• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup di zona hijau pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (10/1/2025). Indeks naik 0,56% atau 39,70 poin ke level 7.104.

Jeda makan siang hari ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 8,49 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp3,63 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 514.882 kali. Sebanyak 273 saham harganya naik, 242 saham harganya turun dan 269 saham lain harganya stagnan.


00:00Index Prices of Joint Stocks
00:05In the next broadcast, we will present information about the index prices of joint stocks
00:09at the closing of the first trading session today, January 10, 2025,
00:14where IHSG is expected to experience a strength of 0.56%
00:19or a strength of 39.7 points to the position of 7104.2.
00:25It touched the highest level at 7121.4 and the lowest level of the shareholder at 7074.1.
00:35Meanwhile, the shareholders who became the top gainers at the closing of the first trading session
00:41came from PTRO with a strength of 6.8% to the position of 3300,
00:47then BRMS with a strength of 9.42% to 418,
00:52AADI with a strength of 5.19% to 8100,
00:57and CUAN with a strength of 2.48% to the position of 13425.
01:04Meanwhile, the top losers came from PANI with a strength of 2.89% to the position of 17650,
01:14GOTO with a strength of 2.5% to 78,
01:18then BRRC with a strength of 6.87% to 244,
01:25and HGII with a strength of 19.81% to the position of 170.
01:32Meanwhile, the winners came from the sectoral movement,
01:35the strength was led by Baku with a strength of 2.02%,
01:40Energy with a strength of 1.48%,
01:44while the losers came from technology with a strength of 3.23%
01:49and property with a strength of 0.54%.
