• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Il 51,9% dei ragazzi desidera un lavoro gratificante, il 47,3% sogna la creazione di una famiglia felice, il 44,6% di mantenersi in salute per tutta la vita e il 32,8% ambisce a contribuire a migliorare il mondo. Per aiutare i bambini a rendere realtà i loro desideri, raccolti nella survey ‘I sogni dei ragazzi per il proprio futuro’ di AstraRicerche, Pan di Stelle ha dato vita al progetto educativo “Sogna e credici fino alle stelle”, un’iniziativa che coinvolgerà oltre 2000 classi di scuole elementari in tutta Italia, partendo da Serradifalco in provincia di Caltanissetta, fino alla fine dell’anno scolastico e che incoraggia i bambini a sognare in grande. Protagonisti del progetto, articolato in una serie di attività didattiche che mirano ad accompagnare i bambini durante il loro percorso di crescita e di sviluppo, quattro speciali ambassador e ‘dreamers’: la tennista Jasmine Paolini, la cantante e Big di Sanremo 2025 Clara, l’aspirante astronauta Linda Raimondo e lo street artist Giulio Rosk.


00:00Inspire young people to follow their dreams and build their future.
00:09It is with this goal that Pan di Stelle has launched the educational project
00:12Sogna e Credici fino alle stelle, which from here at the end of the school year
00:16will involve students of over 2000 elementary school classes throughout the summer.
00:21The project Sogna e Credici fino alle stelle is articulated in a series of didactic activities
00:26thought together with teachers to go and accompany children
00:31during their growth and development path,
00:34so to help them discover their aspirations, their inclinations,
00:38but also to teach them resilience, to teach them to overcome obstacles
00:43without being discouraged in the face of difficulties.
00:47For 42.8% of the 801 young people between 7 and 14 years old
00:51interviewed by Astra Research for Pan di Stelle,
00:54the school is the place where useful skills for the future are learned
00:58and 12% believe that it is at school that new passions can be cultivated.
01:03To support young people on this path, Pan di Stelle has designed the dream classrooms,
01:09spaces dedicated to the confrontation of passions,
01:11enriched with musical instruments, books and creative materials.
01:15The dream classroom is precisely this poly-functional recreational space
01:21in which children, together with teachers,
01:24will be able to develop their skills, their inclinations, their aspirations
01:30and nurture their dreams since they were children
01:35and then carry them with them throughout their life.
01:38The protagonists of this initiative are four special Ambassadors and Dreamers,
01:43tennis player Jasmine Paolini, singer and Big of Sanremo 2025 Clara,
01:48aspiring astronaut Linda Raimondo and street artist Giulio Rosch
01:52who told the meaning of his work of urban art.
01:56The work I have made has a deep meaning for me,
02:00but I also hope for those who will admire it, will watch it.
02:05I have represented three children, three boys who look at a star,
02:09they indicate it, the star means dreams.
02:13It is a giant star, big, close,
02:15so dreams can really be touched with the hand and this is the goal.
02:20Each of these has a talent, I wanted to explain it with the guitar,
02:26so with music, skateboarding and then there is a mini-me,
02:29because there is one of the four children who is a spray,
02:32so I see myself as a child who had this dream,
02:35who looked at this star and who somehow tried to reach it.
