• 2 months ago
00:00dang that's crazy uh can you imagine the first video what kind of video i'm just kidding
00:08okay wow nice metal in the shoe hole but why okay because we want to go through this
00:17oh yeah that's that's sorry for interrupting this uh how dare you okay so now we have
00:24really nice tape taping okay oh glue sticks glue sticks it does look like a stick does glue stick
00:34to tape ah my brain what is this it's a shower it's like a morning shower thought
00:45wow that's looks interesting nice oh are aliens scared of us
00:54are aliens scared of us do they think in the room that they're going to be abducted by an us
00:59uh i think so dang that's crazy uh can you imagine the first video
01:06what kind of video you would show to the alien five-minute crafts immediately i would show them
01:13and they will fly right back home they won't mess with us ever again
01:19they're like this is dumb because we can do everything out of everything yes exactly
01:25that's why they're afraid it's their mission to teach us to educate us yeah be creative and
01:34be able to make everything out of everything exactly aliens are actually the original five
01:39minute crafters they came to earth thousands of years ago with five-minute crafts videos and they
01:44gave it to the ancestors of the five-minute craft tribe there they were taught the ancient ways of
01:50the aliens how to make dumb craft videos and get millions of views wow i think it's already too
01:57much i think we should make a tv show i think if you do well where is this from i mean why
02:06we're painting the shoe i think they could paint it a little bit better just a little bit a little
02:12bit a little bit better please yeah please redo it redo it for us no please give us more okay so we
02:22have nice isn't it is it nice what do you want to say i was trying to be nice by saying this is ugly
02:32as heck but it's beautiful from five meters from five meters away five minute crafts five meters
02:38away yeah five meter crafts that only look good from five meters okay whoa where are you gonna
02:45put that battery though you're gonna stick it in yo oh but and you're gonna ruin your
02:52your your uh your foot but the thing which is i'm worried about they didn't isolate the the cables
03:01the connection between true yeah so it could just set your foot on fire yeah and it's can you can
03:06get a shock don't set your foot on fire guys but anyway we don't usually give any advice but don't
03:11set your foot on fire i think it's pretty solid advice just saying okay so now we have a nice mold
03:20of some feet shoes some feet shoes features yeah you guys know feet shoes right i'm sure you probably
03:27own some features oh look at these features yeah they're pretty nice features yeah i don't there's
03:33no there's no space for feet in those features yeah yeah but we're gonna see that's why they
03:38just choose oh okay they're melting around are they gonna form the shoe around it and
03:46they will remove this the feature okay and it will be another shoe which is
03:55it's actually it's gonna be a week i don't know it looks really strange but okay okay oh they're
04:02breaking the feature okay wow insane okay so they get their shape that's what they want ah
04:10and then they fill it with epoxy okay more features more problems but okay okay so they're
04:21layering the epoxy is it the graphic oh ah that is imagine walking in that you're like
04:30dude cinderella how was that you like my shoes
04:38i hate them but do you like it oh my gosh okay so we have 37 37 37 and 37 i think it's their
04:48shoe sizes you think so or their age or the amount of bagels they've eaten in their life
04:56or the amount of five-minute crafts spin-off shows there are
05:06yeah you know no or okay so now it looks like we're making a type of shoe obviously that seems
05:13to be the prevailing trend here this is a shoe video if you if you weren't aware it's a shoe
05:19video it's a video about you yeah do you have shoes yeah everybody has what's your favorite
05:24pair of shoes what's your favorite brand of shoes what's your size of shoe what is your
05:29favorite brand of shoes vans vans from when i was a kid i really love vans now i'm kind of an
05:35under armor guy i really like them for comfort for vans for comfort no under armor now under
05:43armor yeah yeah that's they're amazing they're amazing yeah i have a couple of them and they
05:47feel like walking on clouds vans aren't comfortable no yeah they just look cool when you're a kid
05:55and yeah i tried many times to to try to wear them yeah but i can't afford this yeah it's actually
06:03yeah not my type of they're too flat yeah no support for the bridge side they just too tight
06:11and which has so you have paddle feet uh i guess i also have paddle feet so i'm not judging you
06:18shout out to all my paddle feet people
06:19okay nice i like how he you know yeah he's pulling it all the way yeah it's nice boom boom boom
06:32and all these nails will be there or he will remove it i think no i think he'll leave them
06:39they might not go through the wood fully maybe hopefully
06:43but i think he looks professional he looks i assume he knows what he's doing
06:47okay wow oh what is this iron oh what was that oh it's to glue the sole together
06:53oh anyway 30 minutes okay that's a long time to glue the sole
07:00at all yeah okay it's got a nice real shoe yeah not bad
07:06no yeah that's fine they're kind of vibey
07:12yeah okay i like turquoise oh yeah i like brown i like yellow paper paper for eggs excuse me
07:31gross okay gross gross gross feet okay yeah of course uh but why eggs get six better
07:39hmm okay maybe i'm just trying to help out five minute crafts here and make it less weird
07:45because eggs and feet weird okay but it's and they're ruining a handbag okay
07:53to get what wine okay what a waste of wine but you can drink it afterwards
08:02uh actually yeah your leather collar and you're drunk
08:07no no
08:11i'll do one it's a bit exactly boo
08:16boo alcohol
08:18alcohol yeah get out of it
08:28it's all my comments
08:32yeah i think some people would prefer if that were all of our comments just
08:38just uh silence yeah silence yeah silence is good but shall we leave their frame
08:44yeah let us know down below should we leave should we just let you watch this
08:49can we take a break it's been a while i've been watching reactions for a while yeah
08:55but we like we do like if you do if you do we like it as well and we like you most of you like it
09:02as a friend yes okay pull this around get some nice but the the big toe is so low there yeah
09:13i feel like that's not gonna be good for like support later on i'm not sure if it's a good
09:18thing to mold it first i mean and after that to create the shoe yeah maybe i mean
09:27because you can't step uh nice with your fingers they always will be up on my it's true it's true
09:34but again why i'm trying to be a professional if i'm not because it's people like judging
09:42things in europe people thank you for this excuse you're welcome
09:54that's kind of summer shoes summer shoes summer shoes that's a winter shoes
09:59is it those are inuit shoes for me it looks like a summer shoes but this uh i don't know this
10:07what what is what's inside it looks like uh uh this sand uh how's the sand play dough or
10:13something oh yeah a little bit nice good slippers not bad
