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Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 39 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 39 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 39 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 39 Completo HD
00:07-♪ Correo de voz, deje su mensaje después del tono ♪
00:11Cate, hola. Soy yo otra vez.
00:15¿Qué pasó con Vinicio, finalmente?
00:17¿Cómo te fue con eso que me quedaste de contar?
00:20Estoy pendiente.
00:25Listo, Richard. Mejor está pinta, ¿verdad?
00:27Sí, está espectacular, sí.
00:28Sí, sí, sí.
00:29Contrasta mucho más con eso, con los colores.
00:32Entonces, estaba pensando en sentarnos acá con el niño.
00:35Él acá, como para que...
00:36¡Ay, Dios mío!
00:40Nada, quizás voy a hacer un par de cosas y me regreso.
00:43¿Cómo estás?
00:44Pues ya, aquí listos.
00:45Te pones, por favor, la chaqueta
00:47para que se vea más formalito, más bonito.
00:49Cate, ¿qué pasa?
00:51Te he llamado como mil veces.
00:54Ey, ¿tú ya hablaste con tu familia?
00:57¿Ya les contaste que yo traje al niño,
01:00que voy a estar ahí para él, que te voy a acompañar?
01:02¿Sabes qué? Cuentas conmigo.
01:04Cuéntame qué dijeron ellos.
01:07Estoy pendiente.
01:16Pero es que de verdad lo que no entiendo
01:17es por qué carajos Katherine
01:18tenía que traerse a ese niño de los Estados Unidos.
01:21Mira, a mí me lo recuerdes.
01:23No me lo recuerdes porque es...
01:25es impresentable.
01:27Y lo hace solo para mortificarnos a ustedes y a mí.
01:30Mira, no sé por qué.
01:31No sé por qué.
01:32Esta vez se pasó.
01:35Como yo estoy embarazada,
01:36ella tiene que encontrar cualquier forma
01:39para poder ser el centro de atención otra vez.
01:41Nicole, ¿en serio?
01:42¿Tú estás pensando en eso en este preciso momento?
01:45No, dime tú.
01:46Porfa, dime.
01:48A Katherine, ¿cuándo no le ha encantado
01:49ser el centro de atención?
01:50¿Por qué se vino a tomar las fotos justo acá?
01:53Cariño, porque esta es la casa de todos.
01:54Lo que no entiendo es ustedes
01:56por qué tienen que pensar solo en ustedes.
01:58Justo ahora, díganme, porfa,
02:00justo ahora, ¿por qué se trajo al niño desde Estados Unidos
02:03cuando ni siquiera lo quería al principio?
02:04¿Tú estás de acuerdo con eso, papá?
02:06Ay, cariño, no más.
02:10Ay, y además se inventó un cuento
02:12que es más raro que el carajo.
02:15No, no, no, no, no, no.
02:19¡Venga, azul, venga, azul!
02:21¡Venga, azul, venga, azul!
02:36¿Tenemos la identidad?
02:39Listo, ya vamos para allá.
02:41Ramírez, tenemos un motín en la cárcel.
02:45¿Hay heridos?
02:46Sí, al parecer, uno.
02:48Vete tú para la cárcel que yo voy para la clínica.
02:51Como ordenes, mi teniente.
02:53Ramírez, es pa' hoy.
02:55Ya voy, ya voy, ya voy.
03:05Allá en la capital como que se arreglan full, ¿eh?
03:09Qué futuro medio hermano tan observador el que tengo, ¿eh?
03:14Bueno, ¿y qué?
03:16¿Qué más te gusta hacer además de andar chismoseando mujeres,
03:20Yo, yo trabajo en una panadería.
03:23Oh, ¿te gusta cocinar?
03:27Sí, sí, eso creo.
03:30Eso creo.
03:33Me gusta.
03:34Proyecto de chef.
03:36¿Sabes que yo siempre quise aprender a cocinar?
03:39Pero se me quemó hasta el agua, horrible.
03:41Menos mal tengo a mi hermanito conmigo.
03:45¿Le dices a mi mamá que yo estuve por acá?
03:47Eh, eh.
03:49¿No me vas a mostrar la ciudad?
03:52A ver, ¿qué hay pa' hacer además de morirse el calor?
03:55La rumbita, ¿dónde es la rumbita?
03:57¿Estás hablando de la rumbita?
04:04Yo, no, no, lo que pasa es que no salgo mucho.
04:06Entonces, no sé.
04:11Cosita linda, yo no salgo mucho, carajo.
04:14Salgo no importa.
04:15Tienes tiempo para investigar.
04:18Pero ya me voy a quedar por muchos días.
04:20Pero, ¿y tu papá sabe que te piensas que da?
04:25O sea, no tiene universidad, nada.
04:30No, sí, yo, yo estudié medicina.
04:33Pero, pues, no me iba a quedar un poco de tiempo estudiando
04:36porque a mí no me gusta.
04:38En cambio, qué chingo va a vivir de lo que a uno le apasiona,
04:42Mira, ¿y qué te apasiona?
04:45No sé.
04:54Un momento.
04:59Un momento.
05:07Yo estoy guay.
05:08¿Qué más?
05:09¿Qué más?
05:11¿Qué dice la señorita?
05:13Muy feliz, haciéndolo sufrir a todas, me imagino.
05:16Hola, mi general.
05:19¿No me va a preguntar cómo estoy?
05:22Yo como que mejor abro el paraguas.
05:35¿Cómo estás?
05:41Estamos hablando del mismo Marcos Beltrán.
05:44Sí, del que se declaró culpable por la muerte del muchacho
05:47de ese que encontraron allá en el viaducto.
05:49De su amigo, sí.
05:50Sí, de él mismo.
05:51¿Y cuál es su estado?
05:53¿Quiere verlo?
05:54Sí, por favor.
05:55Bueno, su estado, pues, aparte de la apuñalada que recibió,
05:58él tiene muchas contusiones en el cerebro producto de muchos
06:01golpes y tiene un par de costillas fracturadas.
06:05Mire, es ese de allá.
06:09¿Se va a salvar?
06:11Pues, la situación está bien difícil.
06:13Por ahora tiene que estar aquí en observación en la unidad de
06:16cuidado intensivo, pero más allá de eso, la verdad,
06:19no puedo decir nada más.
06:21Bueno, permiso.
06:36¿Qué tipo de relación tiene usted con el señor
06:39Ni idea.
06:40¿Quién es ese?
06:42El tipo con el que tuvo el altercado esta mañana,
06:47Oficial, yo no sé si usted está enterado, ¿ya?
06:49Pero aquí hubo un motín.
06:51Y cuando la vaina se forma así, eso es todo contra todos.
06:54Se salva el que se salva.
06:56A mí me tiraron y yo tiré.
06:58Yo no sé a quién.
07:00Pues, hay testigos que afirman que el altercado sucedió entre
07:03ustedes dos, nada más.
07:05Pues, te informaron mal.
07:07Pues, también me informaron que el hombre está delicado de
07:09salud y quién sabe si se salve.
07:11Yo no fui.
07:14Bueno, y si hubiese sido yo, ¿qué?
07:16¿Qué iba a hacer?
07:18¿Meterme a la cárcel, qué?
07:22¿Sabes cuál es el problema de la cárcel, man?
07:24No es entrar, es salir.
07:28No, hombre.
07:35No, es que no es una bobada.
07:37Son cuatro semestres, Mariana, cuatro semestres.
07:40¿No te parece un poquito tarde para repetirte, de verdad?
07:43Yo nunca quise estudiar medicina.
07:45Entonces, ¿por qué lo hiciste?
07:47Pues, por mi mamá.
07:48Porque es capricho de ella.
07:49Porque ella es la que le gusta.
07:51Ese es el sueño de ella, no el mío.
07:53Papá, yo quiero estudiar algo que me guste, ¿sí?
07:57Algo que me llene el alma.
07:59No te voy a hacer gastar plata.
08:01No voy a volver a estudiar medicina y menos en esa
08:04Y punto.
08:05No, no voy a hacerlo.
08:06No es así.
08:07No es así, ¿ok?
08:08Por lo menos, lo vamos a discutir.
08:10Como una hija y un papá, ¿ok?
08:12No te mandas sola, man.
08:17No, no te preocupes.
08:20Vicky, gracias por recibir a mi hija esta mañana.
08:24Mariana, mañana mismo, en el primer vuelo,
08:26se devuelve a Bogotá.
08:27No me voy a ir.
08:28No me aguanto a mi mamá un minuto más, por favor.
08:30Te lo estoy pidiendo, papá.
08:32No puedo.
08:33Mariana, no más, por favor.
08:35Oye, vine hasta acá para que me escucharas
08:37y no eres capaz.
08:39Definitivamente eres igualito a mi mamá.
08:41Claro que no.
08:42No digas eso nunca más.
08:43Ustedes solo piensan en lo que les conviene a ustedes.
08:46Nada más.
08:47No vuelvas a decir eso nunca más.
08:48Mariana, venga acá.
08:49No terminamos, Mari.
08:52Ántelo, perdón que lo meta.
08:53¿Podemos hablar?
08:55Un segundo, por favor.
09:03Yo sé que Mariana te asustó.
09:06Y que ahora mismo tú lo que quieres es darle una lección.
09:09Pero cógela suave.
09:11No, es que la he cogido suave toda la vida.
09:13Por eso está así.
09:14Al contrario, creo que me toca apretarla.
09:16Mariana es muy impulsiva, muy vulnerable.
09:18Me da mucho miedo que termine en malos pasos.
09:20Pero te está pidiendo ayuda.
09:21Ella te necesita.
09:23No le des la espalda justamente ahora.
09:30Tú eres un ángel.
09:35¿Tú no crees que es buena idea que pasen un tiempo juntos?
09:38¿Qué más quisieras?
09:39Eso mejoraría la comunicación, la relación.
09:42Sería tiempo de calidad.
09:44¿Necesitas tanta falta?
09:46Me moría de ganas por verla.
09:48Pero es que no se me ocurre dónde.
09:50Tú sabes cómo vivo.
09:51El apartamento es muy chiquito.
09:53No la puedo llevar allá.
09:54Yo prácticamente estoy recién llegado a esta ciudad, ¿no?
09:56Nos terminamos matando.
09:58Créeme, es peor.
10:00Te propongo una cosa.
10:01¿Por qué no se queda aquí?
10:03A ver, ¿el cuarto de Alfonsina está libre?
10:05Ella no va a regresar por un buen tiempo.
10:07Estebar se acaba de ir con su papá.
10:08Vicky, Vicky, ya tú hiciste...
10:09Tengo mucho espacio sola.
10:11Vicky, tú hiciste ya suficiente.
10:13No hace falta.
10:20Bueno, ok.
10:21En caso de que acepte, yo te voy a pagar
10:23por todos sus gastos.
10:26Creo que va a decir que no.
10:31¿Qué? ¿Ya saben qué van a hacer conmigo o qué?
10:34Mariana, por favor.
10:35Vicky quiere decirte algo.
10:36Nada más.
10:39Quiero ofrecerte mi casa.
10:41Mientras tu papá encuentra un espacio
10:43donde puedan vivir los dos juntos.
10:51Bien, pero ojo.
10:52Con condiciones, ¿vale?
10:53Sí, va a pasar bien.
10:55Ayudas con todo lo de la casa.
10:57Sí, yo ayudo.
10:58Fresco, yo ayudo.
10:59Bueno, pues.
11:32No, thank you.
11:52Why can't you enjoy what you have right now?
11:55Because this isn't what I wanted.
11:59Your real purpose was to find revenge.
12:03That's clear to me.
12:05But now you're living magical moments with your nephew
12:08thanks to me.
12:11And finally, you have an ally with me.
12:14What you want is to screw Nicole.
12:16Count on me.
12:17We're going to drive her crazy.
12:19Just like you tried to drive me crazy.
12:21I have a question.
12:23Why would you be against your sister now?
12:25Because she was the one who shot the gun that killed your brother
12:28and made me believe I was to blame.
12:30She lied to me.
12:31And I'll never forgive her.
12:33Yes, but it doesn't make sense.
12:35After what I've done to you, that you're with me now,
12:37that we're together.
12:38We have a son to raise.
12:39As a team.
12:40That's not enough reason, Katrin.
12:45Then why do you think it is?
12:49Not everything was a lie between us.
12:52And if not everything,
12:55there are things that simply cannot be faked.
13:01Every time we went to bed,
13:06we made love,
13:09we devoured each other,
13:12there was a lot of truth.
13:16Or are you going to deny it?
13:18Are you going to tell me that you didn't feel anything?
13:22Down here,
13:26there's something that proves me wrong.
13:28Take it off, take it off, take it off.
13:31Listen, I'll never forget what you did to me.
13:33You drove him crazy.
13:35And I'll never forgive you for that.
13:36I'll never feel anything for you again.
13:40Since you don't like me anymore, because...
13:52I love you.
14:08What attracted me the most about Vinicius was his good heart.
14:11He's a very generous man,
14:12and that brought us together from the beginning,
14:14because I've always wanted to help others.
14:18This little creature is the best thing that has ever happened to us in life.
14:21We're very proud to have adopted it,
14:24and we're going to give it all the love it deserves.
14:35Is something wrong?
14:37No, sir, nothing's wrong.
14:39Is something wrong?
14:41Nothing's wrong.
14:43Then if nothing's wrong, why don't you work?
14:46What do I pay you for?
14:51Girl, please, I think each one in his place, yes.
15:00Pass me that.
15:28Isn't it too early to be drinking?
15:31And you shouldn't ask permission to come in.
15:42The Oregón family presents its new member.
15:47What do you want?
15:51What attracted me the most about Vinicius was his good heart.
15:54He's a very generous man,
15:55and that brought us together from the beginning,
15:57because I've always wanted to help others.
16:00This little creature is the best thing that has ever happened to us in life.
16:03We're very proud to have adopted it,
16:05and we're going to give it all the love it deserves.
16:09Why don't you leave?
16:11Catherine saw your face again.
16:13You're an idiot for running after her every time she wants to manipulate you.
16:16Don't you realize that?
16:18Yes, I understand.
16:20But I'll come back and ask you again.
16:21What the hell do you want?
16:23You fell into her trap again.
16:25But I'm going to tell you something, Federico.
16:26This time you're going to have to get out of there on your own,
16:28because I'm not going to be there to help you.
16:30You don't care about dragging yourself
16:32by a person you don't care about at all.
16:35But I have a little dignity left.
16:39Spend it well.
16:50So nothing?
16:51Nothing, Captain.
16:52The guy didn't say anything.
16:54Do we have witnesses?
16:56There are witnesses, but they contradict each other.
16:58Some say it was people from another neighborhood who set up the riot.
17:01On the other hand, others are saying that it was Ibarra
17:03who went straight against Marcos,
17:05and that's how the gang was set up.
17:07I believe more in that version, the second one.
17:09Me too.
17:10I'm sure.
17:11It's handled like a jewel.
17:13What are you thinking, Lieutenant?
17:16That maybe someone paid him to hurt Marcos.
17:20That's what we have to find out.
17:23Well, let's get to work.
17:25There's a lot of work to do.
17:27Yes, sir.
17:28Let's go, Lieutenant.
17:29Excuse me.
17:37How are you?
17:38Thank you for coming.
17:39Everyone, how have you been?
17:41Very well. And your dad?
17:42Good. He's in China right now.
17:43You know that he couldn't get married,
17:46and the Chinese are a complicated issue.
17:48Sit down, please.
17:49Yes, you're right.
17:50Those are issues that can't be delayed.
17:52Sit down.
17:53Sit down.
17:54Let's go.
17:55Let's see what happened.
17:58Gentlemen, before we start this meeting,
18:01I'm going to ask you for a favor.
18:03Let's put our cell phones in this box, please.
18:07Is this really necessary?
18:09Is it such a delicate issue?
18:12Yes, it's a very delicate issue.
18:14We can't afford to lose what we're dealing with here.
18:20So, please, your cell phones.
18:31You, Vinicio.
18:36Put it on.
18:57Gentlemen, members of the Board of Directors.
19:01First of all, I want to thank you for attending this meeting.
19:06I know it was a bit of a mess, but we had no choice.
19:12As you know, we've been victims of a cyber attack for a few weeks.
19:18And this has prevented us from returning to our normal operations.
19:23And why have we taken so long?
19:25Because this group of terrorists is not a novice group.
19:29And above all, because they are asking us for a very large sum of money.
19:34In addition, we have serious indications that this group of hooligans has accomplices within this company.
20:04Hello, Aurelio, how are you?
20:06I have two problems.
20:07One, the company's tunnel is bothering me.
20:10And two, a figure that doesn't fit in the report.
20:13No, wait, that's not it.
20:15Hello, now it doesn't matter.
20:34I don't know.
21:04Call my friend and I'll tell you.
21:12I think those numbers were the same.
21:24This is the device that you have to enter the doll.
21:26How long will it take you?
21:30Depends doesn't work for me, daddy.
21:31I need you to tell me approximately how long.
21:34A good while at least.
21:35While we can enter the system.
21:37Get serious, man, I'm in a hurry.
21:39Faster, more money.
21:41Don't worry about the money.
21:43I have one.
21:47Every day we are losing serious and important amounts of money.
21:53With the demands that each client who does not receive their merchandise is putting on us, it is taking us to the brink of bursting.
21:59How is it possible that the national government has not manifested?
22:02He told us that in five days we would have an answer and a month has passed and they have not manifested.
22:07We can't count on them.
22:09For this reason, we have not been able to resume operations normally and we are doing it manually because we do not have access to the system.
22:17To no system.
22:19Raymond, what are we going to do?
22:21I mean, where are we going to get more money so that the operations don't stop?
22:25That is the subject of this meeting.
22:29How much money do we need and how many people do we need?
22:36Yes, I would calculate about 300 million and 50 people to cover the lack of systematization.
22:43With that we would be fine for now.
23:02I open.
23:04Go to the room with the baby.
23:06Put that boy until I tell you, don't let him out.
23:12I'm not going to leave until I talk to you.
23:18I'm going.
23:22What is that scandal, baby? What happened?
23:24What did you do?
23:25What did you do?
23:27Why did you screw me like that?
23:29Excuse me?
23:30What am I screwed on, Fede? What's going on?
23:33I also have people in the newspapers.
23:36I also have people in the press.
23:38I can also tell you everything that's going on here.
23:40I can too.
23:41Do it your way.
23:43I'm here with Lucas.
23:45And I don't like this energy or this vibe of yours.
23:47We'll talk another time.
23:48No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
23:50Let's talk now.
23:52Because if not, you have to call the police to get me out.
23:57I'm going to let you in.
23:59But breathe.
24:00Seriously, I'm asking you.
24:12Come in.
24:14Sit down.
24:17What do you want? A glass of water? A cup of coffee?
24:23What was it?
24:28You sold me another idea.
24:31An idea that we were going to be together.
24:33That's why I went to look for that kid in the United States.
24:35Excuse me?
24:37I sold you an idea that I haven't done anything here.
24:41You got involved in that movie by yourself.
24:43That's not true.
24:45That's not true.
24:47I swore this was an act of friendship.
24:49Disinterested in your part.
24:51Like the friend you've always been.
24:55I can also tell this to Vinicio.
24:57I can talk to him, yes.
24:59And I can tell him that that kid is from Sony.
25:02But what's your problem?
25:04What's wrong with me?
25:05Besides, don't worry.
25:07Don't worry about that side.
25:08Because there is no secret between Vinicio and me, Fede.
25:10He knows everything.
25:11With every detail.
25:13And that kid came into my life to take it by magic.
25:16And he's going to stay here in this house forever.
25:18No, that kid didn't come into your life.
25:20I brought that kid.
25:22I went looking for him and I found him.
25:24Shh, shh, shh.
25:26Believe me, I know.
25:29And I've been very grateful to you.
25:32How many times have I told you?
25:34You did something heroic for me.
25:38And I'll never forget that.
25:41It was a divine act.
25:44But that kid,
25:46Vinicio is going to take care of him.
25:48That's already been talked about.
25:49We're going to be a family.
25:53Clearly, you have problems in your head.
25:57But you're also suffering from memory.
26:00A while ago,
26:03everyone was calling you crazy.
26:05You were in a coma.
26:07Everyone turned their backs on you.
26:09They said you were like a dog.
26:11And who was the only person who believed in you?
26:13Who supported you?
26:14Who went looking for that asshole in the United States?
26:16It was me.
26:19I was the only one.
26:20And this is how you repay me?
26:22Repay you for what?
26:24I don't understand what kind of expectations you have
26:26at this point in your life, Federico.
26:28You and I have been trying to have something for years
26:30and it clearly didn't work.
26:32Things change.
26:34Of course.
26:36Of course.
26:37They change.
26:39Do you know what's the only thing that doesn't change?
26:42That you're a piece of shit,
26:44a human being.
26:46That you're disgusting.
26:47And that you use everyone to your advantage.
26:50But I'm going to tell you something, my sister.
26:53In life, everything pays off.
26:55And that bill
26:57is going to be expensive.
27:39Yes, it's her.
27:41Who are you talking to?
27:47What happened?
28:18Hug me.
28:26they sent the report of the visits
28:28that Marcos Buitrago had last week.
28:30Who were they?
28:32Gina Martelli, Raimundo Obregón and Vinicio Gallo.
28:36What was he doing there?
28:38I don't know.
28:40Did you see anything in the security videos?
28:42No, nothing.
28:44We need someone who is in prison to give us more information
28:46Let's see.
28:48Let's see.
28:52I can check here while you're here.
28:54Yes, yes.
28:58How are you?
29:00Well, that's what I wanted to ask you.
29:02You haven't seen anything today,
29:04not a newspaper, not a magazine.
29:06Haven't you heard the latest news
29:08about the outbreak in our city?
29:10Nothing. Why?
29:12You know what?
29:13I'm here in front of you, I'll wait for you.
29:15But now.
29:21Look, stay there watching.
29:33Oh, throw me an empanada there.
29:35No, no, no, what empanada?
29:37How are you?
29:39Come, sit down, okay?
29:41What happened?
29:42Are you calm? Are you serene?
29:44Yes, what happened?
29:46Okay, I need you to sit down
29:48because with what I'm going to tell you,
29:50I'm sure you're going to go backwards,
29:52so tell me you're okay.
29:54Maria, I'm fine. What happened?
29:56Okay, okay, calm down.
29:58I'm starting to check, but ...
30:00Calm down.
30:02What is this?
30:05Is this today, Maria?
30:07They have just left the printing house, friend.
30:09But where did they get this boy?
30:10Well, there they say they adopted him.
30:12Look, they look like the perfect family.
30:14We finally have the family
30:16we've always dreamed of, right?
30:18Well, what a beauty.
30:21He stayed for her.
30:23Let's see, Victoria Iguarra,
30:25from now on you are strictly forbidden
30:27to speak, think and see Vinicius, okay?
30:30Or I'll take you out of my contacts,
30:32my life, my friendship and my inheritance.
30:34What's more, stay with the magazine.
30:36And don't tell anyone.
30:37So that every time you want to see him
30:39or think about him,
30:41you see what he's doing to you
30:43and forget about him.
30:45He's an idiot.
30:48But this article ...
30:50No, no, no, no, no article or anything.
30:52What are you talking about?
30:54I'm sorry.
30:56I'm really sorry.
30:58I'm going to eat a sandwich
31:00and brush my teeth, okay?
31:02Yes, leave it like that.
31:07What do I do?
31:09Ask a question.
31:11Miss, we came for Marcos Beltran.
31:13Does he know anything?
31:15Let me call the doctor.
31:17What did they tell you?
31:19I don't know what they told you there.
31:21Well, I'll be right back.
31:23The doctor is coming.
31:25Good morning.
31:27You are Mrs. ...
31:29Gina Martelli, we came for Marcos Beltran.
31:31Does he know anything?
31:33Yes, yes.
31:35The truth is that he is very bad.
31:37He lost a lot of blood.
31:39We are trying to keep him
31:41sedated most of the time,
31:43but sometimes he wakes up
31:45and well, in the midst of his delirium,
31:47he doesn't do without naming her.
31:49That's why I had her called.
31:52And is he going to make it?
31:55He has a few hours left.
31:57Look, we are trying to do
32:00everything within our reach,
32:02but at this time,
32:04the forecast is not favorable.
32:07If you want,
32:09you can come in
32:11and say goodbye.
32:13Yes, thank you.
32:15I'm going to tell the nurse
32:17to help you, okay?
32:19Excuse me.
32:52Marcos, why was he asking about you?
32:59He has always been like a son to me.
33:05Do you want us to go in?
33:12Are you sure?
33:16I don't want to see him like this.
33:18I can't, I can't.
33:20You go in.
33:32No, what is this joy?
33:34How nice to see you, Graciela.
33:35How are you?
33:39Can I help you?
33:41Don't you remember me?
33:43You break my heart,
33:45but I understand that with so many people coming here.
33:47Camilo, I worked here three years ago.
33:49Me? Yes.
33:51Yes, yes, yes.
33:53We already talked,
33:55but help me with something with the reception girls.
33:57What happened?
33:59You are spectacular.
34:01The years don't happen to you.
34:05I'm sorry.
34:36Oh, my God.
34:44No, no, no.
34:46It's Nicole, it's Nicole.
34:49Don't worry.
34:51Don't worry, Marco, rest.
35:01We will be eternally grateful to you.
35:18You're not going to pay for it.
35:21They're going to make you pay.
35:30Don't worry, ma'am. Please, I need you to leave.
35:32Leave, please.
35:57What's going on, Mom?
35:59I don't know.
36:01I don't know.
36:05No, no, no, first.
36:07One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:10Let's take one of those off, please.
36:12Three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:15One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:17We're losing her.
36:19What the hell is going on with you?
36:21One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:23Why do you care so much, Marcos?
36:25Mom, in my life I've seen you so worried about someone.
36:27What's going on?
36:29One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:31Answer me, what's going on?
36:32One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
36:33Could you clap your hands?
36:41Alright, please, I'm sorry, mom.
36:43Sorry, mom.
36:45We're going to remove you.
36:47You're outside.
36:51Nothing, let's go again.
36:55Adrenaline, don't come into the bed, please.
36:57Nothing, come on.
37:17¿Qué pasó?
37:21Mataron a Marcos.
37:23¿Qué pasó?
37:53¿Ninguna muestra?
37:56Para que haya una especulación por parte de la gente.
38:00Lo que pasó entre tú y Marcos,
38:03se tiene que ir a la tumba con él.
38:06¿Te queda claro?
38:09Ahora tómate esto.
38:36Quique, get in there.
38:39Oh, right away.
38:48Good morning.
38:49I'm stuffed.
38:51How are you, honey?
38:54Steward, how are you?
38:56Good, good.
38:59I was told you know each other.
39:01Yes, yes, yes.
39:02We had our first casual meeting at the house.
39:07What do you want?
39:08What do you want?
39:09What should I make you?
39:10A drink?
39:12Honey, we just came by.
39:13I wanted to ask you a favor.
39:14Imagine that Mariana is going to stay here in the city for a while
39:17and she's looking for a job.
39:19So, like you told me the other day,
39:21you needed a couple of hands here.
39:23I thought I could help you.
39:26You always need a hand here,
39:29but the work is very hard.
39:32No, no, but it's cool.
39:34That's not a problem.
39:35Mari is a hard worker and she's willing to do anything.
39:39Right, honey?
39:40Well, yes.
39:42Let's see.
39:43Let's say I don't think I can wash the bathrooms and stuff,
39:46but otherwise I...
39:48Honey, what should we do?
39:54Yes, yes, that's fine.
39:56We'll see what we can do.
39:58Good, good.
40:00Solved, right?
40:02Let's move on.
40:03Come and I'll show you the organs area.
40:05Come on.
40:07Come on.
40:08Have a good time.
40:09But you're going to like this.
40:11Enjoy it.
40:12Come on.
40:13Come on, honey.
40:14Come on.
40:21And you? Are you okay?
40:24Are you okay?
40:25I see.
40:27No, I'm fine, really.
40:29Look, this...
40:30Well, there's no need.
40:32Really, I don't want to put another load on you.
40:34Maybe it wasn't a very good idea, you know?
40:37I'm fine.
40:39In fact, I do it with a lot of love.
40:41I don't know, you're weird.
40:42Since I got here, you're different.
40:46What's wrong?
40:47I'm fine.
40:50In fact, I'm very happy to be able to help you.
40:58What's up?
41:04Okay, we're on our way.
41:08Marco died.
41:11It seems that Ramirez has an important lead, so let's go.
41:14Yes, let's go.
41:15He needs us.
41:16Be careful.
41:26She is Patricia Medina,
41:28Ibarra's ex-wife, the alleged attacker of Marco Belgrano.
41:31We learned from sources close to the Ibarra family
41:34that she received a large sum of money yesterday.
41:37What we don't know is who could have sent it to her.
41:39What we do know is that she made a huge mess
41:41after she received the money.
41:51I don't know what you're talking about.
41:53Patricia, don't complicate things for me.
41:55Don't lie.
41:57We know that you received a large amount of money yesterday.
42:01Sorry, I don't want to have problems, Lieutenant.
42:03I don't want you to either.
42:06So tell me, where did all that money come from?
42:13it's that John Jairo called me from prison a couple of days ago.
42:16He told me that they were going to send me some money.
42:18A part to pay a debt he has with me
42:20and the other he asked me to keep it.
42:23Do you have any idea who gave it to you or why?
42:26Supposedly for a job I had done.
42:28I imagined it was a lie, like everything about him, but...
42:31It's been a while since I saw so much money and somehow I celebrated.
42:39we have enough evidence to incriminate her
42:42and to accuse her of murder.
42:47So I'm going to ask you to please make a formal statement
42:50and help us clarify Marco Beltran's death.
42:53Otherwise, you'll spend a lot of time in jail.
43:00No, whatever you need, Lieutenant.
43:30Clemencia, you know where everything is, right?
43:33The hotel, the diapers, the clothes we bought yesterday.
43:36Everything is located.
43:37Oh, I'm going to have to find a quieter place to work,
43:40but I don't want it, my love.
43:42No, you're going to have to find it.
43:45Whatever you need.
43:47My shirt, okay?
43:57Clemencia, leave him to me, I'll calm him down.
44:03My love, I didn't know you were coming to visit me today.
44:12What are you doing here?
44:13The police are looking for me.
44:15They're asking me a lot of questions.
44:17They want to know how that money got to the house
44:19and if I have anything to do with the death of a guy,
44:22a guy named Marcos.
44:23But you calm down, right?
44:25And quiet.
44:26Nothing's going to happen to you.
44:27No, I'm scared, I'm scared.
44:29They're asking me a lot of questions, I don't know what to say.
44:32You don't have to say anything.
44:34Calm down and quiet, that's what I'm telling you.
44:37You're getting me in trouble as always, huh?
44:39Again with the same thing.
44:41No, I'm telling you no.
44:43What happens is that they killed a guy in there
44:45and they're throwing that dead man at me,
44:46but I have nothing to do with that.
44:49You had something to do with it.
44:53Why did you do it?
44:55I want you to get out soon.
44:58You know I'm going to get out of here quickly.
45:01That money they threw at me, our life was fixed.
45:04You stay calm, they're taking care of us.
45:08I couldn't say no.
45:10And the money that Vinicius gave you to do the job,
45:13to me it was a lot of money.
45:16Calm down.