• 2 months ago
00:00what oh okay you forgot english yeah you know it's what just happened wow okay
00:10what is this for it's so that arachnids can't get to your feet of course i saw
00:15this is always funny you know this is like is what a spy lazy spy you know
00:23where's my english spiders can't crawl up that high it's scientific fact
00:28yeah oh i'm trying to find the solution no otherwise you can wash them right that's true
00:35okay we got band-aids on the toes all right oh that that reminds me of the time i my toenail
00:42fell off what i dropped i was playing with like a airsoft gun when i was little yeah and then i
00:49was messing around and i was trying to do like the cool flip that cowboys did and i dropped it
00:53straight on my toe and at first it really hurt and i was like oh it really hurts it stopped
00:57hurting but the next day my whole toenail came off and i was like that you know aren't actually
01:03practical at all what's the tape what a strong tape that's pretty good tape almost unbelievable
01:11yeah skittles in your shoes taste the rainbow i love feet skittles is it skills
01:20you know this commercial where i feel like the the one and start getting the
01:25with poodles yeah or that guy there's a commercial skittles where they have like um
01:30whatever he touches turns into skittles uh-huh i would love that and hate that superpower
01:36no i would hate it i would hate it i i just saw some cartoon where the person
01:42have the abilities to make everything gold by yes yeah and it's not good no it's not good
01:48okay oh i kind of like this one no i don't i changed my mind it looks like a telephone
01:54cord like yeah do you do you like it i think it's okay i think it's fine instead of wrong
01:59thing because your feet would smell though
02:02what because the the fabric on the bottom of the shoes like that is absorbative and that's why you
02:09wear socks with those kind of shoes and it's padded okay but like flip-flops and stuff like
02:14that is made of rubber usually so you don't get the smell on them and it's open so even though
02:18it's open you're still gonna accumulate like sweat and stuff on the bottom of your feet with
02:22the fabric okay it's gonna make sense science but you can wash them okay fine science add a way
02:31okay i can't actually wear flip-flops like that that have the thing that goes between your toes
02:37because my toes get uh like irritated by it so i have to wear the slides i i prefer the
02:44slides as well because otherwise oh my oh my toe feet all right toe hands okay
02:55all right five minute crafts this one makes total sense to me so clean your house as you walk
03:01uh maybe but for me yeah yay
