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00:00:00Hardhat's all about showing up to play hard, doing what it takes to win.
00:00:07If you want to cement legacy, win another.
00:00:10He's your third center.
00:00:11You don't want to prop him up too much, but it's hard not to.
00:00:14This is maybe the most I've ever agreed with you.
00:00:22What's going on?
00:00:23John Zanders.
00:00:24They did win, although it doesn't really feel like one.
00:00:28It still doesn't.
00:00:30There's already rage in the chat.
00:00:32There should be.
00:00:33If you watched this game, like they skip the Celtics escaped this game, they escaped this
00:00:41Give the give the Pell's some credit for for like refusing to die.
00:00:46But the Celtics kind of kept pumping life back into him like at the same time.
00:00:51Indeed, mistakes, bad turnovers.
00:00:54Some uncharacteristic play.
00:00:58Tatum got Tatum got just just aggressive, just physical enough in the end, I think,
00:01:02that put him over the top.
00:01:03But, man, that was, yeah, against a team that is like barely, barely has a pulse like they
00:01:13outpost don't post them just by enough.
00:01:16Well said, Jimmy.
00:01:17Good start to this show.
00:01:18I think.
00:01:22We're off and running.
00:01:23The Celtics were out of pulse today.
00:01:24That'll be the headline.
00:01:25They're all pulsing us, too.
00:01:27They're all pulsing us.
00:01:28For those of you, I'm thankful for the for the loyal CNS media watchers who watch all
00:01:35of our content.
00:01:36But I apologize to those of you who've watched all of it today because this is the third
00:01:39time I've appeared on a show because of emergency.
00:01:43A lot of John, a lot of John today.
00:01:46Little too much.
00:01:47And I apologize.
00:01:48I would like there to be less.
00:01:51But that's what we've got.
00:01:52We've got.
00:01:53We've got two Mike Vrabel podcasts and one, one and one wasn't enough.
00:01:59You needed to.
00:02:00Well, I jumped on with Taylor and Mike.
00:02:03That excited.
00:02:04They like it.
00:02:05They like it when I set them up so they can give their takes, you know, and then Bedard
00:02:10wanted to do something emergency style and I jumped on with him.
00:02:13So we did that.
00:02:15Those are both on the Patriots Press channel.
00:02:17Good shows.
00:02:18You're apologizing.
00:02:19But like, you love this stuff.
00:02:21I love the news.
00:02:23Again, I think the people, the people need some variety.
00:02:26Hey, they got Bedard.
00:02:28They got Catholic.
00:02:29They got Taylor.
00:02:30They got they got who they really wanted.
00:02:31You just happen to be there.
00:02:32I just happen to be there.
00:02:33Yeah, I'm the setup guy.
00:02:35I'm the setup guy.
00:02:36So, you know, just a couple a couple of quick notes before we get moving, before we go to
00:02:40the podium and have Joe gaslight us for five minutes or so.
00:02:46Just to let you know that the show, as always, brought to you by PrizePix, largest daily
00:02:49fantasy sports platform in North America.
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00:02:57That's again, code CLNS on PrizePix.
00:02:59Get 50 instantly when you play five.
00:03:03Run your game on PrizePix and your game.
00:03:08Run it.
00:03:09Also, game time.
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00:03:17Again, download game time today.
00:03:19What time is it, Jimmy?
00:03:21Game time.
00:03:22It's game time.
00:03:23Run your game.
00:03:24Game time.
00:03:25Run your game and game time.
00:03:27So let's get into the game itself.
00:03:29And again, it's going to be interesting because the low-hanging fruit is going to be the threes,
00:03:37Like, not just that they're taking them, they're not making them.
00:03:41And that's the easy analysis, right?
00:03:44Like that's what they want us to talk about.
00:03:48Is that what you're going to say, John?
00:03:50I'm saying I think that's the thing people grab on the most.
00:03:53It gets frustrating when you watch it.
00:03:56What I will say, if you go quarter by quarter.
00:04:00It's bad.
00:04:0113 for 44.
00:04:02Again, they were outshot 17.
00:04:04The Pelicans made 17 for 37.
00:04:07Celtics had the volume advantage here.
00:04:09They'd been losing that one as well recently.
00:04:12But the Pels shot Red Hot 46%.
00:04:14That's not something you expect them to do from three.
00:04:17I hate just putting this all to shooting variants because I don't think that's it.
00:04:21If I'm going to look at this game, I'm going to kind of boil it down to a couple of things.
00:04:27Second quarter where I thought the Celtics got things going offensively, or really from
00:04:31the point they got things going offensively, as soon as they started taking it to the basket.
00:04:34I'm going to actually say I think the offensive turnaround started a little when Peyton Pritchard
00:04:39entered the game in the first quarter and he went to the basket twice early.
00:04:42And then Tatum went.
00:04:44And then all of a sudden, the next couple of times people went, they got kick out threes
00:04:48and it was like, oh, okay, that's how you do it.
00:04:50That second quarter, I thought most of what they got was going to the basket.
00:04:53Then they come out to start the second half and we were texting about this on our chain.
00:04:57And the first five shots are threes and they're all just early in the clock.
00:05:01First guy to touch the ball behind the arc with even a sliver of space just jacked it.
00:05:07And Joe's going to say those are good looks and those were open looks, but those sucked.
00:05:12And then they finally got them to go down after they attacked the paint.
00:05:15And I think, you know, Tatum went in, kicked one to drew, and then somebody else drove
00:05:19and kicked it to Tatum and Tatum finally knocks one down.
00:05:22But they opened that quarter with six threes and someone will say, oh, they were all open.
00:05:27They were sort of, but a couple of them were earned.
00:05:31There were ones that you got by putting pressure.
00:05:35I think the overall story for this team effort can be one thing, but I think pressure is
00:05:40the other.
00:05:41They're not putting pressure on teams offensively or defensively consistently enough.
00:05:47They do it in stretches.
00:05:48You see Jalen Brown decides to go beast mode for a little bit, makes these great interior
00:05:53passes, um, muscles up, gets to the basket and it's like, okay, here we go.
00:05:58We're dictating the pace.
00:06:00And then you just see it go away and it's, it's, it's on both ends.
00:06:04It's all, it's not even, it's not even minute to minute.
00:06:07It's within a possession.
00:06:09They'll play 20 seconds, 18 seconds of defense and laps for the final five and like, and
00:06:15then, and allow a good shot.
00:06:17It's weird.
00:06:19Like there's just something off here.
00:06:20It's like they can't sustain it, not even for full possession, let alone full quarters
00:06:24or stretches.
00:06:26I was going to say it's not consistent.
00:06:28I mean, it's, it's, yeah.
00:06:29The start of one quarter goes the way you want them to play.
00:06:32And then the start of the next goes completely different way.
00:06:34And I, I'm with you on that second and third quarter discrepancy.
00:06:39They're defaulting to the way they shouldn't play.
00:06:42Whereas it used to be, they would default to connectivity ball movement, you know, working
00:06:48the ball around and getting guys open.
00:06:49Now they're defaulting to, I don't want to say shot chucking, but focusing more on those
00:06:55outside shots, not getting out in transition, not playing strong enough or hard enough,
00:07:00if you want us to call it that on defense.
00:07:02And so they're not getting those, those fast break transition baskets and they're not getting
00:07:07the opposing team on their heels.
00:07:09The opposing team's doing a lot more of the dictation of the way this game should be played.
00:07:14A team like New Orleans, I don't want to, I mean, they do have some big names on their
00:07:19team to be honest.
00:07:20They should be better than the record.
00:07:21They've dealt with a lot of injuries.
00:07:23They've had injuries.
00:07:24It's been a weird year for them.
00:07:25They're not, they're not a traditional eight wind team.
00:07:26There's more firepower there for sure.
00:07:28Like, like the, the lineup they rolled out today is a better lineup than an eight wind
00:07:32So that's why this game probably felt a little bit closer than how the records would, would
00:07:36make it feel.
00:07:37But again, a situation where whether it was Murray, whether it was Zion, I know McCollum
00:07:43missed it at the end, but those guys kept coming and it felt like with the Celtics in
00:07:49the fourth quarter, especially sloppy, bad mistakes, Derek white with a couple of very
00:07:56uncharacteristic fourth quarter turnovers one, just losing the ball randomly out of
00:08:02bounds and one with the five second violation misses at the rim, whether it was Luke whether
00:08:07it was Tatum, you know, whether it was Porzingis, I liked when they were going to the room,
00:08:13I liked the, I liked the rim runners and I want to see more of that stuff.
00:08:17But again, default back to the outside shooting, you know, default back to hold onto the ball
00:08:22and, and toss a prayer and play the numbers game.
00:08:26And it worked for a stretch.
00:08:28And that's when the NBA went crazy and said, we got to change the game.
00:08:32It's finding its level now, right?
00:08:35You can't default to that style of play.
00:08:37If you're not going to play hard and you said it last game, I think John, are they, are
00:08:45they playing?
00:08:46Are they not playing?
00:08:48What was the word you basically said?
00:08:49Are they not trying or are they not good enough?
00:08:52Meaning are they just gassed?
00:08:53Are they old?
00:08:54Are they, or are they just bored?
00:08:55And there's a big difference and I'm not sure which one it is yet either, but I know that
00:08:59we're seeing far too much of it where this team is giving you like 70% of what they're
00:09:04capable of.
00:09:05And I don't, I don't, maybe Bobby or Noah can come on here and tell us why, or Joe will
00:09:09probably tell us why I'm not, I certainly don't know, but that's kind of how I feel
00:09:12about it.
00:09:15Uh, and I don't know.
00:09:18I think we're still figuring it out and I had Judah put a comment, I put a comment from
00:09:22Judah up here like it, let's, let's not, let's not like go to hyperbole here.
00:09:30It's not a disaster.
00:09:31Uh, you know, it's, you know, we're overstating how bad they look right now.
00:09:37They just look vulnerable and beatable in a way that they didn't last year.
00:09:41And again, every, everything the Celtics are being judged by is a standard of winning an
00:09:45NBA title.
00:09:46And this looks like a team that's like closer to a second round exit than, you know, returning
00:09:52to the finals or winning the finals right now.
00:09:54Cause they just, you know, it's the consistency, the argument against the argument last year
00:10:01that was going in the Celtics favor, good luck beating this team four times.
00:10:06And I would, I would agree.
00:10:07Any team can have a shooting variance game against them.
00:10:10But if the Celtics go out, do what they do through a seven game series, there was no
00:10:14team capable of beating them.
00:10:15I believe that almost all year, I believe that entering the playoffs and even during
00:10:21the finals, when they didn't have Porzingis and people were laughably predicting the Mavericks
00:10:25would win.
00:10:26I'm like, there's no way that happens.
00:10:28They're not, they can't beat them four times.
00:10:30I don't feel that way now.
00:10:31I don't.
00:10:32Uh, that's the problem is could the Celtics beat anybody in the league?
00:10:35Yeah, absolutely.
00:10:37But all of a sudden a loss is not, wouldn't be so surprising, um, if they continue playing
00:10:43this way.
00:10:44If they go out, they're kind of back to full health and you're still not seeing it, um,
00:10:49there doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
00:10:50And if it does, we'll say, oh, there they are.
00:10:53But until then, you're going to wonder, are they, are they creeping back there?
00:10:58Are they somewhere or, or is something different?
00:11:01And I'm not sure, but, um, but yeah, vulnerable is a good word.
00:11:07The Knicks have changed, the Knicks have changed quite a bit and the Cavs are healthy and playing
00:11:12extremely well.
00:11:13Um, but sure they should, they should, but they're not, uh, Pacers beat the Cavs by the
00:11:19Um, did that?
00:11:22I mean, the Pacers are another team that on any given night, you know, you have to bring
00:11:26They want to, they want to run, they want to be at, they're an athletic team too.
00:11:30And again, that's the style of play that seems to be bothering Boston right now is that it's
00:11:38whether it's the athleticism and the physicality.
00:11:40They don't want to seem to go toe to toe with these teams.
00:11:44They kind of want to just outshoot you.
00:11:47A couple of people, I hate the too much muscle argument.
00:11:51It's it's incorrect.
00:11:52Too much muscle.
00:11:54I don't know about that either.
00:11:55It's his own body.
00:11:56Like, I mean, all of a sudden Brown's too big to shoot now.
00:11:59It's not, it's not, you know, LeBron James, LeBron James literally transformed eventually
00:12:07into like a, you know, straight up, you know, NFL linebacker and his three-point shooting
00:12:12got better later on in his career.
00:12:14So it's, it's look, there's nothing there.
00:12:17Something is something that's not the problem.
00:12:19By the way.
00:12:20Tatum's not the problem again.
00:12:22So we're like, that's not even it.
00:12:23I mean, right now you've got problems.
00:12:25Derek White is having problems right now.
00:12:28Chris Jeffs for Zingas.
00:12:29He was active, but overall it's not a great line for him today.
00:12:34I didn't think he played poorly.
00:12:36And then, you know, he ended up, okay, it was seven for 19.
00:12:38I think he made it last couple, but no Porzingis, but Derek White one for one for six, six points
00:12:44over five from three Jalen Brown, another weird turnovers for white too.
00:12:49Brown, Brown was playing great.
00:12:51And then he literally turned the ball up there, John characteristic turnovers you know, even
00:12:57shots missed shots, stuff like that.
00:12:59Like this is, this is not what we know the Celtics to be.
00:13:02Why is that?
00:13:03I mean, I think again, every season is different.
00:13:06You're on a journey with that being said if you take a look at the perspective you know,
00:13:14there's our things that we're doing well.
00:13:15And I think when you're the most important is winning the game and making it a necessary
00:13:20And even when things aren't, aren't going well, so to speak.
00:13:22So every season brings on different challenges.
00:13:26Every season brings on different opportunities and you know, the situation that we're in
00:13:30now is we got to just fight to win, got to fight to make the necessary plays.
00:13:35I would say when you have games throughout a season when you lose because of effort in
00:13:42certain situations tonight, they were, they were mistakes with effort and, but when you
00:13:47have a few games in the bank where you make mistakes without effort it's harder to you
00:13:54know, accept it tonight.
00:13:55Like I thought tonight we had great intentionality on the game plan to great intentionality on
00:13:58details on both ends of the floor.
00:14:00I just thought we made mistakes with effort.
00:14:02And those are the things that are going to happen as long as we keep it that way.
00:14:06And you know, we continue to just get better.
00:14:08That's the most important thing.
00:14:09You got to chip away at the mindset.
00:14:10When you say mistakes with effort, what are you, what are you talking about?
00:14:13Is there?
00:14:14Like right intentions.
00:14:15Like you have the right intentions.
00:14:16Like, you know, I mean, you're going to, well, we, we only had 12 turnovers.
00:14:19It just happened to be, you know, live ball on five of them.
00:14:23I don't think Derek meant to throw the ball into the, you know, lose it into that one.
00:14:26I think a couple of the drives that we had, there was no intention to, you know, so it's
00:14:30just plays that are like, you have the right intentions.
00:14:32You just got to deliver them.
00:14:33And you know, so when we keep it like that, you know, we'll be able to, to figure it,
00:14:38you know, get through it.
00:14:39Is that a matter of trying too hard to do something and getting away from what you're
00:14:44not, what the game plan is or no, no, no.
00:14:46Like I said, everything we did was in the process of executing the game plan.
00:14:51And so when you make those mistakes, it's fine.
00:14:52So the difference is there's been times, you know, in the past where we, we didn't
00:14:56have those situations.
00:14:58And so, you know, like we were very intentional, like I thought we had the right guys shoot
00:15:03the right shots.
00:15:04I thought we contested them and they made them and we were able to withstand that.
00:15:08And so the process of what we did, I mean, we made some, we made some not so good plays,
00:15:13you know, so that also that too, but most of the mistakes that we made were with the
00:15:16effort and the right intentions.
00:15:18And that's what you have to fight for while winning the game is the most important thing.
00:15:22Joe, what did you see in the five second violation?
00:15:25What did you see on it?
00:15:26Like what?
00:15:28You saw it was five seconds.
00:15:31Like you had a timeout.
00:15:32Like that's why you saved two timeouts.
00:15:33Like should Derrick have called a timeout or what?
00:15:36What kind of should have happened there?
00:15:42In terms of the fourth quarter execution with the mislayups, it's just things that happened.
00:15:48And then also, also Murphy and both kind of like the season highs again, like, you know,
00:15:56what do you do about this?
00:15:58Like, yeah, I mean, listen, you got to go back into the games and, and you know what,
00:16:02Murray was shooting 29% from three on the season, six for nine tonight.
00:16:05I mean, he's at his best when he gets you on the side of him and gets downhill.
00:16:09And so there's probably a couple where we have to be better on the contest, you know,
00:16:13but you know, you just got to continue to work through it.
00:16:15I think there was opportunities for us to force more turnovers, an opportunity for us
00:16:19to, you know, protect the paint a little bit more, but you know, just got to continue to
00:16:24chip away at him.
00:16:25Joe, this is similar to what John was asking, but there have been games in the past where
00:16:29you've said, you know, we didn't deserve to win this game.
00:16:32Is the difference between that and games like tonight where there's some mental errors,
00:16:36just that intentionality you were talking about, like what goes in when you look at,
00:16:39you know, the process of things versus the actual result?
00:16:43I mean, I think if you take a look at, there was probably four plays where we tried to,
00:16:46you know, where we beat ourselves out in the fourth quarter defensively.
00:16:50Some of the turnovers were really good execution.
00:16:51I thought our half court execution, again, the result may have been a mislayup or a missed
00:16:57But I think if you look at the quality of what we did, we executed that.
00:17:00And so listen, like it's been a challenging month.
00:17:05And so when you're in a challenging month, you need situations like this to be able to
00:17:09work through it.
00:17:10So, you know, I think I told the guys, it's a great space to be in, you know, we are whatever
00:17:15the heck our record is.
00:17:16And, you know, the standard is high, the expectation is high.
00:17:21And you know, we're in a challenging spot and it's a great place to be in.
00:17:25It felt like Jason and Jalen in particular were working really hard just to get inside
00:17:29the three point line a little bit more when those threes weren't falling.
00:17:31I mean, you saw Jalen hit a few of those middies at the end of the game and then Jalen working
00:17:35inside to get some of those assists in the first quarter.
00:17:37Is that something you talked about after the Kings game or in general, or is that just
00:17:40something they're reading the game?
00:17:41I think it was just reading the game as far as what type of defense New Orleans was playing
00:17:46against us.
00:17:47And, you know, you know, at the time it was an opportunity for us to just try to attack
00:17:52the basket, get to the get to the free throw line and, you know, get something either for
00:17:56themselves or for the other team.
00:17:58The numbers for your starting lineup, it's a tiny sample size so far, but it's very uncharacteristic
00:18:03of what they were last season.
00:18:05Just say bad.
00:18:06It's bad.
00:18:08Another slow start tonight, what is sort of gone into those beyond just still working
00:18:12for rhythm?
00:18:13Like what?
00:18:14What are the basketball details that are kind of missing?
00:18:16So what?
00:18:17Up until this point, I don't know what they played tonight, but up before the game, it
00:18:20was 115 minutes as compared to almost 400 minutes, so it was triple the minutes.
00:18:26The expected offense was like one point two this year, but the actual was like one point
00:18:30one six.
00:18:31The defense actually needed to be a little bit better.
00:18:33Last year to this point, the actually offense was worse from an expected basis, but the
00:18:37actual was better and they were shooting 39 percent as opposed to 29 percent.
00:18:41So I would say those things go into it.
00:18:45When you've only had, you know, 115 minutes plus 25 to 30 today, you're essentially in
00:18:50a and it's again, it's not an excuse like we have to be better, but it's essentially
00:18:54in a training camp form with this particular group.
00:18:57And so when you take a look at the numbers of the expected offense and versus, you know,
00:19:02where they're at now to where they are, you've almost had triple the possessions of the time
00:19:05rhythm trust.
00:19:06You know, trust goes into when you have talented guys that have it.
00:19:08And so I would say that's my brain and we have to continue to work towards that.
00:19:12So hopefully we remain healthy to where we can continue those reps, those trust and the
00:19:17accountability that we have to hold each other to to get to where we are and sprinkle in
00:19:20to make the big gap between the expected numbers and the shooting numbers so far.
00:19:27Do you consider that luck?
00:19:28Do you think there's like basketball stuff not going right right now that's kind of going
00:19:33into that?
00:19:35I mean, that's always the that's always the conversation, right?
00:19:37Like which one comes first?
00:19:38Is it like, you know, so I don't really have an answer for that.
00:19:41What I do know is we have to keep the process of fighting for the best shots, giving up
00:19:45the best shots, making it a necessary place to win, executing, building trust, building
00:19:49accountability amongst each other.
00:19:50We just have to continue to work that process with, you know, with each other.
00:19:54Where there's a recent stretch, you know, you guys have been on or that gap between
00:19:57like you said, the expected and, you know, the results there, can that kind of take a
00:20:00toll on guys in terms of, you know, you're generating the right shots?
00:20:04I get so nervous.
00:20:05There's a lot of point blank shots that you guys missed.
00:20:07Like, can that be sort of a mental thing that builds up, you know, with some guys having,
00:20:11you know, lower shooting seasons than you do?
00:20:13I mean, tonight, I thought it actually we worked through that.
00:20:16But over the course of a game and, you know, it was like a sales convention.
00:20:21And so but again, we have to have the mental toughness to continue to work through that
00:20:24and find ways to win without it, you know.
00:20:26And so, yeah, I would say the ultimate compliment is like a zoom call.
00:20:31And, you know, this is the types of conversations that we're having.
00:20:34So it's a beautiful place to be.
00:20:35I'm serious.
00:20:36I think it's great.
00:20:37You know, it's a it's a great standard and a great expectation to have and we have to
00:20:41we have to deliver.
00:20:42And so we all know that that's the process towards it.
00:20:44But when you're what are we the third team in the league right now, which, you know,
00:20:48isn't great, but look at the fifth, sounds like a Morgan here.
00:20:50And that's how it should be because of where we're trying to get to.
00:20:53So it's the ultimate compliment and we just continue to work through it.
00:20:57Along those lines, what is making this stretch so challenging?
00:21:01We're just not playing our best basketball.
00:21:02And I think we talked about it to Grandy on the radio, like when you're seven and six
00:21:05over 13, it's not just one thing.
00:21:07And so we just have to continue to and when the reference points are different.
00:21:12And so, you know, there's two great teams in the league that are having historic season.
00:21:16So they become the reference point of like, oh, you're not as good because you're not
00:21:20And they're great, great teams having historical years.
00:21:22And we're on our own path that we have to be able to work through.
00:21:25And just because we were this last year, you can't you can't take for granted the details,
00:21:30but execution, togetherness, trust, like all that stuff has to be rebuilt.
00:21:33And I think sometimes when you have the same team, we have this expectation that we're
00:21:37just going to pick up there and it's different, a different year, people in different spaces.
00:21:42And so we have to reestablish that.
00:21:43You have to work that.
00:21:44And that just takes time.
00:21:45So this is the space that we're in.
00:21:47I love the fact that we're not happy.
00:21:50Best place to be in.
00:21:51And, you know, figure it out.
00:21:54I like it better when we are happy.
00:21:58I actually I think, you know, let's read let's let's let's read it.
00:22:02Oh, man.
00:22:03That was like a Zoom call with the CEO.
00:22:05It's just going on and on using all the buzzwords.
00:22:08It was a lot of buzzwords.
00:22:09A lot of buzzwords.
00:22:10We hit them all.
00:22:13But regardless, there's a tone change, tone shift, for sure, in terms of it's not as combative
00:22:19like we did everything right.
00:22:21You guys don't understand what you're watching.
00:22:22I think there's an acknowledgment.
00:22:24You know, you play 500 ball for a month.
00:22:28That's not against mixed competition.
00:22:30It's not like it was all like back to backs with injuries and tough teams and this and
00:22:37You just played like ass against like an OK slate.
00:22:39There's some good teams that you've mixed in there.
00:22:41There's some not great teams.
00:22:43You've kind of found a way to, you know, you know, you know, win and lose in a bunch of
00:22:49different, you know, a bunch of different ways.
00:22:52So he gets it.
00:22:53I think that like we're not great, but there's still a vibe that we can figure it out.
00:22:59And of course, they're going to feel that way.
00:23:00But I think he's understanding, like, yeah, the reason knives are out, people are frustrated
00:23:04is standard is different.
00:23:07Now it's just a question of like.
00:23:11What we talked about before, do they get it back or is it just a bump in two months if
00:23:18they've ripped through February and March with like three or four losses total?
00:23:23Nobody's talking about this Pelicans game.
00:23:25Nobody's talking about any of it.
00:23:26I think it is talking about it anyways.
00:23:27But yeah, I'm just saying you'll remember these stretches were like, geez, remember
00:23:30they lost to this and to that and that these were bad losses and we should have known there
00:23:35that was the game where we blah, blah, blah.
00:23:37It goes away.
00:23:38Thank you, Rodrigo, very much.
00:23:41And we feel good.
00:23:42But yeah, it's it wasn't awful.
00:23:44I agree with a lot of what Joe said.
00:23:46You know, I really do like in the beginning of the game, I thought their energy was awesome.
00:23:51I thought they were flying around and they just missed shots.
00:23:54They just couldn't.
00:23:55They just couldn't hit anything defensively.
00:23:58I think they still allow too many looks and they're not, you know, they're not necessarily
00:24:05connected and they definitely they give people too much space.
00:24:09So I think that that's a choice more than it is an effort thing.
00:24:12So I'd like to see that change a little bit.
00:24:13But it's again, there is a very live, live by the math, die by the math sort of thing.
00:24:17We'll concede certain things, threes to low percentage shooters above the gray stuff.
00:24:22And two point.
00:24:24Two point Murray's not shooting great.
00:24:25So they'll concede that.
00:24:26I think that's a winning formula most times.
00:24:28But when it doesn't go well, it looks passive.
00:24:30And then that that that appearance leads people to believe it's an effort thing.
00:24:36I don't necessarily think it is.
00:24:37I actually do think they went out, kind of went after it a little bit at times.
00:24:42They're just inconsistent results.
00:24:44And they just some people just very simply, flatly are playing worse than they were last
00:24:54They're just playing worse overall basketball.
00:24:56Jalen Brown, Derek White for this particular stretch, Porzingis still getting his way
00:25:01They're they're just not playing as well.
00:25:03That's kind of it.
00:25:05You know, I, I agree.
00:25:08I mean, I, I do feel like the second part of what you said, the guys that aren't playing
00:25:14well, that's a bigger concern because you kind of wonder, OK, well, if it's an effort
00:25:18thing or if it's just the intentions are there and OK, so is it skill wise?
00:25:23These guys have lost a step.
00:25:25You know, I mean, I'm not saying Jalen Brown's lost a step, but certainly his shot is off
00:25:28right now.
00:25:29We can all agree if anyone has watched around this season, the shot is not where it was
00:25:35where it has been.
00:25:36Drew Holiday, you know, with some injuries that, you know, that's another guy.
00:25:40But again, you get it in spurts like Holiday tonight, driving to the hoop, getting fouled.
00:25:44That was a big moment for them at a time where they needed to get something going.
00:25:48Al Horford had a couple of or at least one that I can recall, a big three.
00:25:53But it's the consistency.
00:25:54And I think that's the problem is you were getting way more consistent basketball from
00:25:57all these guys last season.
00:25:59So when a mistake was made or a couple of turnovers were made, there was somebody there
00:26:05to pick up the slack, right?
00:26:07We would say, you know, they're the deepest team there, you know, eight deep.
00:26:11They can just, you know, there's nothing you can do about it.
00:26:14But now you look at them and this guy's not healthy or this guy's not playing well right
00:26:19This guy's had a slow start to the year.
00:26:20Or, you know, aside from Tatum and Pritchard, you could argue that majority of the guys
00:26:25have regressed on this team.
00:26:28You know, there it is.
00:26:29Old Al.
00:26:30I didn't say it.
00:26:31White has.
00:26:32I don't know what the deal is with White.
00:26:33I don't know if it's a mental thing or a physical thing, but.
00:26:36You know, White made a couple of bonehead plays today, and he's not giving you that
00:26:40boost, that offensive boost that you again, he was like.
00:26:44Your second best player for like chunks.
00:26:47And now it's like you're getting a guy that is almost he's a distant, you know, thought
00:26:54Again, hot and cold, but particularly the last three games, six points tonight, three
00:26:57points against Sacramento shooting very, very poorly, 11 points before in that loss
00:27:03to OKC.
00:27:05But before that, 23, 26, 16, 17.
00:27:08So I know a recent dip, but overall, but you're expecting more from him, right?
00:27:13Just like you're expecting more from the Celtics.
00:27:15So kind of maybe what Mizzou is saying a little bit.
00:27:17The expectations change a little bit.
00:27:19You're waiting more.
00:27:20And the three point shooting is down considerably after, you know, basically blazing hot start
00:27:28to the season where he was shooting 45% or so, you know, uh, after, you know, November
00:27:34through December and, and, and, and, and, you know, so far in January, White's closer
00:27:39to like 34% from three, uh, and you've just got these games where he's going over six,
00:27:44two for 11, three for 11, just not real for five tonight.
00:27:48So you're not getting it there, but also White, White's been a pretty damn good shot creator.
00:27:53And you're not getting that from him either right now.
00:27:55So it is weird.
00:27:56And you're, as you said, uncharacteristic mistakes that you don't necessarily see.
00:28:01We saw the five second violation debate, whether it was, or it wasn't Joe saw it.
00:28:08He said, yep.
00:28:09He saw it.
00:28:14He saw it.
00:28:16He saw it.
00:28:17I actually thought there was a, um, a couple of games ago, they were very close to a five
00:28:21second violation.
00:28:22So I wonder if that was something that they were looking for.
00:28:27Uh, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna hear from more Celtics, Bobby, I think went
00:28:30hunting in the, uh, Pelicans locker room.
00:28:33I don't know what he's got.
00:28:34You know what?
00:28:35It's a Zion.
00:28:36It's a Zion obsession with Bobby.
00:28:38This is something he's never letting go.
00:28:40Um, he's not, we're going to be fighting this one for a long time.
00:28:43There's no, he gets that way with some certain things, doesn't he fixated Zion misses two
00:28:50Zion's been awful.
00:28:52So Bobby, would you still trade Zion for Tatum?
00:28:54Well, guess what?
00:28:55Tatum just missed two free throws.
00:28:56Zion's a force of nature, but he's, he's, he's not, he hasn't, he hasn't found it yet
00:29:00this year.
00:29:01Uh, which is too bad.
00:29:02Cause I talk about inconsistency.
00:29:04I mean, he started, he started coming back next year before he got hurt and he was playing
00:29:08really good basketball.
00:29:09It was really a shame that he, uh, missed, uh, missed out there at the end of the year.
00:29:12Uh, so we'll, we'll, we'll talk a little bit more.
00:29:14We're gonna take a quick break and hear from one of our sponsors.
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00:29:56So I will say, Jimmy, I don't know if you remember, but Friday, my picks were, my pick
00:30:02four was, uh, Nico Collins over Nico Collins, sorry, Nico Collins, more on yards.
00:30:09Nico Collins, touchdown, Derek Henry, anytime TD, Derek Henry, more on yards and lad McConkie
00:30:17That was my pick four and I smashed it for the Saturday game.
00:30:21Did you go with, you didn't go with the fifth one?
00:30:22I thought you were debating it.
00:30:23No, I wasn't.
00:30:24I went with four and I smashed it for, uh, in an easy runaway way.
00:30:30I smashed it.
00:30:31Um, so that was great.
00:30:32I don't, I didn't look at it today, but I looked at Saturdays, uh, and, uh, and, and,
00:30:38and absolutely crushed it.
00:30:40Uh, Cadillac's been doing pretty good with his picks.
00:30:42So I might have to tell you guys, I might have to start posting your, your plays.
00:30:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:30:47Uh, so we'll see how that goes, but you can definitely check it out.
00:30:50Um, we will, as we said, we'll hear from Bobby and Noah, uh, in a little bit, uh, here, but
00:30:56uh, back to this game, uh, interesting stuff happened late in the game.
00:31:01And again, um, we were right now, okay, it's a win, right?
00:31:07And everybody can chill and everyone can say, doesn't matter.
00:31:11Holy crap.
00:31:12Was this close in the last 13.4 seconds of the game, Jason Tatum misses two free throws
00:31:18and Derek white, a five second violation right there at the end of the fourth quarter.
00:31:23In the last 13 seconds, those two things happen.
00:31:26And then they just gave McCollum an absolute bunny that probably he hits 19 out of 20 times.
00:31:36Right off the glass.
00:31:38And right now, again, people would be absolutely apoplectic if this went down, because fine,
00:31:45let's talk about, let's talk about, you know, the looking at it in a global way, not holistically,
00:31:53like what we're seeing about the Celtics.
00:31:55That's the main conversation.
00:31:56How are they playing?
00:31:57What's going on?
00:31:58Do we have issues with it?
00:31:59Will it get better, but just forget about effort or moments or execution or shots not
00:32:07This was a meltdown late in the game here that almost just handed the Pelicans the game.
00:32:12You let them hang around all game, and then you literally put it on a platter for them.
00:32:17And it didn't.
00:32:18And you're extremely lucky McCollum misses that shot.
00:32:22That's it.
00:32:23I mean, that's really what it comes down to.
00:32:24It's like we're, we're probably saying a lot of the same things, but that Joe, that Joe
00:32:28press press conference gets probably a little bit more interesting and you're seeing a much
00:32:32angrier chat than you do right now.
00:32:34We have a few more hundred people on here just so that they could vent a little bit.
00:32:39But yeah, that means it came down to that 50 50 at the rim, just again, sloppy, couldn't
00:32:48Couldn't close this team out this, this Pelicans team remnants of a couple of years ago when
00:32:54they had a lot of trouble closing teams out and they let teams stick around.
00:32:59And this was, this was another one.
00:33:00How many lead changes back and forth this game went?
00:33:05I mean, Tatum did miss those two free throws, John, which, I mean, you just can't miss those
00:33:08free throws.
00:33:09I don't know how it happened, but I did like his aggression late in that game, driving
00:33:14to the hoop.
00:33:16The one where he had the breakaway missed it and, you know, put it back for the dunk.
00:33:19That was nice.
00:33:22I would have been a lot more disappointed if he tried to force more of those outside
00:33:26shots and, and, and, and the team ended up trying to score it that way.
00:33:30They need to do that more consistently.
00:33:31But as far as the Pelicans, you know, keep coming back, coming back, I give them credit,
00:33:37but I think the Celtics kind of shot themselves in the foot, in the foot there a couple of
00:33:40times, just uncharacteristic.
00:33:41And that's why I can't figure out what sometimes what Joe's talking about with right intentions
00:33:47and this and that.
00:33:48I don't get that.
00:33:49Thanks Pete.
00:33:50Loyal, loyal viewer and listener.
00:33:52Thank you, Pete.
00:33:53Good to have you on.
00:33:55Give us a like, give us a like, give us a follow, you know, and, and, and turn on those
00:34:02We'll see you when we're coming after the games, after the games, but other times as
00:34:07Bobby every once in a while does Bobby just likes to do stuff, you know, and just pop
00:34:14in there and like, talk to other writers and stuff.
00:34:17He's he's, he's he's he's sneaky that way.
00:34:22So where, where are we next?
00:34:24Oh, they're at Toronto on Wednesday.
00:34:26All right.
00:34:27What'd you think of the bench tonight, John?
00:34:29I thought they had a little, they had a little bit more.
00:34:33So I mentioned the Pritchard.
00:34:34I thought like, like I, I thought that was important when he came in because the first
00:34:40couple of baskets he had were going to the basket.
00:34:42He had that nice little move and a nice scoop.
00:34:44I think scal compared him to Steve Nash on that plane.
00:34:47It was kind of Nash.
00:34:48It was like, it was the, it was the quick step, get it up before the jump on the off
00:34:52foot, which is great that, that like you just, it's all, you just sneak it sneak it by him.
00:35:00So you got good contributions.
00:35:01I'll say Luke was great.
00:35:02And Al was pretty good.
00:35:03Everyone's jumping in the chat saying here as Al, I mean, look, Jay King was asking the
00:35:07question to Joe Missoula and it's, it's fair.
00:35:10I mean, with the starting lineup, if you look at it and it's, you know, what's that?
00:35:16I like this quote, Tommy Heinzen used to say, run when you're struggling, why not start
00:35:21That's kind of how I feel about these guys.
00:35:22He always loved it.
00:35:23Run and do everything.
00:35:25You gotta run the floor.
00:35:27I mean, Jason Tatum, 38 points, um, you know, 11 rebounds, one assist, but minus nine, he's
00:35:37a minus nine, you know, uh, people were freaking out over the non Tatum minutes.
00:35:42Uh, they weren't awesome all the time.
00:35:44Uh, Jalen Brown among the starters, a team high zero in the plus minus, uh, every other
00:35:51starters in minus territory, including Porzingis at eight.
00:35:54And then you had the bench guys, Pritchard, uh, 13, uh, I mean, plus 12 Luke Cornett plus
00:36:00So again, decent contributions from the bench there.
00:36:03Uh, and you got 33 points off the bench, 11 for Pritchard, 11 for Horford, eight for Cornett
00:36:10and three for Hauser.
00:36:11Uh, again, not bad contributions from the bench that kind of saved you because your
00:36:16starters were bad again, you know, uh, it's, you know, trying to do the math on it, but
00:36:21I mean, just three pointers alone, that's over seven, geez Louise.
00:36:26That's bad.
00:36:27Two for 17 and white holiday and white five for 26, six for 30, six for 30 from the three
00:36:34point line from the starters.
00:36:36I mean, you wouldn't, you can make the case that holiday and white were like arguably
00:36:39the best backcourt in the NBA last year.
00:36:44You know, certainly like, but it's the starters that this is crazy.
00:36:47The numbers are awful.
00:36:48That's what I mean.
00:36:49So holiday right now, they're not giving you single singly.
00:36:56They're not giving you that.
00:36:57But as a unit, they're not giving you that like best backward in the NBA production on
00:37:02either end, right?
00:37:03You're not getting that locked on, not getting as much lockdown defense that we saw in offensively.
00:37:09I mean, holiday has been struggling for most of the year on offense.
00:37:13And Derek white is more as of late, he came out on absolute fire to start the year, but
00:37:18he's come back down to earth.
00:37:20And so last year, those, I mean, Derek white was unbelievable for them last year and drew
00:37:24holiday goes without saying how important he was, especially on the defensive end.
00:37:26But if, you know, Tatum's having the year he's having, you start to look at the guys
00:37:32around him and try to, to try to figure out who isn't kind of stepping up to the plate.
00:37:36And we already know Brown's been struggling.
00:37:39We talk about that, but he can have nights where he goes off, but you're seeing it a
00:37:42lot less often now, I think with holiday certainly, but white right now, I don't know if something's
00:37:47off or if it's just a little, you know, lull that he's having right now.
00:37:51But if those guys aren't giving you like their steady play and those guys are steady, they're
00:37:57supposed to be the, like, they're the guys that you're, they're like the anti-Marcus
00:38:02You never have to worry about them.
00:38:03You never, you don't think you ever have to worry about them.
00:38:04They're going to make the smart play.
00:38:06They're going to be there when you need them.
00:38:07They're going to hit the big shot.
00:38:09And it's still how you feel, I think, generally speaking, but as of late, I don't think you
00:38:14can have that same level of confidence in those, in the, in that backcourt.
00:38:19You're going to fax my dog me right now.
00:38:22No, I'm listening to it too.
00:38:23I'm like, kind of like looking at it.
00:38:25Like I, you know, I've been a bit of a holiday apologist.
00:38:27I'm not going to, I'm not, it's not a fax my dog and white, I think was mainly good.
00:38:31He's just not, he's not shooting it as well.
00:38:33No, he's, they're still doing the things, but they're not, I wouldn't say that again,
00:38:38if you talk about intention and all this stuff that Joe wants to throw out there, I kind
00:38:43of look at those guys.
00:38:44It's the, it's the, it's the defense.
00:38:46It's not, I mean, you, you mentioned what your best defensive backcourt, exactly.
00:38:51You mentioned what Tommy said about running to me.
00:38:54It's always about like the easiest thing to do when you're not in Joe mentioned last game,
00:39:01the offense is getting the defense down, you know, and then they're not trying because
00:39:04they're getting frustrated.
00:39:05They're getting out of their mess.
00:39:06That's I get that that's happening, but it's so backwards because what you should do when
00:39:12things aren't going well on offense is dig in on defense and then have that translate
00:39:17to offense, whether it be transition or just getting stops and getting other teams out
00:39:20of rhythm.
00:39:21So it's so obvious.
00:39:22It's kind of weird to be the defending champs who played a near perfect basketball for an
00:39:28entire season and post-season last year, not understand that.
00:39:32So again, you're coming back to either urgency and whether they lack it because they're bored.
00:39:37And I get that.
00:39:38Or whether it's again, performance-based thing is we're probably not going to know that until
00:39:42the season starts.
00:39:43I will say if they flounder and they're playing, you know, not quite 500 basketball, but like,
00:39:50you know, win three, lose two all year long while fully healthy.
00:39:54I think you're going to have to start to think that something's not right there.
00:39:59I hate having the Jalen Brown conversation without other people here because everyone
00:40:04will get mad at me.
00:40:06Just me.
00:40:07Something we mentioned the guard, something's off with Jalen right now, and it's dragging
00:40:12on way too long into the season.
00:40:16So we'll talk a little bit about that.
00:40:19When we come back, we are going to take a quick pause once again, and hear from one
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00:41:13What time is it?
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00:41:16What I will say here is, uh, Vinny knows what's up.
00:41:21And you know what?
00:41:22Come on.
00:41:23How do you think we pay bills here, guys?
00:41:25John, you can't put that in the ad, right?
00:41:29It's annoying.
00:41:30Look at this.
00:41:32Look at this.
00:41:33I'm jumping ahead.
00:41:34This is a great game.
00:41:35This is a great game.
00:41:36This is a great game.
00:41:37This is a great game.
00:41:38This is a great game.
00:41:39This is a great game.
00:41:40This is a great game.
00:41:41This is a great game.
00:41:42This is a great game.
00:41:43This is a great game.
00:41:44This is a great game.
00:41:45This is a great game.
00:41:46This is a great game.
00:41:47This is a great game.
00:41:48This is a great game.
00:41:49This is a great game.
00:41:50This is a great game.
00:41:51This is a great game.
00:41:52This is a great game.
00:41:53This is a great game.
00:41:54This is a great game.
00:41:55This is a great game.
00:41:56This is a great game.
00:41:57This is a great game.
00:41:58This is a great game.
00:41:59This is a great game.
00:42:00This is a great game.
00:42:01They lost last time they played Orlando, and that was an Orlando team missing everybody.
00:42:05And boy, did they clamp down on them defensively in that game.
00:42:09That's a game the Celtics played without Jason Tatum.
00:42:13Of course, Jalen Brown went off in that one, 35 points, but they lost.
00:42:16They lost that game to Orlando.
00:42:18Big third quarter, Orlando came back.
00:42:21So yeah.
00:42:23And now you got Paolo back, and he's one of the best.
00:42:26He's one of the best players right now that might not be getting as much attention as
00:42:30he deserves.
00:42:31He's great.
00:42:33He's been hurt, but now he's back.
00:42:34And the Magic are a fun, young team.
00:42:35And they give the Celt, again, they're a team that wants to play hard.
00:42:40They have to.
00:42:43And so the Celtics, they don't seem to like that this year, John.
00:42:45They don't seem to like having the target on their back.
00:42:47You know what I mean?
00:42:48It's like they know it's on their back, but it doesn't seem like they like it enough.
00:42:52So 99 bucks to get into that game.
00:42:54To me, that's a good deal.
00:42:55Friday night.
00:42:56Check it out.
00:42:57I mean, you're going to spend that at dinner.
00:42:59You might as well go to a Celtics game.
00:43:01Wednesday in Toronto, Friday there, and that's pretty good.
00:43:04You know, we dropped more than that at the CLNS holiday party yesterday, I'll tell you
00:43:09Yeah, we did.
00:43:10You did.
00:43:11I didn't spend a penny.
00:43:12We threw down.
00:43:14Shout out Umbria.
00:43:15Good spot.
00:43:16Shout out Umbria.
00:43:17Great, great dinner.
00:43:19Great night out for the CLNS gang last night.
00:43:21Thank goodness the Vrabel news did not break.
00:43:23I was nervous as hell.
00:43:24So we had the whole crew out there hanging out.
00:43:26Yeah, that's a good point.
00:43:28I was like, oh, we're going to be doing this from inside the bathroom of Umbria.
00:43:31I think your wife would have killed you, though, if you left the dinner table to go pot in
00:43:36the bathroom.
00:43:38She's seen me do it before.
00:43:39Honey, I got to go.
00:43:42We talked about this.
00:43:44Is there a phone booth here?
00:43:45I got to change into my podcasting outfit.
00:43:48Yeah, yeah.
00:43:50No, luckily.
00:43:51Luckily, they waited for the inevitable.
00:43:52We all knew it was going to happen.
00:43:53We just didn't know when.
00:43:55That would be great.
00:43:57I wish I had a TV.
00:43:58I wouldn't have had my guys.
00:43:59God, Jimmy.
00:44:00They fired Vrabel.
00:44:01I've done it before.
00:44:02I could do it again.
00:44:03I wanted Johnson.
00:44:04Yeah, I know.
00:44:05I would have made a big stink about it, but.
00:44:09I too wanted Ben Johnson.
00:44:10We ride with Vrabel now.
00:44:12What's done is done.
00:44:13Look, Vrabel was not just a close second.
00:44:17It was easy.
00:44:19Not only was, in my mind, Vrabel not only a close second in my preference, I also fully
00:44:25admit he might be the better overall overall pick.
00:44:29I just, you know, I, I like to risk for offense, man, and I'm a sucker for offense.
00:44:37I like shiny objects.
00:44:38I'm a sucker for offense.
00:44:39And I don't mind taking risks because it's go big or go home.
00:44:42So I don't know.
00:44:43And it's not necessarily floor versus ceiling.
00:44:46But I did want Ben Johnson.
00:44:47I did.
00:44:48No, I did.
00:44:49Because if I honestly go look at our go look at our viewership over on the Patriots channel,
00:44:53and I'll tell you many, many people care about the past, but maybe not here.
00:44:56So we won't, we will not waste any more of your time, even though sorry, literally everybody
00:45:01else except for that person is commenting about it.
00:45:04And yes, no one will ever forget.
00:45:05No, one's going to forget if these keep getting posted, do we scrub, do we scrub that game
00:45:12from the, from the channel times, man, that was the best long ago.
00:45:22Oh, that was the best.
00:45:23First of all, I wasn't even that drunk.
00:45:24I wasn't even drunk.
00:45:25First of all, I'm never going to just like, I didn't fart.
00:45:28I wasn't even drunk about that.
00:45:31I did not have relations with that woman.
00:45:34No, I texted me on the side to the chat saying that you're that you're that you're wasted
00:45:39right now.
00:45:40I was like, dude, you're slurring your ass off, Jimmy.
00:45:42No, I was just fired up.
00:45:45It was Celtics.
00:45:46Oh, yeah.
00:45:47It's fired up.
00:45:48You know, it was a Saturday night game.
00:45:49It was a Saturday night game.
00:45:50I need to know which game in which year.
00:45:52Somebody here knows someone in the chat knows and they'll tell you it's been 2021 maybe
00:45:58drunk is relative and and Luke Luke doesn't lie.
00:46:02Celtics Lakers.
00:46:03I forget if it was in Boston or L.A. though it must have been in Boston.
00:46:10Because it's Saturday.
00:46:11Actually, I don't know where it was.
00:46:14Luke doesn't lie.
00:46:16Luke doesn't lie at all.
00:46:17Luke had a game for Luke.
00:46:19That was good.
00:46:20Oh, Jimmy.
00:46:21Don't forget boat, Jimmy.
00:46:22That wasn't that long ago.
00:46:23Although I'll be honest with the way the Celtics team's playing, John, I'm swimming in hard
00:46:28hats over here.
00:46:29I'm swimming in hard hats.
00:46:30I can't get rid of these.
00:46:31They're going to play like that.
00:46:32What are we going to show up?
00:46:36We need it.
00:46:37I can't even move.
00:46:38This is what you see is the only like what off this camera.
00:46:42I'm swimming in her.
00:46:43They're all over my house.
00:46:44I can't get I can't sell them fast enough, but you need like a Celtics Celtics man purse,
00:46:49you know, like something else.
00:46:53So I need I need like a satchel or something.
00:46:58Something different.
00:46:59Soft hat.
00:47:00There's no such thing as a soft hat.
00:47:01I mean, all hats are soft, I guess.
00:47:02We need to make Celtics like fedoras or something.
00:47:09We got to watch drunk, Jimmy.
00:47:10We should have a best.
00:47:11We should have a best clip.
00:47:12There's just you just slurring away.
00:47:16I was talking fast.
00:47:17I was fired up.
00:47:19People know that.
00:47:22That was exciting.
00:47:23That was exciting.
00:47:26I don't know.
00:47:27That's fine.
00:47:28So back to this game.
00:47:29You know, let's let's talk.
00:47:31Let's talk about it a little bit more.
00:47:34No, I don't get Bobby here.
00:47:37Can we just get Bobby here and just give him he can give him give us his take and then
00:47:42we can talk about something interesting.
00:47:44I actually I liked Porzingis tonight.
00:47:46I thought he was pretty active.
00:47:48I thought he was feisty.
00:47:49He was credited with three blocks.
00:47:50I think he had more and I think he affected more shots there.
00:47:53So I think he's pretty good.
00:47:54I know he's minus eight and a thirty four there.
00:47:57And you know, three for nine from three shots still looks a little line drivey and a little
00:48:03I feel like it always even more so than normal.
00:48:07I know he's seven three and he's kind of shooting at the rim on his release, but it looks a
00:48:12little flat.
00:48:13I still think he is.
00:48:14He said the other day, I thought it was an interesting word.
00:48:16He's still kind of calibrating.
00:48:18And I think that that's true there.
00:48:20I'm actually not.
00:48:21What's interesting is I'm he's not among my concerns at all right now.
00:48:27I think he's right where he should be.
00:48:29I think he's still giving you what you want out of him.
00:48:34You're just not getting the hundred percent of it.
00:48:37But I think it's still there.
00:48:38I think something they lost along the way.
00:48:40I agree.
00:48:41He's not a concern for me.
00:48:43They were running offense through him more, both on pick and rolls and, you know, in that
00:48:48high post situation.
00:48:49And I think they do it selectively now.
00:48:52But that was always kind of the cheat code is when you put him in there, you were creating
00:48:55these ridiculous matchup problems and, you know, and getting him in the PNR.
00:49:00I want to see them go back to that a little bit more and utilize him as a weapon.
00:49:05Because when that was going, the offense was legit unstoppable last year.
00:49:08But I like I'm not worried at all.
00:49:10Like physically, I think he's saying 85.
00:49:13I think he looks good.
00:49:14I just don't think he's I don't think he's got all of his basketball legs, you know,
00:49:19and everything together yet fully like he's not in full rhythm, but he looks good.
00:49:23Like he's a real positive for me over the last over the last, you know, few games.
00:49:28I mean, he's 35.
00:49:30The shooting wasn't great, but still, yes.
00:49:33I think.
00:49:35For me, it's the it's just the outside shooting.
00:49:36I'd like that to take up a bit more.
00:49:37And I'm hopeful that it still will.
00:49:39The outside, you know, the three point shooting, he's at thirty five percent this year, just
00:49:43under thirty five percent.
00:49:44He was at thirty seven and a half the year before that.
00:49:47He was at thirty eight and a half before that.
00:49:48So he's he's not having a good, I guess, start to this from the outside.
00:49:55But what he does give you in the post up game, love when he gets physical and gets up there
00:50:01for the block.
00:50:02Like you said, three blocks tonight.
00:50:03That just changes it because they don't have they don't play Kata for whatever reason.
00:50:07We'll never know.
00:50:09I don't know.
00:50:10We'll just never know.
00:50:11They don't play them.
00:50:13So Porzingis is like really.
00:50:15I mean, White will block White's known to block a shot or two as well.
00:50:18But Porzingis being the big man that he is, it's good to have a guy that can be physical
00:50:23and do that and block shots.
00:50:25Here's our big man, Bobby.
00:50:27It's good to have Bobby Manning.
00:50:29Bobby Manning always Bobby Manning.
00:50:32Let's get two thousand words on why Zion sucks.
00:50:35I'm just kidding.
00:50:38Your thoughts on the game.
00:50:41It was tough to watch.
00:50:42I mean, you guys probably went over at length at this point.
00:50:45All those missed bunnies.
00:50:47All those missed shots.
00:50:48It was a bit of a ridiculous game, but it does speak to stuff we've been talking about
00:50:52all season in terms of is the focus there is the shot making ability going to be the
00:51:00same as a year ago and the layup stuff like that.
00:51:02We haven't seen that from them this year, but man, that late meltdown.
00:51:06I mean, we're a floater away.
00:51:08CJ had the look, had the time there, got it off and just bounced out.
00:51:17We're talking about an all out meltdown and panic mode and everything else after this
00:51:22So it's hard.
00:51:23And, you know, most of what they said after the game, we talked to Al, we talked to Chris
00:51:27Stapps in the locker room.
00:51:28There's a lot of relief.
00:51:29And I know Joe tried to spin it like, you know, we're third in the league and it's panic
00:51:33time and it's a Morgan here and all that.
00:51:35I get it because you just want to win this game.
00:51:38And they went out there and grabbed 18 offensive rebounds and won it.
00:51:41Tatum's put back on the brutal miss and transition.
00:51:44I'll give him credit for it.
00:51:45You know, running back in there, grabbing in, dunking at home, and that effectively
00:51:48ice the game right there.
00:51:50But between the free throw misses he had moments later, White's baffling turnovers in a really
00:51:57bad game for him, the defensive lapses throughout this game.
00:52:02I mean, how can you, how can you spin this as a positive, especially when you're going
00:52:05up against the bottom five offense, bottom five defense, I get that their guys are back
00:52:09and that they're a better team than they've been.
00:52:12But if you played any commensurate defense in this one, you would have pulled away on
00:52:16fairly easily and their defense stunk throughout.
00:52:21I don't know how to spin this as, you know, they won, you know, wins a win, but that's
00:52:27what they did after this one.
00:52:28So we'll see where it goes.
00:52:29I think, I think there's some acknowledgement there from Joe that they're not playing great
00:52:34and they're still trying to kind of figure out why with the belief that they will be
00:52:38able to, but they're not.
00:52:40And so we're back to that conversation we had last time.
00:52:43Like, is it effort?
00:52:45Is it focus?
00:52:46Is it a boredom?
00:52:47Is it decline naturally, you know, or just simply slumps, however you want to put it.
00:52:55Whatever the thing is, it's off.
00:52:56It's slightly off.
00:52:58You're holding them and he acknowledged you're holding us to a championship standard, which
00:53:02is good.
00:53:03It's a beautiful place to be, um, or something like that, but he's not wrong.
00:53:07That's exactly right.
00:53:08I liked how he handled himself.
00:53:09And I thought, I thought it was good.
00:53:13It was the right tone, which is, yeah, we know we're not.
00:53:14It's not great right now, but a lot of words to say it, but it's not panic mode, but he
00:53:18knew it.
00:53:19And so there's, there's at least look, step one is admitting there's a problem.
00:53:24And so I think they've got that, you know, it's not all straight up.
00:53:28Which is there was a little bit of, there was some numbers thrown in there, but expected
00:53:32such and such.
00:53:33But for the most part, it was, we're not playing our best basketball and there's an acknowledgement
00:53:38I guess the main question is why it's tough to tell why.
00:53:41And tonight it looked ridiculous just how bad it was.
00:53:45But I do think it's all in stretches.
00:53:48Related to the, yeah.
00:53:49I just think it's easy to look at this one and just be like, what a wacky game, like
00:53:52the cartoonish lapses that happened and misses and all that.
00:53:56I think it's easy to write this one off, but it is related to a lot of the stuff we've
00:53:59talked about this year, whether it's a defensive lapses, the shooting decline, it was a bad
00:54:04three point shooting night and they had good looks throughout.
00:54:06They just kept missing them.
00:54:08And then for three quarters, I feel like they kept forcing threes.
00:54:13Fourth quarter.
00:54:14I liked the downhill activity.
00:54:15I liked a lot of the plays they ran.
00:54:16And of course they just missed a ton of shots around the basket.
00:54:19So I think you can half write this one off as just being a ridiculous game in terms of
00:54:24the misses they had and some of the mistakes.
00:54:26But I do think it relates back to a lack of focus or at least a lack of urgency in this
00:54:33Jalen's night in particular.
00:54:34And I think he deserves, if we're doing a blame pie after a loss like this, he'd be
00:54:37like half the pie.
00:54:38I don't know what he was doing out there in this game, especially on that.
00:54:42That is a lot of pie.
00:54:44That's a big slice.
00:54:45That's a big old piece.
00:54:48Because Noah doesn't like it.
00:54:49Why not?
00:54:50Let's go.
00:54:51All right, I'm getting on is not going to pass up on 40% to Irv.
00:55:03Irv Grousbeck.
00:55:04Missoula for not playing Kata.
00:55:07Wait, John.
00:55:08So that blew my mind.
00:55:11This is the perfect time to put this up.
00:55:13This is John's blame pie.
00:55:19Here it is.
00:55:20This is the default blame pie that they leave in our in our in our little production studio
00:55:31There it is.
00:55:32And he's right.
00:55:35The reason I didn't do it.
00:55:36Blame pie in a win is crazy.
00:55:38Luke is right.
00:55:39So we're not really doing blame.
00:55:40We're not really.
00:55:41That's my thing.
00:55:43They won this game.
00:55:44I actually forgot.
00:55:45They won.
00:55:47We're not doing blame.
00:55:48We're not actually doing blame pie.
00:55:49We're not doing blame.
00:55:50We're not doing blame.
00:55:51We're not doing blame.
00:55:52We're not doing blame.
00:55:53We're not doing blame.
00:55:54We're not doing blame.
00:55:55We're not doing blame.
00:55:56We're not doing blame.
00:55:57We're not doing blame.
00:55:58We're not doing blame.
00:55:59We're not doing blame.
00:56:00We're not doing blame.
00:56:01We're not doing blame.
00:56:02We're not doing blame.
00:56:03We're not doing blame.
00:56:04We're not doing blame.
00:56:05We're not doing blame.
00:56:06We're not doing blame.
00:56:07We're not doing blame.
00:56:08We're not doing blame.
00:56:09We're not doing blame.
00:56:10We're not doing blame.
00:56:11We're not doing blame.
00:56:12We're not doing blame.
00:56:13We're not doing blame.
00:56:14We're not doing blame.
00:56:15We're not doing blame.
00:56:16I know, I know, I know, but still that's what you're supposed to do, exert your will on
00:56:21people when you can.
00:56:23And then all of a sudden it's dribble, Zion strips him, Zion strips him.
00:56:28That's what killed me.
00:56:29So you go on the six nothing run, you flip the score.
00:56:31It's a good stretch for him and Cornette and White capping it off with his only shot made
00:56:36of the game.
00:56:37And then you come out and it's three straight turnovers for him and Brown, for him and Tatum.
00:56:43Pelicans running the other way, scoring at will, and you'll lose all the progress you
00:56:48made during that bench stretch right there.
00:56:50And I thought the Pelicans handled their rotations pretty well to keep that bad deep bench unit
00:56:54off the floor for a while.
00:56:55This game is interesting too.
00:56:56The Celtics kept Hauser out of this game for the most part.
00:57:00But when the starters were out there on both sides, it felt like the Pelicans had an edge.
00:57:04I guess I'll take a quick peek at the plus minus here to check on that.
00:57:08But I thought the guards bothered Brown and Tatum throughout this one.
00:57:12The turnovers were timely and they had a defensive game plan that I felt like threw
00:57:19the Celtics off.
00:57:20They were tight on closing out on shooters.
00:57:23They limited the Celtics to 44 threes, forced turnovers at key spots.
00:57:30You look at the starters, Tatum minus nine, Porzingis minus eight, Brown a plus zero,
00:57:35White and Holiday both negatives in this one too.
00:57:37You lost this game in the starting minutes.
00:57:39What's the starting lineup's net rating coming into this game, John?
00:57:44Minus 10.
00:57:45It was brutal.
00:57:46And that's what it comes down to.
00:57:47You look at it like the entire starting unit minus Jalen Brown, actually, who was zero,
00:57:53was a minus tonight.
00:57:54And again, they're just getting beat.
00:57:56They're just not playing well as a unit.
00:57:58So at certain point, I'm not going to start saying bench someone like Holiday or go to
00:58:05a double big lineup.
00:58:06I don't think there's an easy fix.
00:58:08I think they have to just start playing better because I don't think you're going to do anything.
00:58:12If you're talking about tweaks, I will say the disappearance of Keita is bizarre, but
00:58:16like I have no quibbles with how the bench played.
00:58:18So tonight's not that game to make that an issue.
00:58:23It's just everyone, the starters, everyone except for Tatum among the starters is playing
00:58:28worse right now.
00:58:30That's basically what it comes down to.
00:58:32Tatum is playing a tick better than he was last year, all around.
00:58:37And everyone else is a tick worse, and that's it.
00:58:41I don't know what you do with the rotation.
00:58:42Didn't they tampered with them clearly?
00:58:43Can't do much with it.
00:58:44What I will say, Bobby, is it didn't happen tonight as much as it had in Sacramento.
00:58:50But you might have to reconsider the new rotation of Tatum and the entire first and sitting
00:58:55out the first six minutes of the fourth quarter because the fourth quarter defense has gone
00:58:59to shit.
00:59:00And we've seen those numbers.
00:59:02They're atrocious.
00:59:06Starting the fourth with your best player on the bench for six straight minutes isn't
00:59:10I think Tatum's got to probably come in at about that three-minute mark.
00:59:13So you might need to figure a way to kind of tweak that rotation a little bit, maybe
00:59:16take him out at the nine-minute mark and give him his break there.
00:59:21And that, I think, has hurt Brown throughout this season, and I'll give him credit for
00:59:24becoming more of a passer.
00:59:26Brown's coming out and he's not getting into his rhythms because he's coming out early
00:59:30He's got that Tatum sub.
00:59:31He won't go a couple minutes into the second.
00:59:33So I think that's mounting for Brown, whose numbers continue to decline this season.
00:59:38It's not going well for those two.
00:59:39You might have to flip it back.
00:59:42And Brown actually has his lowest effective field goal percentage since his rookie year
00:59:46to start this season.
00:59:47So it's beginning to be a major factor in the offensive decline year over year.
00:59:53And Joe, as you guys heard, was talking about the expected and the real field goal.
00:59:58We're halfway through the year, John, at this point.
01:00:00So you would think stuff would level out by then.
01:00:01That's the thing.
01:00:02If you remember, Brown last year, who might have had his all around best season, was kind
01:00:06of dog shit for the first month of the year, but then flipped it and then was playing just
01:00:12better and better and better basketball to the point that, again, you're having that
01:00:15conversation of like, is he your guy?
01:00:18Is it time for something drastic?
01:00:21But don't ask me that now because I don't have it in me.
01:00:26Here's the thing.
01:00:27I'm not saying it's time for something drastic.
01:00:30What I'm saying is the second you get the job of a GM, because he did it before, you
01:00:37have a team that went to the finals and then went to the conference game seven of the conference
01:00:41finals and your average general manager says, run it back.
01:00:47We're right on the cusp.
01:00:48And Brad made a couple of bold strokes and that resulted in a championship.
01:00:54That being said, those trades were too good to pass up.
01:00:57He just was opportunistic, sought out the right trade partners and made the right deals
01:01:02with the right teams who were vulnerable at the time.
01:01:06But yes, as soon as you diagnose, I don't love this.
01:01:09You should, you should try it.
01:01:10You don't want to do it too late.
01:01:13And I'm not saying Jalen or anybody here, but you should not wait until you have no
01:01:21You don't want to ever go back to zero or like take three steps back.
01:01:26Any team like this who still has superstars well within their prime windows needs to retool
01:01:32on the fly.
01:01:33So if you want to take half a step back to take a step forward, that's fine.
01:01:37And even if it kind of compromises this season, but it's going to make you better next year
01:01:42or two years down the road, you do, you should look at it.
01:01:44So there's always that pressure, like we're the defending champs.
01:01:47Can we dismantle it?
01:01:49But you, you absolutely should consider doing that.
01:01:52If you think there's something wrong, like if you're like, there's something not rotten,
01:01:57but something isn't right.
01:01:59You should consider it.
01:02:00But I'm not there yet.
01:02:03I'm way more in the, this should work itself out.
01:02:06And I just don't think there's enough time before the trade deadline diagnosed a serious
01:02:10problem and make a trade.
01:02:11So I think you're just waiting for the starters to all play five to 10% better and all your
01:02:17problems go away.
01:02:18That's where I'm at.
01:02:19I think that's the right answer.
01:02:21And there just isn't enough out there.
01:02:23If you're doing it, if you, if they think there's something rather than everyone would
01:02:28tell you don't because that's silly, but I don't, I personally don't think that that's
01:02:33the play.
01:02:34And, and we've had that K to Cornette conversation again, frustrating to not see Kate out there
01:02:38in this one, but Luke, you know, offensively was giving you good stuff.
01:02:43It just blew my mind at the start of the fourth, where he picks up a fifth foul.
01:02:47It's a perfect excuse to swap them out, go with K to there, try that out to begin the
01:02:52fourth and then go back to, you know, your other main bags there.
01:02:56And they just kept rolling with Luke and he got decimated by Zion, you know, they're going
01:03:00after him.
01:03:01He, he almost fouled out.
01:03:03This is your best value player, but your best trade chip.
01:03:08Now you can't do it from a long-term perspective, he's too important.
01:03:12I'm simply saying it's your best trade chip.
01:03:15You can do it, Bobby is by far your best trade chip because in this new cap environment,
01:03:21you can't, you have a guy like that could start for you in a couple of years for 6 million.
01:03:24You just can't.
01:03:25That's why he's a good trade chip.
01:03:28That's the point.
01:03:29It's if you want to stink in three years, but I don't think you can get a good, you
01:03:35could get a good young wing back.
01:03:37I just don't think you're getting enough value.
01:03:39And even when we get into like the long-term stuff with this team, it's going to be so
01:03:43I love this.
01:03:44Everyone wants them to make a move, but no one wants to trade anybody.
01:03:49For me, it's not a trade.
01:03:51I never said this.
01:03:53Everybody in the chat said it.
01:03:54I said they should stand patent.
01:03:56Just wait for everybody to play better.
01:03:58No, no, no.
01:03:59I didn't say it.
01:04:00Bobby asked, should they make a big move?
01:04:02No, I did not say that, but I would say, I said something drastic and I, and when I get
01:04:07in that there isn't a trade, although you should go out and get a Javante green or something
01:04:11like that.
01:04:12That's a no brainer.
01:04:13You know, use your seconds.
01:04:15Those aren't important.
01:04:16You know, you got to invest in this year to that level and then use your first to build
01:04:21So I think you need a wing like that.
01:04:22And he looked great tonight.
01:04:23I love the way he played for New Orleans.
01:04:25But the drastic move to me, John, and he mentioned it again tonight, as Porzingis tries to get
01:04:32back into the mix here, get up to speed.
01:04:35I think you swap him with Horford, put Horford back into that starting lineup, let Porzingis
01:04:42mash some second units with Brown, you know, have that combination that's looked so good
01:04:46for you there.
01:04:47And, you know, if you want to switch it back later in the year when Porzingis is all the
01:04:50way up to speed, go ahead.
01:04:53But I think it will balance your lineups a little bit.
01:04:56It'll get Al more involved offensively, you know, produce some more threes, I'm sure allow
01:05:00you to switch and crunch time and all that.
01:05:03So I would flip those two and Porzingis has played great in the last handful of games
01:05:08It feels like he's getting back.
01:05:09And we did talk about that.
01:05:12Porzingis was good.
01:05:13Here's Porzingis in the locker room today.
01:05:15Honestly, like, for example, the first game I came back against Clippers, it felt pretty
01:05:21Boom, I was right in.
01:05:22But then again, I'm out.
01:05:23I mean, I'm out a little bit, you know, not playing my best basketball, not being as efficient,
01:05:26you know, that adds up, you know, a little bit to the team.
01:05:31But I look forward to having a good long stretch of, you know, being healthy and getting in
01:05:36a good rhythm.
01:05:37You know, everybody, you know, us like hitting our stride and yeah, having a good stretch
01:05:41now up until all the way up until the All-Star break and then, you know, finish out the season
01:05:46strong and peak at the right moment and yeah, do what we need to do.
01:05:54So KP was good.
01:05:55I think I've liked a lot.
01:05:57I crossed earlier Bobby, Jimmy and I crossed Porzingis off our list of things we have any
01:06:02concern about.
01:06:03I actually like the way he's trending overall and what they're getting and he looks good.
01:06:08He's not all the way back.
01:06:09And as we said, still calibrating, he said the other day.
01:06:12But yeah, Jimmy, go ahead.
01:06:14And that's why I kind of disagree with Bobby respectfully.
01:06:17I don't want to punish Porzingis because Orford needs to get it going or something like that.
01:06:21I think Porzingis needs to stay in that starting lineup.
01:06:26He needs as many reps with the starters as he can get.
01:06:28He's already playing from behind in that category.
01:06:31I don't really see the need for him coming off the bench.
01:06:34He's giving you what you want for the most part.
01:06:36Yeah, he might not be 100% yet, but putting him on the bench isn't going to ramp that
01:06:40up and isn't going to make that happen any sooner than if he was playing starter.
01:06:45But there's 22 at the other lineup.
01:06:48We have 38 points from Jason Tatum tonight.
01:06:51It's nap time, ladies and gentlemen.
01:06:52Let's hear from let's hear from 38 standing that, you know, maybe we're not shooting at
01:06:5630 as well as we like.
01:06:59This is the way to 38 jumping over the this is the way to close the show right before
01:07:04we right before we send everybody off to bed.
01:07:08Jason, big roar off those two dunks flying high, lots of energy.
01:07:13Then you smoke those two free throws.
01:07:16How are you managing your emotions when the game is tight?
01:07:19And are you seeing yourself improve in that category?
01:07:24Uh, yeah, I mean, uncharacteristic, you know, missing those two free throws, just to put
01:07:32the game away.
01:07:35No excuse for that.
01:07:36But I mean, I made countless plays.
01:07:46Pretty confident in those moments, but, you know, like you said, smoke those two free
01:07:52I'm happy about that, but I mean, we still want Jason in a month when you really missed
01:07:58it playing up to the standard, I couldn't believe that yet.
01:08:01You come into a game like this, there's some mistakes at the end and it ends up being maybe
01:08:04a little bit more close than it had to be.
01:08:06But getting a win like this where stuff like that happens and you still get the win.
01:08:10Is that good in a month like this?
01:08:11Like, how does that make you guys feel when you win a game where even though you made
01:08:13some mistakes like that?
01:08:14Uh, yeah.
01:08:15I mean, you take a win anyway, you can get it.
01:08:20We just had a spot right now, 28 and 11 or so, third best record in the league, and we
01:08:26don't necessarily feel great about how we plan.
01:08:29But the positive thing is we know we can play a lot better and it's so much room for improvement.
01:08:35So having the third best record in the league and feeling like it's so much more that we
01:08:40can get better at, you know, it's a positive way to look at things.
01:08:45Jason, you used the word uncharacteristic.
01:08:48I think that's kind of one of the words that's being used a lot, especially the last two
01:08:53You guys are not playing like yourselves, not playing like the expectations.
01:08:56Can you explain what's going on over this stretch?
01:09:03Just a funky stretch, I guess.
01:09:09It's impossible to think that every game is going to go exactly how you want it.
01:09:13It's just not the way it goes.
01:09:18What I am happy about is how we responded tonight due to the missed free throws, due
01:09:23to turnovers, fouling guys, just plays that we normally don't make.
01:09:31I think we did a really good job tonight of not letting it snowball effect and just figuring
01:09:37out a way to win the game.
01:09:41I think that's most important.
01:09:44Like I said, just being 28-11 and feeling like there's so much more room for improvement,
01:09:51so much better.
01:09:52I mean, we can play so much better.
01:09:59Maybe you don't want to be playing your best basketball at the beginning of January.
01:10:02We've been through this before.
01:10:06We still got a lot of time to get back to our identity.
01:10:11It's not supposed to be easy.
01:10:13We get everybody best shot.
01:10:14Shout out to the Pelicans, they played really well tonight.
01:10:20I don't think they play like that all the time.
01:10:25I was going to try to make it through, I couldn't, but you're right, Bobby, you said it in the
01:10:28thing, talking points.
01:10:31We'll close after this.
01:10:32They don't play like that all the time.
01:10:34I love that.
01:10:35It was tough.
01:10:36I love it.
01:10:37Two talking points.
01:10:38Here's what I love about it.
01:10:39I love that they have talking points because having watched the Patriots all year and having
01:10:44them have no talking points and no consistency in messaging was a problem.
01:10:49Coach clearly said to them, guys, these assholes in the media are going to go out there and
01:10:52they're going to be questioning what's wrong.
01:10:53And you're going to say, we're 28-11, we're not playing our best basketball and teams
01:10:57are coming in here and giving us our best shot and we just need to respond.
01:11:03I love it.
01:11:04They both said it.
01:11:05That is a talking point.
01:11:06It's fair.
01:11:07It's not an excuse.
01:11:08I love it.
01:11:10And I don't mind Joe's perspective there, and I think that's the right perspective for
01:11:14them to have.
01:11:15But from our perspective, it's tough to not sit here and say, win, positive, loss, negative.
01:11:21That's usually just how this swings.
01:11:22Nothing wrong with it.
01:11:23And I do think there's a silver lining to the 18 offensive rebounds and them using that
01:11:27to win this game.
01:11:29But the execution, I feel like the approach for a lot of this game and certainly a lot
01:11:35of the problems we've talked about throughout this season continue to show up in this game.
01:11:39And I don't want to hear about how the Pelicans don't usually play like this.
01:11:43Like that was the first time this year, John, because I've said, I do feel like teams are
01:11:47playing at a higher level against them, but you can't, like after saying that a hundred
01:11:53times to start this year, you can't be like, whoa, the Pelicans, where'd that come from?
01:11:58So I don't know.
01:11:59They're not in a great place right now, Toronto on Wednesday, maybe that's your get right
01:12:02game again.
01:12:03You beat them by a hundred last time.
01:12:05But they didn't get right.
01:12:07Yeah, we are going to, we are going to, we are going to wrap it though.
01:12:11And so we do thank you guys for, for joining us here on the garden report before we go.
01:12:17And there's more coming up on the channel before we go.
01:12:19We are going to leave you with a little bit of a Joe Missoula from the press conference
01:12:24One of his greatest hits clips here is, here's Joe make the bracket.
01:12:29Here's Joe talking about the five second call.
01:12:31Thank you guys for watching.
01:12:32We'll see you later.
01:12:33Joe, what did you see in the five second violation?
01:12:35What did you see on it?
01:12:36Like what?
01:12:38You saw the five second?
01:12:41Like you had a timeout.
01:12:42Like that's why you saved two timeouts.
01:12:43Like should Derrick have called a timeout or what?
01:12:46What kind of should have happened there?
01:12:49And goodnight.
01:12:50No one's sneaking a vegan brownie by me, I'll tell you that.
01:12:56You know what, John?
01:12:57I'm going to do it.
01:12:58You have to feel that way too, Bobby.
01:12:59I have to feel that way?
01:13:00Let's buy it all over and make Luke your first center.
01:13:03Bobby, we gave you Luke hour earlier.
01:13:05We're not going to end this on a damn conversation about Luke.
