• 2 months ago
VECINOS DE BERISSO CASI LINCHAN A UN JOVEN DELINCUENTE DE 17 AÑOS. El joven había tenido varios intentos de robo. Los vecinos se hartaron y lo agarraron.


00:02Yes, yes.
00:03Are they armed?
00:04Are they armed or not?
00:05The last time.
00:06No, I don't know why.
00:07You don't know.
00:08They come in, steal and leave.
00:09I realized the other day.
00:11That they pass and look.
00:12Yes, they just passed.
00:13Yes, yes.
00:14And they look badly.
00:15Yes, yes.
00:16Have they passed?
00:17Have they passed?
00:18Look, they passed.
00:19Focus on the criminals.
00:23There you have it.
00:25They must be family or something because they pass and turn around.
00:26That's how they pass.
00:27They pass, look badly.
00:29And as soon as they pass, they take off their cap and threaten.
00:30They make the gesture of the weapon, right?
00:31Yes, yes.
00:32Are you sure they are family?
00:33Another place where the law is of this type, right?
00:35Ale, another place where the law is of this type.
00:37There you have it.
00:38That's how we live.
00:39That's how we work too, right?
00:40Of course.
00:41They pass, they make the gesture of the weapon, they look you in the eye.
00:42And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
00:44Yes, yes.
00:45As is.
00:46The same as I said.
00:47They come and stir the garbage.
00:48And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
00:49take off their cap and threaten.
00:50They make the gesture of the weapon, right?
00:51Yes, yes.
00:58They pass, they make the gesture of the weapon, they look you in the eye.
00:59And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:01Yes, yes.
01:02As is.
01:03The same as I said.
01:04They come and stir the garbage.
01:05And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:06take off their cap and threaten.
01:07And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:09Yes, yes.
01:10As is.
01:11The same as I said.
01:12They come and stir the garbage.
01:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:14take off their cap and threaten.
01:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:17Yes, yes.
01:18As is.
01:19They pass, they make the gesture of the weapon, they look you in the eye.
01:21And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:23Yes, yes.
01:24As is.
01:25The same as I said.
01:26They come and stir the garbage.
01:27And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:28take off their cap and threaten.
01:29And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:31Yes, yes.
01:32As is.
01:33The same as I said.
01:34They come and stir the garbage.
01:35And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:36take off their cap and threaten.
01:37And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:39Yes, yes.
01:40As is.
01:41The same as I said.
01:42They come and stir the garbage.
01:43And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:44take off their cap and threaten.
01:45And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:47Yes, yes.
01:48As is.
01:49The same as I said.
01:50They come and stir the garbage.
01:51And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
01:52take off their cap and threaten.
01:53And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
01:55Yes, yes.
01:56As is.
01:57The same as I said.
01:58They come and stir the garbage.
01:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:00take off their cap and threaten.
02:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:03Yes, yes.
02:04As is.
02:05The same as I said.
02:06They come and stir the garbage.
02:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:10Yes, yes.
02:11As is.
02:12The same as I said.
02:13They come and stir the garbage.
02:14And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:15take off their cap and threaten.
02:16And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:18Yes, yes.
02:19As is.
02:20The same as I said.
02:21They come and stir the garbage.
02:22And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:23take off their cap and threaten.
02:24And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:26Yes, yes.
02:27As is.
02:28The same as I said.
02:29They come and stir the garbage.
02:30And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:31take off their cap and threaten.
02:32And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:34Yes, yes.
02:35As is.
02:36The same as I said.
02:37They come and stir the garbage.
02:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:39take off their cap and threaten.
02:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:42Yes, yes.
02:43As is.
02:44The same as I said.
02:45They come and stir the garbage.
02:46And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
02:47take off their cap and threaten.
02:48And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:50Yes, yes.
02:51As is.
02:52The same as I said.
02:53They come and stir the garbage.
02:55And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
02:57Yes, yes.
02:58As is.
02:59The same as I said.
03:00They come and stir the garbage.
03:01And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:02take off their cap and threaten.
03:03And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:05Yes, yes.
03:06As is.
03:07The same as I said.
03:08They come and stir the garbage.
03:09And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:10take off their cap and threaten.
03:11And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:13Yes, yes.
03:14As is.
03:15The same as I said.
03:16They come and stir the garbage.
03:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:18take off their cap and threaten.
03:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:21Yes, yes.
03:22The same as I said.
03:23They come and stir the garbage.
03:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:25take off their cap and threaten.
03:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:28Yes, yes.
03:29The same as I said.
03:30They come and stir the garbage.
03:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:32take off their cap and threaten.
03:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:35Yes, yes.
03:36The same as I said.
03:37They come and stir the garbage.
03:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:39take off their cap and threaten.
03:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:42Yes, yes.
03:43The same as I said.
03:44They come and stir the garbage.
03:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:46take off their cap and threaten.
03:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:49Yes, yes.
03:50The same as I said.
03:51They come and stir the garbage.
03:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
03:53take off their cap and threaten.
03:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
03:56Yes, yes.
03:57The same as I said.
03:58They come and stir the garbage.
03:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:00take off their cap and threaten.
04:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:03Yes, yes.
04:04The same as I said.
04:05They come and stir the garbage.
04:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:07take off their cap and threaten.
04:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:10Yes, yes.
04:11The same as I said.
04:12They come and stir the garbage.
04:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:14take off their cap and threaten.
04:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:17Yes, yes.
04:18The same as I said.
04:19They come and stir the garbage.
04:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:21take off their cap and threaten.
04:23And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:25Yes, yes.
04:26The same as I said.
04:27They come and stir the garbage.
04:28And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:29take off their cap and threaten.
04:30And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:32Yes, yes.
04:33The same as I said.
04:34They come and stir the garbage.
04:35And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:36take off their cap and threaten.
04:37And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:39Yes, yes.
04:40The same as I said.
04:41They come and stir the garbage.
04:42And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:43take off their cap and threaten.
04:44And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:46Yes, yes.
04:47The same as I said.
04:48They come and stir the garbage.
04:49And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:50take off their cap and threaten.
04:51And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
04:53Yes, yes.
04:54The same as I said.
04:55They come and stir the garbage.
04:56And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
04:57take off their cap and threaten.
04:58And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:00Yes, yes.
05:01The same as I said.
05:02They come and stir the garbage.
05:03And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:04take off their cap and threaten.
05:05And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:07Yes, yes.
05:08The same as I said.
05:09They come and stir the garbage.
05:10And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:11take off their cap and threaten.
05:12And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:14Yes, yes.
05:15The same as I said.
05:16They come and stir the garbage.
05:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:18take off their cap and threaten.
05:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:21Yes, yes.
05:22The same as I said.
05:23They come and stir the garbage.
05:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:25take off their cap and threaten.
05:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:28Yes, yes.
05:29The same as I said.
05:30They come and stir the garbage.
05:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:32take off their cap and threaten.
05:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:35Yes, yes.
05:36The same as I said.
05:37They come and stir the garbage.
05:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:39take off their cap and threaten.
05:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:42Yes, yes.
05:43The same as I said.
05:44They come and stir the garbage.
05:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:46take off their cap and threaten.
05:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:49Yes, yes.
05:50The same as I said.
05:51They come and stir the garbage.
05:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
05:53take off their cap and threaten.
05:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
05:56Yes, yes.
05:57The same as I said.
05:58They come and stir the garbage.
05:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:00take off their cap and threaten.
06:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:03Yes, yes.
06:04The same as I said.
06:05They come and stir the garbage.
06:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:07take off their cap and threaten.
06:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:10Yes, yes.
06:11The same as I said.
06:12They come and stir the garbage.
06:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:14take off their cap and threaten.
06:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:17Yes, yes.
06:18The same as I said.
06:19They come and stir the garbage.
06:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:21take off their cap and threaten.
06:22And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:24Yes, yes.
06:25The same as I said.
06:26They come and stir the garbage.
06:27And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:28take off their cap and threaten.
06:30And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:32Yes, yes.
06:33The same as I said.
06:34They come and stir the garbage.
06:35And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:36take off their cap and threaten.
06:37And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:39Yes, yes.
06:40The same as I said.
06:41They come and stir the garbage.
06:42And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:43take off their cap and threaten.
06:44And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:46Yes, yes.
06:47The same as I said.
06:48They come and stir the garbage.
06:49And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:50take off their cap and threaten.
06:51And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
06:53Yes, yes.
06:54The same as I said.
06:55They come and stir the garbage.
06:56And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
06:57take off their cap and threaten.
06:58And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:00Yes, yes.
07:01The same as I said.
07:02They come and stir the garbage.
07:03And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:04take off their cap and threaten.
07:05And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:07Yes, yes.
07:08The same as I said.
07:09They come and stir the garbage.
07:10And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:11take off their cap and threaten.
07:12And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:14Yes, yes.
07:15The same as I said.
07:16They come and stir the garbage.
07:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:18take off their cap and threaten.
07:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:21Yes, yes.
07:22The same as I said.
07:23They come and stir the garbage.
07:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:25take off their cap and threaten.
07:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:28Yes, yes.
07:29The same as I said.
07:30They come and stir the garbage.
07:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:32take off their cap and threaten.
07:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:35Yes, yes.
07:36The same as I said.
07:37They come and stir the garbage.
07:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:39take off their cap and threaten.
07:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:42Yes, yes.
07:43The same as I said.
07:44They come and stir the garbage.
07:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:46take off their cap and threaten.
07:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:49Yes, yes.
07:50The same as I said.
07:51They come and stir the garbage.
07:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
07:53take off their cap and threaten.
07:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
07:56Yes, yes.
07:57The same as I said.
07:58They come and stir the garbage.
07:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:00take off their cap and threaten.
08:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:03Yes, yes.
08:04The same as I said.
08:05They come and stir the garbage.
08:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:07take off their cap and threaten.
08:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:10Yes, yes.
08:11The same as I said.
08:12They come and stir the garbage.
08:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:14take off their cap and threaten.
08:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:17Yes, yes.
08:18The same as I said.
08:19They come and stir the garbage.
08:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:21take off their cap and threaten.
08:22And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:24Yes, yes.
08:25The same as I said.
08:26They come and stir the garbage.
08:27And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:28take off their cap and threaten.
08:29And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:31Yes, yes.
08:32The same as I said.
08:33They come and stir the garbage.
08:34And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:35take off their cap and threaten.
08:36And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:38Yes, yes.
08:39The same as I said.
08:40They come and stir the garbage.
08:41And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:42take off their cap and threaten.
08:43And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:45Yes, yes.
08:46The same as I said.
08:47They come and stir the garbage.
08:48And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:49take off their cap and threaten.
08:50And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
08:52Yes, yes.
08:53The same as I said.
08:54They come and stir the garbage.
08:55And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
08:56take off their cap and threaten.
08:58And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:00Yes, yes.
09:01The same as I said.
09:02They come and stir the garbage.
09:03And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:04take off their cap and threaten.
09:05And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:07Yes, yes.
09:08The same as I said.
09:09They come and stir the garbage.
09:10And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:11take off their cap and threaten.
09:12And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:14Yes, yes.
09:15The same as I said.
09:16They come and stir the garbage.
09:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:18take off their cap and threaten.
09:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:21Yes, yes.
09:22The same as I said.
09:23They come and stir the garbage.
09:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:25take off their cap and threaten.
09:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:28Yes, yes.
09:29The same as I said.
09:30They come and stir the garbage.
09:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:32take off their cap and threaten.
09:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:35Yes, yes.
09:36The same as I said.
09:37They come and stir the garbage.
09:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:39take off their cap and threaten.
09:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:42Yes, yes.
09:43The same as I said.
09:44They come and stir the garbage.
09:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:46take off their cap and threaten.
09:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:49Yes, yes.
09:50The same as I said.
09:51They come and stir the garbage.
09:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
09:53take off their cap and threaten.
09:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
09:56Yes, yes.
09:57The same as I said.
09:58They come and stir the garbage.
09:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:00take off their cap and threaten.
10:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:03Yes, yes.
10:04The same as I said.
10:05They come and stir the garbage.
10:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:07take off their cap and threaten.
10:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:10Yes, yes.
10:11The same as I said.
10:12They come and stir the garbage.
10:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:14take off their cap and threaten.
10:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:17Yes, yes.
10:18The same as I said.
10:19They come and stir the garbage.
10:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:21take off their cap and threaten.
10:23And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:25Yes, yes.
10:26The same as I said.
10:27They come and stir the garbage.
10:28And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:29take off their cap and threaten.
10:30And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:32Yes, yes.
10:33The same as I said.
10:34They come and stir the garbage.
10:35And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:36take off their cap and threaten.
10:37And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:39Yes, yes.
10:40The same as I said.
10:41They come and stir the garbage.
10:42And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:43take off their cap and threaten.
10:44And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:46Yes, yes.
10:47The same as I said.
10:48They come and stir the garbage.
10:49And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:50take off their cap and threaten.
10:51And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
10:53Yes, yes.
10:54The same as I said.
10:55They come and stir the garbage.
10:56And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
10:57take off their cap and threaten.
10:58And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:00Yes, yes.
11:01The same as I said.
11:02They come and stir the garbage.
11:03And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:04take off their cap and threaten.
11:05And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:07Yes, yes.
11:08The same as I said.
11:09They come and stir the garbage.
11:10And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:11take off their cap and threaten.
11:12And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:14Yes, yes.
11:15The same as I said.
11:16They come and stir the garbage.
11:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:18take off their cap and threaten.
11:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:21Yes, yes.
11:22The same as I said.
11:23They come and stir the garbage.
11:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:25take off their cap and threaten.
11:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:28Yes, yes.
11:29The same as I said.
11:30They come and stir the garbage.
11:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:32take off their cap and threaten.
11:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:35Yes, yes.
11:36The same as I said.
11:37They come and stir the garbage.
11:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:39take off their cap and threaten.
11:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:42Yes, yes.
11:43The same as I said.
11:44They come and stir the garbage.
11:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:46take off their cap and threaten.
11:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:49Yes, yes.
11:50The same as I said.
11:51They come and stir the garbage.
11:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
11:53take off their cap and threaten.
11:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
11:56Yes, yes.
11:57The same as I said.
11:58They come and stir the garbage.
11:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:00take off their cap and threaten.
12:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:03Yes, yes.
12:04The same as I said.
12:05They come and stir the garbage.
12:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:07take off their cap and threaten.
12:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:10Yes, yes.
12:11The same as I said.
12:12They come and stir the garbage.
12:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:14take off their cap and threaten.
12:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:17Yes, yes.
12:18The same as I said.
12:19They come and stir the garbage.
12:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:21take off their cap and threaten.
12:22And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:24Yes, yes.
12:25The same as I said.
12:26They come and stir the garbage.
12:27And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:28take off their cap and threaten.
12:29And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:31Yes, yes.
12:32The same as I said.
12:33They come and stir the garbage.
12:34And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:35take off their cap and threaten.
12:36And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:38Yes, yes.
12:39The same as I said.
12:40They come and stir the garbage.
12:41And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:42take off their cap and threaten.
12:43And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:45Yes, yes.
12:46The same as I said.
12:47They come and stir the garbage.
12:48And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:49take off their cap and threaten.
12:50And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:52Yes, yes.
12:53The same as I said.
12:54They come and stir the garbage.
12:55And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
12:56take off their cap and threaten.
12:57And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
12:59Yes, yes.
13:00The same as I said.
13:01They come and stir the garbage.
13:02And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:03take off their cap and threaten.
13:04And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:06Yes, yes.
13:07The same as I said.
13:08They come and stir the garbage.
13:09And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:10take off their cap and threaten.
13:12And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:14Yes, yes.
13:15The same as I said.
13:16They come and stir the garbage.
13:17And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:18take off their cap and threaten.
13:19And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:21Yes, yes.
13:22The same as I said.
13:23They come and stir the garbage.
13:24And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:25take off their cap and threaten.
13:26And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:28Yes, yes.
13:29The same as I said.
13:30They come and stir the garbage.
13:31And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:32take off their cap and threaten.
13:33And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:35Yes, yes.
13:36The same as I said.
13:37They come and stir the garbage.
13:38And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:39take off their cap and threaten.
13:40And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:42Yes, yes.
13:43The same as I said.
13:44They come and stir the garbage.
13:45And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:46take off their cap and threaten.
13:47And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:49Yes, yes.
13:50The same as I said.
13:51They come and stir the garbage.
13:52And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
13:53take off their cap and threaten.
13:54And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
13:56Yes, yes.
13:57The same as I said.
13:58They come and stir the garbage.
13:59And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:00take off their cap and threaten.
14:01And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:03Yes, yes.
14:04The same as I said.
14:05They come and stir the garbage.
14:06And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:07take off their cap and threaten.
14:08And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:10Yes, yes.
14:11The same as I said.
14:12They come and stir the garbage.
14:13And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:14take off their cap and threaten.
14:15And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:17Yes, yes.
14:18The same as I said.
14:19They come and stir the garbage.
14:20And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:21take off their cap and threaten.
14:22And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:24Yes, yes.
14:25The same as I said.
14:26They come and stir the garbage.
14:27And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:28take off their cap and threaten.
14:29And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:31Yes, yes.
14:32The same as I said.
14:33They come and stir the garbage.
14:34And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:35take off their cap and threaten.
14:36And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:38Yes, yes.
14:39The same as I said.
14:40They come and stir the garbage.
14:41And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:42take off their cap and threaten.
14:43And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:45Yes, yes.
14:46The same as I said.
14:47They come and stir the garbage.
14:48And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:49take off their cap and threaten.
14:50And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:52Yes, yes.
14:53The same as I said.
14:54They come and stir the garbage.
14:55And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
14:56take off their cap and threaten.
14:57And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
14:59Yes, yes.
15:00The same as I said.
15:01They come and stir the garbage.
15:02And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:03take off their cap and threaten.
15:04And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:06Yes, yes.
15:07The same as I said.
15:08They come and stir the garbage.
15:09And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:10take off their cap and threaten.
15:11And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:13Yes, yes.
15:14The same as I said.
15:15They come and stir the garbage.
15:16And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:17take off their cap and threaten.
15:18And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:20Yes, yes.
15:21The same as I said.
15:22They come and stir the garbage.
15:23And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:24take off their cap and threaten.
15:25And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:27Yes, yes.
15:28The same as I said.
15:29They come and stir the garbage.
15:30And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:31take off their cap and threaten.
15:32And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:34Yes, yes.
15:35The same as I said.
15:36They come and stir the garbage.
15:37And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:38take off their cap and threaten.
15:39And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:41Yes, yes.
15:42The same as I said.
15:43They come and stir the garbage.
15:44And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:45take off their cap and threaten.
15:46And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:48Yes, yes.
15:49The same as I said.
15:50They come and stir the garbage.
15:51And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:52take off their cap and threaten.
15:53And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
15:55Yes, yes.
15:56The same as I said.
15:57They come and stir the garbage.
15:58And while they are stirring there, as if wanting to get something out of the garbage, they
15:59take off their cap and threaten.
16:00And that's how the neighbors live in this place.
