00:07is gradually taking shape.
00:11Regards Northeast, overall situation in Northeast
00:15is gradually improving.
00:18In Manipur, synergized efforts of security forces
00:22and proactive government initiatives
00:25have brought situation under control.
00:27However, cyclic incidents of violence continue.
00:34those prayers jarein.
00:38Various NGOs and our veterans, too,
00:41are reaching out to the community leaders
00:44to give effect to a kind of a reconciliation.
00:49Along Indo-Myanmar border, enhanced surveillance
00:52and domination is in place.
00:55That is to insulate from spillover
00:58of turbulence which is taking place in Myanmar as of now.
01:02Fencing is a significant step, and we
01:05have started to commence a new progress towards this end.
01:09As far as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief
01:12is concerned, based on the experience gained in 2024,
01:17we have specifically earmarked rupees 17 crore
01:20for upgrading of our QRTs and QR medical teams.
01:25Besides, we have taken a decision
01:27to create 17 BRICS of HADR, that is,
01:31Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief,
01:34as we realize that at places our columns reach,
01:37but the resources to provide kind of a rescue operation
01:42are not available.
01:44Towards that end, we are creating these 17 BRICS.
01:47It is pan-India.
01:51As far as northern borders are concerned,
01:53since we have a pan-northern front presence,
01:57so army will play a first responder role,
02:02and we will not await any request from the state.
02:06We would be reacting on our own to make sure
02:09that maximum people can be rescued wherever
02:11any disaster relief has to be carried out.
02:16Now, for ease of continuity and communication,
02:21my balance of the pointers will be on the same lines
02:24as given by General Pandey last time.
02:27What does it mean?
02:28As you know, my predecessor was a visionary,
02:31and he declared 2023 as the year of transformation,
02:35and he declared 2024 as the year of technology absorption.
02:40So what I have done, that once I took over,
02:44the year of the transformation was declared
02:48as the decade of transformation,
02:50commencing from the time General Pandey had announced.
02:54And year of technology absorption
02:55was extended to 2025 also,
02:58because there's a lot to be done
03:00as far as the technology absorption is concerned.
03:03So year of transformation,
03:06since it becomes a decade of transformation,
03:08so the pillars remain the same.
03:10So I would be covering balance of my update
03:13based on those five pillars
03:14which were given to you by General Pandey.
03:17To begin with, it starts with force restructuring.
03:22So it's a continuous process
03:24to give effect to organizational structures,
03:26commensurate to threat and technology infusion
03:30to ensure the operational effectiveness.
03:33As of now, we have already carried out
03:36some reorganization in cyber, electronic warfare,
03:41ISI units, and rebalancing 1.0
03:44in consonance with our new emerging threat.
03:48Now what we are looking for is the rebalancing 1.5.
03:53We are also looking at new tailor-made organizations
03:56in the field of ISR, special ops,
03:59combined or integrated or all ops brigade.
04:03Then we are looking at info ops groups.
04:06We will also be looking at raising of some combat units
04:09or the headquarter and some de novo organization
04:13based on the emerging technology,
04:15for example, MUMT, that is manned unmanned teams.
04:21We also remain alive to the requirements of theatrization.
04:26So in conjunction with theatrization,
04:29we would be looking for some changes
04:31which will include in terms of the areas,
04:34sub areas, dev core, and command headquarter
04:38which will be duly synergized
04:40with the theatrization initiative.
04:43Now coming on to the second pillar,
04:45that is modernization and tech infusion.
04:49So as far as the force modernization is concerned,
04:51you're well aware that from EP one to four,
04:54we had carried out major procurement which was enhanced.