• 2 months ago
00:00It's Georgia. Everybody's pumping them up. Marcus Freeman says I don't want to hear any of that. Uh, we gotta stay to what got us here
00:07this week than it's ever been and
00:10You know
00:12I think it's human nature
00:14To enjoy people saying good things about you. It's human nature. No, it's not. We don't like that. We talked all year about being misfits
00:23Right and and that's what we have
00:26You have to make the choice to either
00:29Waste time
00:30Listening to people tell you how good you are
00:33What the past?
00:35Has been or you're going to put your time into preparing for this opportunity right in front of us and
00:40That's been my message loud and clear and we all have to make that choice
00:46We got a lot out of that a we both want that sweatshirt and b
00:50Carver high and I are used to being abused
00:52So all we prepare for is to be abused and we don't worry about the abuse. We just get ready to bang out good shows
00:59That is uh all that we worry about uh, that's for sure. This is still one and a half on the irish side of things
01:06Notre dame minus one and a half, uh total i'm actually seeing now even down to 45 and a half
01:13As uh, we're expecting a bit of a rock fight, uh, maybe tomorrow night at hard rock
01:18Well, you remember even morenci said it best when it's one and a half just bet the money line
01:22Okay, I already did that too
01:24Give me the irish
01:27Make sure you cover yourself, uh with that, of course, texas and ohio state
01:32Will play on friday night in dallas at jerry's world cotton ball. Uh, here is steve sarkisian
01:38Uh, of course, they're the only team that's back in this spot from last year
01:42The final four was a much different format last year, but uh sarkisian says job's not done
01:47We got a lot of work to do, you know, we didn't come this far just to come this far
01:51I guess would be what i'd tell you it's how it's manifested itself. It's like the journey's not done
01:57Um, it's still a driving force behind, you know what we do every day why we wake up so early why we stay so late
02:04Why our players are you know come in on an off day when they're when we were asking them not to be here and they're
02:09In here watching tape working out stretching striding getting rehab
02:14It's all that, you know, it's all that that continues to push you, you know, because none of this is guaranteed
02:19Today's not guaranteed but none of this is guaranteed. It's not like well, we'll just get back here again next year
02:24You know, we're back in the final four for the for the second consecutive season
02:28And those other three teams that were here a year ago with us didn't make the the 12 team playoff
02:34Never mind the final four. So nothing's guaranteed. It's difficult to get to this spot
02:39Um, and we want to make sure we maximize this opportunity and put our best foot forward and see what happens. Thanks coach
02:45They'll go next year too with arch manning. In fact, they'll be favored to win it next year
02:50And so they have the best quarterback in the country who doesn't play now
02:54uh, I hope they win to be honest with you because I hate ohio state as much as I
03:00Hate the chiefs
03:02Okay, so, uh, i'm hoping and I can't even stand texas, but they're playing at home
03:08I mean, that's a hundred thousand people rooting for them at home in dallas in arlington at jerry's road. It's a home game
03:15Ohio state has to go in front of a hundred thousand fans and win as if they were playing the big house
03:22That's what this is about
03:23Ohio state's a professional football team and they're playing in front of a hundred thousand longhorn fans. That's exactly what's happening
03:30I don't see how you don't take the points
03:33I mean, I am playing at home
03:36I'm taking them, uh, texas plus five and a half fifty three and a half
03:40Uh is the total as we get a little closer to that game on friday night, uh, texas president jay hardsell
03:48Who was uh, really the driving force of the longhorns, uh moving to the sec
03:53He leaves austin to take the same job at smu
03:58Smu, uh, they do have a lot of money there. So i'm guessing he got himself more money
04:04Uh by going over there, uh to the mustangs
04:08Money smu spends on sports and on who they want a coach. They want a ad they want anything
04:15They get it smu in my opinion spends more money than texas all of them
04:21Every every school in texas smu spends the most money. They own dallas smu. They bought their way into the acc
