• 2 months ago
00:00Next our feet you thought there wasn't enough feet
00:06Come on
00:07Those are them toes. Come on. All right. So what?
00:11All right, fish tank feet. What is happening? I don't know why why she make the mark first
00:16I mean with this wrong part and after that she put it somewhere. I like how this guy's like just quick
00:21Give me your toes really. Yeah, I'm just gonna take this
00:23All right, never see you again. We care about this. Yeah, don't think about this ever again
00:28Yeah, you know previous time we spoke about the five-minute graphs feature. Yeah. Oh, yeah. This is this is a business
00:35They sell the feet
00:38Of the actors, yeah, yeah like like Archie for example
00:43No, I I have never
00:47Pictures merchandise
00:49He also does like a magnet feet you can buy shoes that are literally just his feet
00:56No, no
00:58Alright, there is nothing about this. But would you like to take any any any part of the any inning?
01:05Would you like to order his feet? No, I mean
01:09Comments right now. I need to speak. No. Yeah. So what were we we're making shoes
01:17Okay, interesting Wow the marking and so through all these holes not worth it. Yeah, this is why I walk barefoot everywhere
01:25It's called earthing and you're connecting with nature. Okay
01:29How well you connect it? I know everything me and nature. Really? Yeah, we're really close. Yeah, we're really close. Okay, I
01:36Don't call it mother nature. I call it brother nature because we're so close. Oh brother. Yeah, okay. I'm not a girlfriend
01:43No, no, no
01:45We tried
01:48But yeah
01:52You did really without yeah
01:56Who wants my feet
01:59All right, so would
02:01Yeah, right. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, like but which which food of the flint you would like
02:07Yeah, my right foot or my left foot. Yeah, which foot of Archie would you like?
02:11Would you use it as like a coaster or maybe like a mug?
02:14What I don't know I feel like I would appreciate it no sit look they're making a sandal. Oh pretty nice sandal
02:21That's actually that looks professional. Oh, that is much better than a lot of the other shoes that they make
02:26Exactly, and I think this kind of
02:28Not cheap things. Yeah, the toe looks a little uncomfortable. Look there's a red toe there
02:32Yeah, well, I feel like your pinky toe could stick out of that side. That's good me. Yeah, it's gonna be it
02:37Looks like they fill it in. Yeah
02:45Okay. All right more feet more shapes another guy taking her feet
02:50All right, but that's a perfectly like footed foot. You know what I'm talking about? Like there are some feet there like
02:56The race. Yeah feet, you know
02:59It's feeding it definitely feeded. Yeah
03:02I'm kind of you know
03:05Worried that they make it so close to each hour. I mean they yeah the stamp is it'll be too tight literally
03:14Okay, sorry, it's just a horrible way of saying it all right, we're waxing up the leather back to see backs back see back see
03:23That's why I mean to make them I guess so yeah to shine them up make them smooth
03:29All right, we're making some little holes and little divots. What are we doing?
03:35Okay, we're cutting with this cool tool it's a cool it is a cool tool
03:42It looks like in one of those iodine things or like one of those it tests the acidity or the alkaline of things
03:49All right
03:56Yes, oh
03:59So we got some more sandals going on here, but it looks like they're doing something different with these what are we doing?
04:06How are you how is your foot fitting in that
04:09It doesn't look like the right shape, you know, mm-hmm, it's
04:14Actually, yeah, that's a weird cut. All right, but we'll see in a moment, right, but they looks very
04:20Light, you know, yeah, they look nice and light. Yeah. Oh, I think they would
04:26What is some off
04:28Gotta go to the beach beach
04:31Was that a potato?
04:33Yeah, I think it's it's I guess it's a mask
04:39Wow, I
04:42Want to see you her wear it though? Yeah, because it looks weird. Yeah the shape. It's someone hey if it's nice
04:48Okay, okay
04:50Okay more toes nice
04:53It works it's look like some Greeks and the brain. Yeah, it looks like a yeah like a
04:59Kind of a Wonder Woman sort of thing. Like yeah, what are those called the Amazons?
05:05Like okay. Now it's just turning into a foot video
05:09Next our feet you thought there wasn't enough feet. Here is more for you. You you weirdo
05:17All right, wait a second what just happened just feet
05:21Just silly feet stuff. Is it? Okay, you wanna say
05:25What's just happened? He put some pain. Yeah, so that he can collect your feet and then she went inside
05:33Yeah, that's pretty normal. That's it. That's an average five-minute crafting. I think so. Yeah
05:48What is the point of having this all day
05:50Wait a second. What is that? I'm just kind of like I'm really enjoying the process here
05:55It will be like so I see it's already broken up. Yeah, but
06:01Why why we need answers here
06:07Yeah, a lot of
06:10What are we doing?
06:12I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
06:15I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
06:20Like the color palettes like Magneto from X-Men Magneto. Yeah, the red and purple and black it's nice
06:32Okay, we're heating this up
06:35I think it goes in the shoe. I think it should go in the shoe for sure. Oh, oh, it's oh it's like a carver
06:45I'm so my brain today. Just now I'm can shoes. I'm confused right now. Yeah
06:51But this thing I like even it broke. I love this thing. I have no idea what I'm watching. I love this thing
06:56It's no I didn't this part with the wood
06:59Guys, I am tripping out. This is weird
07:08Our cool tool is back and we're cutting it
07:13More than that one
07:17Stripper, okay
07:20Glue all right. What are we doing with the glue? We're bringing it down
07:29Come on this is a family channel
07:36It puts me in a wood mood, all right, so
07:39Right now really ugly really really severely. Oh my gosh, that can't be
07:45We spent five minutes of our lives watching that
07:51I think it's just broken. I'm watching too many feet
07:56It's okay. Now we have some corn. It's okay. Oh
07:59Thanks. Yeah
08:01Okay, this is what is this for? I mean they gonna
08:04Make a bowl, so they're gonna make a whole shoe out of corn. No, I really hope they do because that would be quite cool
08:11Oh, wow
08:13So far, it's a rope
08:15So far, it's a rope
08:20And now I'm together all your shoes and for tying together feet
08:28The guy's gone crazy
08:34There you go again
08:39Okay, it's it's kind of cool you can do that. Oh, yeah
08:42Okay, perfect size. If you're along on the island, you can make a shoes. Yeah
08:49You have to be alone on an island that grows corn though. Yeah
08:52I think a number you could probably use other leaves. Yeah
08:58Yeah, I think shoes shoes or sandals would be good to have an on an island, you know
09:02It's gonna be like unknown terrain you're gonna have some rocks and stuff you want to protect those dogs, you know
09:09But you don't care right because you're oh, yeah, i'm already grounded. I'm grounded to the earth the earth and me major connection
09:16major connection
09:18Yeah, you're grounded. Well, yeah. Yeah
09:22Okay, but they now they use leather which theoretically you can find on the island right it's less comfortable
09:30And it's rebark, yeah, you know strip it down
09:38Okay, and now we're
09:39So we're sewing now. Yeah
09:41So we so we so sewing machine in the island you reap what you sow. What are we doing with this sewing stuff?
09:50It's going to cover the toes the dogs, sorry
09:56No dogs around
09:59the cats
10:01No, it's the dogs
10:06I don't know. I like it's like, uh, I don't know
10:12It's remind me kung lao
10:14And he's kung lao. Yeah for mortal kombat. Oh, yeah. Yeah the something. I mean he wears similar. No
10:22Yeah, she's like am I wrong?
