• 2 months ago
00:00Now, back to Stiney and Guru on 95.7, The Game.
00:05All righty, we just heard from Kyle Shanahan and John Lynch.
00:11They did their season-ending press conference from Santa Clara.
00:14And Lynch jumped in.
00:16Lynch jumped in a couple times.
00:20Let's see.
00:21Let's try to highlight some of the most important stuff, as Kyle Shanahan would say.
00:27Nick Sorensen's out.
00:29Staley's a candidate.
00:31But it sounds like they're going to go outside the building, obviously, to interview people.
00:36He said he's open to anything, including changing the defensive scheme.
00:42As for Brock Purdy, it was all love toward him.
00:46Kyle Shanahan said, I know that Brock Purdy is capable of giving the 49ers a Super Bowl
00:52in the future.
00:54And Kyle Shanahan also said that he plans on being here with Brock Purdy for a long
00:59There you go.
01:01Put a ring on it, and they're about to.
01:04We're going to see how much that ring's going to cost at some point.
01:08But clearly those guys were.
01:10And Lynch said Brock's our guy, John Lynch.
01:13So I mean, nothing shocking there.
01:15But I do, and maybe Evan knows, Stiney, he mentioned that the offensive coordinator.
01:23Clay Kubiak.
01:24Yeah, will not call plays.
01:25So I always wondered what that guy does.
01:27I think a BNME in Kansas City, which didn't have a head coaching job in the NFL.
01:31But what does the coordinator do when you don't call plays?
01:36I think he just works together with Kyle Shanahan to develop the game plan.
01:42And Kyle said as much.
01:43I mean, I don't.
01:44Obviously, Kyle Shanahan calls the plays.
01:46His baby.
01:47And Kubiak's part of the offensive coaching staff.
01:51It sounds to me like it's Shanahan's plays.
01:55Before the game, they both talk about what the overarching strategy should be.
01:59What may work and what may not work.
02:01So no change there for Kyle Shanahan.
02:05One thing I want to run by you.
02:08Nick Sorensen has to be a good guy.
02:10And the reason I say that, and I mean that, Stiney, because they want to keep him around.
02:15But would you personally want to, I guess he got fired or demoted from his defensive
02:21coordinator position to where he could be a candidate for the special teams position.
02:26Would you want that?
02:28I wouldn't either.
02:29Just as the guy.
02:30You know, I'd probably want to move.
02:31I don't want EDD either.
02:33But I want a job.
02:34But I don't think I want to do that on the same team.
02:36That's just me.
02:39888-957-9570 is the number.
02:44If you were just listening, Kyle Shanahan, John Lynch met the media.
02:49If there's one thing they didn't reinforce, it's that Brock Purdy's their guy and they
02:56plan on signing him to an extension.
02:58And they plan on him being the quarterback of the 49ers for the foreseeable future.
03:04And as of right now, I absolutely positively believe him.
03:08I don't think there's any subterfuge there.
03:14But we'll see.
03:17When negotiations start and teams may be far apart, then maybe your strategy has to change.
03:23But for right now, the 49ers' number one priority, or at least one of the things on their calendar
03:30mid-summer, is to get Purdy signed to an extension.
03:33I got to give TK the MVP, Stani, because that was a hell of a question in regard to did
03:39anything go wrong in the process of hiring the two last defensive coordinators.
03:45I mean, that's saying everything without saying it.
03:49You know what I mean?
03:50Because there were two changes.
03:52But we'll see who gets this one.
03:55888-957-9570 is the number.
03:59Let's go to Tony in Oakland.
04:03Hey, Tony, how you doing?
04:05Good morning.
04:06Okay, I just listened to that.
04:10This is the first time I've heard Lynch talk at length.
04:15Don't give me a second to side them.
04:17No wonder we've got two ignoramuses between him and Shanahan in charge.
04:23I thought that Lynch, you know, maybe being a pro-safety and he seems to have it going
04:28on with the charisma.
04:30But in terms of wisdom and discernment, you know, the problem, as I've said, is Shanahan.
04:38He loses it in the fourth.
04:39He is a fear factor.
04:40So he's either got to go to God or bone up somehow, like Lynch.
04:46And most people can't discern when someone's just like freezing in fear, which Shanahan
04:52always does.
04:53No one just...
04:54They seem to think, I don't know, that he's some kind of mastermind, because he's used
04:59to a few plays.
05:01My partner, Tony, has called him a genius on many, many, many occasions.
05:08So Tony, he's somebody that just thinks the world of Kyle Shanahan.
05:11No, I'm with Tony.
05:12Tony, he's gone away.
05:13When you get too smart, you know, you mess up.
05:16And I've called him a genius.
05:17Wait, wait, wait.
05:18Look at this.
05:19Any ignoramus can think of plays.
05:20I don't know about that.
05:21If you don't have that creative element, all you do is look at what the other people are
05:25doing and steal from them or add to it.
05:30Thank you, Tony.
05:31I think she won a Doobie, too.
05:33Tony, a Doobie award.
05:35Spadonia-Munker, I guess she did win.
05:38Tony, look.
05:40She was calling you out.
05:44She didn't mention me until you hated.
05:47Well, whenever I hear somebody saying, people think Kyle's the d...
05:54What are you doing?
05:55No, I was looking at my notes from the...
05:58From what we just listened to in the presser.
05:59No, pick something out.
06:01The defensive coordinator.
06:03I think Stanley has a greater chance than you think.
06:05He's got no chance.
06:06You think so?
06:07Come on, Stiney.
06:08He's done it before at a high level.
06:11They're getting somebody that's going to get him out of that wide nine.
06:13Could that somebody be Robert Sala, who's interviewing, I believe, with the Jags for
06:18head coaching job?
06:19Would you want to come back if you're him?
06:21If you get passed over, why wouldn't you, Stiney?
06:24Also here's another one.
06:25Debo Samuel, expected to be back next year, at least for now.
06:31All right.
06:32The big one, too, was the video you shared with me in regard to Drake Greenlaw's wife.
06:37She put something up on social insinuating maybe that his days with the Niners might
06:41be done.
06:42But if you listen to those two guys, that hadn't even started.
06:45Yeah, but who do you think is going to be more truthful, Greenlaw's wife or Shanahan
06:52and Lynch?
06:53I tell you what, if I'm a defensive coordinator coming in to get this job, Stiney, I'm taking
06:58the chance on Greenlaw being healthy, man.
07:01I'm sorry.
07:03That'll be one of those.
07:04You're basing that on absolutely zero information.
07:06No, the information I saw in the first half against the Rams, like he still got something.
07:11He got hurt then.
07:14He got hurt then after.
07:15But I told you, I look at it from the point of view that he should have never even been
07:18out there.
07:19Like I thought he shouldn't even came back.
07:21Oh my God.
07:22Yeah, I told you that.
07:23No, you said.
07:24That's why I'm feeling the way that I feel now.
07:25Come on, man.
07:26I told you that when they got McCaffrey back on offense and Greenlaw back on defense, they
07:32were going to hit the ground running.
07:34That's somebody else you used to work with.
07:37I told you, I didn't expect Dre back.
07:39So when he came back, I was like, whoa.
07:41This has been a tough day for you.
07:42No, it's actually been a good day.
07:44I mean, it's been a good day, but you know, you don't have Steph Curry's coming to terms
07:53with his basketball mortality.
07:55No doubt about it.
07:56It sounds like you're coming to terms with your sports radio mortality a little bit.
08:01Like, you know, it can be over in a second, man.
08:04You know, you just, I've been on fire.
08:07I don't want to pat myself on the back, but beep beep.
08:11Come on.
08:12I'm telling you how I feel.
08:13And I told you, Staley, if it were me, it's probably got more of a chance to get the job
08:17You couldn't pick Brandon Staley out of a police lineup.
08:18He was the Chargers head coach.
08:19You couldn't pick him out of a police lineup.
08:21And he's the guy that said, don't ask me that again.
08:24And he got fired 24, 48 hours after that.
08:27I mean, the bottom line is what I've observed this week is you have been surprised by a
08:33lot of things that have been going on in the last week or two, which shows me that you
08:38didn't expect those things to happen.
08:40You are boy, the real Skip Bayless puts her glasses back on.
08:45Oh, let's go to Big D in the hospital.
08:50Big D usually is he works there?
08:52He's not in the hospital.
08:53Right, right.
08:54He eats lunch in his office at the hospital.
08:58What's going on?
08:59Yeah, yeah.
09:00Man, I'm glad to hear you guys, man.
09:02I was listening to you guys earlier.
09:04It was awesome.
09:05It was awesome, man.
09:06A good new year.
09:0749ers need to if they're going to put a ring on party like they said they are, they need
09:10to beef up the front line.
09:12No doubt.
09:13I've been watching the Niners from I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly.
09:16So you know what?
09:17Beef up that front line.
09:18Hey, hopefully everybody comes back healthier, you know, because they was over here at the
09:22hospital injured.
09:23You know what I'm saying?
09:24Patch them up.
09:25Get them back out there.
09:27You know what?
09:28But what they really need looking at is that special teams hurts looking at it.
09:31Yeah, they need Popali on there.
09:33Oh, I love you guys.
09:37You too, baby.
09:38Philadelphia Eagle.
09:42Yes, sir.
09:43Appreciate it.
09:44Speaking of which we didn't even mention.
09:45Lynch brought up your favorite player on the Niners, Trent Williams.
09:48Expect him to be back and healthy and ready to go.
09:50Look at you.
09:51Oh, yeah.
09:54And the funniest part was he's really committed.
10:00He is.
10:01That was the GS.
10:02Don't try to hate.
10:03I'm not hating.
10:04Come on.
10:05And he has no job.
10:06The field.
10:07It's no job me.
10:08And it's been two years now.
10:09Oh, my.
10:10What does this mean?
10:11Wrong about him.
10:12What does this mean?
10:13Guru be flip flopping.
10:14Oh, oh, like a pair of sandals.
10:18I get it.
10:19You won.
10:20Well, you're not giving me a one.
10:21I'm just reading.
10:23You said it with joy.
10:24Well, I can't.
10:25He misspelled some words here.
10:26But that was the.
10:28Trent William's dad.
10:29He's been all pro three of the last four seasons.
10:31I don't expect him to get it this year.
10:33So put some respect on his name.
10:35No, I know he's older.
10:36I won't put respect on his name.
10:38They've been to the Super Bowl.
10:39They don't.
10:40You know what your favorite word is?
10:41Don't speak for me.
10:42You don't know.
10:43I know what your favorite word is.
10:47Everybody was.
10:49Everybody used to be.
10:51Everybody kind of was.
10:54You got to live in the present.
10:56And he is presently your left tackle.
10:59You continue to look back and think that that will be what lies ahead.
11:05510 Trent Williams overrated.
11:09Always had.
11:10This is not me.
11:11This is the this is the text line.
11:13But they're standing.
11:14William overrated, has always been Tyron Smith in his prime would be better.
11:21Well, Joe Thomas, certainly Joe Thomas Hall of Famers.
11:26Your boy is the first ballot Hall of Famer whenever he decides to hang him up.
11:29Trent Williams.
11:30Hopefully it'll be this summer where he decides to hang him up and he won't have the hold
11:34the 49ers hostage for being the highest paid offensive lineman who plays seven games during
11:39a year.
11:41See, that's I mean, guru.
11:43Have the Warriors not taught you anything?
11:48Have the Warriors not taught you anything?
11:49I'm irritated.
11:51I'm irritated.
11:53He stands out there coming for me.
11:55Oh, yeah, I can.
11:57I can take it.
11:58Eight, eight, eight, nine, five, seven, nine, five, seven, zero is the number case you just
12:05joining us.
12:07Warriors lost last night, one fourteen ninety eight to the Miami Heat.
12:11And about an hour ago, John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan met Bay Area reporters.
12:16It was a season ending press conference and.
12:20They were talking about the six and 11 year and some of the big themes of the offseason.
12:27They made it clear they intend to pay Brock Perry and they expect him to be the San Francisco
12:34forty niner quarterback for the foreseeable future.
12:37Kyle Shanahan said he he envisions he and Purdy working together for a long time.
12:44There was talk about Nick Sorenson and Brandon Staley's in-house will get an interview.
12:51Didn't sound like he was a serious candidate because Kyle said, well, he'll get a shot.
12:56OK, so so Staley's going to get a shot and then they're going to bring in other candidates.
13:02Kyle Shanahan said he's open to anything.
13:05Change a scheme.
13:07We learned about Trent Williams.
13:09John Lynch said he's in a good place and they expect him to be healthy next year.
13:14And they talked about Dre Greenlaw and the fact that Dre Greenlaw's wife talked about
13:21not talked about Dre Greenlaw's wife in a video with other forty niner wives and fiancees.
13:31And to suggest that they know Dre Greenlaw will not be back and that free agency is going
13:35to have him playing in another city.
13:38So and they refuted that.
13:39They were like, you know, I hadn't even started.
13:40So and he doesn't know.
13:42But again, she did do that, Stoney.
13:44But I'm just telling you, if it were me and I'm the niners, I'm I'm just taking a chance
13:49on Dre Greenlaw, man.
13:51I just am.
13:52Eight, eight, eight, nine, five, seven, nine, five, seven, zero is the number.
13:57This is Shanahan on the decision to it's fire.
14:04Nick Sorensen.
14:05I don't know.
14:06I haven't done it before.
14:07It's I'm sure it is a challenge.
14:08It has to do with.
14:09Is that something that you want to do?
14:10Is this something you're comfortable with?
14:11I know our building would be comfortable with it.
14:13I know our players would be comfortable with it.
14:15There's you know, this was a tough year, but no, Nick didn't lose any respect or anything
14:19like that for many of our players or our coaches.
14:21And I think if you talk to anyone, whether it's with you guys in the media or just one
14:24on one, he's got a lot of respect for people from people here.
14:27And everyone does.
14:28He's a good coach.
14:29You know, I spent his last two days having exit interviews.
14:32That's to go through these two days where all I do is just talk to people and you talk
14:35to everybody.
14:37Lots of good feedback on Nick.
14:38And I think the guys would be real excited if he was here next year.
14:42All right.
14:43That was about a Nick Sorensen will or will not take the special teams coach.
14:49They also fired Brian Schneider.
14:52So they have an opening at special teams.
14:54They would like, it sounds like Sorensen to be that coach.
14:58It's a matter of whether Sorensen wants to take that job after getting fired as the defensive
15:02coordinator of the San Francisco.
15:05What did you make of Kawakami telling Kyle, I think he took it the wrong way, like you
15:09don't care about special teams.
15:11John had to jump in.
15:12I didn't have a strong opinion about that.
15:21But how tough was it to move on from Nick Sorensen?
15:24I feel there's some options out there that can end up being a better option in the situation
15:29that we're in for our team.
15:30And when really it comes down to that, you know, the position I'm in, regardless of anything
15:35else, that's always the stuff I got to go with.
15:36So it was a real tough decision for me.
15:39And I'm still hoping that we can keep Nick here.
15:41But I do feel there's some other avenues that in the long run will be better for the 49ers.
15:46All right.
15:47There he goes.
15:48Oh, I didn't know this.
15:50Evan, did you know this?
15:52That players' wives and girlfriends are called WAGs.
15:58Wives and girlfriends.
16:01I've never heard that before.
16:04Have you heard that?
16:05No, but Spadoni has.
16:08Oh, Spadoni has.
16:10I like it.
16:11I kind of like anachronisms, if that's what it is.
16:15I might be wrong.
16:16Well, you wouldn't say it to their face.
16:17Hey, you're a WAG.
16:19What's that?
16:20Wives and girlfriends.
16:21I don't like it.
16:22Oh, I love it.
16:23That's derogatory.
16:24Oh, absolutely not.
16:25You don't say that to the people.
16:26Absolutely not.
16:27I'll say it right to anybody's face.
16:28Well, because you have no tech, but what's wrong with WAGs?
16:32And you wouldn't say it to somebody's spouse.
16:33I'd say it to Mia.
16:35No, you wouldn't.
16:36Hey, Mia, you're a WAG.
16:37You'd get a two-piece, and she would call you something.
16:42You're a Richard.
16:43All right.
16:44Yeah, you know what I mean.
16:45Big takeaway.
16:46The big takeaway.
16:47Brock's coming back, and he's getting paid, and he'll be here forever as long as Kyle's
16:51Well, this is what John Lynch had to say.
16:54Well, listen, I think what we know about Brock is that he's our guy.
16:59We have interest in Brock being around here for a long, long time.
17:04He's done so much for our organization.
17:05He's won big games and had a little tougher task, as we all did this year, with some of
17:13the things that happened throughout the course of the year.
17:15We just never could string games where we were all together.
17:18And through that, he continued to lead.
17:20He continued to play at a high level.
17:22So we have every interest in him being around.
17:26That's John Lynch on Brock Purdy.
17:29A couple other quotes and statements.
17:34Kyle Shanahan said, I plan on being with Brock the whole time I'm here, which is at least
17:43the foreseeable future, you would think, unless something goes disastrously wrong next year.
17:51But here's John Lynch on Debo Samuel, and this is something that Lynch referred to a
17:59few times.
18:01When asked about Debo Samuel, he said, good player, done a ton for this organization,
18:06and we aren't in the business of letting good players walk out of here.
18:11So that's what John Lynch said about Debo Samuel.
18:16Debo Samuel under contract for next year.
18:18From Debo, I like hearing that.
18:20I know it's just wordplay.
18:22Yeah, it means nothing.
18:23To Debo.
18:24We'll see.
18:26I mean.
18:2749ers finishing up a 6-11 year.
18:32Who saw it coming?
18:35Ah, Manti Teo.
18:36You got it, man.
18:37Brian Baldinger.
18:38Brian Baldinger.
18:39He called him slow week three.
18:42Well, I was a little after that, but that's still too late.
18:45I'm talking about before the season.
18:47Listen, listen, and that's where sometimes my role is to rewind and think about the thought
18:55process back in time.
19:01And when Steve Young said it might have been their last best chance, a lot of fans just
19:05laughed at Steve Young.
19:07And then, of course, Steve Young turned out to be a sage.
19:11And then we used terms like Super Bowl hangover, and nobody even wanted to talk about such
19:18a concept existing.
19:19And then, sure enough, what we saw this year was a team that was just lacking a little
19:23bit of motivation, a little bit of togetherness.
19:26And the next thing you know, the season snowballed downhill.
19:31But if you listen to Lynch and that presser, no excuses, Donnie, a lot.
19:35He said the word injuries a lot, like he didn't have their closers out there.
19:39And I'm not going to sit here and tell you injuries are the only reason they went six
19:42and 11.
19:43But if we're going to just be honest, and I know it's hard for one of us here, but come
19:48on, injuries had a lot to do with, you know, them having guys available.
19:53It starts with Dre Greenlaw.
19:54We saw that in the Super Bowl.
19:55But you knew you weren't going to play like, but not six and 11, maybe get to the playoffs,
20:00but not be eliminated three or four weeks in with, you know what I mean?
20:03I just I don't know.
20:04There's something it's, it's weird.
20:06But Dre Greenlaw gets hurt in the Super Bowl, and you know, you're going to miss him the
20:11first 14 weeks of the year, but you got both in Warner.
20:15So what I'm getting at is, it's not like you thought Greenlaw was healthy week one and
20:21he suffered a season ending injury.
20:23It's like you knew Greenlaw wasn't going to be a factor this year.
20:26You knew that.
20:27But the guys they had, you're basically using an excuse from something you knew way back
20:33in February.
20:34No, but the guys that filled in for him that, you know, they didn't need an excuse then
20:39they thought they had guys that would be sufficient, you know, playing that position.
20:43And we saw all season long that the guys didn't, you know, they didn't step up.
20:47Honestly, I think the way I'm going to start to do it is this.
20:51Every time somebody says, well, injuries, I'm going to say, actually, it wasn't injuries.
20:56It was they had no depth.
20:59So the roster was wanting after their top 22 players, but it's usually like that in
21:05Not for the Lions.
21:06No, not for the.
21:07I know.
21:08No, but not me.
21:09Another team outside of the Detroit Lions had a ton of injuries this year.
21:13The Kansas City Chiefs had a ton of injuries.
21:16The Lions had a ton of injuries.
21:19Teams have injuries and it's a matter of how the teams respond or who has better backups.
21:27So you're looking at the 6 and 11 like you just didn't get it done.
