• last month
00:00chewing on the glass so my mom saw me like halfway through freaking out
00:07got an old rusted pair of scissors all right what's it gonna do
00:12wait no no way does that actually work oh it's fake that looks definitely fake a little bit i
00:17think it's not yeah yeah i think it could be place your bets gentlemen so we need to try it
00:24lemon cinnamon sugar you know what wrap it in some tinfoil it's kind of cool put it on the fire
00:32so it's like a lemon tea it's probably really good for your throat
00:35it's good like if you have a sore throat what's she doing some potatoes
00:40oh giving me irish uh feminine flashbacks
00:44all right i hope she cleaned that yeah nope
00:49why clean it and then now they're peeled look at that
00:55dang it looks good
01:01it went into your nose and not over here what did they have to do with five-minute
01:05crevices it's just scary right we got some sponge is that about it oh no that's that's
01:10lemon or avocado avocado avocado yes it's a buckadoo it was a buckadoo noodle oh so
01:25remove the bone the pip remove the bone of the avocado okay so we got apples with some
01:30bugs on them apple ants we're gonna cure the apples from the bug infestation just drop them
01:36lemon that had nothing oh wait
01:40i feel like that does nothing because yeah the fire isn't on the lemon not at all
01:45it's just a candle going up the lemon banana fertilizer flotation device
01:50this is good this is really good why because it's speeding up the growth of the leaves is it though
01:56yeah because you're just putting banana on it and then and then the potassium will go brown and it'll
02:00just it'll be left there like little bits and bobs you got on the plant dandruff or lice
02:04lice or dandruff just to make them shiny and that's it okay okay i guess oh let's put onion
02:11in your head i i wouldn't do this this is just the onion episode two weeks later you're still
02:18smelling this i solved my life problem i solved my life problem and instead got an onion problem
02:26oh gosh it's been three weeks my name is jess and and i'm addicted to onions my dna is partially
02:35onion that is so cool nice i want to do this i will use that in my future yes i see that in my
02:44future yes that's a good pickup line i see you in my future i'm a future i'm a prophet i see you
02:50precog guys they mix the banana with the toothpaste and then he does it like that
02:57oh yeah let's uh put it everywhere so it's good for what for acne for knees for me it's
03:03specifically good for your knees oh my gosh she doesn't look good are you okay you don't look okay
03:10hold on i'll bring you some onions you were right no here's everything but you missed out
03:17the potato and the lemon the lemon so this is the the trinity the trifecta and star anise
03:24she just smells i also hate spiders even though they're actually good for for everyone because
03:33mosquitoes i only like spider-man that's that's as close as i can get to spiders that's um that's
03:38it disrespectful no they're good they get rid of the mosquitoes that want to don't tell me
03:45suck your blood and give you diseases we need to try that by the way that looks iron for cooking
03:51yeah we need to try that nice that's just you know imagine you don't have a stove and don't
03:57naturally iron banana like that iron the potatoes fly paper oh fly paper that's smart nice that's
04:06more oh okay all right in the glass yep don't pick it up with your hands
04:15what this can stuck there and then take a bite
04:21why you oh you would bite the onion without you know even it would be without the glass
04:26what are you talking about i always have a nice little onion before breakfast you need to show us
04:31no but that reminds me when i was a kid i once picked up a jar of uh jam and i dropped it on
04:36the floor because i wanted some jam okay and i started picking up the pieces of glass with jam
04:40in it and i was chewing on the glass so my mom saw me like halfway through me freaking out
04:47started digging glass out of my mouth gosh i didn't have one cut oh wow what are you talking
04:52about she pulled out glass from my mouth as a baby didn't have one cut she cut her fingers
04:57are you by any chance from smallville i am from smallville my name is clark
05:02kent no way no way
05:09i just happen to have some green stuff for you can you just hold it for me please
05:14you freaked me out with your scream
05:19oh good stuff okay so more of our kadoos
05:22and i don't know why that was funny but they're they're sending us subliminal messages
05:30okay is that cocoa powder cocoa powder oh so it's like um you can bake vegan things
05:35with that i'm pretty sure exactly yes look at that vegan nutella that actually looks good
05:41that's actually good i'm pretty sure that just is
05:47oh onion juice all right i would put that in a little um water gun and spray into people
05:55evil evil
05:58i love this don't do it with us dr evil in here okay okay so wipe your face wipe your face
06:06actually lemon's great yeah they cut before she drank it because she didn't drink it
06:10all right okay nice cleaning with some lemons lemon and baking soda i guess wow okay so you
06:18just didn't burn that part yeah they should have used it yeah exactly what did they do
06:23to those bananas look at that that's how they get right nice nice and ripped oh onions
06:31onions why so you smell nice
06:38it looks good but smell doesn't it's still there so bad why perfectly good lemon ruins for that oh
06:46gosh okay so i put stuff on my feet and bananas it's a new trend remember to stick your toe in
06:55the banana yeah it makes it grow faster oh no okay you got really yellow toenails yeah
07:02lemon them up lemon them up lemon lemon okay done and that's it and just all you got to do
07:09you got a nice little armpit there put some lemon in it and nothing and then use the lemons inside
07:20yum it's it's when someone you don't like comes over for dinner so you're just like yeah
07:25there we go oh yeah oh yeah i made a little lemon exfoliation that's a good wash
07:36okay so we got some oats some bananas this looks like my breakfast so far and onion
07:42and onion that looks delicious where's honey there's no onion this time we're safe
07:50okay so what are they are they gonna bake it face mask they're gonna make cookies out of it or
07:54something are they yes seriously yes nice beautiful that's actually really beautiful
08:01if you have mosquitoes but you don't have any like uh spray for them you can put lemon on yourself
08:05okay and although it's a little sticky it's a bit sticky it prevents them you know yeah she burned
08:11her oh okay how do you solve this problem everything can be solved with onions i'm dying
08:19give me an onion you will live i feel so much better now
08:24oh gosh and it's done look at that onion does wonders
08:33put a lemon in there everyone knows sponge's favorite food is lemon
08:36oh no okay that's just suggestive right
08:46danger close what the lipstick i can't watch this okay very good excellent nice all right
08:54just reading your book in the flies all over the place your flies oh that's true though whenever
08:59you're trying to enjoy my life what is this onion i hope i hope she's on a date yeah just open up
09:06your car boot get a lemon onion and she was like so pleasant like oh i smell like onions so yeah
09:13no one likes to smell like onion maybe she does okay well condensed milk condensed milk is probably
09:20the grossest creation are you serious it's like the best creation ever no so listen i never boiled
09:25it i have it's awful i had this friend when we were younger he used to just eat it out of the
09:30tin he was eating i would eat it out of this yeah it's amazing you know it's like five billion
09:35calories i know i know that's really really yummy i'd love to eat your feet
09:44it's like a with this is giving me it's so uncomfortable vibes right now
09:48and banana sucks very nice banana split why would you keep it on why would you keep it on
09:55uh i just got like really bad banana vibes there
10:03all right she's gonna freeze it isn't she
10:08that's smart yes little onions too excellent
