• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il progetto “Sogna e credici fino alle stelle” è un’iniziativa di carattere educativo pensata per tutti i bambini e le bambine che frequentano le scuole elementari. Coinvolgerà circa 2000 classi di scuole elementari in tutta Italia a partire da oggi oggi e fino alla fine dell’anno scolastico. Il progetto si articola in una serie di attività didattiche, pensate insieme agli insegnanti, che mirano ad accompagnare i bambini durante il loro percorso di crescita e di sviluppo, aiutandoli a scoprire le loro aspirazioni e le loro inclinazioni, ma anche insegnando loro la resilienza necessaria a superare gli ostacoli senza scoraggiarsi”. Così Giorgia Pantalena, marketing specialist Pan di Stelle, in occasione della presentazione del progetto educativo “Sogna e credici fino alle stelle”, che incoraggia i bambini a sognare in grande.


00:00The project Sogne Credici Fino alle Stelle is an educational initiative that was designed for all children who attend elementary school.
00:14It will involve about 2,000 elementary school classes throughout Italy from today until the end of the school year.
00:21It is based on a series of didactic activities designed together with teachers to accompany the children during their growth and development.
00:32So to help them discover their aspirations, their inclinations, but also to teach them resilience, to teach them to overcome obstacles without being discouraged in the face of difficulties.
00:45These activities will be carried out during the hours of civic education, precisely in the school context, but to give further momentum to this whole initiative,
00:56we have thought of involving four dreamers, four ambassadors, of whom Giulio Rosch in Caltanissetta was present here today.
01:07And together with them we will testify to the importance of believing in your own dreams.
01:13In fact, we have chosen characters in the world of art, show, sport and science who are about to achieve their dreams,
01:23or in part they have already achieved them, precisely to teach everyone that the path can also be made of obstacles, obstacles, jokes and so on, but in the end you get to a realization.
01:33And the further momentum that we wanted to give to the children of all of Italy consists in these four classrooms of dreams,
01:43that is, in these recreational and multifunctional spaces where children will have the opportunity to cultivate their passions,
01:50to discover what their talents are and, in general, to nurture and cultivate their dreams, always guided by the teachers and the whole school.
02:01We believe that this is a fundamental step precisely to make the commitment of the brand concrete in stimulating people to always pursue their dreams,
02:13even when they seem inaccessible or difficult to achieve.
02:18The classroom of dreams is precisely this recreational and multifunctional space,
02:23within which children, together with teachers, will be able to develop their skills, their inclinations, their aspirations
02:33and nurture their dreams from childhood and then carry them with them throughout their life.
02:40Each classroom will clearly be characterized according to the dreamer who will inaugurate it.
02:45So we have the classroom of Giulio Rosch, which is based on art, the classroom of Clara, on the world of music,
02:50the classroom of Linda Raimondo, on science, in particular on space, and the classroom of Jasmine Paolini, on sport, in particular on tennis,
02:57precisely as a testimony of how varied dreams can be.
