• 2 months ago
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المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00I'm sure you've experienced this feeling before
00:02A moment of sudden fear, a strange noise in the dark
00:04or even a scary scene in a movie
00:06Suddenly, you find your skin is hairy
00:08and your hair starts to stand on its own
00:10But why does this happen?
00:11The phenomenon of hair standing is related to a natural reaction
00:14in humans and animals as well
00:16It's called response to fight or flight
00:18Fight or flight
00:19This is a natural alarm system that activates the nervous system
00:22as soon as we sense danger
00:23A long time ago, when the first human was living in the woods
00:26among the predators
00:28the body needed a device to give it a better chance of survival
00:31One of these devices is a very small muscle under the skin
00:35It's called the adjoining hair muscles
00:37When these muscles contract, the body undergoes some changes
00:41Heart rate increases
00:42Concentration increases
00:43so that the person can make a quick decision
00:46to attack or flee
00:47In moments of danger, the hair increases the skin's sensitivity
00:51to the environment around it
00:52This increases the chances of survival
00:54Also, the reduction of hair muscles helps to block a layer of warm air
00:58close to the skin
00:59This reduces the loss of heat
01:01and maintains the body's temperature
01:03Animals such as cats or elephants
01:05when they get hair standing
01:07they look bigger and stronger
01:08so they can scare off their enemies
01:10Hair standing is also related to strong emotions
01:13such as fear, severe cold
01:15or even hearing something affecting them
01:16Scientists explain this
01:18that the body releases the adrenaline hormone
01:21which moves these small muscles involuntarily
01:24A study published in Nature magazine says
01:26that the hair standing response is not just a physical movement
01:29but it is related to the activation of areas in the brain
01:32specifically, the cerebral cortex
01:34which is responsible for memory and emotions
01:36In another study from Harvard University
01:38researchers explained that the hair can be a sign
01:42that the nervous system is working efficiently
01:44and dealing with situations correctly
01:46Stay aware of your body
01:47and know that it reacts to all the situations you are exposed to
01:52If you have a question about something that happens to you
01:54and you don't understand why
01:55send it to us and we will answer it
