• 2 months ago
The former private jet lets guests live like a billionaire. It boasts two double bedrooms with ensuite toilets and showers, as well as seats which can convert into beds. The Air B n B is certainly one of the most unusual places to stay in the city and has proved an exciting tourist attraction.


00:00Welcome to the cockpit of Pablo Escobar's former 727 Boeing private jet that is now
00:12an Airbnb situated right in the heart of Bristol.
00:16Okay, so it was built in 1968 and flown by Japan Airways and then in 1981 it got converted
00:22to a private jet that had a whole series of mysterious owners stop flying, engines removed,
00:28wings cut off and then I bought it and stuck it on top of these shipping containers.
00:33Now this Airbnb has been rumoured to be Pablo Escobar's old private jet and now people can
00:39visit Bristol and stay in it.
00:43The former Boeing private jet has become a massive viral sensation and many people are
00:48travelling all around the country and across the pond to visit it.
00:54Let's chat to their team to find out how the idea came about and how they acquired
00:59Pablo Escobar's private jet.
01:02Well there's rumours that it was owned by Pablo Escobar.
01:04The origin to that story is I've been interviewed and someone asked me who owned it and I said
01:08Lars Magnusson and Mark Kruger and I got a message that from someone saying it might
01:12have been owned by Pablo Escobar.
01:14That then got picked up by a lot of media agencies throughout the world and now apparently
01:18this was Pablo Escobar's plane even though there is literally zero evidence for that.
01:22But it could have been.
01:23It could have been.
01:24So it's a good story.
01:26Businessman Johnny Palmer 41 secured consent from Bristol City Council for his project.
01:33He now offers guests the chance to live like a billionaire at 32 feet and also opened up
01:39to the public to go and take a selfie.
01:41Yeah, so I'd had it here for a couple of years and you know like most toys it kind of loses
01:46novelty after a while so I thought we could maybe make this available to other people.
01:50So then we stuck on Airbnb and people can rent it and they come here and they make movies
01:53or you know have dinner parties or do what they want.
01:56So it's been pretty popular.
01:58So here is the cockpit which is perhaps one of the most exciting features of the Airbnb
02:03and it's actually being kept totally as normal.
02:06You can click the buttons as though you were flying the plane and some people just sit
02:10here and have a chat to their friends or whoever they're staying with and enjoy this very unique
02:16experience that literally is in the heart of Bristol.
02:19When I first came here I was worried there might be a bit of resistance but actually
02:22the Brisbane community have been great about it.
02:25But it's an industrial estate here so it's pretty basic.
02:27It's not very pretty so I think anyone doing anything elevates the area and I think and
02:32I hope that the local residents are in line with that.
02:35Next adventures I do lots of things.
02:36Lots of them don't work.
02:37Most of them don't work.
02:38But this has worked really well.
02:39It's been good fun and it's an alright business and maybe do another one.
02:44Sometimes I have sleepovers here with my kids all the time.
02:45Have friends around.
02:46Dinner parties.
02:47Maybe go for a river swim in the morning and use the sauna in the hot tub.
02:49So yeah, it gets used all the time.
02:51Most days there's something happening on here.
02:53I guess all that is left to do is to sit back and enjoy my flight.
