• 2 months ago
00:00Other type of evidence we are collecting, so that we can do two things, one is proper
00:12investigation, second thing is course correction also, so that in future that should not repeat,
00:17that we are collecting, not only CCTV, sometime our persons are take, because mobile phone
00:22is also available with us, so if anyone has any footage, please share with us, so that
00:27we can, we will have proper ID also, no that only, I am saying it will take some time to
00:46give all these further details, because we have to cross check all these things and we
00:50have to collect from all sources, then only we can inform you, because when things are
00:56under investigation, if anyone has, please give us, almost 90 persons, 90, total, even
01:13vigilance side also they are there, so force was there, no no excluding police 90, no no
01:27that is one thing, total that particular Ramanayudu, that centre too, that particular area, total
01:3290 police personnel were there, two special party also there, two special party with Ro,
01:38they were there, no police was present there, what I am trying to say you, that opening
01:47of gate created issue, so that we are verifying, reason for opening of that gate, second thing
01:54whether before opening of gate, proper precautions have taken or not, because see, normal thing
01:59is there, when crowd is more in number and suddenly we are allowing crowd to any particular
02:03direction, it will be just like a flood of, flood water only, suddenly coming, suddenly
02:08surge will come, that all things we are analysing and verifying and doing course correction
02:13also, that is the issue, see, yes that is normal procedure, that is every time they
02:29are following and this time also they followed and we also provided force, that only I am
02:34saying, almost that particular area, almost 1500 police personnel were deployed for this
02:40your Tirupati Bandobas purpose, see, one thing is there, this particular Bandobas is
03:01always coming in this manner only, when this Bandobas purpose, suppose Vaikunth Ekadashi
03:05is there, generally they are informing us, that this Bandobas may be provided, because
03:09without that letter, how come we will be aware that these 8 counters are there and
03:14so many coordination meeting and all other things have happened and we both, means TTD
03:21and police, TTD side, their officials, vigilance and police side, they coordinated and then
03:27only we came to that number also, 8 numbers of that counting this ticket centre and Bandobas
03:34provided basing on that coordination meeting and their requirement also, that I am not
03:52aware, see one minute, I am not aware what EO has told, I am informing whatever I am
03:57aware, that is ok, I am not aware what he has told, I am aware, I am informing, what
04:07I am trying to say that opening of gate of that park is my main issue, that we are verifying
04:15how it is, why that gate was opened, whether during that opening of gate time, we have
04:23taken proper precautions or not, if not, why and these all things we are, I am just
04:29now informing, we are analysing all these events and course of events and so that we
04:34should not have same type of issue in future also, no, all places force was there, we have
04:53that only I am saying, see, you only told me, that other places also crowd was more
04:58in number.