• 2 months ago
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 24 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 24 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 24 Completo HD
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 24 Completo HD
00:30¿Y dónde están mis sirenas solteras que se atreven a mover el pum-pum?
00:39¿Y dónde está la gente que le gusta el meneo?
00:42¿Dónde está la gente que le gusta el meneo?
00:44¿Dónde está la gente que le gusta el meneo?
00:46Con mucho glow, glow, glow
00:48Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, pum, pum, pum
00:53Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu...
00:57¿Qué crees que estás haciendo, mi amor?
00:59¿Qué tan mal lo hago?
01:00No me importa tu ataque de ridiculez.
01:02Yo estoy intentando escribir, conectar con mi alma estelar,
01:06con mi fuerza espiritual y con la templanza de mis sentidos.
01:10¿No te gustaría saber sobre nuestro futuro hogar?
01:13No, soy solo yo aquí y ahora,
01:15y agradece que no lanzo una noticia sobre nuestro posible divorcio,
01:20porque si no...
01:29Somos solo mi paz y yo.
01:33Mi paz y yo, mi paz y yo.
01:38Solo espero que lo del festival salga muy bien, Angelito.
01:40Y yo solamente espero que se vayan de aquí.
01:42Le dije a Sarita que nadie pise en la sala, que me desconecte todo.
01:46¡Fuera, por favor! ¡Fuera, por favor!
01:49Tú, Roangel, ¿qué te ves?
01:53¿A ver?
02:08¿Qué tan mal está?
02:11Ay, Bruno, perdón.
02:12Pero es que lo que pasa es que en tu familia todas son buenas cocineras,
02:15pasteleras, excelentes, increíbles, estrellas.
02:17Así que lo mejor que puedo hacer es retomar mis clases con Guille.
02:19¿Qué? No, no, no.
02:21¿Qué pasa? ¿Te pones celoso?
02:24No, no. Lo que pasa es que...
02:26Tengo otra idea para los dos.
02:31¿Para los dos?
02:33¿Qué pasa?
02:34Tengo otra idea para los dos.
02:37¿Para los dos?
03:03Si no dejo de pensarte en tus labios me perdí.
03:08Enamorada y loca, ya nada me importa.
03:14Porque solamente pienso en ti, pienso en ti.
03:19¡Hola, hola, mis amores del amor!
03:22Gracias por abrazar a la sirena tropical Glo, con sus aplausos.
03:27¡La glófera te ama, sirenita! ¡Besos! ¡Eso!
03:33Ustedes tienen la dicha de tenerme aquí como host en este maravilloso evento,
03:37¡el Festival de Pasteles!
03:41Donde elegiremos el mejor pastel del año.
03:46Porque el mejor cantante ya sabemos quién es.
03:50Y para ello tenemos a tres soñados jurados expertos en pastelería.
03:55¡Con ustedes, aplausos para Amador Cervantes!
04:01¿Amador se llama? ¿Dónde viene el nombre?
04:03No se llama Amador, es un nombre artístico.
04:06Ah, ¿por qué lo aman?
04:08No, se llama Amador, si no se llamaría odiador.
04:11Amador, así se puso.
04:12En realidad ha hecho el mejor pastel de zanahoria de un.
04:15Ha ganado como ocho batidores.
04:17Pero solamente pueden darte dos batidores, por eso es el mejor.
04:20¡Seguimos con Vanessa Pepino!
04:24Vanessa ha hecho el mejor pastel de pepino, ¿no?
04:26Debe ser su nombre artístico.
04:27Y por último, ¡Juan Domínguez!
04:32Todos ellos expertos en el azúcar.
04:37Tu corazón dulce cantor, si mi piel es sal, ¿la quieres probar?
04:43Los concursantes.
04:45Sí, vamos con los concursantes.
04:47¿Quién ganará el mejor pastel del año?
04:49¿Quién ganará el mejor pastel del año?
04:52Y ellos son, primero, porque ella dice que es la primera siempre,
04:56¡Luciérnaga Luna!
04:59La pastelera con más seguidores del país.
05:02¡Wow, qué sorpresa!
05:05Luego tenemos a Beto, Torta Negra.
05:08El pastelero que hace las mejores tortas negras.
05:11¡Ah, ya lo suponíamos!
05:14También tenemos a Andrea Mi, de Mimi Pastry.
05:19Y la boquita más dulce del Perú.
05:21Y van a de la piedra con sus pasteles.
05:25Y por último, la más dulce de las dulces,
05:28¡Nina de Azúcar!
05:33¿Están listos para concursar cada uno con sus pasteles?
05:38Entonces, ¡a pastelear!
05:45Bueno, vamos, ¿eh? Vamos.
05:47¿Quieres concursar con el pastel que te pedí?
05:53Nina, si supieras que estás piosa no significa nada para mí.
05:57Yo quiero que ganes vos, dale.
05:59¡No lo puedo creer!
06:00¡Con ella!
06:01¡Esa mujer me odia!
06:03¿Por qué tienes que conocerlas a todas?
06:07¿Estás celosa?
06:08¿En serio?
06:09Sí, estás celosa. Decime lo de al frente.
06:13Solamente estoy cuidando mi imagen pública, nada más.
06:16¡Celosa yo, por favor!
06:24Tiene que ser una broma.
06:26Ay, pero lo puedo llevar a un car wash.
06:28Y después nos vamos al festival de pastelitos.
06:31La apuesta estipula explícitamente que mis pedidos los tienes que resolver tú.
06:35Pero yo lo estoy resolviendo porque yo lo voy a pagar.
06:37Además, es mi carro, yo decido.
06:39Y pensándolo bien, me gusta más así, sucio.
06:41Nos vamos a ver en el festival de pastelitos.
06:43Y pensándolo bien, me gusta más así, sucio.
06:44Nos vamos a ver a Nina, que está acá media cobadra, y listo.
06:47Pero es mi premio, así que yo decido que festival no, auto sí.
06:50Y lo quiero impecable, con tus manitos.
06:53Bruno, yo no sé hacer esto.
06:55Pero es sencillo, princesa.
06:56Lo tratas con cariño y con muchas ganas de que brille.
06:59No hay ciencia, princesa. Bien fácil.
07:01No hay ciencia, pero hay maldad.
07:05Ah, no, princesa. No, princesa.
07:07Estás en horario laboral, así que no se permiten celulares.
07:09Bruno, eso es explotación laboral.
07:12Es Ignacio, ¿sí? Puede ser algo importante.
07:14Por favor, por favor, por favor.
07:15Necesito escuchar su audio.
07:16Please, please, please, please, please.
07:17Está bien, ok, ok.
07:18Solamente porque es el señor Ignacio.
07:20Pero que sea rápido.
07:22Valen, querida, necesito pedirte un favor.
07:24Bueno, tú sabes que tu mamá está escribiendo el libro de Nina y el jaguar
07:27y no puede ir a ver el departamento que encontré
07:29para mudarnos lo más pronto posible.
07:31¿Tú crees que podrías ir, por favor?
07:36¿Podemos ir?
07:37Por supuesto, claro que sí.
07:39Pero que el carro esté impecable.
07:42Ay, no, garay.
07:45No tenemos todo el día, princesa.
08:02Mi esposa ya está en camino.
08:03Ah, no esperaba menos.
08:05Mira, cuando ella cruce por esa puerta,
08:07los dos van a entender perfectamente cuál ha sido el motivo de la comunicación.
08:10No te preocupes.
08:15Mirta, ¿por dónde entraste?
08:18Sarita me hizo ingresar por la puerta de servicio.
08:21Me contó que le tienen prohibido que ingrese aquí.
08:25La noté bastante nerviosa.
08:28¿Por qué me tienen tanto miedo?
08:37¡Qué emoción! ¡Aquí es el jurado!
08:40Como pueden ver, mis queridos Emma Lover,
08:42el Festival de Pasteles es el mundo ideal de los golosos.
08:46¡Todos los están con una tentación!
08:50Vamos a ver, vamos.
08:51¡Qué delicia!
08:52Mucho dulce, mucho color.
08:53¡Qué delicia! ¡Mírenla!
08:55¡Éste es el mejor!
08:57¡Muchas gracias, querido público, por el reconocimiento!
09:00¡Los quiero!
09:02Estamos hablando del stand de Nina de Azúcar.
09:06Y quiero aprovechar yo para contarles mi amor con Nina.
09:08¡Eso fue en el otro mundo!
09:10Así que ya, ya, ya.
09:11Chao, chao, chao.
09:14Olviden esa parte.
09:16¡Ahí está Jaguar! ¡Jaguar!
09:17Ven, ven, ven.
09:18Un momentito. Cuéntanos, cuéntanos, cuéntanos.
09:20¿Qué se siente dar apoyo a tu exitosa futura esposa
09:24a tan solo tres días de la boda?
09:26Bueno, la verdad que es todo un desafío.
09:28Es un desafío porque son solo tres días
09:30y estar preparándonos para esta competencia.
09:32Tuve una semana de entrenamiento.
09:34Pero no des más vueltas que no estamos en el Maracaná, hijito.
09:37Cuéntale al mundo cuánto amas a Nina.
09:40Creo que hoy la estrella es ella,
09:42así que ella debería responder esa pregunta.
09:44Pero lo que sí te digo es que
09:46vengo acá porque no la quiero perder.
09:48Y así como la ven a esa pastelera,
09:50se casará con sus pasteles antes que conmigo.
09:52Así nomás.
09:54Los pasteles no dan sorpresas.
09:56Tampoco besos.
09:59¿Será que el Jaguar es el pastel más dulce de Nina de Azúcar?
10:02¡Lo leemos! ¡Esperamos su opinión!
10:05¡Vamos a buscar a Arroba Verdad o Truco!
10:13¿Puedes dejar de fingir?
10:16Pero pará, Nina.
10:17Lo de Cancún es parte del pasado, no es mi culpa.
10:19Sí, claro, parte del pasado.
10:21Como también lo fue la Sandra, ¿no?
10:23Y las chicas de las revistas.
10:25Y Luchi.
10:28¿Tienes un pasado tan enorme sin querer?
10:32Pero mi presente sos vos.
10:35Y mi futuro también.
10:45Comencé a escribir el libro El Jaguar y la Pastelera,
10:47pero me faltan datos.
10:48Por eso los invité para que me contaran cositas de Nina.
10:57Qué emoción.
10:59Hasta dónde ha llegado nuestra hija.
11:01Pero nosotros decidimos lo que contamos y lo que no.
11:04Ay, Mirta, pero qué osada.
11:07Ponerle así como pautas a la periodista
11:09sin saber si la periodista las va a cumplir o no.
11:13Yo creo que sí.
11:15Lo que no te enteres por nosotros, no te lo va a contar nadie.
11:19A menos que lo inventes.
11:21Y si es así,
11:22nosotros vamos a proteger a nuestra hija como lo hemos hecho siempre.
11:28lo que pasó, pasó.
11:31Ahora pensemos en el gran paso que está dando Nina.
11:34Eso, escucha a tu marido.
11:36Voy a empezar contigo, Ángel.
11:37Tú parece que tienes una muy buena disposición
11:39y no te preocupes,
11:40porque yo voy a ser muy profesional.
11:42Muy profesional.
11:43O, Mirta, a ver.
11:45¿Tú acaso crees que yo podría hacerle una pregunta
11:47que comprometiera, Ángel?
13:58No, no, no, no.
14:03This is war, princess.
14:05This is war?
14:06Uh-huh, this is war.
14:08Run princess.
14:09It's a war.
14:10Come on, let's run.
14:17Don't catch him.
14:19No, no, no.
14:24Let her go!
14:25Let her.
14:26How are you, how are you?
14:29Betty, what are you doing?
14:30Let's take a picture.
14:31Let's see, let's see.
14:33Go to the stadium, go to the stadium in Texas.
14:40Stop, stop a little bit.
14:41How are your eyes going with the hairdresser? Stop.
14:43What do you want, crazy? What do you want?
14:45Hey, are you my friend or are you not my friend?
14:48How are you going to ask me that, brother?
14:50I'm your boss after 90 minutes and extra time too, brother.
14:53What's up?
14:54I have a problem.
14:58Luchi, the one from the jewelry store?
15:00No, no, the other Luchi.
15:02Which Luchi? The one with the long fingers? The foot teacher?
15:04No, no.
15:05The one from Cancun.
15:06The one from Cancun.
15:07The crazy one?
15:09Where is she, crazy?
15:10Yes, she's around here.
15:11Do you know what's worse?
15:12They know each other and they hate each other.
15:13They hate each other, man.
15:14And you have to keep an eye on them.
15:15Of course.
15:16An unfortunate meeting, Sion.
15:18Of course, brother.
15:19I understand.
15:20And you don't want to hurt her, Sion.
15:22You always say it.
15:23I don't want to hurt her.
15:24Do you know why that happens, brother?
15:25Because you're tempted, Jaguar.
15:26You're in love.
15:27You love her, brother.
15:28That's what happens.
15:29And that's why your cause is the bee.
15:30The one that never leaves you.
15:31If you have a partner, he has come to help you, brother.
15:32Do you know what you're going to do?
15:33You're going to criticize her.
15:34Everything, but everything negative.
15:35Nothing positive.
15:36The thing is that Nina doesn't think badly.
15:37And that's it.
15:38That's the thing.
15:39She's not going to care if you wink at her or not, brother.
15:40That simple.
15:41Okay, okay.
15:42Good, good.
15:43I think negatively of her.
15:44I criticize her.
15:45I speak badly.
15:46That's it.
15:47That's it.
15:48That's it.
15:49That's it.
15:51Good, good.
15:52I think negatively of her.
15:53I criticize her.
15:54I speak badly.
15:56Stand firm, brother.
15:57Nothing bad.
15:58That's it.
15:59That's it.
16:00Hey, Nina.
16:01I'm sure that true or trick has something that distinguishes him.
16:02Any interest that he brings it to you,
16:03so calm.
16:04Juicy faces?
16:05Lots of desire?
16:07The good taste, Emis.
16:08The good taste.
16:09How long have you been seeing him?
16:1010 years.
16:11That's it.
16:12And he's a good guy.
16:13You know that?
16:15He is friendly, calm and cute.
16:16Try to get it.
16:17Like it or not, I'm in love with someone,
16:18but I'm in love with him.
16:19Oh, I see.
16:20Why don't you go with Guille to look for him?
16:23I have all the faith.
16:24I'm going to be his dog bone.
16:25Let's go.
16:27Well, look, but next time, don't lock Guille up.
16:31And if you want to be alone, please tell me.
16:33Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on.
16:36Oh, my friend.
16:37Come on.
16:45What's wrong, friend?
16:46Are you nervous about that fly?
16:47Yes, but not only because he wants to make my life
16:51But because he also has a past with Ramo.
16:54Ramo, Ramo.
16:54That's how you say Ramiro, Ramo.
16:56Oh, my God.
16:57And it doesn't just seem to be one of his achievements,
16:58but they also had a past in Cancun.
17:02Oh, let's see, pause.
17:04But look, everyone knows that the Jaguar has been ferocious
17:07everywhere, but if this has happened a long time ago,
17:10you really don't have to worry.
17:12Unless you speak very negatively of it, right?
17:17And if you speak very negatively?
17:19That means it's an unsolved love.
17:22Yes, that's what it is.
17:23Look at Nina's stand.
17:25That's a nice stand, not like the one in La Lucierna.
17:27Please, how ugly it is, how ugly it is.
17:29Everything, you see, very...
17:31I feel like I'm in Paraguay.
17:34Yes, I like it.
17:36It's nice.
17:38Good morning to everyone, to no one in particular.
17:41My friend.
17:41To Rami.
17:42How are you, Nina?
17:43Well, I came to tell Nina and Ramiro
17:45that I got a reservation for a four-day honeymoon, huh?
17:51In Cancun.
17:53How are you?
17:55I'm not going to Cancun dead.
17:57I fell in love with your smile, with your look.
18:00Nina is sweet, of course.
18:05But be careful that she doesn't lack character.
18:08When she has to say something, with respect, she says it.
18:14I also recognize that she lacks patience.
18:18And I want her to be like Jaguar Moran.
18:20They are a couple of stubborn.
18:21And maybe also a bit like me.
18:25But I don't think it's about genes, because...
18:28The genes, the genes.
18:30The genes is a topic that interests me a lot.
18:32Angelito, please, if you could develop a little.
18:36The genes.
18:39Good, good, good, good, good.
18:41The maid told us you were here, Alessandra.
18:43And as she told us she couldn't come in, she sent us coffee.
18:47Yes, the truth is, that surprised us a bit, right?
18:50And entering through the service door too.
18:53But how nice, we get a coffee, right?
18:57Excuse me.
19:00No, thank you.
19:02No, Angel.
19:04Mirta, rather, why don't you sit here with me?
19:07Let's see, the book is by Nina, but also about the jaguar.
19:10So it's great that both families can be here telling me things.
19:13Mirta, please, I invite you to sit here next to me.
19:15And you, please, sit there.
19:17We'll sit here.
19:18Let's continue talking a little bit about Nina.
19:22And then I'll talk to you.
19:23That is, both families can talk whatever they want.
19:25Without feeling invaded by each other.
19:27Seat, Mirta, please.
19:28Angel seat.
19:36I think it's time for you to bring a suitcase with your clothes.
19:38Or do you like mine too much?
19:40No, I don't like it.
19:42But you're looking for any excuse to keep me close.
19:44My princess, the door is always open.
19:47Oh, please, you love to keep me close.
19:50I feel that my life begins at this moment.
19:55Because by your side everyone is perfect.
19:59And being with you is all I want.
20:05I'm looking forward to the dance and it's my turn.
20:07Please tell me you liked the apartment.
20:11We're going, right?
20:12Uh-huh, but you drive.
20:16Or what I want.
20:17Or what I want.
20:24Dear people, I have already arrived.
20:27Well, and one of the greatest moments
20:31of this cake festival has arrived.
20:33The show in charge of the unmatched,
20:37the only, the best, the most dreamed,
20:40the most beautiful, the most brilliant,
20:44Sheila, the Tropical Mermaid, come on!
20:52I'm missing.
20:53Oh, yes, yes, yes.
20:54And Mr. Ignacio de la Torre, your partner.
20:57Let's go, Ignacio!
21:03¡Vamos, papá!
21:05¡Vamos, papá!
21:07¡Vamos, papá!
21:10Chaca-choco, chaca-choco, chaco-cha.
21:12Chaca-choco, chaca-choco, cha.
21:14Chaca-choco, chaca-choco, chaco-cha.
21:17Chaca-choco, chaca-choco, cha.
21:20¿Y dónde están mis sirenas solteras
21:22que se atreven a mover el cumpú?
21:29¿Y dónde está la gente que le gusta el veneno?
21:31¿Dónde está la gente que le gusta el veneno?
21:34¿Dónde está la gente que le gusta el veneno?
21:36Con mucho glow, glow, glow.
21:38Mueve tu puma, mueve tu puma, mueve tu puma.
21:41¡Estoy haciendo chocolate!
21:43Mueve tu puma, mueve tu puma, mueve tu pum-pum,
21:46pum-pum, pum-pum.
21:47Yo soy la tierra, soy la leona.
21:50Yo te vuelvo loco cuando muevo mis caderas.
21:52Y siempre me muevo como una cobra.
21:54Con mis movimientos yo te dejo en el suelo.
21:57Mueve tu puma, mueve tu puma, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:00pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:02Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:05pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:06Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:10pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:11Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:14pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:16A ver, yo quiero ver a todas mis sirenas de glow
22:19que muevan el pum-pum.
22:21Tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra.
22:24Menea, menea, menea, menea, menea, menea, menea, menea.
22:28Tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra.
22:31¿Y dónde están mis sirenas solteras que se atreven
22:34a mover el pum-pum?
22:37Muevelo rápido, muevelo rápido, muevelo rápido, muevelo rápido,
22:42tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra, tra-tra.
22:44Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:47pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:49Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:52pum-pum, pum-pum.
22:53Mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
22:57pum-pum, pum-pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum, mueve tu pum-pum,
23:02pum-pum, pum-pum.
23:04Y nos vamos mis sirenas con mucho glow, brillo, brillo,
23:10glow, glow, glow.
23:12¡Qué rabia!
23:21He nacido para esto.
23:23So, you didn't know anything about the relationship between Nina and Jaul?
23:29I found out when they announced their marriage.
23:33And didn't it strike you that they didn't say a single word to you before?
23:39Fabián, this is Mr. Leandro's art.
23:41Maybe it's family, Mirta.
23:43This thing about hiding the relationships, what do you say?
23:47Mr. Leandro doesn't like to be touched in his art, but I'm not touching anything!
23:53It's Leandro's favorite painting.
23:55It was him!
23:57You did it?
23:58You did it.
23:59No, I did it.
24:02My tremendous kitchen! Nina would love it.
24:05The apartment is incredible.
24:07We just need Ignacio to confirm it.
24:09Although we can do something a little easier.
24:11Ignacio, this is incredible.
24:14Mom is going to love it.
24:17And look at me, I'm happy.
24:19There's also a lot of space.
24:21Brunito, say hi.
24:23Ready. For me, this is a confirmed apartment.
24:26I love it.
24:27And let's go. What else is there?
24:29There's more?
24:35What about Sheila?
24:37Sheila is a very talented person.
24:40With whom we share the taste for art.
24:43Nothing more.
24:44I am not her father.
24:45She is not my daughter.
24:47But she is in my life as an exceptional dance teacher.
24:51But if the tropical mermaid is not your daughter, then who is it?
24:54Who is your best son in marriage?
24:56My daughter...
24:58Who is your best son in marriage?
25:01Who is your daughter?
25:03My daughter is...
25:07Tell us, Mr. Ignacio, who is your daughter?
25:09My daughter is an invention of a sector of the press
25:14that did it to bother me with this lie.
25:18This lie so painful and difficult to overcome.
25:24Well, thank you.
25:26Thank you very much.
25:27Stay to enjoy the extraordinary cake contest we have.
25:31Thank you for being here.
25:36Now, are you happy?
25:37Of course not.
25:38In what universe did you think it was a good idea
25:41to go up to a stage and make a fool of yourself?
25:45Sheila put her conditions to end what you dislike so much.
25:49That I have a daughter.
25:52I hope it doesn't happen again.
25:54We are from the tower.
25:56Our last name deserves respect.
25:58And I deserved to be happy with Mirtha, Mom.
26:01You would never have been happy together.
26:04Oh, dear girl!
26:06Oh, girl!
26:11I love you.
26:18This lie is going to cost you a lot.
26:20I thought it was true.
26:21Who asked you what you thought?
26:24Okay, look.
26:25Maybe we can find a way to solve this, right?
26:28Do you like bread?
26:29I could give you kilos.
26:30Good bread.
26:32For life.
26:33Are you supporting me with bread?
26:36No, this is more like a kind of compensation for the damage caused.
26:42There is the Frenchman.
26:47Hello, Joaquin?
26:48Where are you, my love?
26:50Here, solving some issues of human resources.
26:53Oh, no.
26:54What a shame.
26:55I'm here at the cake festival.
26:58I thought I would find you because I saw that you promoted it on your social networks.
27:02That's why you shouldn't believe everything we see on social networks.
27:06Neither our photos of what we were.
27:09We were.
27:10We were.
27:12You said it yourself.
27:16What is that about bisous?
27:22Ah, kisses.
27:24Like this.
27:25The mouth.
27:27And I realize that everything is different.
27:31And I realize that everything is different.
27:35I just want you to hug me hard.
27:41Your cakes are delicious.
27:44But it seems that the competition attracts more influencers.
27:47I don't know why they always choose her.
27:49I never.
27:51Me neither.
27:52And Lucia Hernanda doesn't stop adding followers.
27:58What a beautiful hair.
28:00How well dyed.
28:01How healthy.
28:02How bright.
28:03A beauty.
28:04A very expensive beauty.
28:05Whenever you want, come to my salon.
28:07I'm quality price.
28:09But instead of looking at my hair,
28:11why don't you go and try to attract the attention of the influencers?
28:14So the judges don't get carried away by them.
28:16Look, I already tried.
28:17But when you're an influencer with less than 5,000 followers,
28:19the other influencers don't talk to you.
28:22And if instead of attracting 200,000 followers,
28:25why don't we bring millions of followers?
28:34COME ON!
28:42We brought our brave anguishes.
28:44Because of beautiful they were going to win.
28:48We want to see how many followers you have.
28:51We're here with some brave people.
28:53They're here.
28:54That's Marcel.
28:56I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you, I can't live without you
29:26I was, I only remember the day I met you, this is no longer a game, I live in love and I do not deny it, how sweet it can be
29:56We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:57We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:57We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:57We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:57We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:57We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
29:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
30:28We'll be back in just a little bit.
30:58We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:03We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:08We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:13We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:18We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:23We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:28We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:33We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:38We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:43We'll be back in just a little bit.
31:48We'll be back in just a little bit.
32:04We'll be back in just a little bit.
32:18de Paris?
32:20Pastelería en francés.
32:24Has dicho que
32:26Luciana Lucierna Galuna
32:28se robó la imagen y los pasteles
32:30de una pastelería
32:32super famosa de Paris?
32:36Buen dato, ah?
32:38Buen dato.
32:40Atención, atención, aquí todos con la sirena.
32:42Vamos a conocer al ganador o ganadora del día.
32:48No, compadre.
32:50Mira, la cabeza va acá.
32:52Así, fácil.
32:54Te hace mucho problema, hermano.
32:56A ver, por favor, dejen de discutir.
32:58Ustedes ya son hombres adultos.
33:00Sí, sí, bebé. Yo le estoy diciendo que yo sé
33:02hacer, este, rompecabezas.
33:04Además, tengo un amigo que plancha carros.
33:06Él nos hace el trabajo.
33:08Por eso yo sé perfectamente que al señor Leandro no le gusta que le toquen las cosas.
33:10Por esto.
33:12Oye, qué temple tiene tu esposo para pelear
33:14por lo que quiere. El jaguar sacó su fuerza.
33:18De mí yo soy peor.
33:20Dime una cosa.
33:22¿Y lo seductor de dónde?
33:24Ay, por favor, mírame bien.
33:26Mira todo este cuerpo humano.
33:28Si Fabián está conmigo es porque sabe que
33:30mami jaguar es irresistible.
33:32Yo despierto pasiones.
33:34Estoy segura. Dime una cosa.
33:36Pero tú te casaste chica y el jaguar
33:38no quiere dar el beso.
33:40Ay, bueno, lo que pasa es que de adolescente
33:42baby jaguar era un chico muy introvertido.
33:44Era muy fiel.
33:46Muy dedicado.
33:48Pero le rompieron el corazón.
33:50Y juró nunca más pasar por algo así.
33:52Hasta que llegó Nina.
34:02Y llegó el momento más esperado.
34:04Los jueces decidirán
34:06y con su paladar experimentado
34:08decidirán cuál
34:10es el pastel más importante
34:12del festival.
34:18No veo a mi mamá.
34:20Bueno, Ángel tampoco.
34:22Tranquilo, se pone muy nervioso en este tipo de concursos.
34:24Claro, menos el mío. Siempre la primera, siempre la mejor.
34:26La number one.
34:28La primera es copiarse.
34:30Y la mejor es robar.
34:34Como ese palojo de influencers
34:36que en su vida han probado un pastel de Luciana.
34:38Como saben que es tan rico,
34:40se lo llaman el celular.
34:44Hasta molesta, te ves preciosa.
34:50¿Y solo preciosa?
34:52No, inteligente.
34:56La mejor estilista del mundo.
34:58Doña Emma, ¿y el pretendiente que prometió mostrar por redes?
35:02Estoy decepcionada, querido.
35:04Los hombres no tienen palabra.
35:06Estoy de acuerdo contigo, Emmys.
35:08Queridos dulceros,
35:10estamos a punto de conocer al ganador
35:12y mientras los jueces degustan y deliberan,
35:14yo voy a acercarme a los participantes
35:16y estoy aquí con
35:20Luciana, cuéntanos esta pápula.
35:22¿Por qué la has elegido?
35:24Bueno, porque me trae recuerdos de la infancia,
35:26donde ya en ese entonces me salía mejor que a nadie.
35:28¿Te acuerdas?
35:30Y vamos por aquí con Beto.
35:32Beto y su torta negra.
35:34Aunque Beto, querido, es un poco obvio.
35:36Hubieras elegido otro pastelito.
35:38Y por aquí tenemos a Nina.
35:40Nina, querida.
35:42Cuéntanos, ¿qué pastel has elegido?
35:44He elegido
35:46un rojel con mucho dulce de leche.
35:48¿Y por qué has elegido ese pastel?
35:50Lo he elegido porque
35:54la dulzura trasciende las fronteras
35:56y repara las diferencias.
35:58A un dulce no se le puede decir que no.
36:00Te da ganas de compartir.
36:02Te da alegría.
36:06me lo recomienda un amigo argentino
36:08que hace todo con mucha pasión
36:10y con mucho dulce de leche.
36:12Espero que les guste.
36:50Pensé que te habías ido.
36:52Pero volví,
36:54con una excusa.
36:56Olvidé mi cartera a propósito
36:58para venir a recogerla.
37:00Luego le pedí a Ángel que me esperara en el auto.
37:02I see.
37:04And why all this?
37:07I want to warn you that you don't mess with my daughter or Angel.
37:12You don't mess with my husband.
37:14Today is the cake festival.
37:17Do you see me encouraging my daughter there?
37:20Or do you see me avoiding your husband?
37:22Don't mess up my life, or you'll regret it.
37:32And the first vote goes to...
37:52Nina Dezuca!
37:58Popular taste.
38:02Let's go, Nina!
38:12And the second vote goes to...
38:58And the last vote goes to...
39:02And the last vote goes to...
39:21Good, good, good!
39:24I won, I won, I won!
39:26Oh, yes!
39:30Hey, don't be sad.
39:33We'll always have sweet nights.
39:56And the last vote goes to...
40:00And the last vote goes to...
40:04And the last vote goes to...
40:26And the last vote goes to...
40:56And the last vote goes to...
41:26And your senses.
41:29Try the new Palmolive Naturals Mandarin and Romero.
41:32And live a refreshing sensation.
41:35New Palmolive Naturals Mandarin and Romero.
41:38Wake up your skin.
41:56And we're off!
41:58Celebrate the boss' birthday?
42:00Of course!
42:01Lunch for Juan's birthday?
42:03Of course!
42:04And the next day...
42:05Professional acting?
42:073, 2, 1, action!
42:12Live this great experience with us.
42:15Sign up for the camera acting workshop from Barrio Producciones.
42:27Take me with you, it's the only thing I want.
42:30You haven't moved yet and you already have a visitor.
42:43Joaquin, what are you doing here?
42:46The manager told me you were here.
42:50Have you been following us?
42:52No, I live here.
42:55In this building.
43:05Who cares what the judges say?
43:07Listen to me, Vanessa Pepino, what do you know?
43:10You broke everything, forget it, stay with that.
43:12It was useless.
43:14Luciana for nothing, beating me in everything.
43:16She didn't beat you in everything.
43:18I'm with you.
43:20It's a lie.
43:22Because I've been with them for real.
43:23Who told you it wasn't a lie?
43:31We have a contract.
43:32Yes, a contract.
43:33It doesn't say I don't love you, but...
43:36I love you.
43:43Wait a minute!
43:44Stop everything!
43:46Don't let anyone leave!
43:49Luciana is not the winner!
43:53The firefly has cheated!
43:58Yes, she cheated!
44:09Besides, don't you know the surprise for Nina?
44:10Surprise? No.
44:11What surprise?
44:13Two days before the wedding.
44:15He sent me the wedding dress for Nina.
44:18A beautiful energy floods everyone.
44:20Maybe he doesn't want to help me with the bakery.
44:25Nina, he loves you.
44:32Luxify your nights with Nina de Azúcar.
44:36It's always you and me, Nina.
44:44Tomorrow at 9.40pm.
44:46On Amferica.